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Having played Planetside many many moons ago after forking out for it I soon discovered that it aint all that....
I don't mean to say that it is rubbish in anyway shape or form it is just that there is no real sense of achievement while playing the game. Game physics need some tweaking. The graphics aren't quite what you would expect from a FPS. Lag now thats another issue.... I have a 1 megabit connection and the lag is dreadful....(main reason for leaving)
Compare it to UT 2004, at least you can feel the sense of achievement in this game, I know it is not what is classed as an MMORPG but I have more fun playing UT 2004 than I ever had playing planetside. No Lag!!!!! Superb physics/graphics engine.. No trekking 3 miles to find one person for a 2 second conflict.
I love the concept of planetside but once again the guys at sony have just managed to miss something from the game that seems to make it that little less entertaining.
This is just my personal opinion and I hope all those that think about taking up the game at least give the trial a go. You never know this game maybe the one for you, it just wasn't for me.
May the wind whistle out your anus like it does between your ears
I feel no greater achievment as that last base on a continent goes purple when I've protected it for 15 minutes against the TR/NC with my squad.
Oh and I have 1gig RAM too, maybe you need to recheck that you do indeed have that or that you don't have anyspywear, I have only ever "jumped" in PS, and that was once, ONCE.
Heh heh heh, looks like you're computer is the problem here.....
Ok, first of all, graphics aren't anything. You can't even compare UT2k4 to PS. Why? First of all, UT2k4 is crap. End of story. Second of all, UT2k4 can only hold...16-32 people per server? I think its 16...Now, compared to Planetsides 498 people (give or take) in one area, planetside is a lot better just in the scale it can be. Planetside sacrificed graphics for performance (sorta sad when many patches killed performance...anyways) the graphics:performance ratio made it so you couldn't have the good graphics if you wanted a playable game.
Second of all, the two game are just nothing alike. In UT2k4 any infantry can kill any vehicle, including that...devestator...or whatever it is (big 5k hit-point particle cannon or whatever it is) In PS, this isn't the most cases.
Ok, we all know the planetside physics engine sucks, but it is still pretty good, and when it DOES screw up at least *everyone* gets a laugh from the crazy antics it causes.
I'll leave it with one statement i suppose. If you were to turn UT 2k4 into an MMOFPA like planetside, i guarantee you will have more lag than you get in PS...
Ok, and, in short, no matter what connection you have, it isn't going to reduce lag. Their are three types of "lag" in my books. Server lag, which is when the server itself is slowed down due to being over-loaded and cannot keep up or process as fast as it needs to to provide a stable environment, Internet lag which is caused by a slow connection or general traffic in your area that is slowing your connection down, and end user lag, or lag caused by your own computers inability to keep up with the games demands.
For the most part, PS has more end user lag than the other two types...
A simple 512 stick of ram over what you currently have will work wonders for the game itself, and anything over 1 gig (IE 1250ish or better) will make the game run at 100+ fps in all but concentrated battles.
If you have trouble finding fights, go to Emerald during 6-12PM EST for massive battles, guaranteeing at least one continent lock at almost any given time between those times.
So, if I havn't already bored you to death by now:
In short, UT2k4 (crap) is completely and utterly unrelated to PS in every way, shape, and form, other than that they both require you to shoot the other player-controlled enemies.
PS sacrificed graphics for performance. If they wanted to PS could look a lot better than UT2k4 with the engine it had in beta, including dynamic lighting and the like, but I guarantee it would be unplayable.
The lag you are experiencing is most likely caused by your own computer, not PS's servers or your internet connection, and no matter how fast your connection is it will not change this. Usually 1 gig of ram will solve most of your problems, anything over 1 gig will make it extremely smooth.
For massive battles play on Emerald.