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It's on the high end of the range I'd give it (7.5 to 8.5) with my personal launch view being an 8.0 (but getting better with every patch). For me the telling thing is the good reviews. Everyone isn't trashing the game so it furthers my opinion that those that do just don't like it. Which is cool. That doesn't mean it isn't a pretty solid and fun game.
"Many nights, my friend... Many nights I've put a blade to your throat while you were sleeping. Glad I never killed you, Steve. You're alright..."
Chavez y Chavez
I'm happy to see FE getting a high score. I think it all depends on what is important to you though. I agree with the reviewer that the graphics and sound are acceptable, but not amazing. The game design, the level of immersion from the combat style, the crafting and the setting, and the open world, are something special. I can see myself playing FE for a very long time because gameplay and immersion are vastly more important to me than graphics and sound. But that is me.
By the way, I think could take note of (a) the cautious way the reviewer takes into account lag issues, and (b) the break down of the score which I think people might find quite helpful.
Anyhoo, nice for Icarus, who I think do deserve quite a bit of praise for FE.
Great review. Only line I can't agree with is the bit about Boss mobs to keep you occupied. Apart from quests and some nice quest rewards there isn't much incentive to kill bosses in this game.
I would love to see more unique boss drops in this game, it would make a nice addition to all the crafting and faction goodness. If properly balanced ofcourse!
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I'm happy for even a little bit overscored reviews (I'd give a game a solid 7,5-8 myself, due to the issues it had in the first month), because they at least balance the review average. There are some pretty clueless and flatout unfair reviews out there already. PC Gamer UK, a mag which I used to buy frequently, has given FE a 55 out of a 100, which is scandalous, to say the least. In the same time, they gave Dragon Age a 94. Well, honestly, I played DE for a few hours now, but I have found it to be truly a PoS. Cinematic, yeah, but otherwise: fully generic, totally boring, clumsy, not a single hint of uniqueness, serious BUGS even in the introduction.... the worst game from Bioware so far that I have played. It looks like my once loved games mag has fallen to the might of the advertisers as well. A sad, sad day for PC gaming journalism. I am never gonna buy another copy.
Denial makes one look a lot dumber than he/she actually is.
If I ever start a review site I am gonna hold reviews on any game until at least a month after the game has been out. By then, any ill effects of hype will have died out and launch issues will be taken care. There have only been a couple rare exceptions of MMOG's that didn't have launch issues. It also seems like many places rate the hype more than the game.
I love FE, i play FE, but it's never an 8.5
7 tops.
Expresso gave me a Hearthstone beta key.....I'm so happy
My open beta score was about a 7.0, which is a C- in my book and is barely passing. Therefore, I wanted them to hold off on release as long as possible because you want a better score than that coming out of the gate.
My free trial score (after 2 weeks of playing) is a solid 8.0, which is where they realistically should be aiming for. I've been nothing short of highly impressed with all the improvements that they have made in such a short period after launch. My biggest gripe during open beta was performance but that issue has cleared completely up for me and I'm running a system below the minimum requirements. My frame rate is adequate, steady, and smooth while the game is 100% stable for me.
I've truly enjoyed myself with FE over the past couple of weeks and now I have to try to figure out if I can afford to sub, which wasn't a concern I expected to deal with to be honest.
If Icarus continues to stay on top of the issues via the numerous patches that they keep releasing then they will have a long running sleeper hit on their hands. I thought this game would go the way of Matrix Online, Auto Assault, or Tabula Rasa but now I have much higher hopes for its overall success.
This sentence is false.