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ok, lets start off with some simple things.
Aion is by far one of the most beatifull looking games out there besides AOC. The graphics are sharp and everything looks great. from the story to the art style. But something about this games bugs me alot!!! No matter how pretty everyone says this game is i feel like an idiot when i bought it for the that price and added some cash to play it after 2 weeks.
Looking back at all the games i have played, this game actually made me miss WAR, WOW and AOC. When i first bought this game eveything was all icing and sugar and i loved it by far. After 2 weeks of playing i felt not urge or intereste to continue. Its like i was saying to myself "WTF, this is the same shit i play for free most of the time".
When i was playing WAR i was very happy with the chracters and pvp lvl. Besides the bugs and lame game layout it still pulls me in deeper everytime i log in just to raid the empire or something. In other words good fun but could be better. AOC is great now, they fixed most of the bugs and things are looking up. There is just something sbout the game that i love but wasn't enough to satify my likings yet. WOW is no competition, even though we hate it or piss on it, we can't deny that its the most polish game out there.
Overall, if this was a F2P game, i would not mind hoping on it awhile to play. But paying to do this now is not an enjoying fact anymore. Im still waiting for WAR to get their game fixed before i hop back in. Aoc to release its expansions and WOW to show me what Catacylsm can do. Lesson learn from me, never expect anything from an overhyped asian game. Im asian so don't pin that on me.
Even that is a lie once you progress beyond the initial towns.
These textures look like something an iPod would have. (and no, it's not because you're standing close by)
That is not the point, overall its a very good looking game. But after playing so much of F2P games, you will start to wonder if you have been cheated or conned into buying an overpriced game that doesn't give you your moneys worth. AT least WAR tried to be different. I would like someone to tell me that this game is worth the cash i pay for it so i don't feel like i got gimped in broaddaylight.
This game was worth the cash you payed for it.
There, happy to help you feel better.
This is all individual. In 2 weeks of playing WAR I was bored to tears. It was the first p2p game I could not make myself play to the end of the first month. Yet with Aion I am still a happy player.
Question of personal taste, really.
I know this is difficult...but WAR is walking the last mile toward one of those MMOs that ..yeah it exists...but not really. There's no going back. In the MMO world theres no 2nd chance for a first impression.
Here is where I impart my normal wisdom for these types of posts.
Do not buy new MMOs, ever. Seriously don't do it.
Wait for a few months to go by and read a lot of differing reviews. Then if it sounds interesting wait a little bit longer and the game will become free to download with a 2 week or so trial. Now you not only get to try out the game for free, but you never have to pay for it, and all the infuriating bugs that pissed off all the paying players will most likely be fixed. And even if those bugs aren't fixed you now know that it is not a game you want to pay a monthly fee to play.
Now you have saved yourself a chunk of money, never feel ripped off, and get to make the correct decision towards the game without ever spending a dime.
The truth is that in the past several years there hasn't been an MMO released that was worth paying 50 bucks for. They are either clones and not very interesting so you get bored before you get your money's worth out of them. Or they are a disastor and you can't stand the mechanics or the game isn't even playable. So just wait for the free trial.
Every game has to do the free trial to keep it's numbers up, so don't be the sucker who pays full price and gets stuck with all the bugs.
Any new MMO (or in this case a westerized rerelease) is a risk. Aion had a lot of hype surrounding it and a lot of people were spouting off "NCsoft has made a 4000 pound gorilla thats gonna smash WoW and WAR" after playing the first 20 levels in beta.
Fortionatly for me I learned my lesson from WAR, I wait untill the "OMG NEW SHINYS I LUVZ IT SO MUCH" wears off and people viewing the game more objectivly.
As it is its pretty obvious that the game is to grindy for me.
I had my fill of grindy games back in the day any game that has a bald undiguised kill 400 mobs to get a level grind in this day in age is behind the times. If you happen to like it thats fine but don't expect me or a lot of people like me to.
Dem hibbies! Dey be wrong!
Any new MMO (or in this case a westerized rerelease) is a risk. Aion had a lot of hype surrounding it and a lot of people were spouting off "NCsoft has made a 4000 pound gorilla thats gonna smash WoW and WAR" after playing the first 20 levels in beta.
Fortionatly for me I learned my lesson from WAR, I wait untill the "OMG NEW SHINYS I LUVZ IT SO MUCH" wears off and people viewing the game more objectivly.
As it is its pretty obvious that the game is to grindy for me.
I had my fill of grindy games back in the day any game that has a bald undiguised kill 400 mobs to get a level grind in this day in age is behind the times. If you happen to like it thats fine but don't expect me or a lot of people like me to.
Grindy = I have to do some work to reach my goal. So basically what you have is the sandboxers whining about Grind games and then once they get their sandbox they whine about how they don't have anything to do. Now I did see one other post where the OP very articulately described his middle of the road expectations for an MMO but for the most part it's alot of QQ and no real substance from the posters in terms of what they really want but stop hating on other games out there just because they don't meet your unrealistic expectations.
The graphics may be good compared to WoW - hell, Space Invaders looks good compared to WoW...
you guys got owned by the NCSoft scam lol