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As I did, on one eye.
No, I didn't play a long time, no I didn't exhaust my eyes etc.
I swear before God all this is true, and only the justifiable. In october 2008 I played WOW in one instance when a female char with pink or purple pirate like hat made a buff. In the same moment I saw blind round circle in center of one of my 2 eyes.
And today im blind on one eye.
Thank you , well can happen in 1 out 10 million cases.
Have fun rather outside.
nice username
Too much masterbation will do that ive heard.....those blood elves are pretty hot.
"There is only one thing of which I am certain, and that's nothing is certain."
Enjoy life to the fullest, do what you want to do..For some, tomorrow may never come.And by george i am going to play MMO..
Some people rob you at gun point..Others will rob you at "Ball Point Pen"
Oh, just by the way , my personal data is random bro. Also Blizzard harrased me purposely in the game or their GM.
Were like hundreds of toons falling down whenever I appeared in wow this year (also their names were brilliant). Pure coincidence of course.
And please excuse me. Don't make irony, humour, grotesque for someone who lost the most priceless organ.
I have medical proofs if you want. Also : macula bleeding in retina.
Yeah make fun of tragedy.
I vote for moving the thread to off topic ....or the health care forums on
Torrential: DAOC (Pendragon)
Awned: World of Warcraft (Lothar)
Torren: Warhammer Online (Praag)
I won't call you a lier or anything, and I don't know anything about your illness.
But given the amount of people playing WoW and the amount of time played, you could probably find many people who suffered some kind of illness while playing WoW, that have nothing to do with the game. It's all statistics... Every day/hour/minute/second some person gets an illness for no reason what so ever.
You just got it while playing WoW. You might as well have been watching a movie.
I have watched idiots weld with no visors on and experience no health issues. Granted, I am not saying it isn't possible but I don't believe you. Sounds to me like just one other person trying to get rich the American way.
= |||||| =
|X| \*........*/ |X|
You wouldn't understand
yes games and movies can cause over long periods of times to make your vision worse but i dont think theres a single proof of fact that your eye went blind in one eye BECAUSE of WoW, im not saying you arent blind in one eye but as much games with flashy lights as i have played i probably would be blind by now if what your saying is true lol,</p>
Your eye is your most priceless organ? boy you do need to get out.
Meh besides at least you had two of em.
Please check out my channel. I do gaming reviews, gaming related reviews & lets plays. Thanks!
sorry for your loss.....
and this is why when you see female gnomes you dont masterbate
/wonders if he has hairy palms
Now, I have seen it all....
(No pun intended)
I already told you the main cause that triggered bleeding, hypertension in milisecond when I saw that female toon made buff.
ya but why blame wow if its even possible this could happen in any game that flashes and surely it would be the monitor at fault as its that that transmits light to your eyes. so u had a crappy/faulty monitor or you had bad eyes in the first place.
i still wanna know if it was a gnome :P
Note to self, sneak into Blindlight's house and move all his furniture around...
Hey what's up Dark Eye Grillok! .... Oh wait.
"IRL is a pretty upstanding MMO with thousands of classes, a lot of PvP and even some pretty unique emotes and titles you can acquire. Explore that world first, then we'll talk about this virtual one."
I lol'd.
I actually saw a house once that was vandalized, and they turned EVERY object in the house upside down. The fridge couchs buckets of nails (they where still working on the house) lamps was awsome.
Please check out my channel. I do gaming reviews, gaming related reviews & lets plays. Thanks!
I'm pretty sure WoW didn't cause your eye blindness. Do some reading at and then you'll see why I say that.
A work in progress: (Update: 08/09/10)Easily find your favorite type of MMO
The pirate hat buff turns you into a pirate which give you an eyepatch =P
"Good? Bad? I'm the guy with the gun."
Thank you for your compassion, good , good people.
To feac : I play games since spectrum 48k and tried every kind of mmorpg. Maybe God wanted this happens in WOW , I don't know. In all my other human possible experiences I didn't encounter such problem.
Maybe you want screenshot? Ask Blizzard
@OP. You have given the term "playing till your eyes bleed" a whole new meaning. Sorry if your ailment is real but im having a very hard time getting around this one as true.
I swear before God it is true.
Can we get this thread locked? Whether or not the OP is truthful, his statements are pure trolling and/or idiocy.
(You could have a heart attack after dying in WOW PVP, but WOW isn't to blame for your preexisting condition.)
"What is truly revealing is his implication that believing something to be true is the same as it being true. [continue]" -John Oliver
Wow, you mean, in all of the rest of your day-to-day activities, nothing else made you go spontaneously blind in one eye, like World of Warcraft did.
Sorry, this is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. So, if I'm sitting in my back yard, hand feeding a baby bird that fell out of a tree, and a 747 engine comes plummeting out of the sky and crushes me, my house and the baby's either because of the baby bird, or because God didn't want me feeding it? Or or realize how stupid this sounds, right?
Dumb thread is dumb.
Katsma is Lithuanian for 'he who drinks used douche fluid'.