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As much as I hate to spark off yet another "wow pet store" thread, I thought this would be interesting to peeps. ran a poll to see what their readers thought on the "pet store", as we can be sure a very high % are current wow players its a more acurrate sampling of the "WoW communities" feelings on the "pet store".
The poll has since dropped off the front page of so i doubt it will see much more traffic, I am also aware many of the *ahem* anti-wow/blizzard crowed will spam the poll so I have included a screen shot as of November 9th 4:30GMT.
As you can see from the ~17,000 voters 1/3 seem to like the idea, 1/3 are indifferent and 1/3 hate the idea. Make of that what you will.
thought this topic was done after coffee winned about my tagging him as a Blizzard pigeon and got me a joke of a suspension. oh well, keep on shilling.
LOL I didin't get you suspended. I got thicker skin than that.
That poll is about as reliable as an alcoholic promising that he won't drink your beer. How many of those actually play WoW? How many have ever played WoW? How many will play WoW? How many jokingly answered about the apocolypse thing but don't really care?
LOL I didin't get you suspended. I got thicker skin than that.
musta been someone anti NRA then since I joked on the buying dragonage origins form teh bliz store that you and the nra get a cut of the action :P
*and you must have thick skin, you play a Nelf, even the most diehard Bliz fanboi isn't that on guard and full of poll posting "proofs" without collecting some freebies...
[ Mod Edit ]
The poll is not only unreliable but skewed. Many people who won't buy pets may be opposed to the pet shop but not so strongly as to consider it the "third sign of the apocalypse". Thanks for the info tho, for the record i'm just a "peep".
Just to make things clear...
I speak for myself and no one else, unless i state otherwise mine is just an opinion. A fact is something that can be independently verified, you may challenge such but with proof. You have every right to disagree with me through sound argument, i believe in constructive debate, but baseless aggression will warrant an unkind response.
So a poll taken on a popular wow community website is unreliable? all polls are unreliable to an extent, but this poll is far more realiable than a poll taken on this website. is a site that wow players visit to get their fix of WoW news so it can be safe to say the majority are WoW players, and its the players oppinions that count.
I am sure if the poll said 1% YES & 99% NO "peeps" would be screaming at how accurate it is.
because Bliz put in the recruit a friend freebies for the hell of it, they don't want to attract new subs at all.
So a poll taken on a popular wow community website is unreliable? all polls are unreliable to an extent, but this poll is far more realiable than a poll taken on this website. is a site that wow players visit to get their fix of WoW news so it can be safe to say the majority are WoW players, and its the players oppinions that count.
I am sure if the poll said 1% YES & 99% NO "peeps" would be screaming at how accurate it is.
If you are using that as a "pro itemshop" argument I think you shouldn't. This poll only proves item shops are not supported by more than half of the players. 2/3 of the players will not be taking part in the item shop. 1/3 of those 2/3 hate the shop. Only 1/3 will use the shop.
Not really.............2/3 said they do not like the idea from what I get.
And yes...........we all know there are people who are going to buy them, the same people who buy gold from third party.
We all know there is a market......................but that's not the point.
The point is, should developers legalise virtual selling in their games?
I believe they shouldn't, as the poll showed 2/3 of players are against.....and keep in mind that WoW players are mainly casuals.
For real MMORPG players that figure in favour of RMT would be much smaller, trust me.
So the question is:
"Considering there is a market for RMT, would this market be more profitable than the subscription market?"
We will discover it pretty soon
To me RMT is only good on failed MMORPGs to keep them alive, it shouldn't be the preferred choice for a MMO.
That's my 2 cents
So a poll taken on a popular wow community website is unreliable? all polls are unreliable to an extent, but this poll is far more realiable than a poll taken on this website. is a site that wow players visit to get their fix of WoW news so it can be safe to say the majority are WoW players, and its the players oppinions that count.
I am sure if the poll said 1% YES & 99% NO "peeps" would be screaming at how accurate it is.
If you are using that as a "pro itemshop" argument I think you shouldn't. This poll only proves item shops are not supported by more than half of the players. 2/3 of the players will not be taking part in the item shop. 1/3 of those 2/3 hate the shop. Only 1/3 will use the shop.
Which is a heck of a lot more than the industry average of one tenth.:)
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So a poll taken on a popular wow community website is unreliable? all polls are unreliable to an extent, but this poll is far more realiable than a poll taken on this website. is a site that wow players visit to get their fix of WoW news so it can be safe to say the majority are WoW players, and its the players oppinions that count.
I am sure if the poll said 1% YES & 99% NO "peeps" would be screaming at how accurate it is.
If you are using that as a "pro itemshop" argument I think you shouldn't. This poll only proves item shops are not supported by more than half of the players. 2/3 of the players will not be taking part in the item shop. 1/3 of those 2/3 hate the shop. Only 1/3 will use the shop.
I am not using this a pro-item shop argument, I am indifferent to the "current" item shop (pet shop) in WoW.. I voted "NO" in that poll.
What I am showing is that 1/3 of wow players say they will use it, that translates down to over 1 million western subscribers.
When the whole "item store" thing kicked off on these forums we had people posting numbers and figures they made up on the spot "people are leaving in droves" "no one wants an item shop (pet store)" etc.. this is an attempt to bring some "real" numbers into the argument.
Any one can spin these numbers to suit their view point but atleast we got some "semi-reliable" numbers to play with.
I'm not seeing anywhere close to 1/3 in game with pets. Maybe 1/30 at best
The poll is so tainted and unofficial that anyone who even GOES to the site or clicks on the link you provided can vote. Even without registering. Reliable.......not a chance....more reliable than this site.......doesn't even matter. Both are useless as a base of measuring what the WoW community feels about it. Until Blizzard does it's own survey (which if they did they sure as heck wouldn't make it public) we will never know.
"Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."
Why would some one go to a WoW news/community website if they dont like WoW? As I said all polls are unrealiable to an extent but a poll done on a wow community website cannot be ignored and is a good indication... although a small pinch of salt is required.
There are also 200+ comments under the poll.
Again I am in-different to the "current" pet store, it does not offer anything that is game changing.
Im glad that atleast 1/3 of the WoW players are not sheep and see whats going on.
That 1/3 would by a pet for $10 which should be free is sad thou...
If WoW = The Beatles
and WAR = Led Zeppelin
Then LotrO = Pink Floyd
Not sure how reliable a poll like that is. Keep in mind a majority of people who visit (and post) on, including bloggers, will find no fault with Blizzard no matter what they do. Even if they sold exp potions and you held the same poll you would get the same results.
No community-based website really means anything, if you want to come right down to it. Be it this site, or what-have-you. You say the majority of people that visit and post on will find no fault with blizzard, and yet a site such as this will fault blizzard no matter what they do. It's all relative. And it would be just silly to think that a large percentage of WoW subscribers even go to at'd be talking in the *millions* there.
Katsma is Lithuanian for 'he who drinks used douche fluid'.
Do you think they will clue in when Blizzards next expansion has 2 pets and 3 mounts that come with it but the cash shop has 10 new pets and 10 mounts you can buy for 10 bucks each lol.
Do you think they will clue in when Blizzards next expansion has 2 pets and 3 mounts that come with it but the cash shop has 10 new pets and 10 mounts you can buy for 10 bucks each lol.
Quick question; I don't play SOE games, since I think they are garbage, but some of my friends do. What is this 'livegamer' stuff I keep hearing about in reference to a ton of SOE games? It's all a big grandiose cash shop...right?
Has it destroyed EQ2? Or the game in your sig? Would EQ2 or Vanguard have been destroyed by purchasing vanity pets, when full-toon purchases are possible? I'm just...curious.
Katsma is Lithuanian for 'he who drinks used douche fluid'.
2/3 of the voters are against the shop in someway, thats quite alot. But I dont like how the pull is built. There is two (2) no alternatives and just one (1) yes alternative. That is not a good way to build a pull if you want to have good results about a population beliefs. If you want to have some nice numbers you need to ask more questions that has alot of more answer options to choice.
ps. I will resub just so I can buy one of the cute pets to my former guildleader ds
I7@4ghz, 5970@ 1 ghz/5ghz, water cooled||Former setups Byggblogg||Byggblogg 2|| Msi Wind u100
Man this whole pet thing is just awful. Wonder how the fanboys/shills who double as SOE haters are taking this one? Im sure Blizz never said they wouldnt do it although they may have eluded to the fact they would never do it. Any minute now, "someone" will be demanding links where Blizz actually said they would never do it.
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Using the same flawed logic, I can easily say 2/3 are in favor of it.
- RPG Quiz - can you get all 25 right?
- FPS Quiz - how well do you know your shooters?
Do you think they will clue in when Blizzards next expansion has 2 pets and 3 mounts that come with it but the cash shop has 10 new pets and 10 mounts you can buy for 10 bucks each lol.
Quick question; I don't play SOE games, since I think they are garbage, but some of my friends do. What is this 'livegamer' stuff I keep hearing about in reference to a ton of SOE games? It's all a big grandiose cash shop...right?
Has it destroyed EQ2? Or the game in your sig? Would EQ2 or Vanguard have been destroyed by purchasing vanity pets, when full-toon purchases are possible? I'm just...curious.
EQ2 and Vanguard were already destroyed before livegamer came around. Some people left both games and soe made a few more dollars short term. Nothing new.
Blizzard is going to get away with this, because they have no real competition and the "everyone else is doing it -or- its just pets" mentality is keeping people from seeing where things are heading.
Overall it sucks the big one and is just a sign of worse things to come.
2/3 are against it but all Blizzard needs is that 1/3 to spend and they're making Millions so they don't care what the community thinks.