Some friends of mine and I, were playing WoW some month ago and it got pretty silly. I don't know why but we decided to make a guild named "mixed nuts" and took the names of different nuts (haselnut, wallnut and so on). Before we ever got to creating the guild we had chars with nams as leftnut, onenut, hairynut.
We spend the next hours comming up with even more creative names, and we completly forgot to create the guild. This day, im still sad we didn't create the guild, and made it our primary
You're too easily offended and incapable of just shrugging and moving on? You dont see the dark humor in it? I wouldnt create a character by that name because of the risk of getting my character deleted but if someone else does and I see that person ingame I'll probably go "wth? lol" and then just move on with playing.
In I do not see any humour in this at all. I know this wasnt directed at me specifically but since I am one of the ones posting on the other side I figured I would give one final response. The very fact that you would consider even the idea of this humorous in any fashion even in relation to it just being a game and its just polygons is disturbing. I too do not buy the argument of what if someone has been hurt or molested as a child sees the name and it hurts them etc etc. For me that is a side issue and to be dealt with on another level. For me it is about human decency at its very basic level. There are some things which are just not suitable material for jokes or kidding around or to be used to make oneself look "cool" because they are so brave as to use such material or I am so sophisticated I can remove myself from what this actually means. The individual using the name is none of these things. They are not funny. They are not cool. They are not somehow more sophisticated because they can "handle" such material. They are simply an immature brat who should be shunned by society as a whole untill they learn to grow up. Mature adults with a conscience should be disgusted and repulsed by this behavoir.
A good response to someone like that should be instead WTH? Grow up or go see a psychiatrist.
That is your point of view on the matter and you are allowed to feel as you do and voice your thoughts and etc, but when someone does it in a way where they also try to limit others way of expression they are just being ignorant and think their way of thinking and their way of reacting to things is better then others way of reacting or thoughts on the matter.
You're giving the word itself too much power. Reacting to someone like that with "grow up" or "go see a psychiatrist" to me is just someone trying to make something their business wich isnt, also its the most pointless comment ever because someone isnt going to grow up because someone told them to on the internet or going to see a psychiatrist for that matter.
At best you might tell them you're offended by their name and they might tell you why they named themselves as that, wich probably would be to create a reaction in people around them. Lastly please dont dictate how a mature adult should react to something just because you react in a specific way to it, in my oppinion the people making a deal out of this, small or big, are the immature ones for not being able to handle a word that probably a kid choose for himself to get some "lols".
I hate to say this but it *is* our business..... the second something goes from the privacy of your own house, where its only the business of those in the house or outside of private conversation, where its only the business of those in said conversation, it becomes the business of those that are exposed to or involved in said exposure.
Note: We, the players, dont dictate how you can act, the EULA & CoC you agree to when you enter, dictates how you may behave as the behaviour happens on PRIVATE property and it is their right to address said behaviour in their property as much as its yours to do so in your house etc. For those wanting "Free Speech" which doesnt apply to private premises, might I recommend that maybe a system without a Code of Conduct which is completely unmoderated could be the best place for you, then you can /ignore all those who berate you for your behaviour and people could be as big an asshat as they wanted
Desensitizing our children to the word which names the act, is *not* what we should be doing, allowing it just says to the children that we dont care
To those saying grow up, if you're 18 and offended quit playing..... I say this..... If it were an 18+ game that allowed such you'd have a point but sadly the rating isnt 18+, the rating is assigned by in game content (not player created) and the Code of Conduct they apply to said game. The Code of Conduct in this case is strict enough to allow younger people in, therefore the argument of "people 18+ should grow up" does not apply.
Allowed in a mainstream game? I've seen several of those types of names in WoW. Many of them had already made it to level 80. They eventually get reported and forced to change names. I know personally of people in Aion who have also had to change names too. There is no difference. It's not a low for Aion, its just low life people trying to be funny and failing.
Would rather have the ability to filter objectionable names or words client side then either arbitrary censorship or accepting the principle that others can say whatever they please without consequences.
$OE lies list " And I don't want to hear anything about "I don't believe in vampires" because *I* don't believe in vampires, but I believe in my own two eyes, and what *I* saw is ******* vampires! "
I really don't care what people name their character. If they want to be known as "Molester" then they can stand around and wonder why people don't group with them much. When I was in the Elyos zone due to some quest that ports you there (the spy quest) I fought a couple of people and was about to leave until I saw an Elyos named "Rapist". Now I was about to just hit return and continue questing, but the person I was with and I decided that he was worth ganking just out of principle. If his name had been "Cuddles" or "Elminster" or something we might have just hit return.
If people want to bring that kind of attention on themselves then they are silly and deserve what they get. People should be able to name their toon whatever they want, in the end they suffer the consequences of their name. Because unlike RL, the player is fully responsible for their name. If they want to be offensive they can suffer the discrimination it brings. So bring out those offensive names, it makes it easier to decide whether or not I would group with or talk to that person.
True Neutral Half-Elf Ranger Mage Follower Of Silvanus
I really think its sad that people can even use this names in character creation.
I also think its pretty sad to see people here saying is ok. "You only feed the troll for getting disgusted at this names, so let it be.. is fine".
How old are you guys? Really, kids. Wake up for reality. Not everyone here got his mommy cuddling him at bed time or making dinner for him. Theres probably a lot of people around the world playing video games that had or have a lot of personal problems... be it diseases problems, sexual problems, social problems... and still they looking for enternaintment. Im sure those ppl dont wanna log into an entertainment activity and look at people called Braincancer if they actualy suffer from that particular problem.
Aswell the guys using this very nicks just remember me the guys making funny in school at the fat or with fysical anomalies people. Its kids that need education and yes, shouldn't allow them to just "let it be is fine, dont feed the troll".
Thats the most passive way to deal with actual problems.
"Hey is fine, dont feed the troll... let it stick his finger up your ass.. its fine"
I'm glad there are still games in this world who understand a lot of the social problems around and try to somehow prevent it. Or at least, deliver people an entertainment enviroment, even if violent, keep it in minimal control.
Who ever answers my post saying im blah blah blah,, "you care to much" you blah blah... dude your a kid and i dont care for your opinion. Your sick, stupid and got a lot of years ahead to learn about reality. /spit
You're too easily offended and incapable of just shrugging and moving on? You dont see the dark humor in it? I wouldnt create a character by that name because of the risk of getting my character deleted but if someone else does and I see that person ingame I'll probably go "wth? lol" and then just move on with playing.
In I do not see any humour in this at all. I know this wasnt directed at me specifically but since I am one of the ones posting on the other side I figured I would give one final response. The very fact that you would consider even the idea of this humorous in any fashion even in relation to it just being a game and its just polygons is disturbing. I too do not buy the argument of what if someone has been hurt or molested as a child sees the name and it hurts them etc etc. For me that is a side issue and to be dealt with on another level. For me it is about human decency at its very basic level. There are some things which are just not suitable material for jokes or kidding around or to be used to make oneself look "cool" because they are so brave as to use such material or I am so sophisticated I can remove myself from what this actually means. The individual using the name is none of these things. They are not funny. They are not cool. They are not somehow more sophisticated because they can "handle" such material. They are simply an immature brat who should be shunned by society as a whole untill they learn to grow up. Mature adults with a conscience should be disgusted and repulsed by this behavoir.
A good response to someone like that should be instead WTH? Grow up or go see a psychiatrist.
That is your point of view on the matter and you are allowed to feel as you do and voice your thoughts and etc, but when someone does it in a way where they also try to limit others way of expression they are just being ignorant and think their way of thinking and their way of reacting to things is better then others way of reacting or thoughts on the matter.
You're giving the word itself too much power. Reacting to someone like that with "grow up" or "go see a psychiatrist" to me is just someone trying to make something their business wich isnt, also its the most pointless comment ever because someone isnt going to grow up because someone told them to on the internet or going to see a psychiatrist for that matter.
At best you might tell them you're offended by their name and they might tell you why they named themselves as that, wich probably would be to create a reaction in people around them. Lastly please dont dictate how a mature adult should react to something just because you react in a specific way to it, in my oppinion the people making a deal out of this, small or big, are the immature ones for not being able to handle a word that probably a kid choose for himself to get some "lols".
Hmm I wasnt going to post on this one again as I felt I had made all my points but one last point that seems to keep slipping through somehow needs to be made from my point of view. No where do I argue that the individual should not be allowed to make that sort of name(unless the developers specifically state something in their EULA). I simply state that as a rational human being you should be offended for all the reasons I have stated in previous posts. The fact the some people are not offended is what saddens me. If everyone on the server was in fact offended by the name the person choosing that name would through the simple force of peer pressure change the name of their own accord. What a player or individual has a right to do is not the same thing as whether something is worthy of doing in the first place or is a good or bad action from the viewpoint of the rest of society. In the US we protect a lot of peoples rights to do things even though they are bad and harmfull choices, because we all have our own viewpoints on what is bad and harmfull. Just because you have the right to do something does not mean you should do it.
I really think its sad that people can even use this names in character creation. I also think its pretty sad to see people here saying is ok. "You only feed the troll for getting disgusted at this names, so let it be.. is fine". How old are you guys? Really, kids. Wake up for reality. Not everyone here got his mommy cuddling him at bed time or making dinner for him. Theres probably a lot of people around the world playing video games that had or have a lot of personal problems... be it diseases problems, sexual problems, social problems... and still they looking for enternaintment. Im sure those ppl dont wanna log into an entertainment activity and look at people called Braincancer if they actualy suffer from that particular problem. Aswell the guys using this very nicks just remember me the guys making funny in school at the fat or with fysical anomalies people. Its kids that need education and yes, shouldn't allow them to just "let it be is fine, dont feed the troll". Thats the most passive way to deal with actual problems. "Hey is fine, dont feed the troll... let it stick his finger up your ass.. its fine"
I'm glad there are still games in this world who understand a lot of the social problems around and try to somehow prevent it. Or at least, deliver people an entertainment enviroment, even if violent, keep it in minimal control. Who ever answers my post saying im blah blah blah,, "you care to much" you blah blah... dude your a kid and i dont care for your opinion. Your sick, stupid and got a lot of years ahead to learn about reality. /spit
I'll start with your age question, just to get over with it. I'm 33yrs.
I'm not mentally ill, I'm not a kid (but I have 2 kids). And still I don't think nicknames in games are such a big deal as you make them seem to be.
I'm 100% sure, people who have said deficiencies you described aren't offended by someone who's name is the same as their illness. What you're trying to do is bar peoples choises, and nickname in a game is one of the most important of them.
To OP: If someone want's to play as a Molester, then so be it. And FYI, molester isn't always connected with sexual activities.
If I were you I'd be more worried about the REAL Pedophiles and Molesters. Such a childish thing you are whining about, they are just names.
I saw someone in World Of Warcraft called Smackdownbj!
Oh lordy I should call the cops or tell the GMs, I'm so offended...
Playing: World Of Warcraft Resting From: Nothing Retired: EQ2, CoH, Tabula Rasa, SWG, Warhammer, AoC Waiting For: SWTOR, APB Love(d): Tabula Rasa, SWG, World Of Warcraft, Age of Conan
Why not add this to the parent control features of a game. This way the individual parents could decide what is allowed or not. No matter how we turn it around, each parent has different standards anyways.
Reanim, your name suggests the subject of the reanimation of a human corpse. This upsets my delicate sensibilities and offends me deeply on a spiritual level. Please deactivate your account and choose a more socially acceptable user ID.
Well the game is rated T for Teen. It is up the parent to decide what may or may not be appropriate for their child. I love it how some parents point to video games as a scape goat for bad behavior when they are the ones that bought the game in the first place. And not just video games. If a fight breaks out in school, they point to the school. Teach them right and hope for the best. You cannot put all the blame on any one thing.
If you're so easily offended, maybe you ought to not play mmo's. General chat can bring out the stupidity in people.
Most mmo's would not allow names of this type to be used. I doub't you would find character names of this sort on lotro, wow, eq or any other main stream mmo.
Do you actually think this would be okay with any parent?
The fact that you are defending this kind of behavior shows a disturbing desensitivity. This is plain sick. I guess ethnic slurs would be okay too huh? Or perhaps names that degrade woman.
Where does it stop and when did sick and twisted become okay?
Well aren't you the judgemental type. And I don't know if you realise this, but it's just a name. The words Pedophile and Molestor exist in this language(now this may be an unfortunate thing in your opinion but we needed a way to identify them with language) and no matter what any parent does children are going to learn the meanings of these words. Will this knowledge somehow hurt them or maybe even convert them to their sinister ways? I don't think so and even suggesting it would just seems silly to me. It's not like these character's names are just pictures of child porn.
So please pull the stick out of your ass. If you really need to complain about something there are far more serious threats to children's minds then words. Like Disney, Religion, and people like you.
Lets take the basis of your arguement "children are going to learn the meanings of these words" and use it in other ways and see if it holds water...
Its a good idea to give my 10 year old beer "becuase he is going to drink beer eventually"
Its a good idea to smoke a bowl with my 12 year old "because he is going to smoke eventually"
Its a good idea to name our online charactors Fagg0t, N1gger and s1ut, "because our kids will learn the meanings someday".
ALL are bad ideas, just like yours.
The entire basis of your argument is that kids will learn of it someday so we might as well get them started early. The fact is, many kids will not know what a pedophile is until they are in their late teenage years. Why rush them? Why are you satisfied to throw as much bad things at our kids as you can? Dont kids have it hard enough growing up in this world without the adults showing them more bad things?
"Sean (Murray) saying MP will be in the game is not remotely close to evidence that at the point of purchase people thought there was MP in the game." - SEANMCAD
Well the game is rated T for Teen. It is up the parent to decide what may or may not be appropriate for their child. I love it how some parents point to video games as a scape goat for bad behavior when they are the ones that bought the game in the first place. And not just video games. If a fight breaks out in school, they point to the school. Teach them right and hope for the best. You cannot put all the blame on any one thing.
If you're so easily offended, maybe you ought to not play mmo's. General chat can bring out the stupidity in people.
Most mmo's would not allow names of this type to be used. I doub't you would find character names of this sort on lotro, wow, eq or any other main stream mmo.
Do you actually think this would be okay with any parent?
The fact that you are defending this kind of behavior shows a disturbing desensitivity. This is plain sick. I guess ethnic slurs would be okay too huh? Or perhaps names that degrade woman.
Where does it stop and when did sick and twisted become okay?
Well aren't you the judgemental type. And I don't know if you realise this, but it's just a name. The words Pedophile and Molestor exist in this language(now this may be an unfortunate thing in your opinion but we needed a way to identify them with language) and no matter what any parent does children are going to learn the meanings of these words. Will this knowledge somehow hurt them or maybe even convert them to their sinister ways? I don't think so and even suggesting it would just seems silly to me. It's not like these character's names are just pictures of child porn.
So please pull the stick out of your ass. If you really need to complain about something there are far more serious threats to children's minds then words. Like Disney, Religion, and people like you.
Lets take the basis of your arguement "children are going to learn the meanings of these words" and use it in other ways and see if it holds water...
Its a good idea to give my 10 year old beer "becuase he is going to drink beer eventually"
Its a good idea to smoke a bowl with my 12 year old "because he is going to smoke eventually"
Its a good idea to name our online charactors Fagg0t, N1gger and s1ut, "because our kids will learn the meanings someday".
ALL are bad ideas, just like yours.
The entire basis of your argument is that kids will learn of it someday so we might as well get them started early. The fact is, many kids will not know what a pedophile is until they are in their late teenage years. Why rush them? Why are you satisfied to throw as much bad things at our kids as you can? Dont kids have it hard enough growing up in this world without the adults showing them more bad things?
( Its a good idea to be a stoned father as well... apparently. Good job sparky. )
The sheer amount of tolerance that people in this very forum shows without a doubt that the community is incapable of policing themselves. The lack of initiative to simply tug on someone's coat tails and show them what type of community a given game or forum the players are trying to establish, is seriously FUBAR.
Usually every community has a unspoken standard that a majority of players are actively trying to maintain. And usually this NEVER has to be defined nor laid out before hand because most of the players themselves have such a strong individual indication of how to conduct themselves that commonsense prevails. But it's the lack of responsibility or desire to take up the mantle of having a moral high ground, that is too much to bear for some people.
This in turn allows slip-ups that would never fly in some established gaming communities to weed their way into communities with less actively responsible players. Which leads to the mess we have now and the filth that some people are willing to put up with. Then the same players will quickly shoot down a game with a terrible, immature community and note that some of their sole reasons for enjoying MMOs is to find a helpful, nurturing community that they in turn have never help to actively maintain. As to think that anomalies like this just randomly pop up.
No one ever thinks that these things start off small, they always do. When one player sees it they are thinking how to "one-up" it within 3 seconds of being exposed to it. Then it quickly multiplies. And so I pose the question that if a community can quickly corrode to garbage in a matter of minutes, why are players fighting with those trying to save it?
"Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."
The sheer amount of tolerance that people in this very forum shows without a doubt that the community is incapable of policing themselves. The lack of initiative to simply tug on someone's coat tails and show them what type of community a given game or forum the players are trying to establish, is seriously FUBAR.
Usually every community has a unspoken standard that a majority of players are actively trying to maintain. And usually this NEVER has to be defined nor laid out before hand because most of the players themselves have such a strong individual indication of how to conduct themselves that commonsense prevails. But it's the lack of responsibility or desire to take up the mantle of having a moral high ground, that is too much to bear for some people.
This in turn allows slip-ups that would never fly in some established gaming communities to weed their way into communities with less actively responsible players. Which leads to the mess we have now and the filth that some people are willing to put up with. Then the same players will quickly shoot down a game with a terrible, immature community and note that some of their sole reasons for enjoying MMOs is to find a helpful, nurturing community that they in turn have never help to actively maintain. As to think that anomalies like this just randomly pop up.
No one ever thinks that these things start off small, they always do. When one player sees it they are thinking how to "one-up" it within 3 seconds of being exposed to it. Then it quickly multiplies. And so I pose the question that if a community can quickly corrode to garbage in a matter of minutes, why are players fighting with those trying to save it?
Wall of text crits for over 9000.
I can fit to bad jokes into one.
Playing: World Of Warcraft Resting From: Nothing Retired: EQ2, CoH, Tabula Rasa, SWG, Warhammer, AoC Waiting For: SWTOR, APB Love(d): Tabula Rasa, SWG, World Of Warcraft, Age of Conan
Logged on today to play a bit and found we have some new interesting folks playing. Some low life was running around called Pedophile. Then to top things off I hit the bank and Molestor was there. This kind off crap would not fly in any mainstream game yet here its kind of the norm. Whats going to happen when some underage kid playing this game is exposed to this and parents find out. Can you say LAW SUIT, BAD PUBLICITY etc... Spammers, bots, farmers and now low life scum... NCsoft... ITS time to monitor your servers. Reanim
....While you play Aion are you looking for something to bitch about?...Seriously Its a video game, not real life!
Well the game is rated T for Teen. It is up the parent to decide what may or may not be appropriate for their child. I love it how some parents point to video games as a scape goat for bad behavior when they are the ones that bought the game in the first place. And not just video games. If a fight breaks out in school, they point to the school. Teach them right and hope for the best. You cannot put all the blame on any one thing.
If you're so easily offended, maybe you ought to not play mmo's. General chat can bring out the stupidity in people.
Most mmo's would not allow names of this type to be used. I doub't you would find character names of this sort on lotro, wow, eq or any other main stream mmo.
Do you actually think this would be okay with any parent?
The fact that you are defending this kind of behavior shows a disturbing desensitivity. This is plain sick. I guess ethnic slurs would be okay too huh? Or perhaps names that degrade woman.
Where does it stop and when did sick and twisted become okay?
Well aren't you the judgemental type. And I don't know if you realise this, but it's just a name. The words Pedophile and Molestor exist in this language(now this may be an unfortunate thing in your opinion but we needed a way to identify them with language) and no matter what any parent does children are going to learn the meanings of these words. Will this knowledge somehow hurt them or maybe even convert them to their sinister ways? I don't think so and even suggesting it would just seems silly to me. It's not like these character's names are just pictures of child porn.
So please pull the stick out of your ass. If you really need to complain about something there are far more serious threats to children's minds then words. Like Disney, Religion, and people like you.
Lets take the basis of your arguement "children are going to learn the meanings of these words" and use it in other ways and see if it holds water...
Its a good idea to give my 10 year old beer "becuase he is going to drink beer eventually"
Its a good idea to smoke a bowl with my 12 year old "because he is going to smoke eventually"
Its a good idea to name our online charactors Fagg0t, N1gger and s1ut, "because our kids will learn the meanings someday".
ALL are bad ideas, just like yours.
The entire basis of your argument is that kids will learn of it someday so we might as well get them started early. The fact is, many kids will not know what a pedophile is until they are in their late teenage years. Why rush them? Why are you satisfied to throw as much bad things at our kids as you can? Dont kids have it hard enough growing up in this world without the adults showing them more bad things?
As I said in a post earlier, this game and most other mmorpg's are rated teen for a reason. Kids should not be playing them under thirteen, and if they are that is on the parents. I'm a mother to a fifteen year old girl. She does not play. Not because of names but because of the rude behavior in the chat program. If she did play, and I saw a name that offended me and I believe it violates the TOS then I would contact a GM. NO Problem!! Power to the parents and the common sense to parent in the first place. Sorry if I have stepped on any toes but really......
Well the game is rated T for Teen. It is up the parent to decide what may or may not be appropriate for their child. I love it how some parents point to video games as a scape goat for bad behavior when they are the ones that bought the game in the first place. And not just video games. If a fight breaks out in school, they point to the school. Teach them right and hope for the best. You cannot put all the blame on any one thing.
If you're so easily offended, maybe you ought to not play mmo's. General chat can bring out the stupidity in people.
Most mmo's would not allow names of this type to be used. I doub't you would find character names of this sort on lotro, wow, eq or any other main stream mmo.
Do you actually think this would be okay with any parent?
The fact that you are defending this kind of behavior shows a disturbing desensitivity. This is plain sick. I guess ethnic slurs would be okay too huh? Or perhaps names that degrade woman.
Where does it stop and when did sick and twisted become okay?
So, we should start censoring people? And since when are unoffensive names not allowed on mainstream mmo's? On my server (WoW) there's a guy named DuckButter (gay creampie reference) and a slew of names referring to sexual and some may even be considered racist. People have the right to be offensive, that is the downside to free speach. You have the right to put those people on your ignore lists. Calling someone "sick and twisted" because they think that people should be allowed to name their toons how they please. You can't sue Aion over toon names, and I wonder what kind of sick and twisted world we live in where people want to take away others rights because they find something distatseful
Well the game is rated T for Teen. It is up the parent to decide what may or may not be appropriate for their child. I love it how some parents point to video games as a scape goat for bad behavior when they are the ones that bought the game in the first place. And not just video games. If a fight breaks out in school, they point to the school. Teach them right and hope for the best. You cannot put all the blame on any one thing.
If you're so easily offended, maybe you ought to not play mmo's. General chat can bring out the stupidity in people.
Most mmo's would not allow names of this type to be used. I doub't you would find character names of this sort on lotro, wow, eq or any other main stream mmo.
Do you actually think this would be okay with any parent?
The fact that you are defending this kind of behavior shows a disturbing desensitivity. This is plain sick. I guess ethnic slurs would be okay too huh? Or perhaps names that degrade woman.
Where does it stop and when did sick and twisted become okay?
So, we should start censoring people? And since when are unoffensive names not allowed on mainstream mmo's? On my server (WoW) there's a guy named DuckButter (gay creampie reference) and a slew of names referring to sexual and some may even be considered racist. People have the right to be offensive, that is the downside to free speach. You have the right to put those people on your ignore lists. Calling someone "sick and twisted" because they think that people should be allowed to name their toons how they please. You can't sue Aion over toon names, and I wonder what kind of sick and twisted world we live in where people want to take away others rights because they find something distatseful
Sick and twisted world where people want to take away others rights to name themselves "pedophile"???
Well the game is rated T for Teen. It is up the parent to decide what may or may not be appropriate for their child. I love it how some parents point to video games as a scape goat for bad behavior when they are the ones that bought the game in the first place. And not just video games. If a fight breaks out in school, they point to the school. Teach them right and hope for the best. You cannot put all the blame on any one thing.
If you're so easily offended, maybe you ought to not play mmo's. General chat can bring out the stupidity in people.
Most mmo's would not allow names of this type to be used. I doub't you would find character names of this sort on lotro, wow, eq or any other main stream mmo.
Do you actually think this would be okay with any parent?
The fact that you are defending this kind of behavior shows a disturbing desensitivity. This is plain sick. I guess ethnic slurs would be okay too huh? Or perhaps names that degrade woman.
Where does it stop and when did sick and twisted become okay?
So, we should start censoring people? And since when are unoffensive names not allowed on mainstream mmo's? On my server (WoW) there's a guy named DuckButter (gay creampie reference) and a slew of names referring to sexual and some may even be considered racist. People have the right to be offensive, that is the downside to free speach. You have the right to put those people on your ignore lists. Calling someone "sick and twisted" because they think that people should be allowed to name their toons how they please. You can't sue Aion over toon names, and I wonder what kind of sick and twisted world we live in where people want to take away others rights because they find something distatseful
Sick and twisted world where people want to take away others rights to name themselves "pedophile"???
You must be insane, dumb or one of them.
Yes. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." And how is calling me insane, dumb, or a pedophile (using the spirit of your words) not offensive? How Can you really form an argument about abusive language while at the same time using abusive language?
Well the game is rated T for Teen. It is up the parent to decide what may or may not be appropriate for their child. I love it how some parents point to video games as a scape goat for bad behavior when they are the ones that bought the game in the first place. And not just video games. If a fight breaks out in school, they point to the school. Teach them right and hope for the best. You cannot put all the blame on any one thing.
If you're so easily offended, maybe you ought to not play mmo's. General chat can bring out the stupidity in people.
Most mmo's would not allow names of this type to be used. I doub't you would find character names of this sort on lotro, wow, eq or any other main stream mmo.
Do you actually think this would be okay with any parent?
The fact that you are defending this kind of behavior shows a disturbing desensitivity. This is plain sick. I guess ethnic slurs would be okay too huh? Or perhaps names that degrade woman.
Where does it stop and when did sick and twisted become okay?
So, we should start censoring people? And since when are unoffensive names not allowed on mainstream mmo's? On my server (WoW) there's a guy named DuckButter (gay creampie reference) and a slew of names referring to sexual and some may even be considered racist. People have the right to be offensive, that is the downside to free speach. You have the right to put those people on your ignore lists. Calling someone "sick and twisted" because they think that people should be allowed to name their toons how they please. You can't sue Aion over toon names, and I wonder what kind of sick and twisted world we live in where people want to take away others rights because they find something distatseful
Sick and twisted world where people want to take away others rights to name themselves "pedophile"???
You must be insane, dumb or one of them.
Yes. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." And how is calling me insane, dumb, or a pedophile (using the spirit of your words) not offensive? How Can you really form an argument about abusive language while at the same time using abusive language?
Lucky for him that the ULA (here and in Aion) makes that little paragraph that you pulled moot......Unless you feel that an American right is universal to anything else known to man..
Limits are set for a reason, as I explained before. Waving a piece of paper in someone's face to pacify their stance on something deemed inappropriate while under the rules set forth by another person's creation is pointless.
"Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."
Well the game is rated T for Teen. It is up the parent to decide what may or may not be appropriate for their child. I love it how some parents point to video games as a scape goat for bad behavior when they are the ones that bought the game in the first place. And not just video games. If a fight breaks out in school, they point to the school. Teach them right and hope for the best. You cannot put all the blame on any one thing.
If you're so easily offended, maybe you ought to not play mmo's. General chat can bring out the stupidity in people.
Most mmo's would not allow names of this type to be used. I doub't you would find character names of this sort on lotro, wow, eq or any other main stream mmo.
Do you actually think this would be okay with any parent?
The fact that you are defending this kind of behavior shows a disturbing desensitivity. This is plain sick. I guess ethnic slurs would be okay too huh? Or perhaps names that degrade woman.
Where does it stop and when did sick and twisted become okay?
So, we should start censoring people? And since when are unoffensive names not allowed on mainstream mmo's? On my server (WoW) there's a guy named DuckButter (gay creampie reference) and a slew of names referring to sexual and some may even be considered racist. People have the right to be offensive, that is the downside to free speach. You have the right to put those people on your ignore lists. Calling someone "sick and twisted" because they think that people should be allowed to name their toons how they please. You can't sue Aion over toon names, and I wonder what kind of sick and twisted world we live in where people want to take away others rights because they find something distatseful
Sick and twisted world where people want to take away others rights to name themselves "pedophile"???
You must be insane, dumb or one of them.
Yes. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." And how is calling me insane, dumb, or a pedophile (using the spirit of your words) not offensive? How Can you really form an argument about abusive language while at the same time using abusive language?
Lucky for him that the ULA (here and in Aion) makes that little paragraph that you pulled moot......Unless you feel that an American right is universal to anything else known to man..
Limits are set for a reason, as I explained before. Waving a piece of paper in someone's face to pacify their stance on something deemed inappropriate while under the rules set forth by another person's creation is pointless.
Well, if those names go against Aion's EULA, then they need to enforce that, seeing as how an EULA is a contract. Also, if the game is being played by Americans in America (or in most of Europe which has similar freedoms) then they are required to follow the laws of this country. If they include naming rules in their EULA (I have not read it), then they need to enforce those naming rules. However, "molest" is synonomous with harassment and "Pedophile" is Latin. If the game's mods are foreign, they might not be familiar with the connotations that those names have in America. If you are offended by it, you should report it to the moderators. Calling me names will not help your case. Oh and, I read your signature, btw:
"Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."
Maybe you should choose a new slogan. Just a suggestion
Some friends of mine and I, were playing WoW some month ago and it got pretty silly. I don't know why but we decided to make a guild named "mixed nuts" and took the names of different nuts (haselnut, wallnut and so on). Before we ever got to creating the guild we had chars with nams as leftnut, onenut, hairynut.
We spend the next hours comming up with even more creative names, and we completly forgot to create the guild. This day, im still sad we didn't create the guild, and made it our primary
In I do not see any humour in this at all. I know this wasnt directed at me specifically but since I am one of the ones posting on the other side I figured I would give one final response. The very fact that you would consider even the idea of this humorous in any fashion even in relation to it just being a game and its just polygons is disturbing. I too do not buy the argument of what if someone has been hurt or molested as a child sees the name and it hurts them etc etc. For me that is a side issue and to be dealt with on another level. For me it is about human decency at its very basic level. There are some things which are just not suitable material for jokes or kidding around or to be used to make oneself look "cool" because they are so brave as to use such material or I am so sophisticated I can remove myself from what this actually means. The individual using the name is none of these things. They are not funny. They are not cool. They are not somehow more sophisticated because they can "handle" such material. They are simply an immature brat who should be shunned by society as a whole untill they learn to grow up. Mature adults with a conscience should be disgusted and repulsed by this behavoir.
A good response to someone like that should be instead WTH? Grow up or go see a psychiatrist.
That is your point of view on the matter and you are allowed to feel as you do and voice your thoughts and etc, but when someone does it in a way where they also try to limit others way of expression they are just being ignorant and think their way of thinking and their way of reacting to things is better then others way of reacting or thoughts on the matter.
You're giving the word itself too much power. Reacting to someone like that with "grow up" or "go see a psychiatrist" to me is just someone trying to make something their business wich isnt, also its the most pointless comment ever because someone isnt going to grow up because someone told them to on the internet or going to see a psychiatrist for that matter.
At best you might tell them you're offended by their name and they might tell you why they named themselves as that, wich probably would be to create a reaction in people around them. Lastly please dont dictate how a mature adult should react to something just because you react in a specific way to it, in my oppinion the people making a deal out of this, small or big, are the immature ones for not being able to handle a word that probably a kid choose for himself to get some "lols".
I hate to say this but it *is* our business..... the second something goes from the privacy of your own house, where its only the business of those in the house or outside of private conversation, where its only the business of those in said conversation, it becomes the business of those that are exposed to or involved in said exposure.
Note: We, the players, dont dictate how you can act, the EULA & CoC you agree to when you enter, dictates how you may behave as the behaviour happens on PRIVATE property and it is their right to address said behaviour in their property as much as its yours to do so in your house etc. For those wanting "Free Speech" which doesnt apply to private premises, might I recommend that maybe a system without a Code of Conduct which is completely unmoderated could be the best place for you, then you can /ignore all those who berate you for your behaviour and people could be as big an asshat as they wanted
Desensitizing our children to the word which names the act, is *not* what we should be doing, allowing it just says to the children that we dont care
To those saying grow up, if you're 18 and offended quit playing..... I say this..... If it were an 18+ game that allowed such you'd have a point but sadly the rating isnt 18+, the rating is assigned by in game content (not player created) and the Code of Conduct they apply to said game. The Code of Conduct in this case is strict enough to allow younger people in, therefore the argument of "people 18+ should grow up" does not apply.
Allowed in a mainstream game? I've seen several of those types of names in WoW. Many of them had already made it to level 80. They eventually get reported and forced to change names. I know personally of people in Aion who have also had to change names too. There is no difference. It's not a low for Aion, its just low life people trying to be funny and failing.
Would rather have the ability to filter objectionable names or words client side then either arbitrary censorship or accepting the principle that others can say whatever they please without consequences.
Ofc it's low. But come on dude... overreact MUCH?
$OE lies list
And I don't want to hear anything about "I don't believe in vampires" because *I* don't believe in vampires, but I believe in my own two eyes, and what *I* saw is ******* vampires! "
I really don't care what people name their character. If they want to be known as "Molester" then they can stand around and wonder why people don't group with them much. When I was in the Elyos zone due to some quest that ports you there (the spy quest) I fought a couple of people and was about to leave until I saw an Elyos named "Rapist". Now I was about to just hit return and continue questing, but the person I was with and I decided that he was worth ganking just out of principle. If his name had been "Cuddles" or "Elminster" or something we might have just hit return.
If people want to bring that kind of attention on themselves then they are silly and deserve what they get. People should be able to name their toon whatever they want, in the end they suffer the consequences of their name. Because unlike RL, the player is fully responsible for their name. If they want to be offensive they can suffer the discrimination it brings. So bring out those offensive names, it makes it easier to decide whether or not I would group with or talk to that person.
True Neutral Half-Elf Ranger Mage
Follower Of Silvanus
Kings of Chaos! Free to play! Great PvP!
I really think its sad that people can even use this names in character creation.
I also think its pretty sad to see people here saying is ok. "You only feed the troll for getting disgusted at this names, so let it be.. is fine".
How old are you guys? Really, kids. Wake up for reality. Not everyone here got his mommy cuddling him at bed time or making dinner for him. Theres probably a lot of people around the world playing video games that had or have a lot of personal problems... be it diseases problems, sexual problems, social problems... and still they looking for enternaintment. Im sure those ppl dont wanna log into an entertainment activity and look at people called Braincancer if they actualy suffer from that particular problem.
Aswell the guys using this very nicks just remember me the guys making funny in school at the fat or with fysical anomalies people. Its kids that need education and yes, shouldn't allow them to just "let it be is fine, dont feed the troll".
Thats the most passive way to deal with actual problems.
"Hey is fine, dont feed the troll... let it stick his finger up your ass.. its fine"
I'm glad there are still games in this world who understand a lot of the social problems around and try to somehow prevent it. Or at least, deliver people an entertainment enviroment, even if violent, keep it in minimal control.
Who ever answers my post saying im blah blah blah,, "you care to much" you blah blah... dude your a kid and i dont care for your opinion. Your sick, stupid and got a lot of years ahead to learn about reality. /spit
In I do not see any humour in this at all. I know this wasnt directed at me specifically but since I am one of the ones posting on the other side I figured I would give one final response. The very fact that you would consider even the idea of this humorous in any fashion even in relation to it just being a game and its just polygons is disturbing. I too do not buy the argument of what if someone has been hurt or molested as a child sees the name and it hurts them etc etc. For me that is a side issue and to be dealt with on another level. For me it is about human decency at its very basic level. There are some things which are just not suitable material for jokes or kidding around or to be used to make oneself look "cool" because they are so brave as to use such material or I am so sophisticated I can remove myself from what this actually means. The individual using the name is none of these things. They are not funny. They are not cool. They are not somehow more sophisticated because they can "handle" such material. They are simply an immature brat who should be shunned by society as a whole untill they learn to grow up. Mature adults with a conscience should be disgusted and repulsed by this behavoir.
A good response to someone like that should be instead WTH? Grow up or go see a psychiatrist.
That is your point of view on the matter and you are allowed to feel as you do and voice your thoughts and etc, but when someone does it in a way where they also try to limit others way of expression they are just being ignorant and think their way of thinking and their way of reacting to things is better then others way of reacting or thoughts on the matter.
You're giving the word itself too much power. Reacting to someone like that with "grow up" or "go see a psychiatrist" to me is just someone trying to make something their business wich isnt, also its the most pointless comment ever because someone isnt going to grow up because someone told them to on the internet or going to see a psychiatrist for that matter.
At best you might tell them you're offended by their name and they might tell you why they named themselves as that, wich probably would be to create a reaction in people around them. Lastly please dont dictate how a mature adult should react to something just because you react in a specific way to it, in my oppinion the people making a deal out of this, small or big, are the immature ones for not being able to handle a word that probably a kid choose for himself to get some "lols".
Hmm I wasnt going to post on this one again as I felt I had made all my points but one last point that seems to keep slipping through somehow needs to be made from my point of view. No where do I argue that the individual should not be allowed to make that sort of name(unless the developers specifically state something in their EULA). I simply state that as a rational human being you should be offended for all the reasons I have stated in previous posts. The fact the some people are not offended is what saddens me. If everyone on the server was in fact offended by the name the person choosing that name would through the simple force of peer pressure change the name of their own accord. What a player or individual has a right to do is not the same thing as whether something is worthy of doing in the first place or is a good or bad action from the viewpoint of the rest of society. In the US we protect a lot of peoples rights to do things even though they are bad and harmfull choices, because we all have our own viewpoints on what is bad and harmfull. Just because you have the right to do something does not mean you should do it.
I'll start with your age question, just to get over with it. I'm 33yrs.
I'm not mentally ill, I'm not a kid (but I have 2 kids). And still I don't think nicknames in games are such a big deal as you make them seem to be.
I'm 100% sure, people who have said deficiencies you described aren't offended by someone who's name is the same as their illness. What you're trying to do is bar peoples choises, and nickname in a game is one of the most important of them.
To OP: If someone want's to play as a Molester, then so be it. And FYI, molester isn't always connected with sexual activities.
In my language the word "Reanim" means rape. What action will you do for me to not see that name on these servers?
If I were you I'd be more worried about the REAL Pedophiles and Molesters. Such a childish thing you are whining about, they are just names.
I saw someone in World Of Warcraft called Smackdownbj!
Oh lordy I should call the cops or tell the GMs, I'm so offended...
Playing: World Of Warcraft
Resting From: Nothing
Retired: EQ2, CoH, Tabula Rasa, SWG, Warhammer, AoC
Waiting For: SWTOR, APB
Love(d): Tabula Rasa, SWG, World Of Warcraft, Age of Conan
regarding Offensive names
Why not add this to the parent control features of a game. This way the individual parents could decide what is allowed or not. No matter how we turn it around, each parent has different standards anyways.
I'd like to see that for gore and such.
Reanim, your name suggests the subject of the reanimation of a human corpse. This upsets my delicate sensibilities and offends me deeply on a spiritual level. Please deactivate your account and choose a more socially acceptable user ID.
Sloshed In Translation : The Life and Times of a Drunken Gamer
Most mmo's would not allow names of this type to be used. I doub't you would find character names of this sort on lotro, wow, eq or any other main stream mmo.
Do you actually think this would be okay with any parent?
The fact that you are defending this kind of behavior shows a disturbing desensitivity. This is plain sick. I guess ethnic slurs would be okay too huh? Or perhaps names that degrade woman.
Where does it stop and when did sick and twisted become okay?
Well aren't you the judgemental type. And I don't know if you realise this, but it's just a name. The words Pedophile and Molestor exist in this language(now this may be an unfortunate thing in your opinion but we needed a way to identify them with language) and no matter what any parent does children are going to learn the meanings of these words. Will this knowledge somehow hurt them or maybe even convert them to their sinister ways? I don't think so and even suggesting it would just seems silly to me. It's not like these character's names are just pictures of child porn.
So please pull the stick out of your ass. If you really need to complain about something there are far more serious threats to children's minds then words. Like Disney, Religion, and people like you.
Lets take the basis of your arguement "children are going to learn the meanings of these words" and use it in other ways and see if it holds water...
Its a good idea to give my 10 year old beer "becuase he is going to drink beer eventually"
Its a good idea to smoke a bowl with my 12 year old "because he is going to smoke eventually"
Its a good idea to name our online charactors Fagg0t, N1gger and s1ut, "because our kids will learn the meanings someday".
ALL are bad ideas, just like yours.
The entire basis of your argument is that kids will learn of it someday so we might as well get them started early. The fact is, many kids will not know what a pedophile is until they are in their late teenage years. Why rush them? Why are you satisfied to throw as much bad things at our kids as you can? Dont kids have it hard enough growing up in this world without the adults showing them more bad things?
Most mmo's would not allow names of this type to be used. I doub't you would find character names of this sort on lotro, wow, eq or any other main stream mmo.
Do you actually think this would be okay with any parent?
The fact that you are defending this kind of behavior shows a disturbing desensitivity. This is plain sick. I guess ethnic slurs would be okay too huh? Or perhaps names that degrade woman.
Where does it stop and when did sick and twisted become okay?
Well aren't you the judgemental type. And I don't know if you realise this, but it's just a name. The words Pedophile and Molestor exist in this language(now this may be an unfortunate thing in your opinion but we needed a way to identify them with language) and no matter what any parent does children are going to learn the meanings of these words. Will this knowledge somehow hurt them or maybe even convert them to their sinister ways? I don't think so and even suggesting it would just seems silly to me. It's not like these character's names are just pictures of child porn.
So please pull the stick out of your ass. If you really need to complain about something there are far more serious threats to children's minds then words. Like Disney, Religion, and people like you.
Lets take the basis of your arguement "children are going to learn the meanings of these words" and use it in other ways and see if it holds water...
Its a good idea to give my 10 year old beer "becuase he is going to drink beer eventually"
Its a good idea to smoke a bowl with my 12 year old "because he is going to smoke eventually"
Its a good idea to name our online charactors Fagg0t, N1gger and s1ut, "because our kids will learn the meanings someday".
ALL are bad ideas, just like yours.
The entire basis of your argument is that kids will learn of it someday so we might as well get them started early. The fact is, many kids will not know what a pedophile is until they are in their late teenage years. Why rush them? Why are you satisfied to throw as much bad things at our kids as you can? Dont kids have it hard enough growing up in this world without the adults showing them more bad things?
( Its a good idea to be a stoned father as well... apparently. Good job sparky. )
Sloshed In Translation : The Life and Times of a Drunken Gamer
The sheer amount of tolerance that people in this very forum shows without a doubt that the community is incapable of policing themselves. The lack of initiative to simply tug on someone's coat tails and show them what type of community a given game or forum the players are trying to establish, is seriously FUBAR.
Usually every community has a unspoken standard that a majority of players are actively trying to maintain. And usually this NEVER has to be defined nor laid out before hand because most of the players themselves have such a strong individual indication of how to conduct themselves that commonsense prevails. But it's the lack of responsibility or desire to take up the mantle of having a moral high ground, that is too much to bear for some people.
This in turn allows slip-ups that would never fly in some established gaming communities to weed their way into communities with less actively responsible players. Which leads to the mess we have now and the filth that some people are willing to put up with. Then the same players will quickly shoot down a game with a terrible, immature community and note that some of their sole reasons for enjoying MMOs is to find a helpful, nurturing community that they in turn have never help to actively maintain. As to think that anomalies like this just randomly pop up.
No one ever thinks that these things start off small, they always do. When one player sees it they are thinking how to "one-up" it within 3 seconds of being exposed to it. Then it quickly multiplies. And so I pose the question that if a community can quickly corrode to garbage in a matter of minutes, why are players fighting with those trying to save it?
"Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."
Wall of text crits for over 9000.
I can fit to bad jokes into one.
Playing: World Of Warcraft
Resting From: Nothing
Retired: EQ2, CoH, Tabula Rasa, SWG, Warhammer, AoC
Waiting For: SWTOR, APB
Love(d): Tabula Rasa, SWG, World Of Warcraft, Age of Conan
....While you play Aion are you looking for something to bitch about?...Seriously Its a video game, not real life!
"I play Tera for the gameplay"
Most mmo's would not allow names of this type to be used. I doub't you would find character names of this sort on lotro, wow, eq or any other main stream mmo.
Do you actually think this would be okay with any parent?
The fact that you are defending this kind of behavior shows a disturbing desensitivity. This is plain sick. I guess ethnic slurs would be okay too huh? Or perhaps names that degrade woman.
Where does it stop and when did sick and twisted become okay?
Well aren't you the judgemental type. And I don't know if you realise this, but it's just a name. The words Pedophile and Molestor exist in this language(now this may be an unfortunate thing in your opinion but we needed a way to identify them with language) and no matter what any parent does children are going to learn the meanings of these words. Will this knowledge somehow hurt them or maybe even convert them to their sinister ways? I don't think so and even suggesting it would just seems silly to me. It's not like these character's names are just pictures of child porn.
So please pull the stick out of your ass. If you really need to complain about something there are far more serious threats to children's minds then words. Like Disney, Religion, and people like you.
Lets take the basis of your arguement "children are going to learn the meanings of these words" and use it in other ways and see if it holds water...
Its a good idea to give my 10 year old beer "becuase he is going to drink beer eventually"
Its a good idea to smoke a bowl with my 12 year old "because he is going to smoke eventually"
Its a good idea to name our online charactors Fagg0t, N1gger and s1ut, "because our kids will learn the meanings someday".
ALL are bad ideas, just like yours.
The entire basis of your argument is that kids will learn of it someday so we might as well get them started early. The fact is, many kids will not know what a pedophile is until they are in their late teenage years. Why rush them? Why are you satisfied to throw as much bad things at our kids as you can? Dont kids have it hard enough growing up in this world without the adults showing them more bad things?
As I said in a post earlier, this game and most other mmorpg's are rated teen for a reason. Kids should not be playing them under thirteen, and if they are that is on the parents. I'm a mother to a fifteen year old girl. She does not play. Not because of names but because of the rude behavior in the chat program. If she did play, and I saw a name that offended me and I believe it violates the TOS then I would contact a GM. NO Problem!! Power to the parents and the common sense to parent in the first place. Sorry if I have stepped on any toes but really......
Most mmo's would not allow names of this type to be used. I doub't you would find character names of this sort on lotro, wow, eq or any other main stream mmo.
Do you actually think this would be okay with any parent?
The fact that you are defending this kind of behavior shows a disturbing desensitivity. This is plain sick. I guess ethnic slurs would be okay too huh? Or perhaps names that degrade woman.
Where does it stop and when did sick and twisted become okay?
So, we should start censoring people? And since when are unoffensive names not allowed on mainstream mmo's? On my server (WoW) there's a guy named DuckButter (gay creampie reference) and a slew of names referring to sexual and some may even be considered racist. People have the right to be offensive, that is the downside to free speach. You have the right to put those people on your ignore lists. Calling someone "sick and twisted" because they think that people should be allowed to name their toons how they please. You can't sue Aion over toon names, and I wonder what kind of sick and twisted world we live in where people want to take away others rights because they find something distatseful
A witty saying proves nothing.
Most mmo's would not allow names of this type to be used. I doub't you would find character names of this sort on lotro, wow, eq or any other main stream mmo.
Do you actually think this would be okay with any parent?
The fact that you are defending this kind of behavior shows a disturbing desensitivity. This is plain sick. I guess ethnic slurs would be okay too huh? Or perhaps names that degrade woman.
Where does it stop and when did sick and twisted become okay?
So, we should start censoring people? And since when are unoffensive names not allowed on mainstream mmo's? On my server (WoW) there's a guy named DuckButter (gay creampie reference) and a slew of names referring to sexual and some may even be considered racist. People have the right to be offensive, that is the downside to free speach. You have the right to put those people on your ignore lists. Calling someone "sick and twisted" because they think that people should be allowed to name their toons how they please. You can't sue Aion over toon names, and I wonder what kind of sick and twisted world we live in where people want to take away others rights because they find something distatseful
Sick and twisted world where people want to take away others rights to name themselves "pedophile"???
You must be insane, dumb or one of them.
Most mmo's would not allow names of this type to be used. I doub't you would find character names of this sort on lotro, wow, eq or any other main stream mmo.
Do you actually think this would be okay with any parent?
The fact that you are defending this kind of behavior shows a disturbing desensitivity. This is plain sick. I guess ethnic slurs would be okay too huh? Or perhaps names that degrade woman.
Where does it stop and when did sick and twisted become okay?
So, we should start censoring people? And since when are unoffensive names not allowed on mainstream mmo's? On my server (WoW) there's a guy named DuckButter (gay creampie reference) and a slew of names referring to sexual and some may even be considered racist. People have the right to be offensive, that is the downside to free speach. You have the right to put those people on your ignore lists. Calling someone "sick and twisted" because they think that people should be allowed to name their toons how they please. You can't sue Aion over toon names, and I wonder what kind of sick and twisted world we live in where people want to take away others rights because they find something distatseful
Sick and twisted world where people want to take away others rights to name themselves "pedophile"???
You must be insane, dumb or one of them.
Yes. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." And how is calling me insane, dumb, or a pedophile (using the spirit of your words) not offensive? How Can you really form an argument about abusive language while at the same time using abusive language?
A witty saying proves nothing.
Most mmo's would not allow names of this type to be used. I doub't you would find character names of this sort on lotro, wow, eq or any other main stream mmo.
Do you actually think this would be okay with any parent?
The fact that you are defending this kind of behavior shows a disturbing desensitivity. This is plain sick. I guess ethnic slurs would be okay too huh? Or perhaps names that degrade woman.
Where does it stop and when did sick and twisted become okay?
So, we should start censoring people? And since when are unoffensive names not allowed on mainstream mmo's? On my server (WoW) there's a guy named DuckButter (gay creampie reference) and a slew of names referring to sexual and some may even be considered racist. People have the right to be offensive, that is the downside to free speach. You have the right to put those people on your ignore lists. Calling someone "sick and twisted" because they think that people should be allowed to name their toons how they please. You can't sue Aion over toon names, and I wonder what kind of sick and twisted world we live in where people want to take away others rights because they find something distatseful
Sick and twisted world where people want to take away others rights to name themselves "pedophile"???
You must be insane, dumb or one of them.
Yes. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." And how is calling me insane, dumb, or a pedophile (using the spirit of your words) not offensive? How Can you really form an argument about abusive language while at the same time using abusive language?
Lucky for him that the ULA (here and in Aion) makes that little paragraph that you pulled moot......Unless you feel that an American right is universal to anything else known to man..
Limits are set for a reason, as I explained before. Waving a piece of paper in someone's face to pacify their stance on something deemed inappropriate while under the rules set forth by another person's creation is pointless.
"Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."
Most mmo's would not allow names of this type to be used. I doub't you would find character names of this sort on lotro, wow, eq or any other main stream mmo.
Do you actually think this would be okay with any parent?
The fact that you are defending this kind of behavior shows a disturbing desensitivity. This is plain sick. I guess ethnic slurs would be okay too huh? Or perhaps names that degrade woman.
Where does it stop and when did sick and twisted become okay?
So, we should start censoring people? And since when are unoffensive names not allowed on mainstream mmo's? On my server (WoW) there's a guy named DuckButter (gay creampie reference) and a slew of names referring to sexual and some may even be considered racist. People have the right to be offensive, that is the downside to free speach. You have the right to put those people on your ignore lists. Calling someone "sick and twisted" because they think that people should be allowed to name their toons how they please. You can't sue Aion over toon names, and I wonder what kind of sick and twisted world we live in where people want to take away others rights because they find something distatseful
Sick and twisted world where people want to take away others rights to name themselves "pedophile"???
You must be insane, dumb or one of them.
Yes. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." And how is calling me insane, dumb, or a pedophile (using the spirit of your words) not offensive? How Can you really form an argument about abusive language while at the same time using abusive language?
Lucky for him that the ULA (here and in Aion) makes that little paragraph that you pulled moot......Unless you feel that an American right is universal to anything else known to man..
Limits are set for a reason, as I explained before. Waving a piece of paper in someone's face to pacify their stance on something deemed inappropriate while under the rules set forth by another person's creation is pointless.
Well, if those names go against Aion's EULA, then they need to enforce that, seeing as how an EULA is a contract. Also, if the game is being played by Americans in America (or in most of Europe which has similar freedoms) then they are required to follow the laws of this country. If they include naming rules in their EULA (I have not read it), then they need to enforce those naming rules. However, "molest" is synonomous with harassment and "Pedophile" is Latin. If the game's mods are foreign, they might not be familiar with the connotations that those names have in America. If you are offended by it, you should report it to the moderators. Calling me names will not help your case. Oh and, I read your signature, btw:
"Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."
Maybe you should choose a new slogan. Just a suggestion
A witty saying proves nothing.