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I remember a few weeks back when Star Trek was the "Top Rated" future release, even beating out SWTOR. Now, however, it has dropped from 8.42 to a 8.34. Did it have something to do with the beta starting about that time? I just found it odd as I was traversing the site. Discuss....
Well I followed the hype train. I was all gung-ho about STO.
But now... Quite frankly, I'm hyped out. I didn't get into beta. I've never had cryptic answer a question of mine about the game on their forums. Things I want to know are never given official answers. At least If I got a developer response some of my concerns would be assuaged. But the customer Care department seems all but closed at Cryptic =/
Cryptic (like any game developer) doesn't anwser questions which might make them or their product look bad. Since they have already told us everything they can safely tell us without looking bad, its no longer in their best interest to tell us anything about the game. So they clam up and won't talk at all until the game is released.
The History of the Order of The Golden Shields
I kind of agree with you here about Cryptic, but as Raltar pointed out, it's not in their best interest to release anymore info. Although, by doing that, they seem to be loosing hype, at least on this forum. I was kind of excited about the game, but after the failure of CO (in my eyes it is a failure), I've lost faith in Cryptic and their ability to run an MMO.
We will all find out when it releases Feb 2nd.
Hopefully at least a week before it opens they'll have open beta as well for those of us who probably are not going to get beta invites.
The hype went up when one of the public relations people at cryptic asked everyone on their IRC channel to come here and hype the game. That statement then when to the official forums where it was then confirmed by the person that made the request that they did want everyone to come here to hype. So at that time there was a flood of people joining to hype the game up. Seems like they have all left now though.
alot of us are still here. We just talk mostly about the game in the IRC you mentioned. Also the dev's have stopped talking about new things in the game, they just keep going over the same selling points. The Closed beta has arrived and alot of people havent gotten in. With its arrival the more vocal proponents have gone to play while the rest wait, with baited breath for any kind of new info.
They have done lots of interviews where they answer the same 10 questions. they won't talk about economy/crafting/diplomacy/klingons. So we all just sit waiting for something to happen. at least thats my opinion / point of view.
Well, closed Beta will probably end by December. Open Beta will probably begin in December and end in January which will give them a month for fine tuning what they got. My gut instincts tell me the game is far from finished. I am kind of expecting this to be more of an online game than a mmo. I don't know....there seems to be a lot of unanswered questions. I am hoping for the best.
I paid for Closed beta. If I get less time in closed beta than what I get in open beta, then I know for a fact that I will not purchase the game, period. Letting people in that paid 6 months/life times subs for Champions Online just before open beta = marketing scam.
Fear not fanbois, we are not trolls, let's take off your tin foil hat and learn what VAPORWARE is:
"Vaporware is a term used to describe a software or hardware product that is announced by a developer well in advance of release, but which then fails to emerge after having well exceeded the period of development time that was initially claimed or would normally be expected for the development cycle of a similar product."
T o be honest i would not take ANY numbers off this site as being accurate on any game.You get fanbois giving 10's in every area and haters giving 0's.
As far as actual hype goes,i can use myself as an example,i kind of totally forget about this game most of the time.I also have learned that games based on IP's usually fail,because there is no room for creativity,you pretty much have to follow the same story line.
So this type of game has a bad history,i usually ignore games like this altogether the fact i am remotely interested gives the game some credit.
SO over all i would say hype is very low,only the true fanbois will hype it up.No this is not the same as degrading the game or me saying the game is crap,we are talking ONLY about HYPE.Hype is really noticed when you pop in any site and it stares you in the face,like what AION did.HYPE really helps the developer make money it should not be making ...aka AION,it usually pans a product off as being the next coming of Christ,and ends up being the return of the Bad News Bears .
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
I think the hype dropped off after everyone found out how much Champions sucks.
Same Cryptic Studios, same garbage game. I fully expect there to be a horrible lack of content, ala Champions.
I paid for Closed beta. If I get less time in closed beta than what I get in open beta, then I know for a fact that I will not purchase the game, period. Letting people in that paid 6 months/life times subs for Champions Online just before open beta = marketing scam.
Well according to the official site they just started closed beta on 10/22/09. The site basically says they are starting the closed Beta testers by numbers only allowing a certain number and adding more as they have increase the stress tests. Hopefully you are somewhere in one of the phases. Either way the confirmed release date is 02/10/10 so closed beta/open beta will occur within 3 months. I estimate open beta is usually 3-4 weeks before release.
I personally would not have paid for 6 mos or lifetime to champions just to get a beta spot. It avoids issues like this. I tried CO and it was okay but it was something I didn't see myself being subbed long term to.
Agreed. Enticing gamers with beta spots to more coveted games by forcing them to take multi-month subs to games they ordinarily wouldn't be interested in sends a dangerous message. At the very least it sounds as if the game company had little faith in the 'lesser' game and used the beta tactic to artificially inflate the subscriber numbers. This only postpones the inevitable sub count drop as those who only took 6-month subs to get into STO's beta don't renew.
As much as I wanted to get into STO beta I wasn't going to subscribe to a game that I knew I wasn't going to stay with for long just to have a crack at it. So it looks like I'll have to wait until the game goes into open beta to give it a try. I have no problem with that.
Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. - Marie Curie