@ ego: The majority of ed's complaints about darkfall steamed from two areas: the constant PVP and the UI. Some of his complaints were valid, others were not. For instance: complaining about transitioning from interface mode to game mode and back, it has to be done this way, or very similar, because the game has full fps mechanics. Case in point: both FE and MO have very similar uis. He also complained very heavily about the community's PvP mind set (red = dead) and getting ganked a lot. Its obvious that he shouldn't have been the official EUgamer reviewer of DFO because he didn't even like the genre it came from. When MO fanbots say the same thing you know there is some truth to it.
This we can all agree on that maybe ED was not the person for the job. That said would be nice if the UI was smoother. I thought FE was a bit smoother than DF but then that may be that I could customize the UI without needing a physics degree from MIT as well. OK so maybe that was exaggeration but still the UI remains a bit clunky and really should get some focus on making it less of a stumbling block.
I have found part of the issue. The dfo community doesn't report bugs when they find them. I just saw that you can color code chat tabs by what level of importance you give them. That means you can make stuff you care about easier for the eye to catch by making the tab yellow, but guess what? It doesn't work lol
Also, I didn't find the FE ui editor any different execpt for looting.
Regardless of the merits and flaws of Darkfall, I strongly feel the official MMORPG.com review system is extremely flawed and riddled with inconsistencies. I think the staff should strongly reconsider a new system because the current one has pretty much zero credibility in the eyes of most of the people who visit the site. It is sad when a site like this one can sum up any game, be it a theme park or a sandbox style in game in under 2 short pages.
Please learn to speak for yourself. You are not the community, the group, "most people", the viewers or any other plural version of a word.
Just a note, its is BECAUSE of darkfalls merits and flaws it has received the rating it has.
So fast to jump down my throat as usual, did you see me contesting the rating given to Darkfall? I was simply saying that there a ton of inconsistencies if you look over the official reviews on this site, and there is good reason they aren't taken seriously. Are you trying to tell me that most people put a lot of stock in the official reviews on this site? Aion is the best MMORPG of all time according to this site's criteria.
Inconsistencies are your view, you do not know I agree with you. You do not know who agrees with you. Inconsistency is just an adjective, not a fact. You see a good reason not to take it seriously, fine. It stops there, you.
Do most people put a lot of stock in the official review? Does it matter? Is it possible to assign a "best" measurement to games, a product with so many dimensions? When all these reviews are written by so many different persons, is it meaningful to compare scores?
On the other hand, reviews serve their purpose, on this web and other occasions. It give information, from people with different taste for games, so that we can have some additional input to ponder, when consideration game purchases. Its like reviews about food from a restaurant.
One thing to note tho. If enough people start warning or screaming about a game over different reasons, its good sign the game might be a real pain in the a**. Like Darkfall. A lot of people with very different taste in gaming find reasons to steer clear of this game. It is very likely these dissidents cover a wide spectrum of gamers, indicating that the game has a good chance of alienating a large portion of the gamer population. IF, I mean IF, I am a relatively common gamer with average tastes, I would be highly alerted if facing the option of trying out DF, free or not free.
I understand you like Darkfall, fully respectable choice, your choice for yourself. Trying to extend that beyond yourself would weaks the credibility of your views. I will read your view, and those of the others, and take a hard look into my gaming preferences. Do I feel like trying out this Darkfall, after reading a yay from you and a nay from him, and a yay from XX and a nay from YY .... . In the end, whether I buy DF or not, I am thankful to all for their efforts to provide useful information. Except a few useless drivels from fanatics on both sides, which is easily spotted and dismissed. Yours are not.
@ ego: The majority of ed's complaints about darkfall steamed from two areas: the constant PVP and the UI. Some of his complaints were valid, others were not. For instance: complaining about transitioning from interface mode to game mode and back, it has to be done this way, or very similar, because the game has full fps mechanics. Case in point: both FE and MO have very similar uis. He also complained very heavily about the community's PvP mind set (red = dead) and getting ganked a lot. Its obvious that he shouldn't have been the official EUgamer reviewer of DFO because he didn't even like the genre it came from. When MO fanbots say the same thing you know there is some truth to it.
This we can all agree on that maybe ED was not the person for the job. That said would be nice if the UI was smoother. I thought FE was a bit smoother than DF but then that may be that I could customize the UI without needing a physics degree from MIT as well. OK so maybe that was exaggeration but still the UI remains a bit clunky and really should get some focus on making it less of a stumbling block.
I disagree about the assessment of ED. ED clearly is not a ffa pvp fan, or he put himself in the shoe of those gamers when writing an assessment (good reviewers or testers can do that). Now that provides a useful report in one aspect of assessment, namely, how much fun DF will generate for this group of gamers.
It goes almost without saying that people who treasure ffa pvp above everything else will be sympathetic to DF gameplay. A report or review by a fanatic DF fans will not serve much purpose. Its like a review of drug abusement by a long time drug addict. I do not need to read it to know what it tries to say, in other ways, no new information.
Knowing where ED comes from or what he tries to stand for, the review simply suggests (suggests, an opinion) that DF might alienate a certain segment of the gamer population. It does not automatically imply the game to be good or bad to you or me. Its just one point of view of a game by one person. You or any DF fan need not magnify it into end of world scenario.
As for why he choose to assess DF from that point of view, why not? To be more elaborate, that point of view seems to be shared by a very sizable chunk of gamer population, so when he is writing it for GENERAL gamers, it makes sense for him to start from there.
Darkfall's biggest problem is its elitist, nose turned up, F&Frs. The fact that its a mediocre game at best is already out there, the secrets out. And yet somehow these chums still spend more time cranking out propaganda than actually playing. Have you seen DarthRaidens post count? He and his congragation have lost their minds, and if its one thing that terrifies me, its cults.
Firts of all i would just like to say WOW!! @ thread/replies ..
just want to /sign this thread
Mmo since MUD days UO/AC/EQ/DAoC now Darkfall 12 years of PvPing and Following PvP on a skillbased and economy based level as free loot as i could possibly get to.
And darkfall Reserves 10/10/10/10 TEN! .. TEN!, its a VERY young game and so faar developers have shown with their small team that they are doing their very best to grand Playerbase's requests to the game.. This game is one of the best
Free Loot P v P MMORPG's Ever created
...Now it needs Attention, from Dev's Aswell as from player support.. and this 6 in rating is redicules, must be votes from waay back when game was released.. i have no idea who places these votes, "currently not able to because im new" ..but this game has the greatest potential a mmorpg has ever had.. it will be a ultimate skill vs skill game ..where EVERYTHING is run by players!
Darkfall's biggest problem is its elitist, nose turned up, F&Frs. The fact that its a mediocre game at best is already out there, the secrets out. And yet somehow these chums still spend more time cranking out propaganda than actually playing. Have you seen DarthRaidens post count? He and his congragation have lost their minds, and if its one thing that terrifies me, its cults.
I Agree, they are still there, but if you are playing the EU1 Server i know for a fact that many of the top elitists and the largest exploiters have from the darkfall community have left for na1 and right now even a Medium skill guy can actually kill a high skilled dude with something as simple as a bow or a sword, because the "high" considered people are waaay lower skill than when the large elitis clans were around
...love your sig. in ur name too man .. Darkfall is absolutely turning away from that and im very exited about it, i dont belive i will ever tire of this game.
To Egotrip: ==================================================================================================== Nobody ever said that every review must be a possitive one and that the reviewer actually has to like a game in order to review it ; if that was the case there would be no bad reviews........ever!!!!!==================================================================================================== But in this case nomatter how much you defend EUROGAMER this review ed zitron did was false inaccurate and clearly made to hurt Darkfall. Making up conspiracy theories again Evasia? Thinking that everyone is after the poor defenseless, niche, small company because they're threatened by the enormous success it's been having so far and the damage it might cause to "their game(s)? Please, that argument is more worn out than the terms "carebear" and "hardc0re"in these forums. I doubt if Zitron ever even thought about it twice and i would even go as far as to hypothesize that it was just another day on the job for him. Your argument is as valid as the one that "anyone that posts anything even remotely critical on Darkfall must be a paid employee of Blizzard" that was thrown around here a couple times in the past There are hundreds of themepark mmo's out there only few sandbox free for all full loot mmo's so no need to review a game by a themepark player who hates FFA PVP full loot sandbox games becouse that one developer that dear making a mmo thats different from all those themeparks games can hurt more then you seems to immagine. Now as to the matter on Zitron being "a themepark player who hates FFA PVP full loot sandbox games" ; do you have any proof at all (and i'm not referring as proof that he gave Darkfall a 2/10 and WoW a 9/10) some actual proof something he might have said, something along the lines "i would prefer WoW over UO/ SWG / EVE anyday of the week because it's more my type of game" hmm? Do you? Because if not it's just pure speculation on your behalf that a certain someone just posted on Forumfall one day after the review and everybody just adopted it as their new mantra and used it without even bothering to conduct their own research and discover if it actually holds any water or not. If Darkfall was realy that bad then no harm done it deserve a bad review but darkfall was not as bad as this casual thempark reviewer reviewed Darkfall. Darkfall was always intended to be for a small hardcore FFA PVP fanbase not for the main mass themepark players. What is that some sort of automated response or does every Darkfall supporter has this tatooed on the back of his head ? Just asking cause i've seen it a thousand times typed in other posts or threads and still doesn't make any sense.....How much more players can any game lose ,even more one that is supposedly player driven and PVP based, before it stops being niche and becomes fail? They had over 300.000 subscribers in the official forums and of those the only ones that actually went past the terrible launch, grotesque billing system, queues ,hacks ,macros ,bugs are what <20.000 (yes that number is a pure guesstimate on my behalf i took it from Ripper who contrary to certain other posters in these forums he actually bothered to at least back up his claims some evidence, circumstantial ones but evidence none-the-less. )? So this review by eurogamer was plain and simple try hurt as much as they can AV and Darkfall.
I dont understand why, becouse Darkfall is not in competion with WoW or most of those mmorpgs at the time maybe a little with eve or asherons call- Darktide. OMG !!! You actually made some sense here. But strangely enough if you notice it wasn't me nor Zitron that tried to draw parallels between Darkfall and WoW gameplay-wise but somebody else *points at SignusM* so take it up with him Darkfall is a awesome game and only suited for those who like open free world with harsh pvp. Your opinion and i respect that.......but then again you're not known for the consistency of your opinion(s) in these forum.
I mean ,what is it now ?The fifth time you rage quit the game because "HAXXORZ STOLE MA STUFFZ" and just found your way back just to say "TEH GAMEZ IS TEH M0ST AWSUM !!!11!!!" ? But Darkfall is still here and improved alot plus it gets again soon a new expansion with even further IMPROVEMENT! That's scary !! You actually made sense twice in one post , yes it has improved i could argue to the "a lot " part but i think i'll let it slide............... for the time being Darkfall if your into FFA PVP with FULL LOOT and destroy clan towns or sail the sea explore in a non instance huge open world then this game is for you:) Yes or at least it is going to be like this if it ever pulls it's sh!t together and actually manages to incorporate all these into an actual working hack/ macro / bug free engine. Hope springs eternal,,,,,,
man the concept of the game is cool and really original, but fuck this game is so fucking ghetto. The gameplay makes you feel like your playing an fps on the original playstation. I think the whole originality is the only reason people play, but other than that it has nothing going for it.
This we can all agree on that maybe ED was not the person for the job. That said would be nice if the UI was smoother. I thought FE was a bit smoother than DF but then that may be that I could customize the UI without needing a physics degree from MIT as well. OK so maybe that was exaggeration but still the UI remains a bit clunky and really should get some focus on making it less of a stumbling block.
I have found part of the issue. The dfo community doesn't report bugs when they find them. I just saw that you can color code chat tabs by what level of importance you give them. That means you can make stuff you care about easier for the eye to catch by making the tab yellow, but guess what? It doesn't work lol
Also, I didn't find the FE ui editor any different execpt for looting.
Currently playing:Nothing
Will play: Darkfall: Unholy Wars
Past games:
Guild Wars 2 - Xpiher Duminous
Xpiher's GW2
GW 1 - Xpiher Duminous
Darkfall - Xpiher Duminous (NA) retired
AoC - Xpiher (Tyranny) retired
Warhammer - Xpiher
Please learn to speak for yourself. You are not the community, the group, "most people", the viewers or any other plural version of a word.
Just a note, its is BECAUSE of darkfalls merits and flaws it has received the rating it has.
So fast to jump down my throat as usual, did you see me contesting the rating given to Darkfall? I was simply saying that there a ton of inconsistencies if you look over the official reviews on this site, and there is good reason they aren't taken seriously. Are you trying to tell me that most people put a lot of stock in the official reviews on this site? Aion is the best MMORPG of all time according to this site's criteria.
Inconsistencies are your view, you do not know I agree with you. You do not know who agrees with you. Inconsistency is just an adjective, not a fact. You see a good reason not to take it seriously, fine. It stops there, you.
Do most people put a lot of stock in the official review? Does it matter? Is it possible to assign a "best" measurement to games, a product with so many dimensions? When all these reviews are written by so many different persons, is it meaningful to compare scores?
On the other hand, reviews serve their purpose, on this web and other occasions. It give information, from people with different taste for games, so that we can have some additional input to ponder, when consideration game purchases. Its like reviews about food from a restaurant.
One thing to note tho. If enough people start warning or screaming about a game over different reasons, its good sign the game might be a real pain in the a**. Like Darkfall. A lot of people with very different taste in gaming find reasons to steer clear of this game. It is very likely these dissidents cover a wide spectrum of gamers, indicating that the game has a good chance of alienating a large portion of the gamer population. IF, I mean IF, I am a relatively common gamer with average tastes, I would be highly alerted if facing the option of trying out DF, free or not free.
I understand you like Darkfall, fully respectable choice, your choice for yourself. Trying to extend that beyond yourself would weaks the credibility of your views. I will read your view, and those of the others, and take a hard look into my gaming preferences. Do I feel like trying out this Darkfall, after reading a yay from you and a nay from him, and a yay from XX and a nay from YY .... . In the end, whether I buy DF or not, I am thankful to all for their efforts to provide useful information. Except a few useless drivels from fanatics on both sides, which is easily spotted and dismissed. Yours are not.
This we can all agree on that maybe ED was not the person for the job. That said would be nice if the UI was smoother. I thought FE was a bit smoother than DF but then that may be that I could customize the UI without needing a physics degree from MIT as well. OK so maybe that was exaggeration but still the UI remains a bit clunky and really should get some focus on making it less of a stumbling block.
I disagree about the assessment of ED. ED clearly is not a ffa pvp fan, or he put himself in the shoe of those gamers when writing an assessment (good reviewers or testers can do that). Now that provides a useful report in one aspect of assessment, namely, how much fun DF will generate for this group of gamers.
It goes almost without saying that people who treasure ffa pvp above everything else will be sympathetic to DF gameplay. A report or review by a fanatic DF fans will not serve much purpose. Its like a review of drug abusement by a long time drug addict. I do not need to read it to know what it tries to say, in other ways, no new information.
Knowing where ED comes from or what he tries to stand for, the review simply suggests (suggests, an opinion) that DF might alienate a certain segment of the gamer population. It does not automatically imply the game to be good or bad to you or me. Its just one point of view of a game by one person. You or any DF fan need not magnify it into end of world scenario.
As for why he choose to assess DF from that point of view, why not? To be more elaborate, that point of view seems to be shared by a very sizable chunk of gamer population, so when he is writing it for GENERAL gamers, it makes sense for him to start from there.
Darkfall's biggest problem is its elitist, nose turned up, F&Frs. The fact that its a mediocre game at best is already out there, the secrets out. And yet somehow these chums still spend more time cranking out propaganda than actually playing. Have you seen DarthRaidens post count? He and his congragation have lost their minds, and if its one thing that terrifies me, its cults.
Firts of all i would just like to say WOW!! @ thread/replies ..
just want to /sign this thread
Mmo since MUD days UO/AC/EQ/DAoC now Darkfall 12 years of PvPing and Following PvP on a skillbased and economy based level as free loot as i could possibly get to.
And darkfall Reserves 10/10/10/10 TEN! .. TEN!, its a VERY young game and so faar developers have shown with their small team that they are doing their very best to grand Playerbase's requests to the game.. This game is one of the best
Free Loot P v P MMORPG's Ever created
...Now it needs Attention, from Dev's Aswell as from player support.. and this 6 in rating is redicules, must be votes from waay back when game was released.. i have no idea who places these votes, "currently not able to because im new" ..but this game has the greatest potential a mmorpg has ever had.. it will be a ultimate skill vs skill game ..where EVERYTHING is run by players!
...My Kingdon for a Donkey!!
All your base are belong to us!
I Agree, they are still there, but if you are playing the EU1 Server i know for a fact that many of the top elitists and the largest exploiters have from the darkfall community have left for na1 and right now even a Medium skill guy can actually kill a high skilled dude with something as simple as a bow or a sword, because the "high" considered people are waaay lower skill than when the large elitis clans were around
...love your sig. in ur name too man .. Darkfall is absolutely turning away from that and im very exited about it, i dont belive i will ever tire of this game.
All your base are belong to us!
DF should be 7.2-7.8 atm
Don't get me wrong, i love the game, but theres still so much room for improvement. We'll see what the 2nd expansion does for it
Wow ..good stuff! /sign
All your base are belong to us!
man the concept of the game is cool and really original, but fuck this game is so fucking ghetto. The gameplay makes you feel like your playing an fps on the original playstation. I think the whole originality is the only reason people play, but other than that it has nothing going for it.