No, you do not need a credit card to sign up for the free trial. Just select the "express" option. And by the looks of your system, you should indeed set all the graphic options to low. Don't worry about the quality, it still looks very good on low quality.
You might expierence some occasional "Please wait" screens though. One minor thing that annoyes me a bit is the lack of technical feed-back when such an event occurs.
Have fun with this game, it looks good and holds a promise.
You should, but settings on low. Download the free trial and see for yourself.
Do I need Credit Card to join the Free Trial?
No, you do not need a credit card to sign up for the free trial. Just select the "express" option. And by the looks of your system, you should indeed set all the graphic options to low. Don't worry about the quality, it still looks very good on low quality.
You might expierence some occasional "Please wait" screens though. One minor thing that annoyes me a bit is the lack of technical feed-back when such an event occurs.
Have fun with this game, it looks good and holds a promise.