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Hi all
Criteria for me is pretty simple:
- It has to be a game where the bosses are epic; bosses being huge awesome monsters, super hard to kill etc.
- PvE has to be the main focus
- Not yet released
That's it!
I'm so sick of MMO's where the bosses are just some very unepic looking human, the fight just feels so... boring.
I want boss fights which "feel" epic, sort of like 40man raids when WoW was 1st released - You walk into Molten core and everything in there is some sort of huge epic feeling boss that you would have no chance doing by yourself, or even with 10 more people.
This is probably almost impossible to answer, because facts about upcomming games are generally very limited, but I'm open to speculation on games in development.
The only game I can think of that matches that description at least somewhat, would be The Old Republic - Most other games coming out have a heavy bias towards pvp in one way or another, or has a less 'epic' focus.
Another two games on my 'to watch' list are Alganon (which supposedly focuses heavily on pve), and Heroes of Telara. As fun as it was, I think the days of 40-man WoW-style (which is really EQ-style) raiding are pretty much over. It'll be hard to find something that will scratch that particular itch for you. - Now recruiting players!
Cheers for your reply
quick question:
is there an everquest 3 on the horizon?
Perhaps near second coming of Jesus (to smack Al Gore). Unfortunatly SOE seems to be quite mess these days. I think EQ2 failed so badly that they put that franchise on shelf for while. All and all it's pretty hard to find intresting game coming out other than Old Republic that would meet your requirements, I'm on same boat with you.
Google-fu tells me that there are rumors, but that they are unconfirmed, and that it's not likely to happen. I'm sure SOE is working on something though - but we'll have to wait and see what that something is. - Now recruiting players!
from the limited stuff i've seen of TOR, it doesn't seem very epic to me?
just looks like its mostly humanoidy things you kill.
Also, the videos appear to make it out to be a game you mostly solo & almost looks singleplayer!
From what I've seen/read (and I've been following TOR fairly closely), then the game will have all the stuff that 'normal' MMO's have - guilds, raids, pvp, instances, auction houses etc. However, since every other MMO has that (generalization, I know), Bioware has chosen to focus on what they feel is special about their game - the story, and how you interact with it. One thing that they did promise though, would be that it would be EPIC. You are a hero from the get-go, and the challenges you face are going to be heroic.
Bioware is being very tight-lipped with their content. There's a lot of what-ifs still out there. Will there be space flight? Will there be player housing? Guild housing? Player cities? What's the crafting system going to be like? What's the average group size for instance parties? ...the list goes on.
Out of all the games coming out though, I think this one shows the most promise, and bears watching. - Now recruiting players!
alright, i'm in!
Anyone got any comments on FFIV? Would that also be worth looking out for?
i never knew FFIV was online, and more over, FFIV is like a classic 90s game XD
j/k i know you meant FFXIV =P
well, i was about to recommend you FFXIV, it is too much to tell ( seriously, too much to tell )
but i recommend this site if you are interested about FFXIV
strong points
- its not gonna be a leveling system! no jobs specification, you become what you want to be!
-fully PvE oriented
-Armoury system ( you can choose what class you are only by just changing weapon! )
-Crafter, Alchemist, Tanner, Chef, Black Smith, Gatherer, Tailor, Fisherman is now made into their own Class rather than a side job!
and the best part is, for those like Chef, Tanner, Tailor etc, they can reach end content without even having to fight once!
because their main focus is on crafting / cooking role to support the battle classes, thus giving you a total freedom on the style you want your character to be
-Guildleves - got no time to find a party because you have irl matters to do? only have 1-3 hours to chill from work?
no problem! cause guildleves will give you a quick solo quest and still providing you wiht a good rewards
and a lot more, seriously, you need to check the website i gave you to go further about the Info as it is too much to tell XD
So What Now?
More than Old Republic, imesho.
If you want to see something new, that is. FFXIV is your best choice in that regard.
Ain't that about the same as saying "I want to take this medicine that noone tested before"? MMOs are most of the times buggy and laggy at start, with people quarreling over minor resources and fighting for quest mobs. With lots of crashes, queues, waiting and whatnot.
Let's play Fallen Earth (blind, 300 episodes)
Let's play Guild Wars 2 (blind, 45 episodes)
Ain't that about the same as saying "I want to take this medicine that noone tested before"? MMOs are most of the times buggy and laggy at start, with people quarreling over minor resources and fighting for quest mobs. With lots of crashes, queues, waiting and whatnot.
No, it isn't the same at all.
Playing a buggy MMO can't cause medical complications giving rise to long term physical and mental ailments, playing an addictive mmo which is really good for 12 hours a day can!
But on a serious note, I want to be there from the start, not because I'm hardcore, but because I'd like to grow with the game, makes it more immersive and you really feel apart of the (online) world.
I'm not so narrow minded as to let things like crashes, queues, arguements etc ruin what can potentially be a great game for me. But I will admit, for some people it is a very big issue. I'm far more concerned with end game gameplay, not the crappy respawn timer on the over farmed level 5 bunny rabbits.
Thanks for all your replies. i will definately be checking out TOR & FFXIV (not FFIV ! )
Jinaex, incase if you haven't
here's something that might give you a more insight on FFXIV classes and system
i will be injecting all the FF poison into you
So What Now?