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I have read a couple of post that say WoW is short. I have been only playing it for 2 days and I have to say I like it. But could someone who has been playing for a long time please tell me if it is really all that short? I don't want to get into to a game that isn't going to endure for a long time. Thanks.
The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced.-
Frank Zappa
Disclaimer: I have been playing since 3 days after it came out: November 26, 2004 6:50 PM PST.
The first couple days were pretty exciting, the pacing felt extremely fast and I leveld up through 10 within the first week. Granted I'm a casual gamer, and spent a few hours a day playing. I bounced around between characters trying to find one I enjoyed probably for the rest of the week.
Maybe the beginning of the second week I began the character I've stuck with. For timing's sake, let say The first couple days of december. Since then I've been playing that character exclusively in what time I have available to play and have made it up to level 27 out of 60. So almost half-way through the levels in about a month.
This is compared with Everquest 2... it took me almost that same amount of time to reach level 19. I can't remember exactly, but the grinds were much worse on FFXI and Lineage 2.
People say that the leveling slows down pretty much after level 30, so it might even out. But if it maintained its pace I'd be at the highest level in another month or so. So the pacing is pretty quick, yes.
So with a rough guesstimate, I would say that you could maybe 'see and do' everything in the intial game in about a year. If your at my pacing. This of course doesn't take into account new things.
But these are also not games that you should be feeling like you've completed. They are meant to be experiences that continue to grow and that you never finish. So its all about how you approach it. If your trying to finish it, you'll go through it quicker.
Its a MMORPG, thers no such thing as a 'short' MMORPG. What people mean is WoW goes fast, much faster than other MMORPGs. This means some people, I dont know if its a majority or a minority, burn thtough the available content quite quickly. They then get to some point and realise there isnt anything new to do. This happened with me fairly early on, it was fun for awhile but then its just same old same old. Obviously some people think differently but thats what I felt.
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Well first I would like to say that FaithRaven I think you need to get your eyes checked out. "I have read a couple of post that say WoW is short", I jsut said right there I have seen some other threads about WoW's length. Some people....
Anyways, thats what I kind of meant is the pace of WoW is a little faster, or so I've heard. I don't know If I am going to like that as much, as I said I want a game that endurs for a long time. But I am sure Billard will keep up with it with updates and expansions and what not. That's just what I think. But you said it would last about a year right? Well thats pretty good for me at least. Well thanks.
The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced.-
Frank Zappa
Keep in mind, I'm a solo'er. Things slowed down for me in EQ2 around my very late teens. In WOW I noticed things slowing down at late 30s. In CoH, mid 20s non-uber character, mid 30s uber.
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Socializer: 26%
I like the speed of WoW for several reasons.
1) I have a total of 10 characters across 4 servers.
2) I am a 'casual' gamer in that I usually only have a few hours a night and some weekends.
3) I can play with various groups of friends across the 4 servers and keep within 4-5 levels of them.
4) I really, really, really like playing across the various classes and learning what each can do.
Having said that, I only have 3 characters lvl 20 or 25+, the rest ranging from lvls 10 to 19. Members of a guild I belong too outleveled my Paladin by 6 levels (although we had started at the same levels and leveled up to level 22 well within minutes of each other). Over a weekend, I am back within 3 levels of them. This is 2 fold, their leveling is beginning to take longer while I can still make decent progress. Someone calculated that after lvl 30, it is taking about 8-10 hours to reach the next level.
I played Lineage 2 for 9 months and the grind there was...Well, a grind. After lvl 45 it could take a full week if not more to reach the next lvl. When you only get .01% xp for each mob kill, you can see how it slows down. After 50, it was painful and most of the people I know who left the game left after about lvl 50 saying the grind was too much with not very much reward. I caveat the above statement in that I never really played after C2 came about.
I played EQ2 but thought it resembled work in too many facets.
I played CoH much the same way I am playing WoW (multiple characters across several servers) and pretty much got to about the mid 20s before I lost interest in the game.
In the approximate year L2 has been out there have been 2 expansions that significantly opened up the content for higher level characters.
CoH has had at least one expansion, with, I think, City of Villians expansion coming out this year.
The interpetation of gameplay is subjective but for myself, I can canceled every other MMORPG game and WoW is now the only one I play.
Infensus Scriptus
"Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur"
Blizzard has stated that they want it so you level a bit faster so as to eliminate the feel of grinding and give you a better feel of progression (it is well done I think). You will level faster in this game then EQ2, that's for sure.
I doubt with the money Bliz invested, and the number of copies sold (which in turn is huge $$ per month for Bliz) there's going to be an endgame at level 60. It also has a nice D2 type element to it where you can have a couple characters, or even rebuild your current char with new talents turning them from PvE to PvP.
This is one of the major probems to date with 2nd and 3rd generation MMORPG's.
Blizzard especially, chose a different route as far as it's leveling curve and is now starting to pay the price for doing so. It chose to make it's game level faster without as much downtime or the massive grind found in most 2nd and 3rd generation games. Because of this people have blown through the game and are now wondering "What do I do?"
Even with the PvP, Horde vs Alliance, it leaves little to be desired at the end game.
End game is the curse of today's games. Everyone feels there has to be some kind of end game. This approach totally confusses me.
Why are all these developers and publishers affraid to creat a large title that allows the players to determine the end game is beyond me. Instead they continue to create linear games. What happened to versatility and flexibility in a game? Why must everything be coded to tell you how you must play?
Why do we act like sheep and must be herded into the end all path of todays games?
Bah...this market totally frustrates me. And through the use of amazing marketing campaigns they keep us believing and spending our money on empty promises of new and exciting gaming.
hey, you just said "another things"
Amazing how some seem so anxious to say other things.
Killer: 80%
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Socializer: 26%
It depends. There's a lot of hardcore MMORPGers out there. So without a doubt they play non-stop, become Level 60 with a Paladin or something, then complain the game is too easy.
But the game has so much to offer, even if you cap level 60 with 1 character, you have to make another one just to see what the rest of the world has to offer.
I mean, you could start an Undead, do all of the quests in the Undead world, then travel to the Orc world and do even more quests there, cap your level, then get bored.
Then you create a 2nd character, this time a Night-Elf. Do all quests in the Night-Elf world, then do some of the Dwarf world, cap your level then get bored.
If you're a hardcore gamer, doing all that could be done in 2-3 months. If you're a casual gamer it will definatly take you much longer. How long? Not sure, took me 2 weeks to get a Level 23 Undead Priest and it took me another 2 weeks to get a Level 32 Night-Elf Hunter (Yeah, soloing is much easier with a Hunter).
So if you're a hardcore gamer and need more gameplay, you might wanna switch to another MMORPG. Or else you'll come back here in the forums like every other hardcore gamer and complain WoW sucks. I'm taking my time with WoW and I'm enjoying every little bit of it. Maybe once I reach Level 60 with my Hunter, I will go back to play with my Undead and cap him.
Then after that I'm considering doing a Human Paladin just cause I never did any of the low-level quests of Stormwind and that world seems very interesting!
And I might even do a 4th character troll or Tauren cause with my Undead I never explored those areas either.
See the difference in between a hardcore gamer and a casual gamer? A hardcore gamer will create an uber character in 1-2 months and will get bored cause they want more for their 1 and only uber character. A casual gamer will cap in a 3-4 months, but since they love the game, they will want to make a new character to rediscover more!
Other MMORPGs are not like this. Well, depends... Everquest 2 if you capped your level as a good person, you can redo the entire game again as a bad character. WoW for each race has their own worlds to explore. As you progress, some racial worlds colid with one another, but you will still have a new experience everytime.
The real adventure in WoW starts after Level 20! And the adventure gets even more intense after Level 30! I can only imagine what Level 40+ has to offer!
___________ ___ __ _ _ _
Stealth - Ambush - Hemorrhage - Sinister Strike x2 - Cold Blood - Eviscerate - Vanish - Preparation - Cold Blood - Ambush - ... you're dead! :P
Killer: 80%
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Socializer: 26%
Took me 15 played days to make it to level 60. That includes a lot of time spent on blacksmithing/mining.
Played: Asheron's Call 1, Dark Age of Camelot, Earth & Beyond, Star Wars Galaxies
Tested: Asheron's Call 1, Asheron's Call 2, Dark Age of Camelot, Eve Online, Lineage 2, Risk Your Life, Saga of Ryzom, World of Warcraft
Uninstalled ASAP: MU Online, Knight Online, Rubies of Eventide, Priston Tales, Star Sonata, DarkSpace
Killer: 80%
Achiever: 60%
Explorer: 33%
Socializer: 26%
Blizzard and all gaming sites that reviewed WoW said that the game its not recommended to the real hardcore players.
So if you level too fast because you play 15+ hours per day, its not Blizzard fault. This game its not designed for the 100k hardcore players that will play it, it is designded for the 1 mil+ subscribers Blizzard will have soon
Killer: 80%
Achiever: 60%
Explorer: 33%
Socializer: 26%
Well guys I appreciate all your comments, but they didnt really answer me question. Or the question I was trying to ask.
I guess what I was trying to ask was do you think WoW is going to last? Like do you think Blizzard is going to keep with it with expansions, new content and what not?
I guess thats what I was trying to ask but your guys comments helped too. I'm not really a hardcore gamer persay unless I have the time to do (which I dont usually).
But I really cant wait to get over level 40 and get a personal mount, they look pretty cool.
Oh another question I have played FFXI for about a year and I loved just running around and looking at the beautiful graphics and sites and what not. I havent had a lot of time to explore the land in WoW but does it have a lot of good sites and stuff like that? Thanks
The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced.-
Frank Zappa
No one can predict how a mmorpg will pan out in time.
WoW will have lots of people for a long time.Though that does not address your question.
But,they will do their best of course like many mmorpg to keep up with content for high level people from getting bored.
Also you already stated you like the game so might as well continue to play until you get bored of it.
It could be 1 month could be years all depends solely on the individual.
I know mmorpg that i left after a few months because i got bored and felt there was not enough content yet people felt the content was still plentiful.
You said you don't have much time to be hardcore.Usually its hardcores that go thru content faster then they can be programmed so you should be alright.
Blizzard has one of the most dedicated communities in existance. There are still people playing Diablo (not Diablo 2) and they still patch and update their more recent games. I dont see why their first profitable venture (all the other games were free to play) would be met with anything but enthusiasm and a striving to keep their players satisified.
So yes, I think World of Warcraft will endure. There is already groundwork laid in the previous video-games for a whole new continent to be added (Northrend), and with the Burning Legion still playing a part in the plot-line, and there being at least one Altar of Storms in the game, it can be assumed that there will be some sort of journey in that direction (i.e. otherworldly). Probably not soon, but down the line.
Then there is the battlegrounds they are working on, etc.
Moving on, there are many nice sights too.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I suppose anyone who spends most of their time doing one thing has their head up their ass and if they do something that you enjoy but make money off it they must be evil.
But i bet if i wrote a song about my bitches sippin on my 40 and how i like to grind them then beat'm i'd be your hero and you'd give me your money?