i'm not here to get into an arguement with you and its not my opinion, its the consensus of almost 140 players that have been playing MMO's since UO.....its more than opinion, its a result of experienced players, 27 of which ( and will never be named) are past and current MMO developers. Your making a fundamental mistake making those videos , your biased and take the viewpoint of perfect and not a neutral position. And one week is hardly enough experience to make any judgements for or against, your videos clearly show the lack of experince testing and be objective. There is a reason why Fallen Earth has less than 100k subs and is falling weekly by considerable amounts, so much so that the active purchase rate does not overcome the drop rate. Fallen Earth could have been a success, but it simply isn't, not by a longshot. Take care, become more mature and work on your objective perspective, good luck.
1. You are full of shit. (And if you're not, your "guild" must be pretty worthless if they allow an ass such as yourself to speak on their behalf. Plus if your "guild" has all this money, it most likely means you engage in item and gold sales... way to go.)
2. FE devs have stated repeatedly that they would be happy (and extremely profitable) to have 50k subs. Not to mention that, like a previous poster said, the game isn't out of it's first month, so it's not possible to be "loosing subs".
3. Your spelling is piss poor (and you repeatedly use "your" in place of "you're")
Thrice you fail, sir, so do everyone a favor and take a long walk off of a short pier. My words are likely wasted however, as you seem to have realized your folly, and abandoned this thread.
That being said, thanks for the vids, OP. While I am already playing this fine game, they were still enjoyable to watch.
Add my vote to the "this is the most amazing MMO I've ever played" category. And screw the dude living in his parents basement that is a member of an "uber guild" that earns "six times more money than the average person" - this guy is SCREAMING "I'm a 16 year old douche trying to seem important online."
If your main source of income and/or entertainment in life is being a member of an uber-MMO guild well... um... more power to you, I guess.
For the rest of us, those gamers looking for something new and fresh - I'm neither very young nor very old (I'm 30) - but I've been a gamer nearly all my life. Fallen Earth is the *real deal* - this game will be around for the long haul; it's simply too interesting, immersive, and addictive for it to fail.
What means is there for human interaction? Or is this game just another single player online game like so many that has come before? I want interaction, grouping, trading, crafting interactions??? Can you elaborate on this. Show me some group play and I might be convinced this is the game for me. The complexity seems to be there but If I want single player I'l play fallout!
Fallout is like playing Atari Pong after playing Fallen Earth .... Nuff Said
Yeah this has nothing really in common with FO3. FO3 has a specific art style that isn't even close to FE. The only things, IMO, that are even remotely comparable are being FPS/TPS toggleable and the post-apoc era (which is radically different in the two). Nothing else. Hell even soloing, which is how I play FE, is better in this MMO than in FO3 single player. Just my 3 cents..
What your doing is not new, its been done numerous times and unless its a fun hobby of yours its a useless effort. I am the leader of one of the largest guilds in the MMO scene, 2800 players that play over several MMO's. A group of "test monkeys", 138, tried Fallen Earth and the 15 page questionaire completed by the members had a unanimous result. Fallen Earth is lackluster, poor mechanics and sub-par grahpics, poor gameplay, poorly designed zones etc... It is a waste of time and money. Fortunately, my guild re-emburses the testers for the full monetary amount of a fail game but unfortunately for others, like you, your stuck with the tab. I'm not here to say "no" don't play that game, I'm here to tell you to research a little more into the game before wasting your money.
While you're enlightening us on your biography, you left out a little nugget of info; you seem to be a douchebag.
Katsma is Lithuanian for 'he who drinks used douche fluid'.
... Since there is no free trial, and the game ain't perfect for everyone obviously, I made a "Let's play Fallen Earth" series. Which basically means that I'm creating a character from scratch, recording that, and putting up the normal gameplay on YouTube. It's not as interesting or flashy as showing just the best scenes from PvP or a dungeon or whatever, but I think it's a good way to get an impression on the game. I'm normally not into creating movies nor is english my first language, but I guess for one or the other person it might be helpful nonetheless. Currently it got 9 or 10 parts equalling around 1 1/2 hours of gameplay. I already got a bunch of other parts but my knowledge in the matters of video compression is limited, so it takes a while to upload them. In case you are interested, here is the link to the playlist with the videos:
Don't let yourself get discouraged by some of the useless (thread-stealing) comments. Your videos actually give people a decent view on what Fallen Earth is all about.
Although I don't play the game myself, I respect the people that play it and have fun with the game.
For an independent developer they actually produced something nice. At least so it seems in the videos. Yes it has it's flaws, but even Aion (which I currently enjoy), has them. And Fallen Earth is actually one of the only games in it's MMO sub-genre. Which makes me think, is there any other MMO like this? It's going to be a huge advantage point for the developers, just like in EVE Online.
What means is there for human interaction? Or is this game just another single player online game like so many that has come before? I want interaction, grouping, trading, crafting interactions??? Can you elaborate on this. Show me some group play and I might be convinced this is the game for me. The complexity seems to be there but If I want single player I'l play fallout!
Fallout is like playing Atari Pong after playing Fallen Earth .... Nuff Said
Yeah this has nothing really in common with FO3. FO3 has a specific art style that isn't even close to FE. The only things, IMO, that are even remotely comparable are being FPS/TPS toggleable and the post-apoc era (which is radically different in the two). Nothing else. Hell even soloing, which is how I play FE, is better in this MMO than in FO3 single player. Just my 3 cents..
I totally agree, my comparison with Atari Pong is obviously a light hearted exaggeration , of course Fallout 3 is a great game. But to put things in perspective, I completed Fallout 3 ( Pretty much ) in about a week but I've been playing Fallen Earth since release day and hav'nt even scratched the surface yet.
Yeah the two games have a similar setting , but dont anybody be mistaken the games are miles apart in almost every other way.
And yeah even if your play style is solo , Fallen Earth is still miles ahead in content and sheer immersion into the game world .
Thank you very much for the videos. They were well done and entertaining. I was completely unsure about this game until I saw your videos. I've gone from having an interest in the game to having it in my "Must Buy" column.
at first i was a little turned off by the graphics but graphics a good game does not make. aftering flying through champions online and feeling a little bit unsatisfied, i was hoping that fallen earth would have a bit more substance. it does, and i'm glad i started it. it might be that new game high but the game is different from any mmo i've played and i've played many.
i especially like the crafting in the game. being able to make any and everything i need instead of being pigeonholed into one or 2 crafts is a welcomed change. only lvl 9 now, but i honestly don't even care to level up that fast. i'd actually like to level up other things before i move up to the other sections of the game.
Man, that troll is quite passionate about trying to sway people into avoiding this game. His approach was typical:
Creates a new account so that no one can map him to all his other idiotic posts which proves he's not who he says.
Labels himself as someone who would know more than the average mmo gamer.
Feels intimidated by a person trying to show truth and reality about a game to help them make a decision.
Pulls subscriber count out of his ass like your typical Internet Statistician.
These things add up to someone who is well known in this forum who dissed the game before and after it was released, and is now pissed and jealous that people actually like the game.
Fallen Earth is fun for me and in a lot of ways is a breathe of fresh air in the MMO design/marketing paradigm we are currently in. FE reminds me a lot of MMO's like UO, AO and pre-CU SWG where you had to think a little...no offence by not mentioning games like EQ as I didnt have a lot of in depth playtime there to offer a useful comparison. I can see how newer MMOers could find FE old/bland etc etc because later MMO's seem to be all about "bells n whistles".... its just what you have to compare and offer an opinion on.
As a note on the "uber" guild leader (for want of a better word) posting his comments about FE.....if it was a valid attempt to offer an opinion or "help" it came across more as a threatened rival MMO....really was one of the oddest posts I have ever seen in all my years reading on MMO forum's.
UO beta, etc etc ---> present day. Currently in LOTRO while waiting for another DAOC to arrive!.
I was pretty sure that I wanted to play this game. Those videos just confirmed that I really do want to play this game. Much respect to the OP. I only watched the first 8 and had to stop not because the videos were bad but because I wanted to play and not watch you play. Oh well maybe next month.
The lesser of two evils is still evil.
There is nothing more dangerous than a true believer.
I was pretty sure that I wanted to play this game. Those videos just confirmed that I really do want to play this game. Much respect to the OP. I only watched the first 8 and had to stop not because the videos were bad but because I wanted to play and not watch you play. Oh well maybe next month.
I know right? I can't play atm because of finances, but I want to so badly every time I watch a video or read a review or something about it. What's worse is that I was in the beta, and wanted to play it at launch but I couldn't... now I'm cursing fate. 8)
------------------------- "Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places..." ~ H.P.Lovecraft, "From Beyond"
What your doing is not new, its been done numerous times and unless its a fun hobby of yours its a useless effort. I am the leader of one of the largest guilds in the MMO scene, 2800 players that play over several MMO's. A group of "test monkeys", 138, tried Fallen Earth and the 15 page questionaire completed by the members had a unanimous result. Fallen Earth is lackluster, poor mechanics and sub-par grahpics, poor gameplay, poorly designed zones etc... It is a waste of time and money. Fortunately, my guild re-emburses the testers for the full monetary amount of a fail game but unfortunately for others, like you, your stuck with the tab. I'm not here to say "no" don't play that game, I'm here to tell you to research a little more into the game before wasting your money.
You are a guild leader of a huge awesome uber guild yet you make an account to post this and hide behind it while saying nothing other than bragging about such fictional guild. You reimburse your players when it was their choice to buy something? Gots to call bullshit here and say put up or shut up. People should research for sure and what maji is providing is a video diary for people to look at and decide if they like what they see. Hide less maybe next time behind a newly created account. But then obvious troll is obvious and hopefully no one takes you seriously. And while you google trying to find a guild to link to us please be at least somewhat entertaining doing it.
I and my co-leaders are always on the look-out for new recruits, such is the norm for guilds. In our case we sinply do not restrict ourselves to the in-game players...the reason why we are so big and successful. I have many different accounts on several forums.....three on this one alone. We weed out the immature, of which there is many on this site) and email those that seem on the surface to be potential applicants. Its comes down to growth, that simple. My guild makes more money in a month than most people make in 6 months, we have the money to make things happen for our members, new components, computers, temp subs etc..., help them. You will never recieve an email from this account or my others, including my co-leaders but there are others who have and are happier than they have ever been. Its a shame you and other throw away oppurtunities in place of immature antics. I pity you, truly.
Going to quiet this account for a couple weeks and use my others. There are several mature players on this site that deserve the chance to be apart of something great, i have work to do, take care and good luck.
haha Are you for real? And you even have the gut to call other people immature, with your poorly-phrased English and awkward grammar? I have an advice for you: quit pretending being the new Neo, and get a life, a real one.
For the OP: thank you so much for the videos. I'm interested in FE, but don't want to invest hard-earned money and time unless the game deserves. So the videos will get me an idea if the game could appeal to me.
Watched some of the video's and went out and bought it, been playing for almost 3 days..and I am hooked..I am taking it slow though and mainly harvesting and salvaging for items. I am lvl 4 and 6 right now and loving it so far.
The switching between mouse mode and attacking (That the correct term?) took me a bit to get used to but changed some of the key mapping around and now I just tap 3 different keys with my pinky to jump to attacking mode, 1st person, and sniping which made things flow much better.
Love the ability to queue things up in crafting and shortly found myself wielding two meat tenderizers with new cloths (armor) and a hat.
Last but not least, I purchased the digital download from FE because it came with an ATV (I know most people like the horse better so do I) because you can craft a ride-able horse in the newbie town quite easily while learning to craft the ATV is much more difficult.
The only problem I have had with the experience so far has been the patching of the initial install client. It kept stopping / freezing on me and I had to babysit it to get it to work. It was patching 4.4 gig which on a 2mb line in middle of Mexico would take a long time.
I scoured the forums at FE and found a direct-download that required a minimal patch and was functional. If you can purchase this game from D2D or Steam...or somewhere you can get a fast download of the full client will save you from that head-ache.
Thanks and hope to see you in game.
You know you are old when the dev's on the games you play are almost young enough to be your grand-kids.
1. You are full of shit. (And if you're not, your "guild" must be pretty worthless if they allow an ass such as yourself to speak on their behalf. Plus if your "guild" has all this money, it most likely means you engage in item and gold sales... way to go.)
2. FE devs have stated repeatedly that they would be happy (and extremely profitable) to have 50k subs. Not to mention that, like a previous poster said, the game isn't out of it's first month, so it's not possible to be "loosing subs".
3. Your spelling is piss poor (and you repeatedly use "your" in place of "you're")
Thrice you fail, sir, so do everyone a favor and take a long walk off of a short pier. My words are likely wasted however, as you seem to have realized your folly, and abandoned this thread.
That being said, thanks for the vids, OP. While I am already playing this fine game, they were still enjoyable to watch.
Add my vote to the "this is the most amazing MMO I've ever played" category. And screw the dude living in his parents basement that is a member of an "uber guild" that earns "six times more money than the average person" - this guy is SCREAMING "I'm a 16 year old douche trying to seem important online."
If your main source of income and/or entertainment in life is being a member of an uber-MMO guild well... um... more power to you, I guess.
For the rest of us, those gamers looking for something new and fresh - I'm neither very young nor very old (I'm 30) - but I've been a gamer nearly all my life. Fallen Earth is the *real deal* - this game will be around for the long haul; it's simply too interesting, immersive, and addictive for it to fail.
Give it a try. You won't be disappointed.
Fallout is like playing Atari Pong after playing Fallen Earth .... Nuff Said
Yeah this has nothing really in common with FO3. FO3 has a specific art style that isn't even close to FE. The only things, IMO, that are even remotely comparable are being FPS/TPS toggleable and the post-apoc era (which is radically different in the two). Nothing else. Hell even soloing, which is how I play FE, is better in this MMO than in FO3 single player. Just my 3 cents..
While you're enlightening us on your biography, you left out a little nugget of info; you seem to be a douchebag.
Katsma is Lithuanian for 'he who drinks used douche fluid'.
Don't let yourself get discouraged by some of the useless (thread-stealing) comments. Your videos actually give people a decent view on what Fallen Earth is all about.
Although I don't play the game myself, I respect the people that play it and have fun with the game.
For an independent developer they actually produced something nice. At least so it seems in the videos. Yes it has it's flaws, but even Aion (which I currently enjoy), has them. And Fallen Earth is actually one of the only games in it's MMO sub-genre. Which makes me think, is there any other MMO like this? It's going to be a huge advantage point for the developers, just like in EVE Online.
Fallout is like playing Atari Pong after playing Fallen Earth .... Nuff Said
Yeah this has nothing really in common with FO3. FO3 has a specific art style that isn't even close to FE. The only things, IMO, that are even remotely comparable are being FPS/TPS toggleable and the post-apoc era (which is radically different in the two). Nothing else. Hell even soloing, which is how I play FE, is better in this MMO than in FO3 single player. Just my 3 cents..
I totally agree, my comparison with Atari Pong is obviously a light hearted exaggeration , of course Fallout 3 is a great game. But to put things in perspective, I completed Fallout 3 ( Pretty much ) in about a week but I've been playing Fallen Earth since release day and hav'nt even scratched the surface yet.
Yeah the two games have a similar setting , but dont anybody be mistaken the games are miles apart in almost every other way.
And yeah even if your play style is solo , Fallen Earth is still miles ahead in content and sheer immersion into the game world .
Sweet videos
Can't wait to try it out myself
Sick of playing Entropia Universe? Want to quit, but don't want your hard earned money to vanish? Give your items to ME :-)
Thanks for these videos, they really have piqued my interest in the game.
Unfortunately, I'm a little strapped for cash at the moment otherwise I'd go buy it today. Here's to hoping for a free trial soon!
Thank you very much for the videos. They were well done and entertaining. I was completely unsure about this game until I saw your videos. I've gone from having an interest in the game to having it in my "Must Buy" column.
this game is fantastic
I made the jump and installing it now
at first i was a little turned off by the graphics but graphics a good game does not make. aftering flying through champions online and feeling a little bit unsatisfied, i was hoping that fallen earth would have a bit more substance. it does, and i'm glad i started it. it might be that new game high but the game is different from any mmo i've played and i've played many.
i especially like the crafting in the game. being able to make any and everything i need instead of being pigeonholed into one or 2 crafts is a welcomed change. only lvl 9 now, but i honestly don't even care to level up that fast. i'd actually like to level up other things before i move up to the other sections of the game.
Wish there was a free trial for the game.
same here...
searching for the next DAoC....
There never have been free trials at a launch. Check in 6 months to a year.
went ahead and bought the game today and it comes with a Buddy key....( share this code with a friend for a 15-day trial )
searching for the next DAoC....
ive been watching this game closely , peoples reviews etc make it look very promising .
I would ike to have a go at the trial if someone is willing to share a buddy key : )
Man, that troll is quite passionate about trying to sway people into avoiding this game. His approach was typical:
These things add up to someone who is well known in this forum who dissed the game before and after it was released, and is now pissed and jealous that people actually like the game.
Can't wait to see the vids. I've been on the fence about buying this game for awhile.
Fallen Earth is fun for me and in a lot of ways is a breathe of fresh air in the MMO design/marketing paradigm we are currently in. FE reminds me a lot of MMO's like UO, AO and pre-CU SWG where you had to think a little...no offence by not mentioning games like EQ as I didnt have a lot of in depth playtime there to offer a useful comparison. I can see how newer MMOers could find FE old/bland etc etc because later MMO's seem to be all about "bells n whistles".... its just what you have to compare and offer an opinion on.
As a note on the "uber" guild leader (for want of a better word) posting his comments about FE.....if it was a valid attempt to offer an opinion or "help" it came across more as a threatened rival MMO....really was one of the oddest posts I have ever seen in all my years reading on MMO forum's.
UO beta, etc etc ---> present day.
Currently in LOTRO while waiting for another DAOC to arrive!.
There never have been free trials at a launch. Check in 6 months to a year.
The Chronicles of Spellborn launched with a level restricted free trial that had no time limit
I was pretty sure that I wanted to play this game. Those videos just confirmed that I really do want to play this game. Much respect to the OP. I only watched the first 8 and had to stop not because the videos were bad but because I wanted to play and not watch you play. Oh well maybe next month.
The lesser of two evils is still evil.
There is nothing more dangerous than a true believer.
I know right? I can't play atm because of finances, but I want to so badly every time I watch a video or read a review or something about it. What's worse is that I was in the beta, and wanted to play it at launch but I couldn't... now I'm cursing fate. 8)
"Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places..." ~ H.P.Lovecraft, "From Beyond"
Member Since March 2004
You are a guild leader of a huge awesome uber guild yet you make an account to post this and hide behind it while saying nothing other than bragging about such fictional guild. You reimburse your players when it was their choice to buy something? Gots to call bullshit here and say put up or shut up. People should research for sure and what maji is providing is a video diary for people to look at and decide if they like what they see. Hide less maybe next time behind a newly created account. But then obvious troll is obvious and hopefully no one takes you seriously. And while you google trying to find a guild to link to us please be at least somewhat entertaining doing it.
I and my co-leaders are always on the look-out for new recruits, such is the norm for guilds. In our case we sinply do not restrict ourselves to the in-game players...the reason why we are so big and successful. I have many different accounts on several forums.....three on this one alone. We weed out the immature, of which there is many on this site) and email those that seem on the surface to be potential applicants. Its comes down to growth, that simple. My guild makes more money in a month than most people make in 6 months, we have the money to make things happen for our members, new components, computers, temp subs etc..., help them. You will never recieve an email from this account or my others, including my co-leaders but there are others who have and are happier than they have ever been. Its a shame you and other throw away oppurtunities in place of immature antics. I pity you, truly.
Going to quiet this account for a couple weeks and use my others. There are several mature players on this site that deserve the chance to be apart of something great, i have work to do, take care and good luck.
haha Are you for real? And you even have the gut to call other people immature, with your poorly-phrased English and awkward grammar? I have an advice for you: quit pretending being the new Neo, and get a life, a real one.
For the OP: thank you so much for the videos. I'm interested in FE, but don't want to invest hard-earned money and time unless the game deserves. So the videos will get me an idea if the game could appeal to me.
Hey Thanks OP,
Watched some of the video's and went out and bought it, been playing for almost 3 days..and I am hooked..I am taking it slow though and mainly harvesting and salvaging for items. I am lvl 4 and 6 right now and loving it so far.
The switching between mouse mode and attacking (That the correct term?) took me a bit to get used to but changed some of the key mapping around and now I just tap 3 different keys with my pinky to jump to attacking mode, 1st person, and sniping which made things flow much better.
Love the ability to queue things up in crafting and shortly found myself wielding two meat tenderizers with new cloths (armor) and a hat.
Last but not least, I purchased the digital download from FE because it came with an ATV (I know most people like the horse better so do I) because you can craft a ride-able horse in the newbie town quite easily while learning to craft the ATV is much more difficult.
The only problem I have had with the experience so far has been the patching of the initial install client. It kept stopping / freezing on me and I had to babysit it to get it to work. It was patching 4.4 gig which on a 2mb line in middle of Mexico would take a long time.
I scoured the forums at FE and found a direct-download that required a minimal patch and was functional. If you can purchase this game from D2D or Steam...or somewhere you can get a fast download of the full client will save you from that head-ache.
Thanks and hope to see you in game.
You know you are old when the dev's on the games you play are almost young enough to be your grand-kids.