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the chat mods on there are stupid the game play is unbalance the chat filter blocks even words that have no reason to be blocked and support is about as helpfull as trying to put a fire out with gass
hate more
We are having a few problems with the chat filter right now, but it is being addressed very soon. Please remember that this an early closed beta and there are bound to be an occasional issues.
Scott Miller
General Manager
Snail Games USA
Scott, don't listen to the trolls and keep up the good work.
Better to be crazy, provided you know what sane is...
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if they are wrong.
Thanks for the kind words, we are working very hard to improve the game and I hope to have some very interesting announcements later this month to share.
Scott Miller
General Manager
Snail Games USA
*Edit to fix 1am errors
Pesonally I find the ingame chat is fantastic even if "Embassy" sometimes gets filtered to Emb***y, people usually know what you mean given the context of the chat.
Being able to chat in real time within the game is fantastic. A great way to meet people and form alliances. You get a feel for the people in the game and then join guilds etc based on those relationships as much as rank and fame.
As far as online browser games goes I'd say this one definitely deserves better than the rubbishing given here.
I play this over at and im super adictive. It is a good balance between the typical browser base style and an RPG. you can actually move and explore, but at same time doesnt require too much attention so i can play from work.
Better than many online browser rts games
Finally - Best site for Chuck Norris