Indeed, and I suppose I should extrapolate somewhat on the fact that my own post is not so much about Aion in particular - I don't believe it has been available (aside from the Beta) long enough to truly determine it's viability in the end-game appeal whether it be good or bad - but more in that in any game we (as players) have a much wider pull of our attentions than 10-20 years ago.
I remember playing games like Alex Kidd, Rainbow Island, heck even Chuckie Egg on the Amstrad and it kept me going for days, weeks even months. But the point of it was that we had a much slimmer selection of game availability to us - not to mention pocket money only stretched so far in those days...
With the game market these days, there is so much diverse choice available to us to choose from, that for a game to do well, it needs to stand out from the word GO.
I have had times where I've sauntered into Game or EB, etc with my wallet fat from my recent paycheck and picked out a selection of 4 or 5 games to take home. I get them back, install them / pop them into my games console ( note the deliberate avoidance of atating which particular console I prefer to play on there! :-P ) and try them out.
More than likely, the game/s I will choose to continue to play are the ones that capture my attention from the start and lead me on to want to find out more about them as a whole game and what further delights they may have in store.
In summary - to try and draw this more in line as a reply to your post ^^ - I believe that when you first play those beginning areas, read that first chapter, taste that bud-flattering mouthful of ice cream, you want a sense of 'My god, this is great, I must continue to see what else is in store here!'
And so you continue on.
Dragging this post kicking and screaming like a seabound Narwhal back on topic of the original point in hand, if games such as Aion, etc are able to capture those first few moments of the players' imagination and awe, then they will do well and will be able to bring their game to a larger market. If the players leave, feeling unfulfilled like a night with a cheap lady-of-the-night, then the developers will see their flourished and well-honed end-game content sadly left flexing it's muscles on a deserted beach....
//Post of silly, inane and pointless analogies over.... :-)
Well, pve isnt just quests, its also dungeons and raiding bosses. And the fact it that im having more fun doing dungeons in aion than i had in a long time on wow. true, wow's pve is crap right now, a bunch of aoe tank and spank instances and raids, but the fact is that dungeons here brought back the challenge, the strategies, the crowd control, everything i loved in old wow and some other games ive played before, so im happy, and ill stick to aion for some time.
WoW's PVE crap compared to ... Aoin ? Oh I see 3500 hours played ....
The problem is you want desperately that new mmo experience a game you played for 4000 hours (sic) (looking through the footnote) doesn't give you anymore.
Let me guess: you are bored and want more of it. It will be nice to see the length of "some time". On average that means 3 months after which you'll be the worst offender of poor Aion.
My gameplay time of wow is based in almost 5 years of gameplay, not 6 months, i played it since launch. And yes, wow pve is absolute crap right now, if i said i find more challenge in a Lego set, I wouldnt be lieing.
If you feel so delighted with wow and its pve and gameplay, by all means, play it, no one is telling you not to. You are the one being arrogant enought to tell people not to play something, that shows the type of player you are.
For me, as a player, wow lost its challenge and its long dead, and thats it, FOR ME...
Fair comment. You(we!), the gamers, are the ones the games made for. So you should bloody well be kept happy. (sums up your entire post) But, does your experience playing Aion for 1 week, reading 1 chapter of Feist's "Magician", eating the ice cream out of an iced-coffee.... give you enough information to expand your limited experience and, in effect, interpolate the remainder of the game/novel/coffee based on this? (There was no caffiene in the ice cream and I fell asleep, this coffee is terrible if you need to stay awake) I'm not debating that games are made for gamers and that if the gamers aren't happy with the game they shouldn't play it for promise of things to come. I'm debating the legitimacy of people "reviewing" the unbelievable small and biased portion of the game they have played and THEN concluding that the game sucks/owns. All I'm saying is, sure, share your experience, but is there really a need to prove to everyone else that the game rocks/sucks? and furthermore, you are trying to impose your impression of the game without really playing it... in truth, all posts so far should say "THIS GAME SUCKED/ROCKED BECAUSE OF X AND Y, but I only played about 1 weeks worth, so beyond that I'm not sure what the game is like" But that ruins your imposition, and so things are not considered in context resulting in posts being complete and utter bullcrap.
Re-read my post. I do not say the game SUCKS. I simply stated that it is a grind. Granted I only played to lvl 22. But I also leveled 4 other chars during beta to at least lvl 18. So I played all the 1-20 game content on both sides. It is utter simple. If you like that style of grind, cool, but let us not mistake it for a good story or even a quality instance, it is not. It is, what it is. Some like simple kill x quests, because they also like to grind and this is a little fancier way to grind.
Also- why would I not post my opinion, that is what this site is for. ???
In terms of not playing longer, I generally find that if a game cannot grab you in the first 20 levels or so, where they spend alot of dev time getting those early quests right, then usually it is not going to get alot better. Now, I do understand that Aion 25+ gets better, so perhaps I am all wet. Can someone who has played the game into the 30's or 40's tell me...
At what level do we get interesting dungeons and quests in Aion? Seriously, should I try another 10 levels or so? Unlike some posters who say I need to stick with it to max level, no way I waste 2 months to get to max level, I cannot get there in a week as some have claimed.
Someone said earlier that WoW was crap up until 80. I completely disagree, even though I have not played WoW in years.
There are instances right from the early levels in WoW. SM was awesome the first 3-4 times you did it. You are just bored Mr WoW player, that does not mean they did not at least attempt to have content in that game.
From what I see so far in Aion, there is almost no effort to add content. They took the boring quests and had a writer fabricate a story for the western market. I think they said they had to make up a story for 2500 quests that were already in the game. In Korea, they make no effort to craft a story, here we require it, becuase of players like me. I think it is a pretty flimsy vail to call a PvE exeperience though. I mean just the fact that they had to create a story to bolt onto a bunvh of generic quests ought to tell you their perspective on PvE.
Well i certainly don't evaluate "whine" but evaluating wine is done by smelling, aerating, tasting, spitting, smelling, aftertaste.
and what I'm saying is that you have only smelled it, you haven't tasted it. Have a go at raiding, dungeons, pvp, abyss, and THEN you have tasted it.
And by the way, you have already bought a crate, so you might as well enjoy it.
Indeed, and I suppose I should extrapolate somewhat on the fact that my own post is not so much about Aion in particular - I don't believe it has been available (aside from the Beta) long enough to truly determine it's viability in the end-game appeal whether it be good or bad - but more in that in any game we (as players) have a much wider pull of our attentions than 10-20 years ago.
I remember playing games like Alex Kidd, Rainbow Island, heck even Chuckie Egg on the Amstrad and it kept me going for days, weeks even months. But the point of it was that we had a much slimmer selection of game availability to us - not to mention pocket money only stretched so far in those days...
With the game market these days, there is so much diverse choice available to us to choose from, that for a game to do well, it needs to stand out from the word GO.
I have had times where I've sauntered into Game or EB, etc with my wallet fat from my recent paycheck and picked out a selection of 4 or 5 games to take home. I get them back, install them / pop them into my games console ( note the deliberate avoidance of atating which particular console I prefer to play on there! :-P ) and try them out.
More than likely, the game/s I will choose to continue to play are the ones that capture my attention from the start and lead me on to want to find out more about them as a whole game and what further delights they may have in store.
In summary - to try and draw this more in line as a reply to your post ^^ - I believe that when you first play those beginning areas, read that first chapter, taste that bud-flattering mouthful of ice cream, you want a sense of 'My god, this is great, I must continue to see what else is in store here!'
And so you continue on.
Dragging this post kicking and screaming like a seabound Narwhal back on topic of the original point in hand, if games such as Aion, etc are able to capture those first few moments of the players' imagination and awe, then they will do well and will be able to bring their game to a larger market. If the players leave, feeling unfulfilled like a night with a cheap lady-of-the-night, then the developers will see their flourished and well-honed end-game content sadly left flexing it's muscles on a deserted beach....
//Post of silly, inane and pointless analogies over.... :-)
WoW's PVE crap compared to ... Aoin ? Oh I see 3500 hours played ....
The problem is you want desperately that new mmo experience a game you played for 4000 hours (sic) (looking through the footnote) doesn't give you anymore.
Let me guess: you are bored and want more of it. It will be nice to see the length of "some time". On average that means 3 months after which you'll be the worst offender of poor Aion.
My gameplay time of wow is based in almost 5 years of gameplay, not 6 months, i played it since launch. And yes, wow pve is absolute crap right now, if i said i find more challenge in a Lego set, I wouldnt be lieing.
If you feel so delighted with wow and its pve and gameplay, by all means, play it, no one is telling you not to. You are the one being arrogant enought to tell people not to play something, that shows the type of player you are.
For me, as a player, wow lost its challenge and its long dead, and thats it, FOR ME...
Re-read my post. I do not say the game SUCKS. I simply stated that it is a grind. Granted I only played to lvl 22. But I also leveled 4 other chars during beta to at least lvl 18. So I played all the 1-20 game content on both sides. It is utter simple. If you like that style of grind, cool, but let us not mistake it for a good story or even a quality instance, it is not. It is, what it is. Some like simple kill x quests, because they also like to grind and this is a little fancier way to grind.
Also- why would I not post my opinion, that is what this site is for. ???
In terms of not playing longer, I generally find that if a game cannot grab you in the first 20 levels or so, where they spend alot of dev time getting those early quests right, then usually it is not going to get alot better. Now, I do understand that Aion 25+ gets better, so perhaps I am all wet. Can someone who has played the game into the 30's or 40's tell me...
At what level do we get interesting dungeons and quests in Aion? Seriously, should I try another 10 levels or so? Unlike some posters who say I need to stick with it to max level, no way I waste 2 months to get to max level, I cannot get there in a week as some have claimed.
Someone said earlier that WoW was crap up until 80. I completely disagree, even though I have not played WoW in years.
There are instances right from the early levels in WoW. SM was awesome the first 3-4 times you did it. You are just bored Mr WoW player, that does not mean they did not at least attempt to have content in that game.
From what I see so far in Aion, there is almost no effort to add content. They took the boring quests and had a writer fabricate a story for the western market. I think they said they had to make up a story for 2500 quests that were already in the game. In Korea, they make no effort to craft a story, here we require it, becuase of players like me. I think it is a pretty flimsy vail to call a PvE exeperience though. I mean just the fact that they had to create a story to bolt onto a bunvh of generic quests ought to tell you their perspective on PvE.