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Why does only cover the flashy 3-d engine games? There are a LOT of text-based mmorpgs out there that are really great, and are web-based, and have enough variety to cover a lifetime of play. The upside to a text-based game is that they can have a lot more variety and plot, (at the expense of flashy 3-d effects). I know a couple that are so HUGE and have such interwoven plot-lines that they are more immersive than a lot of the flashier games simply because you know they spent their development time on plot and writing, and not 3-d modeling.
Ok I may sound stupid here. but how do you have a text based MMOrpg, i've heard of text based RPGs... but a MMORPG? reeaallyy?
"Dewm" kills {jagar monster} for {300 damage} as you walk by and "Dewm" gains {10xp} and levels up, you keep walking by, heading for town with is named cool town, as you walk into town you see "Keel" on the side of the road selling "{Apples} 4 {gold}" you walk over and say "i'll give you 3 gold for those {apples}"
I might.. work?
Please check out my channel. I do gaming reviews, gaming related reviews & lets plays. Thanks!
They exist. However, they are not called MMORPG's, they are called MUDs, and that is why they are not listed here. :P
Wow, I never thought that there was so little education in this area. It's not like that at all. I could give some links to a few, but I don't know if it's allowed. Feel free to PM me if you like.
And Rally, no, MUDs are different than what I'm referring to.
By definition, any tex based online game is a MUD. Please feel free to let me know of the games you are talking about though.
yeah PM me a link or 2 i'd be intrested in at least seeing what its all about.
Please check out my channel. I do gaming reviews, gaming related reviews & lets plays. Thanks!
they're not covered because there are too many.
look at mudconnect or mpogd.
I find it amazing that by 2020 first world countries will be competing to get immigrants.
Because there are too MANY? That's silly and makes no sense.
The kind of Game I'm referring to is not a MUD anyway.
If youre talking about stuff like Urban Dead or Kingdom of Loathing ( i think they describe themselves as MMOs) it would be dificult for most of us to visualize those as anything but MUDs. Dont know what the exact technical description would be, but i hardly think they would fit the bill for a "modern" MMO... Changing the sites name to 3DMMORPG might seem a bit as overcomplicating things. And what about 2d MMOs like Dofus? Graphic Based? GBMMORPG? it kinda gets ridiculous...
Just take my word for it, we deal with a diferent breed of game around here.
Edit; Nothing against text based games, i dont mean to be agressive.
Just to make things clear...
I speak for myself and no one else, unless i state otherwise mine is just an opinion. A fact is something that can be independently verified, you may challenge such but with proof. You have every right to disagree with me through sound argument, i believe in constructive debate, but baseless aggression will warrant an unkind response.
Because there are too MANY? That's silly and makes no sense.
The kind of Game I'm referring to is not a MUD anyway.
No, you're talking about MUD's.
Wow, I never thought that there was so little education in this area. It's not like that at all. I could give some links to a few, but I don't know if it's allowed. Feel free to PM me if you like.
And Rally, no, MUDs are different than what I'm referring to.
It's their house and they get to set the rules. They don't owe ANYONE an explanation for them. You think your pet issue is something worthy of a website to support it, why don't you start one yourself? Maybe you can put out of business.
Because there are too MANY? That's silly and makes no sense.
The kind of Game I'm referring to is not a MUD anyway.
I stand by my statement.
It's also up to the admin to choose that isometric games no longer qualify, that the server must be capable of supporting at least 500 players, and that under most cases the devs must contact them.
I find it amazing that by 2020 first world countries will be competing to get immigrants.
MUDs and the like are too much of a niche thing. For some people they are heaven, while the majority wouldn't try them. It doesn't make sense for to invest any amount of work or time into something nearly noone here cares about.
Let's play Fallen Earth (blind, 300 episodes)
Let's play Guild Wars 2 (blind, 45 episodes)
I think I'd like to try something like that, if the immersion and depth can really be found. Can you pm me some links?
Yes, I'm talking about Urban Undead, but not kingdom of loathing. And you are correct, they are not MUDs, they were the first MMOs before they had all the 3-D, so maybe 2DMMO is more accurate.
For those who wish to see examples:
...are both good examples. There are *NOT* a lot of them, in fact, most are from the first crop of original MMORPGs and have survived for so long because they have good content and a good following. I know that times change, and everything is 3-D now, but these kinds of games paved the way for what we have today, and there are some REALLY good ones out there still. Oh well, thanks for the comments guys. 'preciate it.
This is very true, most muds have very tight nit communities and they focus very heavily on role play. For example, a duel in "The World Called Hollow" is usually a few pages of carefully orchestrated text between two players jabbing at eachother trying to make their characters seem better than the other, while not being OP...
And since most people don't Role Play in MMO's anymore, why spend the effort to talk about something no one cares about...
Make it so...
Urban Undead is highly addictive, I took a break because I was just spending way too long on it(That's if you have several characters :P)
This is very true, most muds have very tight nit communities and they focus very heavily on role play. For example, a duel in "The World Called Hollow" is usually a few pages of carefully orchestrated text between two players jabbing at eachother trying to make their characters seem better than the other, while not being OP...
And since most people don't Role Play in MMO's anymore, why spend the effort to talk about something no one cares about...
Again, and for the last time. These are *NOT* MUDs. There is no need for roleplay. They are MMOs but not 3-D based. And as the poster above can verify, they play the same, and are as addictive as, any 3-D MMO. I guess you could call them "Old-School" MMOs.
As for nobody caring about them, both of the examples above have over 100,000 subscribers.
MUDs started the MMORPG genre in the early and mid 90's, but they just are not MMORPGs.
For the people who are asking how one was played, I'm surprised, but here's what you would see on your text screen:
"You are in a forty foot square stone room. The air is chilly, and slightly dank. To your left you see a wooden table with several books on it. To your right, there is a door to a darkened room. In front of you, is a door to the courtyard. There are several rats eating a bit of stale bread in the corner."
And then, you type a command in a static format. It could be:
- Go north.
- Go east.
- Examine books.
- Throw dagger at rat.
- Say "Hello?"
And then the rolls for movement or damage take effect just like one of today's MMORPGs. Moving into a new area will prompt a new description, etc.
Doesn't sound like much in the age of perfectly rendered textures and cinematic soundtracks, but they started it all.
And what will people in 20 years think of today's mmos?
Edit: I realize you keep saying that these games aren't MUDs, but they are essentially MUDs without the requirement to roleplay. The playstyle is very similar. I would not really consider them massively multiplayer online RPGs as we consider them today.
i got to say xt base mmorpg is probably very popular with role player
that plays them and everquest 2
its a niche market that has been forgotten simply its not by refusing to cover it its just that first you got to know
someone that play them in order to cover them and review them
Darkfall is a very niche game, yet it made it on the list. And the amount of work or time has no impact on wether it should or should not be put on, I am having a very similar conversation in my other thread "Why isn't Diablo 3 included in the game list?", I think needs to step up to the plate and define what they consider an MMORPG.
Darkfall is a very niche game, yet it made it on the list. And the amount of work or time has no impact on wether it should or should not be put on, I am having a very similar conversation in my other thread "Why isn't Diablo 3 included in the game list?", I think needs to step up to the plate and define what they consider an MMORPG.
I find it interesting that's first games are UO and Runes of Magic. They were not a player in the text-based online RPG market at all. I tend to think of them as an entirely graphical online game, and in my own opinion that is a requirement to be a true MMORPG. Not every MUD required roleplaying. I would consider text based online multiplayer RPGs to be MUDs. They are such a different animal I think they require their own term. The playstyle in EVE Online, Fallen Earth, and Hello Kitty Online all have more in common than a text-based fantasy online RPG and a graphical fantasy MMORPG.
Wikipedia thinks so, too:
"In online gaming, a MUD (multi-user dungeon), pronounced /m?d/, is a multi-user real-time virtual world described entirely in text. It combines elements of role-playing games, hack and slash, interactive fiction, and online chat. Players can read descriptions of rooms, objects, other players, non-player characters, and actions performed in the virtual world. Players interact with each other and the world by typing commands that resemble a natural language."
Regardless of what the EXACT definition of what a text based MMORPG is,we all know what he's talking about here.Also,yes,their ARE texted based MMORPG'S infact,I used to play a game called almost everyday.It's a pirate text based game with over 100,000+ users.The game itself once you get involved in it is a good game with a great user base from all around the world.Like any MMORPG you run into the occasional A-HOLE but,most of the users are pretty cool.If anybody is interested in pirate game I HIGHLY reccomend you try this game out.