Grats to you both on your beta keys. I'll be seeing you in game in the not too distant future.
I agree that STO should get the hype boost it deserves here, and I'm going to try and do my part.
Oh, and HittingSmoke> Kudos on the positive Gamestop 'preview buzz' you wrote up. There are far too many people who have no clue what they are talking about, but act like they do and post bogus info. on that site. It's nice to see some credible compliments coming from someone who has actually played the game.
Hopefully ill win 1 soon , STO is going to be amazing !
Grats to you both on your beta keys. I'll be seeing you in game in the not too distant future.
I agree that STO should get the hype boost it deserves here, and I'm going to try and do my part.
Oh, and HittingSmoke> Kudos on the positive Gamestop 'preview buzz' you wrote up. There are far too many people who have no clue what they are talking about, but act like they do and post bogus info. on that site. It's nice to see some credible compliments coming from someone who has actually played the game.