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So, after 7+ years of much fun and frustration, I think my FFXI days are finally at an end.
After a break I came back to the game recently, all psyched up and ready to have some fun leveling PLD, a job I'd wanted to level for a while as I enjoy tanking and it's a job I'd never played in XI.
I get up to 14, go out to the Dunes, do a search and see 8 people... this is during prime time mind you.
I send a /tell to a friend:
Me: "Wow... the Dunes is empty".
Them: "lol no one levels in the Dunes anymore".
Me: "Where do they level?"
Them: "They AB".
Me: "AB?" The acronym didn't click
Them: "Astral Burn... They go to Korrolloka Tunnel at 13 and Astral Burn to 20 or 25. Real easy leveling".
I do a mental face-to-keyboard slam
Me: "You're kidding me"
Them: "Nope... You never heard of that? lol"
Me: "No, I didn't. So, no one parties anymore in those levels?"
Them: "Not really. It's easier to AB. Then you go to Qufim where you can BLM burn. Then they go to Jungles, where you can AB some more, but not as much. Then most people FoV and Campaign Battle through the levels or just level sync to 75. Some people party more in the 60s."
Me: "So basically this game has pretty much turned into full-on power-level mode, screw partying, skillups, etc. etc"
Them: "Pretty much."
Me: "I guess it's time I threw in the towel with FFXI, then."
Now, before anyone flies off the handle... I'm not trying to "force my playstyle" on anyone. I'm simply acknowledging that FFXI has basically become a MMO that's no longer enjoyable for me. One of the main reasons I played FFXI was because I love the party dynamics and the group interaction, while xp'ing, during quests or missions, etc. I do not like Powerleveling. I do not like racing through levels.. I actually enjoy playing my job in a normal party setting, getting to learn and use its various skills and such. That's one part of FFXI that was always enjoyable to me.
With that gone... really... I just can't see the point in playing. I know there's more to the game than leveling, but it's a core part of the game, and a necessary one in order to do a lot of the content - or at least be able to survive it :-p.
So... yeah. I guess with the game being 8 years old, it was bound to happen eventually.. But.. meh... I think I can now understand why people who played other MMOs back in their "heyday" feel a sort of disappointment in how they are now.
Anyone else, ideally long-time players, finding that trend in XI to be rather disheartening?
Hmm I have heard myself that playstyle but not really seen it.
I think you are taking it too hard if you ask. My personal experience is that people party normally and level synch a lot. Usually they try to avoid the "bitch" levels and enemies.
But I can't say for sure it changed that drastically, it's core imo remains the same. At least where I play people still party, do skill ups, missions and yes campaign. So I am not sure it is as bad as that player told you.
But if you quit {Your} {stuff} , {Can I have it?}
PS. I am playing 2 years or so, so I am not sure if I am considered long time player. I do believe though that FF11 has become much more user friendly than from when I joined.
You'd have to have played FFXI since at least CoP to really appreciate what I'm getting at. I don't mean that in a condescending way; it was very, very different back then. The game itself is still the same, fundamentally. it's just that SE has added features in over the past couple years that people have taken to as "faster, easier leveling with less need for grouping", which, to me, undermines one of the core things to FFXI that made me a huge fan of it - the degree of player interaction.
I've tried putting together parties... no dice. Tried seeking parties... no dice. It's always the same "Just CB or level sync to 75 then do skillup parties to get your skills caught up". My response is, "If I'm going to have to form groups to skillup anyway, why the hell not just level in normal groups in the first place and level everything at the same time... like people *used* to do?"
I've had this discussion with others who've agreed that it doesn't seem to occur to many that the whole "CB, FoV or Sync to 75 then go back and do skillup parties" is actually *more* time and effort than if they'd just stuck with normal parties in the first place. In an effort to take a shortcut to 75, they're giving themselves more work instead. It's ridiculous to me. But it also shows where people's minds are now... all they care about is the level of their job. Everything is else secondary or tertiary.
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
I want to sincerely thank the OP and those that presented evidence of some of these faults in FFXI.
I was honestly considering coming back to FFXI last night for nostalgic reasons (I guess I wanted to try and live out a couple more adventures before 14 came out) But with what you've put forth, and what others have added to help support your comment. Not to mention, an apparent distaste for a recent change to PlayOnline's registration. I will be saving my money and instead, wait for FF14 since it seems like its only going to be coming out next year, so I can wait.
Your post has served as a helpful reminder about of all the things that made me leave the game. I honestly hope that SE will do us casual players a favor (you know, those of us that have a life and bills to pay, so we can't play 6-8+ hours EVERY day) and make it more friendly towards those of us that don't have enough time to waste LFG, but still want to do something in our limited time. (yes, I want a solo friendly, as well as a group friendly game)
I just recently returned to FFXI with a friend, and I haven't seen this playstyle of mentality (well, there are a lot of PLs in the Dunes, but this level range can be kind of a pain). There are always parties in the Dunes, way more than 8 people even on off peak hours. We play on Asura, so it could be your server maybe? I don't know.
I hated the dunes when I played XI really goblins suck there xD
I could really be your server or playtime, Titan is usually fine during peak NA and JP times. I do completely understand what you're saying, I played since release and some of the best times were random pts and making new friends.
I took a break a few days ago and I'm debating about quitting only because I want to wait for FF14 and I see no point in gear grinding when I'll for sure be going to 14 no matter what.
Well the thing is... I had no idea what was going on.
Like I said, it was during prime time, so it wasn't an "off time" when there wouldn't have been a lot o fpeople on. In all the years I've played XI, the Dunes have always been very active at those times, even if it was only people power-leveling through (which I couldn't stand either). Which is why it struck me as odd to see it so empty.
The person who told me what was going on has played for a while, too, and keeps up with all the trends like that. When I asked others about it, they'd say how they noticed it becoming more common too; that people just want to power level through as much as they can.
And it's really just another log on the fire. I'd found it nigh on impossible to find or assemble a normal, non level-sync'd party for a while before that, so I was already becoming weary of the direction FFXI's players were going with it.
Again, it's still a fantastic MMO and I hold it as my gold standard for any other PvE MMO I play. I don't fault SE so much for how it's been going lately as I do the players for wanting to turn it more and more into a race to end-game, doing away with anything that doesn't translate into "faster xp", which is what it's felt more and more like to me over the past couple years.
I'm not saying "I'm not playing it anymore, so neither should anyone else"... just saying, that's my experience with it, and so I've decided it's time for me to move on. At least I got to experience it in its prime when grouping up for normal xp parties was something people enjoyed doing as a pastime (at least for the most part), and didn't treat like some plague to be avoided at all cost. So, I'm lucky at least for that.
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
I'm all for anything that gets me out of the Dunes as fast as possible, but I do enjoy a good, cohesive party (though it's not always easy with that level ranged due to lacking subjobs/new players learning and lack of gear). I just can't stand that zone, for the above reasons and the fact that it's so blindingly white because of the sand.
Edit: My friend and I have joined a linkshell that just formed and is actively recruiting both new and old members. We did a full group in the Dunes last night, showing the ropes to an old returning player and to a new one in general. It was a blast, and there were parties everywhere (with no real PLs to be seen though you do get them occasionally). Perhaps if you're still interested in playing and love the game, you should try out a new server? Doesn't SE offer paid server transfers? Asura is brimming with activity so far, though I haven't been past the Dunes with any of my jobs yet. (Dreading that run to Jeuno).
I've also been noticing less players in newbie zones, and it may not be as likely for new players to pick up on Astral burn runs. I'm leaning towards believing that FFXI is not getting that many new players as a whole, possibly due to Aion launch (I don't think Champions Online affects FFXI), FFXIV hype, or that billing thing.
I started five days ago. I went back to my starter area to level a subjob today and spotted two new players while I was out leveling. I asked them if they were all set, they said they were doing fine and continued on. When I was headed to my mog house before logging out, I ran into another new player. He was a bit lost and I directed him toward the tutorial NPC (the guard that gets you started; definitely not the most in-depth tutorial, but perfect considering the very slight learning curve). I'm actually surprised that I wasn't the only new player considering how old the game is and it's intimidating reputation. I wouldn't have guessed that it got very many new players, even without recent launches like Aion or Champions Online, and I've been told my server (Midgardsormr) is underpopulated.
Honestly, I didn't find it very hard when I started, and I don't think it is hard. I don't know what it used to be like, but its really pretty accommodating for a first timer considering what I'd been led to believe (I mean that its relatively accommodating considering the hand was held very loosely as opposed to say WoW's method of new player hand-holding and the relatively non-steep learning curve). Of course, I've only just reached 20 and my first Dunes party (I started in Windurst, and so even though I got an invite a day or two ago, I had NO idea how to get there) DID actually have level sync active and we were being PL'd; we were level syncced to the lowest level player and the 75 WHM was just healing whoever was tanking while we chain-killed at a camp. I don't know what parties are supposed to be like, nor do I really understand the purpose of level sync entirely, but it really wasn't that bad of an experience. It was good XP but still a pretty large grind. I'm thinking this is what parties are supposed to be like, only with more effort and a little slower? I'm pretty sure when new members joined, the leader made it clear that this wasn't a typical dunes party. I think people are right on when they say it's not as excessive and common as you describe, or it might just be your server. of course, I'm new and I'm not sure if this isn't actually what you were complaining about when you mentioned level sync.
I realize how non-casual FFXI is, even with some of the obvious new player accommodations I had access to, but I really do enjoy it either way. I had plenty of fun just grinding by myself out in Tahrongi for two days, and honestly, if there's a quick or easy way to bypass a ton of levels, I don't think I plan to take it. Even if I were familiar with the game/partying, I wouldn't accept an offer to do higher level content using party sync.
really, I think if you enjoy the game, just play it the way you want and ignore the people that play it differently. hopefully there are enough like-minded individuals for you to interact with.
I think FFXI is the only game I will ever miss when it gets shut down. I have so many fond memories...
-Computer specs no one cares about: check.
-MMOs played no one cares about: check.
-Xfire stats no one cares about: check.
-Signature no one cares about: check.
-Narcissism: check.
I will miss it so much, I can only hope 14 has the same great community and experiences, I 'll always have fond memories of being in the first NA HNM ls on titan to take out gods, kirin, faf, nid and all the grands
Does this not prove my point that players have turned great gaming into the most superficial reason to play and that is to speed level as fast as they can.This is why i don't play anymore,players haven't even used the Renkai and MB system for a very long time,they have totally tried to turn this game into another WOW ,and i do not like it.
I had my accounts open for awhile ,thinking i might return but i finally realized i will not come back this time.I saw the game going south way back in the TOAU expansion,it totally removed old leveling zones,i was losing interest in the game fast.
Is there anything better?No not really ,witch is why i cannot stay very long in any game right now.I really pray to god that FFXIV will return the magic of FFXI early days,but i somehow feel there is about a 20% chance of it happening.I felt that FFXI was a creation,something the developer WANTED to make,now i get the feeling FFXIV is catering to get more subscriptions,that can be a huge detriment to quality.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
OP I agree with you and that's why I'm not playing ffxi anymore. Everything you mentioned is true, also people do FoV 1-55 and CB55-75 and when ask for party the say []Thanks for the offer but I'll have to pass[] I heard of summoner party with PL pulling the whole area and using astral flow, and I have been in few manaburn parties.
FFXI was my only game for 6 years online and not(didnt play anything during ffxi playtime, that addicted) but ffxi today is nothing like the hard mode []excitment[] game I once played. SE is doing what all other devs are doing trying to get as many subs they can by messing the game up and making it more "casual".
I have a feeling ffxiv will look a lot like ffxi atm and that will be a let down for me and many others. It's all about the money for them it's all about quantity and not quality.
FFXI is not a difficult to grasp game(Except for the controls, thank god for gamepads). You just need a few starting tips really. For me I had a level 70 friend when I started, so it was really easy to learn some easy tricks(like how fishing makes you loads of money early on) and what to do.
By far FFXI has the most interesting leveling in any game ever. The interaction cancels out the repetitive-ness of leveling, which is a great plus.
The music is lame, which was unfortunate considering Final Fantasy's history of great music, but luckily you can change the music if you know how.
If you're looking for an original MMO experience, there really is no MMO like FFXI.
omfg dude i feel ur pain me and my gf got bk on the game last month (we took a few months off) and was riding thru the dunes they were empty i was like wtf cuz as much as i hated the dunes i loved it at the same time i ment some of my first friends on the game there ok bk to the point a few days later me and my gf went bk i wanted to help her get her nin lvled to sub on her rdm which is 75 we do a search and i swear it was like 6 ppl in the dunes including us i was like omfg lvl sync has killed the game oh but it gets worst its not just bad for low lvls any more its baas for high lvls as well we had not 1 but 2 sams over lvl 69 in the dunes pt no how rich is that lol so what i noticed is u can get a pt u just have to put it together now u dont have those same ppl standing around waiting anymore which takes away from the interaction which what made this game great for me being able to stand around looking noobs talking to other ppl waiting for a pt man i can go on and pn with this one but long story short lvl sync is what killed the game
Compared to, lmao, the latest MMORPG releases, this game is like one without a step by step from beginning to the end guide. Old players around you are the manuals and of course, resources online. No wonder MMORPGs always remained pretty nische due to its nature of "do it yourself" style. Realistically thinking, what averege guy wants to spend time figuring out how to play when they just want to play? Then there are people who actually likes to have it their own way, enjoying exploration.
Well, let's thank the japanese for having their tad off-rail ways of view. Isolation can lead to originality due to no influence from the outside, culture preservation. So, this is one of the ways a MMORPG is done the japanese way.
Hoping FFXIV isn't too inspired by the latest MMORPGs, but this might just be dream wishing as companies are desperate for profit.
ESS O ESS. O ESS O. OR ESS? Bah, fuck it, just call 911.
SMN Astral burn was always going on since for ever, it is now just easier with the sync feature and to make it totally ridiculous, the COR job. This is nothing new just like BLM burn parties or BST Zoo parties.
You have to remember that most people in the lower levels are old time players leveling a new job. There are almost zero new players joining the game, it has past it's peak and is slowly fading towards the release of FFXIV.
The old-school players have found alternatives to the Dunes and many other dreaded leveling places and in 99.99% of the case have someone from their Linkshell PL them.
The new sync feature makes it a lot easier to level in any range and it is the way to level these days. Throw in the Fields of Valor and campaign battles you can do solo easy while waiting for a sync group and you have a very solid base of oportunities to level. Certainly more than in any other MMORPG i know of.
As always with anything in FFXI, communication is important and you NEED a linkshell or the game can get very frustrating. But the social aspect of the game where always a main feature.
I agree, the playstyle has gained popularity in recent decline of the game. The game been out a while and with its playstyle of a primarily party system its hard to devote time to do something in the game. What you are seeing is a low population game(however they have still to condense servers) because very few people have low level jobs now. Alot of people want to be done with dunes ASAP. Also like someone said the game does not have new people joining to frequently. Thus you are left with no one in the dunes. I was on valefor, I took a break to try Aion and will resubscribe until FF14 comes out. But styles have emerged because the game dynamics have changed some. Level synch as others have mentioned, in combination with new camps, and like I said no one has to many low level characters so you can with a PLer solo or trio up to 20. Glad to hear your playing, however I would consider sticking with it or play a higher level job if you can. I had to abandon THF in the 50s because no one uses them, its hard to solo as thf in the past and no one wants a lvl 50 thf in the pt, they killin birds.
Best of Luck
First off ... Tucans are weak to daggers ... One of the best non-traditional parties I ever had was 4 THF 1 PLD and a RDM.
Second off ... I can't believe everyone has a problem with THF. I got THF from 37 to 75 in maybe 3 weeks to a month when everyone was telling me how shitty of a time it was leveling THF. I ended up passing at least 4 in my own linkshell during that time (granted it was easy to find a rep).
when did you have thf done though. I loved THF, I was just saying for a pt setup now in ffxi past 50 usually does not include a THF. In addition you are one in many, thf now is a grind, however this has nothing to do with the OP, I was simply using it as an example of how the game has changed in time. In addition birds are the current fastest xp standard, you just chain really high on them relatively easy.
I think it's mostly due to server, population, and amount of population that aren't currently leveling subclasses. Last time I played I got Dragoon 1-75 in a couple months with 100% standard parties.
It feels so good to know that I'm not the only one who doesn't enjoy running around an area killing everything in sight in five minutes. What I just described is almost every MMO made since WOW. FFXIV won't be much different. WOW has set the standard for what a good game is and now no MMORPG dares to be different. FFXI went from a unique, dynamic group experiance to a duo experiance at best. Can't wait for the next great single player MMO. I think there are over 20 being developed?
You'd have to have played FFXI since at least CoP to really appreciate what I'm getting at. I don't mean that in a condescending way; it was very, very different back then. The game itself is still the same, fundamentally. it's just that SE has added features in over the past couple years that people have taken to as "faster, easier leveling with less need for grouping", which, to me, undermines one of the core things to FFXI that made me a huge fan of it - the degree of player interaction.
I've tried putting together parties... no dice. Tried seeking parties... no dice. It's always the same "Just CB or level sync to 75 then do skillup parties to get your skills caught up". My response is, "If I'm going to have to form groups to skillup anyway, why the hell not just level in normal groups in the first place and level everything at the same time... like people *used* to do?"
I've had this discussion with others who've agreed that it doesn't seem to occur to many that the whole "CB, FoV or Sync to 75 then go back and do skillup parties" is actually *more* time and effort than if they'd just stuck with normal parties in the first place. In an effort to take a shortcut to 75, they're giving themselves more work instead. It's ridiculous to me. But it also shows where people's minds are now... all they care about is the level of their job. Everything is else secondary or tertiary.
I know its sad man I remember when the dunes were packed with lower level players, finding a camp was virtually impossible. Bastok had over 200 people in the city at all times, and Jeuno was the capital. Times change, and the game is getting older and as much as people want to deny it the game is slowly dying just like EVERYTHING else in life, it dies / brakes/ discontinues with time. So time hit this game, Did you enjoy those years that you did play it? If so be happy for that. I am currently playing FFXI and have been trying to do CoP for about 2 months now. Shouting every day in White gate for like 1 hour a day. No one has wanted to do it. Mainly because everyone has it done.
I too came back after around a 4 year brake, I quit right around when CoP came out. My DRG 75's gear completely dated, Im still running around in it 7 months after I came back. why? Because there is no one to do things with to get better gear. To get better gear you need people and people to do the missions to get areas that are end game.
Basically Everything is harder now. Its not just leveling, Its getting missions done, its getting Rank missions, ZMs done, CoP done, ToAU done.
That is the KEY problem I have always had with FFXI, If you are not one of the people who does something when the rush to finish it is going on, you are basically assed out unless you get lucky. Just look at WoTG when that came out people were crazy to finish it all. Now hardly anyone campaigns outside of the 4 hot spots.
My hopes? I hope FFXIV will be more causal friendly.
I hope that in FFXIV I don't have to depend on other people to get enjoyment and progress
I hope that I don't have to rely on others to feel I got my moneys worth out of my monthly subscription.
But really? I had fun while It lasted. 2004-2005 great times in FFXI. Those times are gone though and its time to accept it, For now I continue to play simply waiting for FFXIV along thousands of others.