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While I am a fan of the up-coming STO game and even was silly enough to buy a lifetime sub to CO just for the benefits of the STO game. What was asked of the community recently just irks me to no end.
Self promotion is of course the way of business, even asking your fans to promote your game by word of mouth etc. However, our hype system here for rating games is for those of us whom are die hard followers. We use this system to help us get a better feel for what everyone here feels is a great up and coming title. While there is no harm in asking your fan base to hype your game, there is to a point where that is just wrong.
For me and I assume many, the hype of a game is based on it's merits, in this even themselves made the hype system only available to those that actually are active members of our community so companies like this couldn't just make a ton of fake accounts or have their membership flood the system with 10's. This of course happened in the past with a certain game that will rename nameless and this was the reason such a system was then implemented.
While I am again a fan of STO and cryptic for their vision for this up coming title, I am definitely not a fan of this concept of "Fixing the numbers" and this is exactly what they are asking their community to do. Argue it all you want , but that is why such a system was implemented here to stop this sort of thing from happening.
Your game is rated on its merits and that is , in the end what the hype system is all about, if people are excited about your concepts and your vision for the game you are making they will rate it here and it will score well. If they don't like the way you are going and are not happy with your concepts, it will again reflect here.
I have changed my hype down by 2 points just for this blatant request by crptic's community relation manager and the fans there in that promoted it. I now request that others who think this sort of blatant attempt to change the hype of their game follow suit and notch their hype down a few for the up-coming weeks.
Again being a fan of this game and wanting to see it succeed undoubtedly is counter productive with this post, but I for one am sick and tired basically of these companies thinking they should be able to manipulate a community simply by ask for it. Here is an idea as mentioned above, you want the hype "Make a game people want to play".
"The monster created isn't by the company that makes the game, it's by the fans that make it something it never was"
Get over it.
Welcome to life. Adidas also isn't a better shoe than wall-mart brand.
"Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"No, your wrong.." - Random user #123
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
How are you?" -Me
Unfortunately hype is just that, hype. It is marketing it is painfull and it is based upon very little fact. Otherwise it would be called fact and not hype.
I understand your complaint about them pushing the community to hype the game up. However, EVERY game has/will/is doing this and will continue. How many sites have you gone to where they say hey! www.Game-hype-populairty-site.pita has a new poll on best of the univers game out there. Go and vote for us!!!
Same thing, do it or do not. It is all how you feel towards being asked to do something. I definately respect your insite into this and the reality that it is community manipulation. Now, just keep your eyes open to what you have just experienced and see how often things like this happen in the RW and in other places.
Say hello, To the things you've left behind. They are more a part of your life now that you can't touch them.
I do not really care if they try and get hype up for their game I am sure lots of developers do it. They just asked their fans to go and share how they feel on other wbsites that they might not have known about otherwise. If anything this just brings a few more people to It is not really going to alter the website a whole lot in the long run, and these people might get to find out some other goood games in the mean time and rate them up too. After a bit of time everything will balance out.
Here is a link to the STO forum topic where they made the request as well. On page 3 i believe one of the devs states that they indeed ask everyone to go to the forums.
Try not to get too upset over this and just consider it some new mmo blood.
I wouldn't to be honest if the request was "hey go over to" and hype it up in the forums, get people talking. However it was directed to the hype meter in itself and this was again the reason in the past that itself changed the hype system to active community members as other companies in the past did this and wacked out the hype system for awhile.
I love STO and what we do know of it, I do not agree with this request one bit. I think everyone should play this game, but the hype system here is built in for community to rate what they are excited to see.
Hype is messured by the community here as a whole in what MMO they beleive has mechanics and themes they are looking forward too, not some artifical number that was generated by a fanbase following from said companies own forums. Let your game prove it's worhtyness and the hype will follow here and everywhere. This is again the reason why changed the system awhile back to stop such inflated artificial numbers.
"The monster created isn't by the company that makes the game, it's by the fans that make it something it never was"
In the hype section it says
"Star Trek Online is not released yet. However, we allow our members to rank their "hype" or anticipation for this game"
There is nothing wrong with a developer pointing here and saying go show how much you aniticipate this game. There have been a few people from that thread who have come here and given the game low marks because they aren't happy with the lack of interiors/player crews. Also some of our members have posted a bunch of the most recent information about the game which was sorely lacking on this forum. You guys had almost no coverage of the PAX convention which had alot of interviews and in game footage.With all that footage alot of STO fans are becomming excited about the game and they are directing some of that excitement here.
Each game will do this whether it be unnoficially or officially so there shouldn't be a need to make a fuss over it.
So all the fans on the STO forums aren´t allowed to hype the game here ?
resistance is futile
Wait, so you're pissed because a CRM asked the community to goto a 'Hype Meter' and 'Hype' the game? You got a lot free time.
The person who is certain, and who claims divine warrant for his certainty, belongs now to the infancy of our species.
Nothing wrong with a little hype. The game is held highly by alot of people who don't usually post here so it is upto us to make it shown. W00p w00p
I think what the OP is getting at is in the past companies would have their fans come to a sites like ours , make accounts and spam the hype meter up to crazy numbers. This of course was rectified in a later web build, but alas there is nothing wrong with a company asking their fan base to come here and hype their game. I get what the OP is saying, however if they have members in their community that are also part of ours and are fans of their game, there is nothing wrong with having them come here and say so in the hype meter or have new members join up and have their say as well. We weclome all comments and have a very open community and this is why so many come here.
Our current system in place stops the "stacking" of stats by having our members be "active" and have a history with us before they are allowed to hype a game. No worries there OP, but we appreciate how our community here at MMORPG.COM looks out for their own.
Admiral Guardious Maximous ! rrr ok , I can dream can't I?
I don't see what your problem is. I was aware of but wasn't aware there was a rating system and had just heard many bad things about the toxic nature of the community over here so had never visited. That doesn't make me any less of an MMO junkie, I've played every major MMO since Asheron's Call. Many others had accounts here they hadn't used in years and completely forgot about who came over to vote.
We didn't just come flood your boards with crap, we came bearing all the information we had collected in the official STO forums to share with you after realizing none of it was posted here. If we were making fake accounts to try and flood the hype system your argument would be valid but it is not. We are a group of people who are daily followers on the progress of STO and are greatly anticipating it. We were made aware of this rating system and used it as it was intended to express that.
I think this generally hostile attitude is what everyone was talking about over at the STO boards concerning the community. I don't blame them for not wanting to come over if this is the kind of negativity that is going to greet them. Voting STO down because we want it voted up is just silly.
BTW, being among the people who have actually played STO I am more than qualified to believe it should be voted up.
My issue wasn't coming here and saying your peace in the forums are coming here and having people talk up the game. My issue was attempting to up the HYPE meter to better place this game in the overall ratings. If actual participating members or those of STO boards rejistered here then continued to contribute and then where able to hype the game do so then fine. But thankfully as pointed out by the mod that there is a system in place to stop the flooding that was once abundent by people posting "Go to this site and hype the meter!".
You might be taking me all wrong on this and it seems many are, I think guardious got the idea and a few others but most seem to think I hate this game, I bought CO just for this game! So umm no I love STO and haven't even played it as lucky as you have been to try it allready. I don't need to play it to think it will be great, I think it will be, but I will never agree with a company representive or even a fan saying "go here and hype up there meter" just so they can hold top ranking.
I like the fact that has fixed this and it's not possible. If people in this community deem the game worthy of higher hype it will get it, if people from sto come here and join up to help that hype that is fine as well, but to come here and expect you can just "hype it and leave" just to get better ranking won't happen and I am glad for it. I read in the thread over on sto people that said " I can't hype it" and I am glad for it.
Take part of this community and become a contributor then hype the game you love, just don't come here to manipulate our community with the numbers you deem this game deservers. I am looking forward very much to STO and is again why I even bought the CO lifetime. However I still stand by my guns saying that asking your community to hype your game in a meter of another site is the wrong way going about trying to get your game noticed. Do it by participating and talking to people, not just cranking a meter on a site.
"The monster created isn't by the company that makes the game, it's by the fans that make it something it never was"
Well, we discovered that this forum was quite woefully misinformed, and lacking lots of important information. So we've come to help, and make sure things look good here. I came here originally for the hype, but I'll probably stick around, help make sure these forums are a positive area for people curious about STO.
Disclaimer: I'm a member of both communities, (mostly as a lurker) and startrekonline's forums (again, mostly as a lurker). I personally don't care either way.
I think that the mmorpg.comers see if as another community, coming in and "invading" them and then "speaking for them" about whether or not they like the game.
On the flip side, the startrekonliners see it as word of mouth advertising, they're going to a website and telling people that from what they've seen, they think that it's going to be a good game.
The problem that the mmorpg.comers have is that it was an organized event, it wasn't someone that was a community member at already saying "Hey, I like this." It was a group of people getting together to sell something and to them, it's intrusive. The fact that a developer was the one that started this "invasion" and that it was specifically targeted towards (it wasn't "Go to your favorite MMO site and talk about us!") angers them even more.
The Star Trek Onliners see it as just spreading the good word though.
Look at it this way. = You at your house, Star Trek Onliners = Jehova Witnesses. There really isn't anything being done wrong, and the STOers are doing what they believe is right, but the MMORPGers are annoyed by it because they feel that their personal space (in this case, community) is being "invaded"
hang on.
Only one person complained about this. It is a fact of life on the MMORPG boards that devs and non-devs alike come over here to hype their games.
There is at least 1 post a week from some small game that may/may not be vapor ware or even some scam website. So, do not place the rank and file of those who hang out here with the opinions of one poster.
MMORPG has its fair amount of Trolls. Quite a few in fact. However, it is generally a good place to see what is going on in the MMO world. You just have to read between the lines. Lots of over hyping and lots of trolling. Anyone who has been around the web and lurked on gaming boards knows this and can spot the BS.
Now that that has been said. Welcome to the community and I look forward to hearing more about your knowledge on STO. Never hurts to have someone come in and clear up any mis-nomers on other posts.
Say hello, To the things you've left behind. They are more a part of your life now that you can't touch them.
YOU sir, assume to much, you obviously didn't take the time to actually read my post/post's and in this I said nothing about not welcome STO members to our community, actually the oppisit. I am against the idea thou (where this all originated thou) about hyping the meter of STO by coming over here and doing so. While this is not possible as the mod explained above and what I thought originally, the point to this all was, "it was the wrong way of attempting to artificially inflate numbers by introducing a bunch of people whom in general state they could care less about our community and "heard" we are not friendly here".
So those that are actually participating and going to bring a wealth of information and discussion I openly welcome, but to the others I do not , which again was the original intent posted over at STO forums.
I think as many you again read (skimmed) threw my post and did't read the fact I am an avid fan of STO and haven't even played it yet. So before you go judging and throwing me into a pot of the un-desirables, how about you actually take the time and read what I posted then respond.
"The monster created isn't by the company that makes the game, it's by the fans that make it something it never was"
If they fixed it and it's not possible, then what are you complaining about? A few of us came over, one vote each, all STO fans and everyone posted here and continued posting through the day.
You keep mentioning how this mechanic was "fixed" but apparently it isn't since you seem to think we're inflating numbers. We're just organized in plugging our game. Awen (the community rep) also asked us to pump some traffic into your message boards so it's not like she said, "Go vote and then leave".
If the staff doesn't want people using the hype system they can change it to make it even harder.
What you don't get it was wrong in the original "INTENT" to do what you initally asked people to do, if there wasn't this mechanic in place would I be in the right then? You just said I would be, so glad you FINALLY get it. However, sence that is not your true intent (and time will tell) I am more then happy to say "welcome to the community".
"The monster created isn't by the company that makes the game, it's by the fans that make it something it never was"
Actually we did, I posted it myself along with Ktanner. Our threads just got buried under the crushing weight of all of the Troll threads in this forum and are off the front page now. Same will happen to yours after this hype blitz is over. I really do appreciate you guys coming over and giving this forum the fresh opinions that it so desperately needed but I know it wont last. In a week or maybe a little more all of you will retreat back to and the forum here will be back to the way it was. It's a shame really as people really get a bad feeling for STO from the forum here.
As for the Hype blitz being right or wrong... Who the f**k really cares? Every MMO I've ever followed has asked it's community to do this and it's just a way for their community managers to create positive buzz about their game. It also gives the community a sense that they are helping the game that they love even if it's just in a small way. There is nothing wrong with this. As for MMORPG changing the Hype meter... I don't know about that. It's had the same 5/100 rule since I've been here.
See the Hype thread. Call it what you will.
Star Trek Online Correspondent
"I don't fear failure. I only fear the slowing up of the engine inside of me which is saying, "Keep going, someone must be on top, why not you?"
I was one of the ones on the official website warning you all about how it is here;)
The whole reason I posted that thread that got stickied was because of all the lies and false assumptions that were being spread here about the game. People weren't even taking the time to visit the website and get the info, they just made assumptions on half truths and rumor. If it wasn't a complete Star Trek Sim or sandbox, they weren't going to like it which is fine. But spreading lies about the game is a whole different manner to go along with the trolling and flaming that they would never get away with on a well moderated website.
Currently Playing: World of Warcraft
You have to have moderation within reason, and if everything that a moderator felt was untrue got removed then the moderators would have far too much power. People need to have a say, you might not always like what they say, but they need a say none the less. If what they say is not true, then someone that knows the actual facts needs to step forward and try to help matters. Might not always turn out well, but debates are not always civilized.
I do like the freedom of speach, and if someone got really bad I do feel that a moderator would step in and stop it, but nobody should be limited to not being able to say what they think. So don't blame the moderators just because of some ignorant people, they have a lot of forums to deal with for multiple games, and I am sure they do their best.
Actually we did, I posted it myself along with Ktanner. Our threads just got buried under the crushing weight of all of the Troll threads in this forum and are off the front page now. Same will happen to yours after this hype blitz is over. I really do appreciate you guys coming over and giving this forum the fresh opinions that it so desperately needed but I know it wont last. In a week or maybe a little more all of you will retreat back to and the forum here will be back to the way it was. It's a shame really as people really get a bad feeling for STO from the forum here.
As for the Hype blitz being right or wrong... Who the f**k really cares? Every MMO I've ever followed has asked it's community to do this and it's just a way for their community managers to create positive buzz about their game. It also gives the community a sense that they are helping the game that they love even if it's just in a small way. There is nothing wrong with this. As for MMORPG changing the Hype meter... I don't know about that. It's had the same 5/100 rule since I've been here.
Well if the site starts loading a little faster I'll keep up with these boards until I start playing
"Hi guys welcome to our community. Here in this Community of MMORPG we try and inform each other of upcoming or currently released games which might be interesting to each other, we're all fans of MMORPGs and are constantly on the look out for new stuff. So come in, take your shoes off and get comfortable. Buy hey, Please don't try and contribute to the Hype system we have set up to allow you to make your particular game well known, You don't deserve access to that part of our community."
That's pretty much what i read of your post.
Nowhere near what you actually wrote, but it's the essential message you're trying to get across.
This is a completely lawful and accurate usage of the hype system. I'm not sure if you know this but "Hype" is actually an air of anticipation around an upcomming release, be it a book, movie, TV show, Game or an Album from your favorite band. Hype depends on the end-of-the-line Buyer who hasn't got the product yet but is OH so looking forward to it.
Please don't stand up and puff your chest and tell us we can't use this website to do what it's designed to do because we're just being mindless zombies.
How did you come to be a member of this website? I'm sure it was because you either wanted to hype a game you really liked or because one of your friends said "Hey here's this website that lets gamers rate MMORPGS." So you started no different from us, back of and let us join your community fully. If you don't like us then you're free to ignore us and our posts. Just don't cry about us being here.
I am looking forward to STO, i think it's going to be a really good game. I am going to remain on this website and hype it until it gets the attention it deserves.
I'm doing it because i want too, not because someone at cryptic asked me too.
Reading the comments above I agree and disagree, but you know that's why it's great to have this community. We can say just about anything along as it follows the rules, which pretty much means be nice to each other and be civil. So in this we can actually say "we hate this game!" or "we don't like this aspect" and not get hushed up. Be it as it may, I am happy that everyone is here on under the "right" pretences. Now don't get scared away when the hardcore posters question your game's design ideas or what they consider flaws. Stick up for what you beleive in and tell them the way it is, some will undoubtly attempt to troll but the mods here (as you can see in this thread) are pretty much on top of things.
I hope to see some actual live debates and Q&A's come out of this move to get the word out, it definitly wouldn't hurt the title to do just that, so again as posted in the other thread I do welcome everyone and look forward to playing the game. Let the discussions begin!
"The monster created isn't by the company that makes the game, it's by the fans that make it something it never was"