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I have tried Endless ages..and still am, but after my 5 days not sure what to do. I have tried PE and once i get my 512 ram, im gunna go back and see what its like, with out all the lag from having half the requiered ram. AO did nothing for me, and i stoped after a week of telling my self it will get better...but it didn't. --no 2D ones please--
SOOOO i need a sci fi sick of fantasy games...i need one of $10 or less M fee...anything above 10...i cant do.
PLEASE DONT SAY:: "well EVE is only 14-15 or go there!!" cause i cant....10 or less and thats it!!
^_^ thanks ^_^
If you go RIGHT NOW to now and sign up, you can get it FREE for a year! And if you pay by the year, you can get the expansions for 29.99 each and only 7.99 a month I believe.
SOE makes decent games that appeal to nerds. Their customer service is run by jocks who bully nerds. Wonder why SOE sucks so bad...
I know you dont want to hear this but you cant judge AO in only a week. Once you get level 20 or so go to the Temple of Three winds there are a lot of very nice items there.
If you only tried it a week and dumped it you are only cheating yourself.
(Former fanboi of AO) I admit it.
Got burned out after 2 years.
Anarchy Online is where you want to go. Eventhough you tried it and didn't like it from the few minutes/hours you played it.. You really gotta give it some time. Like was said, around lvl 20 or so you'll be starting to appreciate the game ALOT.
There's also a whole new community forming there, loads of people, new to the game, and they're massing number of players should turn into something interesting.
Even with all the players they're getting these days, their servers seem to be able to handle it, which is a good sign I guess. So why not give it more than a shot. give it a "TRY"
You won't find a better sci-fi mmorpg out there.. Just accept it
i played more than a few minutes/hours. i played for a week and 2 days, and total i played around...30'ish hours, idk...i didnt have fun, i just walked around aimlessly trying to find stuff. I dont know, i have no idea why not, it looked fun.
Oh well...any who--ANY, not just sci-fi, mmorpgs that are 10 a month? i looked on the list and got through some, any ones that are not on the list that are fun for 10 a month?
--well im gunna go pretend im a ninja in my robe with a broom as my sword...when i defeat the shogun i shall return--
The Matrix Online
You can participate in the beta (which lasts the next 4 months [April]) by putting 10$ or more down on a pre-order at your local GameStop or Electronics Boutique, you can also do this online by pre-ordering from their website.
Alternatively, if you are a GameSpot Complete subscriber, they are giving out 500 beta keys next week as part of a contest.
For more info on the game (The column to your left has Previews, Interviews, Dev Chat logs and what not for you to sift through if you care to do your research)
Happy gaming.
keeping in mind a credit card number is required to sign up...
I got suckered into the 1-year free thing for Anarchy too. Couldn't stomach it for more than a week. Put me off of Sci-fi for a while.
I enjoyed EVE for my Sci-fi fix, coupled with SWG. But your 10 dollar limit pretty much cuts out any other option that I can think of. Maybe an old BB-style space trader game? Those are free I think.
And no one should have to 'endure' a game to have it be enjoyable. There are plenty of games that are enjoyable from the start.
Sci fi MMORPGs? ok lets see:
Anarchy Online: best sci fi mmorpg, one of the best overall
EVE Online: Didnt like it, too boring
Neocron: I dont think so
Planetside: Why should i pay for this when i can play BF Vietnam/ UT2004/ Halo?
Star Wars Galaxies: Crap (coming from a SW fan)
Man I never realized it, but us Sci-fi fans are getting screwed. LOL
We can only come up with what 7 or 8 sci-fi mmorpg's hehe one still in beta.:(
I can't wait till Star Trek. I hope they don't go under like Wish.
Playing Fallen Earth.
Try Jumpgate, it's sci-fi, it's free for client and sub is like 5 pounds for one month, and it's not much of a grind cos its ITS SKILL BASED, i mean real skill based, it's all real time and you can use mouse or joystick. The community is nice and the GM's will have the crack with you. Sure the graphics are outdated but the gameplay is second to none, it appeals to RP'ers and FPS'ers and the "achievers" all at the same time.
"Jumpgate.. there's nothing you can't do"
You could take a look at "Face of Mankind" which is a up and coming MMORPG, should run fine with less then 512mb of RAM. However the game is in closed beta atm Open beta starts on the 27th of Jan. The price has not been set yet.
Thats the site, hope it helps read the FAQ first.
vendetta-online (
its a first person based space combat sim, under $10/mo, new additions pretty much every other week. Not the best 3D graphics, but its still new. 8 hour free trial.
currently training 'hoping for more sci-fi mmorpgs' to level 5
PvE in general is pretty lame, if you think long and hard about it. You are spending your time beating a severely gimped AI that would lose to a well trained monkey. Best not to think too long and hard why you are wasting time playing games in general actually...
There used to be Earth and Beyond Sci-Fi MMORPG untill ti got canceled few months ago.... Was a very good game.
I tryed Vendetta..but the Graphics there are so 90's.
And EVE.. is indeed a long game.
So yeah...nothing else so far.
But when i refuring to Sci-Fi.. i refuring more to the Space Simulators rather then Hack and Slash types of games.
Basically it's Eve, AO, PS and Neocron.
Eve - *snooooooooooooore* Take you months to be a viable pvp'er, until then you can miiiine your life away. The pvp sucks. The community sucks. The gameplay is boring. The graphics are nice.
AO - Just didn't like it. I have a 1 year free subscription to it, but I'm not going to bother playing it.
PS - Lots of fun. Worth 15 bucks a month? NO. At 5 bucks a month I might subscribe, I don't see enough work or value in this game to justify the fee.
Neocrom - I hear all kinds of horrible things about the game, never played it, won't waste time.
There's also Jumpgate which I heard sucked, and SWG which I won't buy out of protest for their commercializing of the Star Wars theme which to me and millions of others is basically sacred.
If I had to choose, I would go either PS or Eve or AO.
I'm going to buy city of heroes today, I heard it's great, I think that's kind of sci-fi right?
Right now the Sci-fi scene is WOEFULLY lacking, there's NOTHING good out right now.
We need a really gritty sci fi game full of space marines and space ships and...that sort of thing.
I would recommend holding off till Tabula Rasa is released; it reminds me of an American-Phantasy-Star-like-title.
Personally I wish a solid gaming studio would take on the task of bringing White Wolfs 'World of Darkness' or Fasa's 'Shadowrun' to the mmorpg scene.
or a new and improved Star Wars mmorpg set before or after the galactic civil war.
The two "Best" sci-fi are AO and SWG.
It's sad to say but there aren't going to be any mmo's available for 9.95 much longer i'd say... the pricing is going up ( [in all honesty it should be coming DOWN to the 4.95ish range]
I personally don't care for any of the current sci-fi games out, I'd like to see a Cyberpunk 2020, shadowrun, or gibson, but don't see it as likely in the near future... the industry is stuck on doing fantasy because it makes better money because they've only put out crap sci-fi that didn't sell well.
SWG was a good idea and good universe, but they managed to seriously screw the pooch on that.
I found eves community far better than average mmorpg.
You know, now that I think about it....WoW's community is worse by far.
Eve's community is mature but mean-spirited. Like that guy who ganked a miner, invited him to TS and recorded it, then the whole board is laughing at him. Yeah sure, laugh at the victim for teh win. I was embarassed for the whole community, it made us all seem like a bunch of griefers. I get the feeling there is a cultural difference between Europeans and Americans. I think Europeans are used to being mean to each other, that's their culture. Here in America, if you were heard laughing at a crime victim, you would quickly become one yourself.
WoW community sucks the worst by far. It's basically exactly like the Eve community, except they can't spell. It's all battlenet kiddies on the boards whining about "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA why does a mage take 24 seconds to regen mana" like 24 seconds is some kind of an eternity, you should just be able to cast forever or something, sheesh.
I played a mage in EQ to level 48, I can remember medding mana for INSANE periods of time. Like 8 minute med time for a full bar. See now THAT I have no problem complaining about. But drinking water for 15 seconds or 30 seconds? Cmon you call that "big downtime?"
Ya EVEs community is quite friednly but theres always a few bad appels.
And on EQ, I only played for a month and a bit but the down time was excrutiating, its like comparing grass growing to cooking instant rice.