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Well the third time was definitely not the charm.
I will say I like NCsoft as a company three times I told them to give me my money back and not a problem had my money back on my CC in 3 days or less.
After two tries I was pretty much done I could not stomic the game for more then 8 hours or so the first two times I played it then I got the Email and the call.
My friend calls me and says he we are getting the band back together lets do this.. I am like have you played it yet?.. Nope we are all jumping on for head start 30 of us let do this.. I am like OK.
My thinking was this will be different I will be in a group/guild with people I like and this will be fun I can just blast through the solo grinder called Aion or L2's and WOW's bastard child. Man was I wrong....
Even grouped up it was worse then going to a job you hate alto I do not recall any other job that I went through 3 fifths of 151 during the course of two days and even the booze did not make this game better...
To top it off I figured the old joke about your mom catching you jerking off when you where younger would be the ultimate embarrassment nope think when my GF came in and seen me playing and asked me if I was Turing gay or into a pedifile because those would be the only two reasons I would be playing this game, that I might as well get free realms or find my little pony VS. the care bears the pvpve extravaganza that at least the care bears would be more manly then this game..
Let's see the many faults of this game.
1. Original? That would be a big NO
2. Wings,flying, graphics nice to know I got tinker bell vs. the evil tinker bell vs. the O ya more PVE grind......
3. Now that I am in the abyss now what? O ya more abyss after abyss after abyss till I uninstall. Nice to have options is it not? O ya this is a Asian game they do not get options or choices over their.
4. Flying sucks if you are melee. Nothing says kite like the wings the strings must me all the ranges dot's, arrows, and nukes INC.
5.Personal shops. Think they forgot over their at NCsoft that they were in the US and EU not in Asia any more and they where charging a monthly fee, no item shop here. Or at least not yet....
6.Did I mention they took every thing they could steal from WOW and made it worse. Crafting, why did you even bother putting it in if it would be pointless to do and would be no where near what abyssal gear would be, quests O great 100X quests, nothing says MMO like the ability to solo and quest your way to the top..
7.When people talk about sides should be similar to each other they do not mean to be identical copies of one another.
8. One starter zone for each side??? Innovation or laziness?
9. Can we say Aionbuddy? O ya yours and my favorite hacking program is up and running strong not even a week out of release and here is good old Aion buddy all ready with a list of hacks and only getting better.
10. The tile of this thread said it all. Yes I went and bought Darkfall because Aion was so great I thought How could darkfall possibly be worse then this? darkfall has real pvp no thrown in pve garbage, it is innovative with a nitch group of players.
Alto the darkfall community may be compared to prison inmates. It is not compared to being gay,people with young Asian boy complexes,those who like to keep up with all the things the little kids like so they can talk about it in tells or in a chat room,and those who like to watch cartoon pron, O excuse me anime porn or those who have had to or will have to have their cousins take them to prom if they want to go with anyone other then just them selves.
This game is about as fun as a kick to the balls..... And as entertaining as watching paint dry minus the fumes....
lol Darkfall sucks
You hate the company, have previous drawbacks with it, hate the mechanics you've know how they will be before trying the game and all the rest you just wrote.
Still, you had to go along with your friends and when you noticed what you already knew you had to write this tl;dr here.
Peer pressure much and have fun with Darkfall...
Darkfail is more like it.
Sounds to me like someones girlfriend has him wrapped around her little finger =P.
I played Darkfall.. give me Aion, the flying, the fun, the bright colors and a respectable, legit company over a few thousand people WORLDWIDE teabagging one another, and a company that doesn't even have a proper customer service any day.
But enjoy it nevertheless. I hate Darkfall, but that's my opinion.
So i cant get past that he is playing DF. After that his opinion on any other game becomes moot.
Looks like you got all the fanbois all worked up and emo with that post, op wins congrats.
Trolls = Hardcore
Fanbois = Carebears
The only posts I read in threads are my own.
Does anyone else think the OP talk's about prison inmates ,care bears, child porn and gays like he knows a lot about them?
No, there is a big difference..
An emo, fanboi post goes something along the lines of "LOL you nOOb, go back to WoW, we pwn you if we see you in Abyss. You too weak and unworthy to even step foot on Sanctum's holy, awesome-sauce ground".
A funny, "I don't give a damn" post, goes something along the lines of "It seems like someone's girlfriend has him wrapped around her little finger"
Well, let me say that I am sorry to hear that you did not enjoy the game, but keep in mind many people do enjoy it a lot so maybe you are just tired of MMOs in general? Anyway, hope you find a game you enjoy....
op why post an aion tread
go post a darkfall tread on how you love the game instead
most that read aion tread want more info ,video and whats not of aion
so they can have fun since you abviously dont like that kind of pvp
we re fine with the fact you love darkfall but why bother the aion
comunity with all the thing you dont like
there are 1 million tread likre the one you started lol just post in one of those
If u want full-loot PvP then you have to play Darkfall, unless you prefer Sci-Fi, then you should go with EvE I suppose. Darkfall was to me horrible in the beginning. I was not accustomed to macro'ing and still don't like it, but it was needed to get the stats up, the tons and tons of various stats one can push.
The world and the atmosphere, especially in Battle are great. I have stopped long time ago due to the things mentioned and that is the main problem right now: The game is too empty, at least in Europe. The developers have done a lot of good work in making skilling up a lot faster and fixing other important stuff. But now there are not many people to play and there
Other concerns I hear from guild members is, that there is mainly large scale siege PvP nowadays and little small-scale PvP. Especially not in close range which means long travels. And that right now, magic is way better than melee and everyone has their magic schools up due to faster skill gain.
Still, for everyone who loves die hard full loot ffa PvP, DF is the only choice right now.
this game does suck though.... lol
Meth user?
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
Best review of this game hands down. No sarcasm here.
I play AION right now, so no DF fanboi in general. Also I wouldn't have replied that long if I'd have realized that this was in the AION board
We get it.... you're in a queue... you want people to quit so there are no queues... NEXT
My kind of review whether I agreed or not. With that much drinking though I'd settle for COD5 or similar. I was a 1942 drunken champ but had to put down the bottle when I got into my first mmo Of course what I picked up was worse. I take it darkfall is more of a drinker's game?
Really Aion is no different from most other MMOs. If you prefer DF that is fine but if you checked up anything about Aion before you bought it you would have known that it wasn't anything for you. To me it sounds like you should play a FPS instead of a MMO.
To the original poster..................hahahahahahahahahaha..............god thank you. That is the funniest shit i've heard in awhile. You sir are a absolute I didn't spell it wrong. A maroon is a double moron. Did your mom ever tell you that you have the brain of a tiny little gnat? She should have. Hahahahaha, roflmao...........thank you for making me laugh. I needed it. I don't like to feed the trolls but you are so amusing. Please continue to amuse me.
I'm old not dead. (Nov8tr is pronounced innovator)
Uhhhh easy there killer before you break your keyboard...
Sounds like you found more truth to his post than you wanted and are trying to find a way to make yourself feel better with your MMO purchase.
Uh no, sorry to burst your bubble. But i clearly stated what I felt and why. Uh you his boyfriend or what? I understand if you have to defend his honor. wink wink nudge nudge nod nod LOL
I'm old not dead. (Nov8tr is pronounced innovator)
No, I'm his boyfriend. We went out to dinner and discussed how mad you are that people are teasing you for playing metro-wow. Then we banged.
Playing: DO Trial, EVE 1 Day Buy a PLEX promo.
Played: UO, EQ, AC, GW, WoW, CoX, EQ2, AoC, WURM Online, Ryzom, Eve Online, FE Trial
Genres: 4x strategy, Sim Racing, American/Euro RPG, Fighters
I understand there are people who don't like aion. But I dont' know why people bring up the topic about darkfall.
LOL at the people getting baited
As for the OP saying that only one starter zone is bad, it's actually very good.
It deters a ton of alts so you can base you game experience on one character rather than making a ton of alts and getting nothing done. Of course after a year or so when everyone has at least one 50, I can see this possibly becoming a problem. This applies to the slower leveling as well, it deters a plethora of alts.
OP is just a narrow-minded ignorant kid. Ignore this thread.