Customer support and community is also big factors. One NCsoft has control over, while the other is the luck of the draw. When you see the same gold spammers day after day, and the same scammer day after day, you KNOW there isn't any GM support in the game. Let's be logical here, how long would it take YOU to watch the chat channels, write down all the names spamming gold adverts. and scam websites, take them to your boss, and he delete those accounts? It took me around 3 minutes to block 15 gold spammers and 1 scammer, upon logging in with a brand new character. So if every server had 1 GM, which is bare-minimum, since there's usually many more in any MMO I've ever played, the server would be rid of gold spammers within 3 minutes of that GM logging in. So we KNOW there isn't any GM support, which speaks volumes about NCsofts opinion of customer satisfaction. That alone is an insult to us as customers and is enough to quit the game out of disgust for their business practices. How many of you would go back to a restraunt if there was bad customer service?
Have to disagree with the statement about GM's they are actively monitoring the servers and killing the gold spam when they see it, as far as bots they have to go thru an investigation which can take a month but includes several other bots and bank toons when banned. So far the bot problem is not out of control but do agree that some in house security does need to be made to lessen the problem.
Yes general chat has it's problems but what MMO does not have that problem.So tell me what other MMO does not have a grind in it at a certain level huh?
You must be kidding, are you? As original poster said one can see for a week SAME gold spammer. I personally have reported SAME (with name like "alidjfshdld" classic for gold spammer and can not be coincidence somebody recreated it) player ***FOUR*** times in 2 days with my 4 alts.... yet he was happily spamming at least week after. Spamming includes whispers as public chat. Then I left so is enterely possible he is still spamming. I do not have any impression there is any support in game. I did not got any feedback on any of my at least 15 petitions.
Yestday have returned (and stayed only about 5 mins) on Castor server after about 2 weeks .... wow ... I have not seen in all other games put together (wow included) in one year so much gold spamming like here in few minutes! It is completely impossible to read anything usefull on chat because of massive (but really MASSIVE!!! like watching dir command from old dos for thousands of files!) gold spamming. Gold spamming messages are running so fast that it is impossible to read even them. Like 95% of people on aion are gold sellers and boots. Have expanded chat window to entire screen .... in maybe 5 max 10 secs screen was full of gold spamming scroolling up. And this worsening happned only in last two weeks ... before was bad .... but not near 10% of this what was yesterday. Despite how I really hate gold sellers as they ruin any game ... I must admit was impressive looking on chat window.
So in summary, despite I loved playing aion with 6 alts all to between lv. 17 and 18, I will remember Aion most as being gold spamming world.
The difference between gamerankings i 0.6, stop pretending as if is way of course here.
You know what really puts off the core of evolution Zorndorf? People who bash other games and don't play other MMORPGs simply because they do not have Warcraft in their name or Blizzard as their developer.
The review score seems as over hyped as the game has been but you need to take into account that the score of any MMO is higher before launch then lower as the years go by. Still has any MMO achieved a 8.7 here at launch, from all accounts this is way too high?
I think this is a fault of the individual reviewer, I don’t see how you can lay this at’s door. Yes they seem to have chosen a fanboy to do the articles, would people have thought it fair if they had chosen someone who hates Asian themed fantasy MMO’s?
Also, being in the same city does not warrent a conspiracy theory.
Also good buddy Sean live right in the same city where NcSoft studio is located and our old buddy from Tabula Rasa Lives. Really let get even more blantant about how has just said fuck it and giive us the money.
That made me laugh.... and the above post of course.
So this guy is writing 20+ reviews on the web as a fan boy.
.... And it is excepted as such by
WOW. And now compare the following on Xfire: Aion has 3X times the number of EVE Xfire with ... 400K players (even less these last few days).
What a joke this site and the complete has become !!!
What's your reaction editors of ??? )))))
400k players? you do realise that these were pre - order numbers and the game has been avaible for a month now, right?
EVE's subscriber base is about 200k subscribers. if Aion sold only 200k copies this last month, that would mean it has 3 times as many active accounts. It really isn't rocket science.
I absolutely love all the people going apeshit over this. MMORPG's score is pretty much the average review score Aion is getting. It's a good game people, get over it.
This question is to Jon Wood: Is the intent of this site to let every review stand on it's own? Or do you guys shoot for a score that compares the new games merits to those that have come before it ... i.e. a relative scoring approach? Based on the data posted by xyzax, it appears you guys are using a "vacuum" approach to reviews. The reviewer fairly admits that the game does nothing new which screams "average", 7 out of 10, a 'C' grade to most people. He unabashedly admits he likes the art style and there is a general overly-enthusiastic tone to the whole piece. A neutral reader can't help but come away from the review thinking that the meat of the review does not match the tone and final score of the review. I believe in order for reviews to mean something beyond being a fanboy or hater dissertation corroborating their point of view, there has to be meaning to the scale. A relational approach is more useful in that one can, at a glance, look at the rating of a new game and be able to compare it to the highest (and lowest) rated games to get a relative feel of it's place in the MMO universe. From the body of evidence around the web and within the MMORPG review itself, the consensus is that Aion is a solid but generic MMO title but certainly not a trendsetter as the MMORPG rating portends.
Answer these questions. And no I'm not being smart@ss. What other major MMO title has done aerial combat/character flight (meaning no mount.) What other major MMO has a combat system that allows for chains to be connected in such a way that you don't have to worry about putting them all into your tool bar? What other MMO has a world that is comprised in layers and has an abyss that is also comprised of layers and a multiple artifact system that can turn the tide of a pvp raid? Personal hand crafted guild icons? The rift system?
Again I'm not being smart I'm really asking what else is out there that does some of these things really? Because if not then I'd call some of these things if not all in it's entire package trend setting for it's genre.
Still waiting on answers...
Not meaning to be flippant here but what you're asking is really irrelevant to the discussion about the validity of the rating as pertaining to the content of the MMORPG review and then comparing it to other MMO reviews on this site.
You may feel these are exceptional points to make but apparently the MMORPG reviewer did not feel the same way. I can only assume that if he personally felt these were worthy of mention, he would have. Yet, he does go out of his way to point out that, in general, Aion does nothing really new or spectacular ...
The point is completely relevant considering the fact that people keep mentioning innovation as a sticking point. So if there's no contest to the questions of what Aion brings to the table then obviously it is innovative and therefore should contribute to the rating regardless if the reviewer that is being critiqued did so or not. In otherwords if someone is going to use that against the reviewer then they better be able to answer to the things that are indeed innovative.
It's not innovative. Rifting actually is limiting since it's not true open world PvP. I'm not sure what you mean by a layered gameworld but you can make the argument that the abyss is just one huge Battleground. Wings are nice, but again innovative? Hell, we can say WWIIOnline has aerial combat because it has planes.
The reviewer himself says that Aion doesn't do anything new. What it does do it does well. I think that makes it a very straightfoward, vanilla game. There's nothing wrong with that, but the review score doesn't indicate that.
In the end a dildo with wings is innovative, that does not however mean it is a good idea, or good in practice.
I am actually not a little disgusted in this review of Aion, sure it's polished and clean but ultimately it is far from deserving of a score of 8.7! I smell something fishy going on here...smells like...tuna. I suppose, in the end, the review is entirely subjective and should be treated as such but I expected more from
I woulda probably gone for a 8.0-8.5. Great polish and solid gameplay but ultimately and imo generic and somewhat boring. I quit before the first month was up, it's a pretty good game for what it is but can't hold my interest.
i can't believe people can be so ignorant to be upset by a review.... it's quite laughable really. some of you are irate that it has 0.6 to 0.9 to high..... are you serious??? your upset at less then a point??? feel free to disagree with the review, but come on, calm down about, mmorpg isn't owned by ncsoft, it's just a review, by someone who liked the damn game, why is that so hard to believe? all reviews are based on opinion, and no review can be neutral, because you will always be biased towards something. if i'd reviewed WoW, it'd be much lower then an 8, a lot to do with the my extreme dislike of the graphic art style.
then of course Zorndorf has to come in and make sure everyone knows it has less subscribers then WoW..... like the rating of the game contributes to the subscription numbers, or that for any reason, one could logically try to compare sub numbers between a game out less then one month in north america, to a game thats been out for five years, and has the only true mmo advertising campaign in history. who seems to think the only people playing it, are the pre-orders... even though it is selling on amazon, as he points out...
so please, stop complaining about mmorpg losing cred, if you want to threaten to leave, just leave, find a site that you feel isn't biased.
As your playing aion lol yet you keep on bashing it that tells me more then enough on you, even zondorf doesn't spam as much as you in aion threads/pictures.
8.7 is high yes but your exaggerating with your rage and feelings on a game your not playing.
When you review a game you review it's features and if they are done good, aion is polished and has few bugs bots and gold spams are not the huge part of a review.
Next patch will increase quests exp by 3x or 4x for those that mostly wanted to reach cap fast so this maybe will lower some people's whinings.
Aion is the highest rated MMO on this site for a reason, i believe the polish and PvP components is far ahead of any current released game. Just look at xfire, people are loving the the game.
Aion v3 "RELOADED" - A glimpse into the future of the MMO genre
I;'m not playing Saga of Ryzom, Eve or Fallen Earth eithe rbut I can recognize that they are stellar game , stell concepts from content design, visual aesthectics . If something is justifed, I will respect it. Aion is not justified, here is a question for you, how did the gold sellers have over 100billion in gold ready to ship in Aion in the first week ?
How do you know that sum were you involved? gold spam and bots are a problem YES I didn't deny it did I?
I'm giving ncsoft a chance to see if they will do something to reduce the spams and bots what about you? will you keep on writing on game's sections that you don't like? why do you need to hate a game so much? don't have anything else to do?
I heard you play or played eve or lotr why your not playing there instead of flaming and may give useless warnings and bans on people that are short tempered (not me of course I'm posting politely as far as I know)
LOTRO, one of the best games out there and the top ranked game on this site has an 8.5 review score. That's after 2 years of growth and (i assume) a re-review here at some point.
So now you are saying Aion less than a month in is overall 'better' than LOTRO?
I find it really hard to believe and I bet you that in a few months (especially after mirkwood) the numbers will speak for them selves.
All I'm trying to say is: however much the reviewer may have liked Aion, the score needs to be in some kind of context in the market otherwise it's more of a marketing effort than an objective review.
I'm having fun with Aion. Then again, I had fun with Final Fantasy XI. It seems that FFXI players like this game more than anyone.
Have to disagree with the statement about GM's they are actively monitoring the servers and killing the gold spam when they see it, as far as bots they have to go thru an investigation which can take a month but includes several other bots and bank toons when banned. So far the bot problem is not out of control but do agree that some in house security does need to be made to lessen the problem.
Yes general chat has it's problems but what MMO does not have that problem.So tell me what other MMO does not have a grind in it at a certain level huh?
You must be kidding, are you? As original poster said one can see for a week SAME gold spammer. I personally have reported SAME (with name like "alidjfshdld" classic for gold spammer and can not be coincidence somebody recreated it) player ***FOUR*** times in 2 days with my 4 alts.... yet he was happily spamming at least week after. Spamming includes whispers as public chat. Then I left so is enterely possible he is still spamming. I do not have any impression there is any support in game. I did not got any feedback on any of my at least 15 petitions.
Yestday have returned (and stayed only about 5 mins) on Castor server after about 2 weeks .... wow ... I have not seen in all other games put together (wow included) in one year so much gold spamming like here in few minutes! It is completely impossible to read anything usefull on chat because of massive (but really MASSIVE!!! like watching dir command from old dos for thousands of files!) gold spamming. Gold spamming messages are running so fast that it is impossible to read even them. Like 95% of people on aion are gold sellers and boots. Have expanded chat window to entire screen .... in maybe 5 max 10 secs screen was full of gold spamming scroolling up. And this worsening happned only in last two weeks ... before was bad .... but not near 10% of this what was yesterday. Despite how I really hate gold sellers as they ruin any game ... I must admit was impressive looking on chat window.
So in summary, despite I loved playing aion with 6 alts all to between lv. 17 and 18, I will remember Aion most as being gold spamming world.
The difference between gamerankings i 0.6, stop pretending as if is way of course here.
You know what really puts off the core of evolution Zorndorf? People who bash other games and don't play other MMORPGs simply because they do not have Warcraft in their name or Blizzard as their developer.
Glad to see Aion get the score it deserves.
"Freedom is just another name for nothing left to lose" - Janis Joplin
"Freedom is just another name for nothing left to lose" - Janis Joplin
"Freedom is just another name for nothing left to lose" - Janis Joplin
wow, that's just pathetic, you guys should just pull this review.
I'm going to plaster this all over the net regardless, douchebags.
The review score seems as over hyped as the game has been but you need to take into account that the score of any MMO is higher before launch then lower as the years go by. Still has any MMO achieved a 8.7 here at launch, from all accounts this is way too high?
I think this is a fault of the individual reviewer, I don’t see how you can lay this at’s door. Yes they seem to have chosen a fanboy to do the articles, would people have thought it fair if they had chosen someone who hates Asian themed fantasy MMO’s?
Also, being in the same city does not warrent a conspiracy theory.
That made me laugh.... and the above post of course.
So this guy is writing 20+ reviews on the web as a fan boy.
.... And it is excepted as such by
WOW. And now compare the following on Xfire: Aion has 3X times the number of EVE Xfire with ... 400K players (even less these last few days).
What a joke this site and the complete has become !!!
What's your reaction editors of ??? )))))
400k players? you do realise that these were pre - order numbers and the game has been avaible for a month now, right?
EVE's subscriber base is about 200k subscribers. if Aion sold only 200k copies this last month, that would mean it has 3 times as many active accounts. It really isn't rocket science.
I absolutely love all the people going apeshit over this. MMORPG's score is pretty much the average review score Aion is getting. It's a good game people, get over it.
"Freedom is just another name for nothing left to lose" - Janis Joplin
I appreciate the review and it was very informative in my opinion. Thx i was looking forward to a review from an optimistic point of view.
"Freedom is just another name for nothing left to lose" - Janis Joplin
Answer these questions. And no I'm not being smart@ss. What other major MMO title has done aerial combat/character flight (meaning no mount.) What other major MMO has a combat system that allows for chains to be connected in such a way that you don't have to worry about putting them all into your tool bar? What other MMO has a world that is comprised in layers and has an abyss that is also comprised of layers and a multiple artifact system that can turn the tide of a pvp raid? Personal hand crafted guild icons? The rift system?
Again I'm not being smart I'm really asking what else is out there that does some of these things really? Because if not then I'd call some of these things if not all in it's entire package trend setting for it's genre.
Still waiting on answers...
Not meaning to be flippant here but what you're asking is really irrelevant to the discussion about the validity of the rating as pertaining to the content of the MMORPG review and then comparing it to other MMO reviews on this site.
You may feel these are exceptional points to make but apparently the MMORPG reviewer did not feel the same way. I can only assume that if he personally felt these were worthy of mention, he would have. Yet, he does go out of his way to point out that, in general, Aion does nothing really new or spectacular ...
The point is completely relevant considering the fact that people keep mentioning innovation as a sticking point. So if there's no contest to the questions of what Aion brings to the table then obviously it is innovative and therefore should contribute to the rating regardless if the reviewer that is being critiqued did so or not. In otherwords if someone is going to use that against the reviewer then they better be able to answer to the things that are indeed innovative.
It's not innovative. Rifting actually is limiting since it's not true open world PvP. I'm not sure what you mean by a layered gameworld but you can make the argument that the abyss is just one huge Battleground. Wings are nice, but again innovative? Hell, we can say WWIIOnline has aerial combat because it has planes.
The reviewer himself says that Aion doesn't do anything new. What it does do it does well. I think that makes it a very straightfoward, vanilla game. There's nothing wrong with that, but the review score doesn't indicate that.
In the end a dildo with wings is innovative, that does not however mean it is a good idea, or good in practice.
I am actually not a little disgusted in this review of Aion, sure it's polished and clean but ultimately it is far from deserving of a score of 8.7! I smell something fishy going on here...smells like...tuna. I suppose, in the end, the review is entirely subjective and should be treated as such but I expected more from
hmmm... 'plays just like any other mmo'.
thats right! but how the hell does it get 8.7 rating then? lol........
generic mmos should not get more than 5.
"Freedom is just another name for nothing left to lose" - Janis Joplin
I woulda probably gone for a 8.0-8.5. Great polish and solid gameplay but ultimately and imo generic and somewhat boring. I quit before the first month was up, it's a pretty good game for what it is but can't hold my interest.
O_o o_O
i can't believe people can be so ignorant to be upset by a review.... it's quite laughable really. some of you are irate that it has 0.6 to 0.9 to high..... are you serious??? your upset at less then a point??? feel free to disagree with the review, but come on, calm down about, mmorpg isn't owned by ncsoft, it's just a review, by someone who liked the damn game, why is that so hard to believe? all reviews are based on opinion, and no review can be neutral, because you will always be biased towards something. if i'd reviewed WoW, it'd be much lower then an 8, a lot to do with the my extreme dislike of the graphic art style.
then of course Zorndorf has to come in and make sure everyone knows it has less subscribers then WoW..... like the rating of the game contributes to the subscription numbers, or that for any reason, one could logically try to compare sub numbers between a game out less then one month in north america, to a game thats been out for five years, and has the only true mmo advertising campaign in history. who seems to think the only people playing it, are the pre-orders... even though it is selling on amazon, as he points out...
so please, stop complaining about mmorpg losing cred, if you want to threaten to leave, just leave, find a site that you feel isn't biased.
If a mod reads this thread wow how many pages will go back lol.
So many emotional people it's just a review /sigh
Great review, pretty much mirrors my own at
"Freedom is just another name for nothing left to lose" - Janis Joplin
As your playing aion lol yet you keep on bashing it that tells me more then enough on you, even zondorf doesn't spam as much as you in aion threads/pictures.
8.7 is high yes but your exaggerating with your rage and feelings on a game your not playing.
When you review a game you review it's features and if they are done good, aion is polished and has few bugs bots and gold spams are not the huge part of a review.
Next patch will increase quests exp by 3x or 4x for those that mostly wanted to reach cap fast so this maybe will lower some people's whinings.
"Freedom is just another name for nothing left to lose" - Janis Joplin
Nice honest review, of a great MMO.
Aion is the highest rated MMO on this site for a reason, i believe the polish and PvP components is far ahead of any current released game. Just look at xfire, people are loving the the game.
Aion v3 "RELOADED" - A glimpse into the future of the MMO genre
How do you know that sum were you involved? gold spam and bots are a problem YES I didn't deny it did I?
I'm giving ncsoft a chance to see if they will do something to reduce the spams and bots what about you? will you keep on writing on game's sections that you don't like? why do you need to hate a game so much? don't have anything else to do?
I heard you play or played eve or lotr why your not playing there instead of flaming and may give useless warnings and bans on people that are short tempered (not me of course I'm posting politely as far as I know)
LOTRO, one of the best games out there and the top ranked game on this site has an 8.5 review score. That's after 2 years of growth and (i assume) a re-review here at some point.
So now you are saying Aion less than a month in is overall 'better' than LOTRO?
I find it really hard to believe and I bet you that in a few months (especially after mirkwood) the numbers will speak for them selves.
All I'm trying to say is: however much the reviewer may have liked Aion, the score needs to be in some kind of context in the market otherwise it's more of a marketing effort than an objective review.