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Nice article with a lot of in depth information on how ships work.
Rekhan added these after i posted the original link
Very interesting read. I like the way they are giving people real reasons to choose a certain type of ship based on their career path and play style. I do however wish they would stop using general MMO terms in their descriptions like 'buff'. Every time I read something like that I cringe because I know the WoW comparisons won't be far behind.
I agree. Terms like "buff" "Tank" and "Healer" need to be left out of the STO lexicon.
More klingon info, less federation info please :P
I agree, on BOTH statements
I was really hoping that a runabout would be our first "tier 0" ship
It should at least be an option
I was very glad to see this post by the guys and girls at Cryptic. I'm not going to lie, the ships have been the source of much debate and argument over at the official forums and it's hard to answer questions when we knew hardly anything about the ships and what exactly the differences were. Sure we had rough ideas but this just makes it so much easier!
Great Job Rekhan!
A runabout could be integrated in the tutorial to learn handling a ship. But once the game starts, you'd need something bigger so you have room for bridge officers and can defend against enemy attack.
So I'm guessing they went for older ship classes as your first command so you have a real ship but outdated tech. Unlike Kirk, normal captains usually started out on an older model so this makes sense.
I'm working on a basic ship tactics treatise, outlining the basics of each role, and their interactions with each other. It should be done in a little bit.
rekhan added two links within the article to new info (edited my first post to include it)