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Ranger ?
Sorc ?
Glad ?
From these 3 whats the best for pvp ? Ive narrow it down to these 3, not sure whats best at higher lvl ?
Tell me Pros and Cons of being one of these 3..
Thanks for any help you can offer!
Personally I'd roll a Ranger or a Sorc... both are very good in PVP, good solo and deal good dmg
There are so many Glads around right now - you would just be yet another...
Be warned... Rangers level very slowly from 1-20 (not that it's that bad but its definitely slower until you get more skills) but they make it very worthwhile at the end.
Sorcs are also very heavily played but for good reason. Very good burst/dmg but can only take a few hits before going down (rangers wear leather and can steath for a brief period of time)
If I had my time back I would STILL pick a Templar but if I were to make an alt I'd likely roll a Ranger. Honestly, ALL classes are good its a matter of taste and what you enjoy. Since you seem to like Range classes (another reason I don't suggest the Glad) I'd go with a Ranger first and Sorc second - personally... again, you can't go wrong with any of them.
Go Chanter! I very needed class and good dps to.
Your question is about solo PvP? If it is, wrong game, but you can allways have some fun with a ranger, if you know how to handle it
Sorc are in demand for their crowd control abilities. Outstanding dps.
There are too many gladiators (twice as many as any other class - not sure why).
Don't know about rangers, good ones are a sight to behold, they can kite and kill and equal level elite even at low level (saw one do it in the Tursin area) I was in awe.
If you're looking for a real challenge, take Assassin.
I'm playing one and am at lvl40 now.
With those you listed, you'll come here and complain about 1-button wonders and stuff. With assassin, that won't happen. PvP with assassin is a bit challenging at first, but it's quite fun once you understand how it has to be done.
Sorc are in demand for their crowd control abilities. Outstanding dps.
There are too many gladiators (twice as many as any other class - not sure why).
Don't know about rangers, good ones are a sight to behold, they can kite and kill and equal level elite even at low level (saw one do it in the Tursin area) I was in awe.
I used to kite elites all the time with my Warlo... err I mean Spirit Master. Most ranged classes can do it, some better than others.
Edit: As for OP's question, I'd go either Sorc or SM. SM is a very fun and versatile class. Especially once you get a hang of it.
Out of your 3 choices i would def choose Sorc. My bro and I are 50 i play a cleric and hes a sorc. We fucking rape soooooo much face its redonkulous. Sorc melts face too from 1-50. Glads and rangers suck massive penis till about 40. So do yourself a favor and pick sorc .
Choose the class that you like to play most.
Im a glad myself, level 23, play since first day, and so far, though glad maybe more than other class, ive yet to see, at least on my server, a LFG that says no glad.
Its important to choose the class that you enjoy the most, instead of what is needed, else you may feel bored soon...
RIP Orc Choppa