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I've only been marginally following this game's development since it began sounding like EvE with a Star Trek skin, so this was news to me. I apologize if its old news to everyone else:
A bridge alone doesn't invigorate my interest, but it's a start, anyway.
The article claims Feb 2 as the launch.
No apology neccessary because this is excellent news! Thank you for the link.
Currently Playing: World of Warcraft
There is also a video which talks about the bridges somewhat:
The History of the Order of The Golden Shields
The Feb 2 release date was announced by Cryptic earlier this week.
Ship bridges at launch is indeed very good news. While just a social space is not much, it's still much better than not having them. Besides, you can always build on it afterwards.
This is awesome news and proof that Cryptic is listening to the fan base after all. It may not be full interiors but at least it's a start and a good compromise on Cryptic's part. Now hopefully they will build on this after launch and add in other areas.
It... is a very good sign, I'll let you have that.
But "proof" that they are listening to their fans? I wouldn't go that far just yet. Maybe when they remove instances from the game, put up a list of Klingon ships on the site and let all the people into the closed beta test who they have already promised slots to, I'll believe they are listening. Until some of that stuff happens, Its just Cryptic throwing us a bone.
The History of the Order of The Golden Shields
It took them long enough. But the penny dropped. I'm in!
Can't wait to stroll onto the bridge of a Sabre class star ship and sit in that chair.
Oh! And Nikopol, nice to see an Enki Bilal fan around here
Penny dropped? This is silly. If anyone was banking on subscription based on a non-game-play important instanced deck, then my feeling is you really dont care much for actual game-play and would have subbed anyway. All the clammering was for an immersively developed team-cooperative experience where your not just playing as a toon and lonely managerment of a ship.
I submit, who cares if someone can step onto an instanced room of my ship, but which has absolutely no game-play, cooperative importance.
Gameplay is important but taken by itself it looses meaning and perspective. Most successful games not only have solid gameplay but create an atmosphere that allows for the player to loose himself in the game. For someone who loves Star Trek playing a Star Trek game a very important aspect of this is the ability to walk on the bridge of you ship. That is just part of the atmosphere of the IP. With out it something simply feels missing and the motivation for playing a STAR TREK game is lessened.
As for you failing to understand this I will just have to quote the words of a famous swing singer from the 1930's when asked by a news reporter what swing was: "Honey. If you have to ask, you just won't know what it is."
Cheers, nice to see somebody who can spot one!
Those that misinterpret an instanced room out of a franchise mmorpg as the make or break environmental feature, I think, are the same that substantiate the complete lack of innovation or expectations for an form or entertainment that should be evolving rather than be applauded for providing a standard feature found in any other mmo; an instanced private room. *sigh*
'Shrug' If you don't get it. It's a waist of keyboard trying to explain it.
It... is a very good sign, I'll let you have that.
But "proof" that they are listening to their fans? I wouldn't go that far just yet. Maybe when they remove instances from the game, put up a list of Klingon ships on the site and let all the people into the closed beta test who they have already promised slots to, I'll believe they are listening. Until some of that stuff happens, Its just Cryptic throwing us a bone.
LOL... Well getting you to admit anything positive about this game is a very good sign as well Raltar. Yes some of that other stuff would be nice but at least having them concede to the player interior people a little is a huge step in the right direction. The beta snafu is a very unfortunate situation that even I would be the first to admit they screwed up on royally. They should have never sold closed beta slots even if it was indirectly as it's just wrong to do so. As for the Klingon ships I think we will be seeing a lot more info on them in the very near future.
The beta snafu hurt them bad, especialy after the excitement of their PAX presentation. It got lot of people fired up and drooling for Beta testing then a lot those that were promised those keys were more or less left to hang. As much as I hate to say it but Cyptic's conceding the interior issue before launch is an attempt to salvage the damage from that mistake.
But after waiting five years I'll take what I can get.
Well, I'll give them credit for taking a step in the right direction. It's not enough to change my interest.... but at least they are listening to some of the criticism they are getting.
It... is a very good sign, I'll let you have that.
But "proof" that they are listening to their fans? I wouldn't go that far just yet. Maybe when they remove instances from the game, put up a list of Klingon ships on the site and let all the people into the closed beta test who they have already promised slots to, I'll believe they are listening. Until some of that stuff happens, Its just Cryptic throwing us a bone.
Throwing a bone is listening. You can't throw the right bone without listening.
Who said this was the right bone?
And lets also define "listening" as used in this context. They may HEAR what we have to say, but they aren't truly listening to us unless they CARE and actually plan to take our opinions into account when designing the game. That is where I doubt their motives for this change.
The History of the Order of The Golden Shields
Listening isn't the same as giving you everything you want, that's just modern day parenting.
I never asked for everything that I want.
What I would like to see is a game developer who is interested in giving their CURRENT customers what they want, rather than constantly looking for ways to alter their game to make it appeal to people who aren't really even gamers, much less current customers.
The History of the Order of The Golden Shields
Who says it is not?
The biggest complaint people are ranting about is the lack of ship interior. The bridge is a PART of the ship interior. I would say they are right on.
LOL .. that would be pretty hard for a game that has NOT been released yet, wouldn't it?
And i don't know what you have been reading, but the lack of ship interior has been a strong & constant critique of STO. This obviously is a response to that. Even a blind person can see it.
A: Are you suggesting that because the game is not yet released that it cannot have customers? Try telling that to all the people who paid for six month or lifetime subs of Chapions Online in order to get into the STO beta test. Some of them seem pretty angry that they haven't gotten in yet and may be forced to wait until the end of December (when many people expect the closed beta to be nearly over). I clearly was not talking about custoemrs of STO but customers of Cryptic in general.
B: I have been reading these forums and replying to them a lot more than you have from what I've seen. I'm well aware of the fact that lack of starship interiors is a major issue for many people. But it is only ONE of MANY issues. Fixing just one issue (and only fixing it half-way at that) seems like just a randomly thrown bone to me. When they fix a few more issues I'll be willing to give them a bit more credit. That was what I was saying from the very start, even a blind person could see that.
The History of the Order of The Golden Shields