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Well closed beta is now here. The problem is that alot of people paid from 60 to 200 dollars to get in. Well hold on, getting in and getting in first is not the samething. So now they have a PR nightmare. what should they do about it
So did Cryptic mislead you in thinking that you be in closed beta right when it openned?
Post what you think.
I think producers create beta problems for the hype and free press.
I'm sure from their position its MUCH better to have too many people clamoring to get in, and outraged if they don't than it would be to have everyone who wants to get in, gets in, and silence.
There is no PR nightmare. There's a few people up in arms because they're not getting exactly what they want. It happens every time there's a major announcement and the people who think they're entitled start QQing about how it wasn't done how they would have done it.
No one paid to get into beta, and anyone who is under this delusion needs to snap out of it. Those people paid for 6 month and lifetime CO subs. Beta access was a free perk, one that they will get.
It was stated that contest winners and CO subscribers would be the first to get in. This in no way guarantees they all get in with the first wave of invites. There were simply too many CO subs sold to let that many people into closed beta in the first wave. It wasn't possible.
Stop whining.
Perhaps it is I, so let me understand the information correctly. STO offered an oppurtunity to get into a closed beta for $60-200?
Perhaps it is I, so let me understand the information correctly. STO offered an oppurtunity to get into a closed beta for $60-200?
They offered closed beta slots to people who bought 6 month or lifetime subs to Champions Online, which IMO is total BS and they should have just had the balls to come out and sell beta slots. I'll laugh my ass of if some of those people don't get in to the very end.
Well I just layed out what has happened and asked what do people think. I'm not picking a side, I just want people to talk about what has happen and how can it be fixed.
I'm guessing they'll get about 3 days in closed beta, just before open beta is released. That seems to be how these things typically go down.
If you won a beta slot or bought a CO sub you'll get in so keep your shirt on. They stated that you had a preselected key if you did either but never once did they say you'd be in on day one. They will let these people in first but because of the sheer number of them they will have to let them in a little at a time over the next week or two I'm sure. You will get in as promised as they never once promised any of these people that they would be in on the very first day. Have a little patience.
Well I paid CO lifetime because I enjoy the game, not to get into the STO beta. I consider that icing on the cake I guess you could say.
If you paid 60 to 199 for CO just to get into the STO beta you must be a real trekkie. If STO beta is ran like CO beta you'll only get to play about twice a week and limited hours on those days.
.. .... .- - . - .-. --- .-.. .-.. ... .-- .... --- .-. . .--. --- .-. - .-.-.-
Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate.
I actually find this amusing and half way expected at the same time. Now, dont get me wrong, I was on the verge of that 6 months/ lifetime sub JUST for getting into the ST Beta. At that time, I did not even think about would I get in on day 1, I assumed yes considering the offer was to get into the beta IF you did the above. Then I actually got to play in the beta and boy am I glad I didnt pay for it. Dont get me wrong, I am sure many many people love it, but I absolutely hated the graphic style and there was just no way I could pay to play a game that turned me off so badly. I have to say, I would have been one of those pissed off guys if I didnt get into the beta on day 1. I think the thing that is going to get most of those in this situation is that it was assumed by many folks that if you payed you would be in and it never crossed my mind that what they were saying is that you will get into the beta at some point. Personally I think they should have made that fact clear and not disguised it to allow assumptions, but then they probably would have gotten a lot less extra subs if they had of. Of course in the end, its our own fault for assuming but hey, sometimes you want something bad enough that it can blind you to the wording on the screen.
To be honest/blunt, the people who paid $60 or $200 just to get into the beta are idiots.
[23:35] <~bizarro_rekhan> actually i'm gonna mute just so if/when this gets quoted on the forums, it's easier to read
[23:35] * bizarro_rekhan sets mode: +m
[23:35] <~bizarro_rekhan> Daeke, at one point, said folks who bought the CO lifetime and six-month subs would get into closed beta first.
[23:35] <~bizarro_rekhan> This was before anyone actually made any decisions in that regard.
[23:35] <~bizarro_rekhan> He actually made this post on the Champs boards, but it got quoted on the STO boards.
[23:36] <~bizarro_rekhan> I made a post later (don't have the link on me, but I found it today, just to make sure my wording was what I remembered) saying that wasn't the case because, again, we didn't even have plans yet.
[23:37] * WebGuest89 ( has joined #STO
[23:37] <~bizarro_rekhan> I also said in that post that we'd "likely be giving priority to" the CO Lifetime and 6-month folks. But again, that was speculation on my part which is why I didn't say it would be the case.
[23:37] * WebGuest89 is now known as JupiterJeremy
[23:38] <~bizarro_rekhan> We're at a point now where, like in Stormshade's post earlier today, that we're sending out invites and have made sure that the CO Lifetime and 6-month folks will for sure make it into the beta.
[23:40] <~bizarro_rekhan> And due to our CCU targets, we just can't invite a group as big as that into the beta right now. But again, everyone with a Lifetime or 6-month account is going to get into the beta. It's just not on day one. We never said it would be.
[23:40] <~bizarro_rekhan> But those invites are coming.
[23:40] <~bizarro_rekhan> Now I'll open this up for any additional questions.
[23:40] * bizarro_rekhan sets mode: -m
[23:40] <Ogopogo> That about answered it for me.
[23:40] <GunDaHar> is there a timeframe for it, ie 1 week, 1 month, 3months?
[23:41] <Ogopogo> Thank you for the clarification.
[23:41] <CaptObvious|BB> can you say what your CCU targets are?
[23:41] <DarkJedi> thanks rekhan
[23:41] <JupiterJeremy> Sorry, I got here late. Is this open to any CBT questions?
[23:41] <Soth> do the 6 month/lifetime subs have priority over everyone else?
[23:41] <~bizarro_rekhan> I can't say what the CCU targets are because it's an internal number. And in terms of timeframe, I don't know. The better our play test stability is, the faster we'll be increasing that CCU.
[23:41] <[SOLO]PerRock> do you know or can you say how often you'll be accepting new batches of people into the beta?
[23:42] <Gamer-X> bizarro_rekhan how long will CB last?
[23:42] <%tamgros> How good has the play test stability been?
[23:42] <CaptObvious|BB> yeah, actually, you didn't answer the original question
[23:42] <[BoK]kookielah> does the location of where you are in the world effect how long it will take for you to be accepted
[23:42] * JazH (jazhayre@43358935.EC936BC6.B6386069.IP) has joined #STO
[23:42] <~bizarro_rekhan> Gamer-X: i can't answer that
[23:42] <Gamer-X> fair enough
[23:42] <@Kinneas> mornin', Jaz!
[23:42] <Gamer-X> ty
[23:42] <CaptObvious|BB> do CO subs get priority?
[23:42] <SpaghettiMonster> bizarro_rekhan, are you inviting the CO guys in one big chunk or will we gradually be let in as the CCU goes up?
[23:42] * STO_Radio_Sata ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[23:43] <~bizarro_rekhan> CaptObvious|BB and Soth: The best answer I can give you is you WILL get in.
[23:43] <Soth> ...
[23:43] <sborax> Rekhan, when invites go out, will you be doing a mix of CO and web invites?
[23:43] <CaptObvious|BB> that's dodging the question =/
[23:43] <Gamer-X> "likely be giving priority to"
[23:43] <werewolf> bizarro_rekhan, can I please query you?
[23:44] <~bizarro_rekhan> yeah werewolf
[23:44] <[FLS]Rhaegar> >_>
[23:44] <[SOLO]PerRock> SpaghettiMonster he's mentioned that the whole of the CO group is to big for the starting invitees group
[23:44] <[SOLO]PerRock> I would figure from that; that its gradual
[23:44] <Gamer-X> bizarro_rekhan how often are the invites given out? like daily/weekly/monthly?
[23:44] <GunDaHar> he answered that :P
[23:44] <JupiterJeremy> Will testers be invited/selected to particpate in Dev-lead focus tests on specific content or mechanics? Or are ya'll just takin' bugs as they're found & reported?
[23:44] <Ogopogo> bizarro_rekhan: Can you give us any idea of how the selection process goes? Is it completely random at the moment or do they have a list of first round applicants based on information given within our application? System specs etc?
[23:44] <~bizarro_rekhan> Gamer-X: We have a schedule but I can't talk about it.
[23:45] <Gamer-X> kk
[23:45] <GunDaHar> The better our play test stability is, the faster we'll be increasing that CCU.
[23:45] <CaptObvious|BB> but the main question that people have been in uproar about still hasn't been answered
[23:45] <GunDaHar> :P
[23:45] <Deepfriedspam> [SOLO]PerRock: i think his question was in the nature of, due to the size, would we be put on the back burner until they could move us ALL in at the same time
[23:45] <SpaghettiMonster> Deepfriedspam, exactly
[23:45] <SpaghettiMonster> that's my main concern
[23:45] * deerang (painbros22@CDD15BFC.1A0418B.73A33AF8.IP) has joined #STO
[23:45] * ChanServ sets mode: +o deerang
[23:45] <~bizarro_rekhan> CaptObvious|BB: it's the best answer i can give you at this point. Lifetimers and 6-monthers will get in. WILL. REALLY REALLY
[23:46] <SpaghettiMonster> If we're being let in, in waves, then I'm not worried
[23:46] <Deepfriedspam> because if they do it that way, we are pretty much guaranteed to get in towards the end
[23:46] <CaptObvious|BB> that's not what we're asking
[23:46] <Gamer-X> as long as i have enough time to play around in the defiant
[23:46] <Gamer-X> i'm happy
[23:46] <SpaghettiMonster> Deepfriedspam, exactly
[23:46] <CaptObvious|BB> we KNOW we'll get in
[23:46] <~bizarro_rekhan> I will say that in this wave of invites, we invited people who were lifetimers and 6-monthers. we also invited people who weren't.
[23:46] * STO_Radio_Sata ( has joined #STO
[23:46] <@Deyvid> The question has now become about timing of when COs get in, but before several were saying their concern was not about timing
[23:46] <SpaghettiMonster> bizarro_rekhan, Ok that's good enough for me
[23:47] <Gamer-X> we love you rekhan!
[23:47] <@Kinneas> While you are waiting please go find at least ten Star Trek or gaming sites that do not have the STO beta news posted. if you use DIGG, please DIGG the news and get it moved up the news list!
[23:47] <CaptObvious|BB> the question is whether people that were enticed to get the 6mo/lifetime subs for the beta access wasted their money
[23:47] <Phlyto> Deyvid, it wasn't about timing for a good chunk of them: They want priority, meaning, they want to get in before every one else.
[23:47] <~bizarro_rekhan> If I get any more specific than that, I'm pretty sure I'll break an NDA and/or invite the wrath of numerous superiors
[23:47] <Hythian> bizarro_rekhan, not about the beta or invites but... Any idea when we'll get new Path to 2409 info? Curious to see what is going to happen in the remaining years of it. While the timeline video of some of the previous info was fun, but I think I liked the fiction posts better and have been looking forward to a new one.
[23:47] <Deepfriedspam> Deyvid: actually the concern was about the nature of priority
[23:47] <@Deyvid> Phlyto getting in "before" others, *IS* about timing
[23:48] <SpaghettiMonster> Deyvid, who? Mine was mostly timing. I don't care about being in Day 1. I know with as many as we have they'd have to be in waves. Now that I know we're gradually being let in already and not as one big chunk, my concern is gone
[23:48] <Ogopogo> Deepfriedspam: I think maybe you should just let this whole priority thing go.
[23:48] <Phlyto> Indeed, Deyvid.
[23:48] <[BoK]kookielah> good luck with stability then
[23:48] * Jonito ( has joined #STO
[23:48] <SpaghettiMonster> mine was never about priority
[23:48] <@Kinneas> Hiya, Jonito!
[23:48] <Deepfriedspam> Ogopogo: and i think you should stuff it, and stop trying to dictate to me what my concerns are
[23:48] <SpaghettiMonster> I don't care really as long as I'm not last on priority
[23:48] <SpaghettiMonster> haha
[23:48] <Jonito> hey guys
[23:48] <Jonito> how do u find out if you got a beta key :P
[23:48] <CaptObvious|BB> rekhan - could you consult those superiors to see if they'll let you give a straight answer to our question please?
[23:49] <Ogopogo> It will say on the website that you got accepted. Also you should get an email.
[23:49] <Gamer-X> we're above average!
[23:49] <~bizarro_rekhan> CaptObvious|BB: i'll bring it up tomorrow. trust me
Some said yes, paying would get you in first, now they are saying something else. Make up your own minds:)
I'm assuming that this "Daeke" is one of the CO developers? So pretty much this guy lied to people to sell extra subscription time for his game by offering beta testing of another game. Shocking... (no, not really!)
Never trust game developers. NEVER!
The History of the Order of The Golden Shields
What idiot pay up to $200.00 just to get into a beta?
Sounds to me like those people are suffering from a case of the stupid.
Maybe they should try out the Star Wars Galaxies online trading card game.
People need to learn to read.
The 6 month CO Sub, and Lifetime Sub, offered a guaranteed slot in the closed beta, which starts before the end of the year. At no point in the offer, did they mention WHEN you would get in. The only thing that is guaranteed, is you will get in at some point, even if its the last week of the closed beta.
Now, if you are paying $60 or $200 for a sub for a game that you don't intend to play, only to get into the STO closed beta, then you deserve what you get. People have no right to complain about what they feel should happen. Cryptic used this to market CO, not market STO.
agreed. my friend who loved CoH and loves ST in general wanted to pay the $200 despite not having a computer capable of playing a game atm just so he could play STO in my computer until he got a new one. I then convinced him not to buy the lifetime sub noting that while he may get into beta - it didn't say when and could end up waiting until right before an open beta commenced (I remember a company who offered cb access to preorderers of collectors editions and didn't let them in until like a week before open beta started and it peeved quite a few folks)
thankfully that convinced him not to get the subscription.
As long as all the life time subscription and 6 month subscription buyers get in BEFORE anyone else, even if it takes them 5 wave of invites to get everyone in, I'm cool with that. It's if they go OUTSIDE that pool to let others in first is where I feel I got screwed.
Fear not fanbois, we are not trolls, let's take off your tin foil hat and learn what VAPORWARE is:
"Vaporware is a term used to describe a software or hardware product that is announced by a developer well in advance of release, but which then fails to emerge after having well exceeded the period of development time that was initially claimed or would normally be expected for the development cycle of a similar product."
Originally Posted by Daeke
You guys will be the first ones in...when closed beta begins. We haven't announced a date/time yet.
Originally Posted by Daeke
Everyone who bought the Lifetime/6 month deals before September 1st will be the first ones into the STO beta (along with contest winners, I think).
Originally Posted by Rekhan
We don't have an invite schedule set in stone just yet, but people who signed up for a lifetime or six-month subscription will most likely get invited to test the game first.
Originally Posted by Daed
i hope this doesn't mean the lifers are getting in before the 6 monthers..
Originally Posted by Daeke
No, there's nothing distinguishing the two groups when it comes to STO invites. Everyone who bought the Lifetime/6 month deals before September 1st will be the first ones into the STO beta (along with contest winners, I think).
23:46] <~bizarro_rekhan> I will say that in this wave of invites, we invited people who were lifetimers and 6-monthers. we also invited people who weren't.
Actually, They did say we who paid 60/200 dollars would get in first. It was posted about by the developers before and they even admitted they did say that today and their response was "Oh well.. we were wrong, even though we said that".
That's why I'm going to ask for a refund. The beta access was part of the package that you paid for before Champions was released and they renicked on it. I am going to ask for a refund and my champions account closed as well. After they lied about the promised moon base that was suppose to be in Champions and now isn't I've personally had it with Cryptic.
Corporation, n: An ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility. - Ambrose Bierce
[23:46] <~bizarro_rekhan> I will say that in this wave of invites, we invited people who were lifetimers and 6-monthers. we also invited people who weren't.
I bought a lifetime sub to CO because I actually enjoy the game (despite some issues). The beta invite was merely a nice bonus for me that will possibly let me "save" 50 bucks later if I decide STO isn't for me.
It never said on the offer that you'd get in first. I never assumed that at all. The only thing I assumed was that I WOULD get an invite the "Closed Beta" part of beta, which can be a very long period of time, or very short.
Actually, They did say we who paid 60/200 dollars would get in first. It was posted about by the developers before and they even admitted they did say that today and their response was "Oh well.. we were wrong, even though we said that".
That's why I'm going to ask for a refund. The beta access was part of the package that you paid for before Champions was released and they renicked on it. I am going to ask for a refund and my champions account closed as well. After they lied about the promised moon base that was suppose to be in Champions and now isn't I've personally had it with Cryptic.
Thinking a forum post by a dev is a "promise" of anything is beyond foolish. The only thing you can count on is what's in the "advertisement" itself (they have to try to devlier what's on the "box" as it were, otherwise its false advertising. A forum post is not false advertising.
I'd like to see where they "promised" a moon base in CO as well.
[23:46] <~bizarro_rekhan> I will say that in this wave of invites, we invited people who were lifetimers and 6-monthers. we also invited people who weren't.
I bought a lifetime sub to CO because I actually enjoy the game (despite some issues). The beta invite was merely a nice bonus for me that will possibly let me "save" 50 bucks later if I decide STO isn't for me.
It never said on the offer that you'd get in first. I never assumed that at all. The only thing I assumed was that I WOULD get an invite the "Closed Beta" part of beta, which can be a very long period of time, or very short.
I expect they invited active community members and maybe some folks who did some good testing in CO as well. That would make sense. I believe those folks have more right to be in the first wave then folks who got a subscription for CO.
What I think is fi they said "you'd get in first" they have a problem now if they only promised beta access though it can be a PR hit for them I say oh well to those who bought an entirely different game just for access to the beta of another game (which many will claim), if you have enough free money left around to spend 60-200 dollars just for the chance to test a different game that you will still have to buy down the road you are gonna have a hard time getting my sympathy from a monetary standpoint and as stated before if no time limit was promised I'm not going to praise them for their contribution to Cryptics bottom line by buying the other game.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....