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Hi, I am trying to persuade my better half to give Vanguard a try, since he is a dyed in the wool single player sandbox guy and doesn't really like the MMOs he's played because they're too themepark for his tastes. I think Vanguard is the closest thing that could satisfy his desire to "see a mountain in the distance, start running, and eventually get there" in an MMO world.
The problem is, as a single player gamers, he's spoiled on graphics, and most MMOs short of Age of Conan (way too theme-park) don't deliver. I played on a free trial a couple of years ago (before the Isle of Dawn) and all I remember is that on my admittedly cruddy laptop, the water in the Kojani starting area looked like a sea of blue marbles.... not very impressive, lol, so our view is kind of poisoned by that.
But we have better computers now, and I think this could be the game for us. My better half needs convincing, though, so I am here to ask a favor. Can anyone please link me to a few high-quality screenshots of bodies of water in-game? About five should do, and if there's a shot of someone in the water that would be great too.
I apologize for the demand, but I'm hoping to get good "proof" that this game looks great! Thank you in advance .
I've got better stuff I can post when I get home. The water graphics are a weak point in Vanguard..... it's only so-so. The rest of the world is gorgeous and everything you see in Vanguard is actually there and you can go to it... no background paintings anywhere.
On by buddies Galleon fishing in unusally deep waters (secret fishing spot):
Guild hall party... the guild fleet and water in the background:
On my flying mount with Rahz Inkur in the background:
As the poster above said, the water is not one of the strong sides of VG but the game is quite pretty in other areas
Thanks for the screenshots folks; he's agreed to give it a shot . We'll probably be downloading this in the next couple of weeks, so, fingers crossed - I hope we find a new gaming home here!
Static screen shots don't really convey what it will look like on your PC, a lot depends on what graphics setting you are able to play on.
Download the free 14 day trial (that way if you like it and subscribe, you don't have to pay for the 'box', just the monthly subscription price) and go for a swim!
Currently playing: Vanguard: SOH