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Final Fantasy Tactics is my all time favorite game, I just wish it were online. Are there any similar games online?
I've played WoW, FFXI, EQOA (PS2), and Phantasy Star Online (Sega dreamcast!), and enjoyed them all, but I've been playing FFT for 10 years and FFTA for 6 - and I wish they were online
bump .. ditto
bumpity bump bump
I've never played FFT but I've played games similar to it (Tactics Ogre). I've only found one online game that has customizable armies with a grid system and each player taking turns to move units, make attacks, use abilities and that is Pox Nora. This game also has other features though that differ from FFT. If you're looking for a turn-based grid combat system than you might want to give it a look.
I am guessing you will have to wait one more year.
FFXIV is what will quench your thirst I believe. If you have played FFXI I would say that FFXIV will play like a FFXI game story wise with aspects of FFT as well as superior graphics / music / and gameplay in general.
Give it one more year
if you google mmorts you might have good choice
since final fantasy is a strategy game
lot of mmorts will have a fft feel to it ,cant name any since i dont play rts but
lot of addic play them heroes of newerth, is a warcraft 3 style strategy
but with better graphic, very popular for a unreleased game .
check out Dofus and Wakfu (both made by the same developer). You run around in typical MMO style out of battles, but in battle gameplay changes and is like a turn based strategy game, very similar to FFT.
Mark, thanks for the bumps =D
You read into the question I asked to give me a wonderfully specific answer. Thanks! I'm definately leaning towards a turn based system, and I do enjoy defined grids. I never would have found Pox Nora on my own, but now I can look into it fairly seriously.
I'll consider the other suggestions as well - Dofus and Wakfu look really interesting. I was intentionally vague to avoid excluding other games that might share some features but not neccessarily all
I'm definately more interested in strategy than skill. I enjoyed building the best characters in WoW and EQOA, but hate the 'skill' of spamming hot keys. MMORTS are also frustrating for the same reason. I really enjoyed AoE3, until it became all about how quickly you could click to shave fractions of seconds. I'm finding that games that are not 'turn based' become a mess of button mashing or spam clicking - maybe I just have a few bad points of reference? Are turn based games the only ones that aren't button mashers?