i know what really pissed me off about SWG is how Sony charged me since it came out and later admitted that the game was not finished and basically i was paying to play a beta...did i get anything in return after the statemnet? NOPE. SWG is still in need of repairs and a lot of debugging. So play it at your own risk.
----------------------------------------------+ | Microsoft Windows XP Pro x64 | ABIT AN8 x32 Nforce4 SLI x16 | AMD Athlon FX-60 Dual-Core 2.6GHz | Corsair 3.1 GB DDR 400 Dual-Channel | (2x) BFG GeForce 8800 GTS 320mb | Creative X-FI Xtreme Gamer | Western Digital 250Gb SATA
Why play SWG? Well I played for one year before I quit... although since I still have not found a game that keeps my interest, I have actually considered going back.
Reasons to play: Completely customizable avatars; and the Image designer profession allows further in game enhancements and corrections.
Skill based leveling system: you level what you use.
Crafting: the crafting system in this game is one of the best I have encountered. 6 or 7 different professions for crafts, with loads of new items to make.
Pvp: if you like pvp you can join a faction and get yourself killed (lol) , if you dont you can always remain neutrel.
JTL: the new expansion for the game was created by the developers of wing commander, with twitch based fighting.
Reasons not to play: Jedi: everyone is a jedi or trying to be one... Jedi ruined the game for me.
Bugs: the game is buggy, as noob you wont notice most of them, at least not for a few weeks
Grind: if you like grinding, you can level very quickly, and you will come to hate this game very quickly
Jedi: they ruined the game
Small glimmer of hope. The Developers have doubled their staff, and have been busy fixing numerous bugs and other errors. I dont play myself, but my gf still does, and she likes to read off the list of fixes for each patch.
Im sure I will get one or two flames on this post, so you might get a few more reasons to play or not to play. We will see. The choice is yours.
Well from what you said, SWG sounds a fun game. A few bad parts here and there but hopefully it will get better. Do you think that the quests are repetitive, okay graphics, and decent community?
the quests are quite frankly all the same really they need more imagination for these ,to me the game is fun at the begiining because u dont need much and have no idea what coming visually game is stunning but laggy in cities even when there nobody in them lol ...
to me game will be great in 2 years if it makes it there . if u want sci-fi go play anarchyonline has way more content and community is great only downside graphics are getting old .
The game is fun as long as you dont have to deal with the Jedi. 90% of them dont roleplay, and they seem to think they are the greatest thing under the sun.
Quests: The missions do get repetiitive after a while, but you can say that about all missions/quests. The game does lack content, but there are several faction related quests/amusement parks that help with that.
Graphics: That depends on what your machine can handle. SWG is no longer cutting edge on graphics but they still rank real high in that catergory. This is one of my personal pics.
Community: depends on what server you choose. If you want Roleplaying I would suggest avoiding Bria server... probaly a few others as well but I haven't been on the game for months.
I love this game. It was my first MMO, and no matter what I'll always love this game. To be honest DO NOT buy this game for the quests. They are pretty much all lame and repeditive. What makes this game so much fun is the RP possiblites and the community. There are just so many options. People make things up for their own content all the time. I play on Naritus server and we have the Bounty Hunters Associtation. A group of people got together and they make up stories and put bounties on each other. We had one where someone made up a story and Smugglers had to smuggle things to the rebles and the Empire hired BH's to stop them. It's really fun.
Like I said though, there is a serious lack of official content and for the most part, with the exception of The Warrens, it's pretty bland.
SWG sounds like a fantasic game I'm a Starwars fan and all (not over board with little bobble head dolls sitting on my monitor) but the lag sounds like it would kill the fun for me. I bought EQ2 today just because alot of people call it Evercrack and say alot of good things about it but maybe after I get a better computer I'll try SWG.
If you have a decent computer, SWG runs fairly well for the graphics and decorations in-game. EQ2 would require a much better computer than SWG anyways. SWG used to be fun for me, I played it for a good 10 months and it occupied me the whole time.
1) First and foremost .. its Star Wars !! How much it is Star Wars depends mostly on you ... for a deep immersion join a roleplaying community/city/guild.
2) Community ... what REALLY keeps me in game is a wonderful community (I play on Naritus server) ... those are people that its fun to be about in this virtual world.
3) Crafting .... SWG has hands-down the best crafting system in any MMORPG I have played so far ... diverse, challenging, competitive. A living economy and a virtual mini game of getting the best resources over a period of months makes it as challenging as any PvP you ever be in. Its a dueling arena for crafters :-)
4) incredible diversity to customize your avatar .. both at beginning of game and also later in game (with help of an image designer). I just started Anarchy Online recently with the free offer and it was a shock to be dragged back screaming to a game with minimal customization. Add to that literally thousands of clothing, armor, weapon and equipment choices and you will hardly have two avatars looking alike unless done on purpose. That does wonders to help you identify with your avatar.
5) Point based skill system. You are not destined to forever play a soldier, or mage or whatever, leveling that one up to level 200 or so. There are 34 professions and you can master about 3 1/2 of them at the same time. If you are fed up with for instance being a doctor you can , over time, become a politician, fencer, tailor, bounty hunter, commando etc. ... everything you want to be. That also keeps the game fresh as you can enter a whole new world of things to do everytime you change professions.
6) Space Expansion ... NO OTHER MMORPG also allows you to sit in the cockpit of over two dozen ships, with your friends on board if you want, and allows you twitch based space combat against enemy fighters or other players. Or just party in space with a view that takes your breath away.
7) Grafics and sound ... its like Star Wars .. music and visuals are important and if you just take some time every few weeks or so to REALLY enjoy the view and listen to the music you will see that its more than above average in that regard. SWG ages well as computers improve. I especially recommend the smooth motion capturing for dancers !!
Things to take into account:
8) Lag ... I myself bitched a lot about lag (in cities, in large scale engagements). To be honest, it very much depends on your computer system. I strongly recommend 1 GiG RAM, it cleared up almost all of my lag problems (started with 256 MB, then 512 MB). I upgraded to a 128 MB Radeon card and garfics became much better. So lag problems are usually NOT server side but mostly client side, so you can have a lot of influence on it.
9) Imbalance ... combat professions and the way combat works need a complete overhaul and that is in the works right now ... my best guess is beginning of summer 2005. Bugs, Jedi, Buffs, soloing high end content and PvP are just aspects of this problem .... if you are heavy into PvP I would wait a bit til that combat revamp has been done.
10) Grind ... yes you CAN grind. With or without macroes. With or without forbidden third party programs. Yes, it can and has burned out many a player, especially on the way to Jedi and while levelling up Jedi. Yes .. ITS YOUR OWN DARN FAULT if you ruin your fun in the game by just grinding until your brain runs out of your ears. Go apply as a chinese farmer grinder boy in Lineage. You can master a profession as well in a month of having fun compared to 3 days of mindless grinding.
Small glimmer of hope. The Developers have doubled their staff, and have been busy fixing numerous bugs and other errors. I dont play myself, but my gf still does, and she likes to read off the list of fixes for each patch.
The effect of the new staff is felt especially in the last 2 weeks. Almost everyone playing gets the feeling that something has changed ..... for the better. That includes forum player relation, customer support, Q&A team. New patches FINALLY repairing old bugs are coming. The Empire cracks down MUCH harder on rebels. We will soon wear USEFUL player crafted stormtrooper/rebel armor in combat !
Originally posted by DarqueLord The game is fun as long as you dont have to deal with the Jedi. 90% of them dont roleplay, and they seem to think they are the greatest thing under the sun.Quests: The missions do get repetiitive after a while, but you can say that about all missions/quests. The game does lack content, but there are several faction related quests/amusement parks that help with that.Graphics: That depends on what your machine can handle. SWG is no longer cutting edge on graphics but they still rank real high in that catergory. This is one of my personal pics.Community: depends on what server you choose. If you want Roleplaying I would suggest avoiding Bria server... probaly a few others as well but I haven't been on the game for months.
Turn on anti aliasing on your vid card and the graphics will take on a whole new meaning for you. I have no idea what Sony has against anti aliasing or what they can't figure out but just like with EQ, if you turn on anti aliasing with your vid card, I am running it on 4x AA, the game becomes absolutely astounding graphically. When I get a chance I will post some screen shots for everyone.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
I just recently came into SWG after doing the trial a few times over. I can't greatly speak about Lucas's track record with handling SWG or Sony in their developent of it since I wasn't there. I have followed the official forum with great interest for some time however.
Why do I play? Probably because of the great potential and the great amount of detail and care put into the simplest of aspects of the game. However in other areas I can see where they have implemented things that just make zero sense what so ever and I don't honestly see how they could have tested the issue before implementing it.
Bugs? I have yet to see a single bug in the game. It has never crashed, thrown an error, shown a glitch, or anything of that nature. I beleive, and I could be wrong in this, but I beleive what most are referring to as bugs are actually design flaws and conceptual errors. Not bad programming. For me the game runs perfectly, its just full of conceptual issues. Combat is alittle on the rediculous side even at low level to me. However the code seems very sound and stable. I beleive the word "buggy" and "bug" have been bastardized about as much as the word "lag" has.
The cam has tremendous potential, its astounding to see visually and you can keep yourself entertained for hours doing anything but leveling. Leveling is where I tend to get lost. I have run all over tatooine and I just never find anywhere where I feel "ya, this is where I should be working on my experience right now". SWG leaves me feeling alittle homeless so to speak in that regard but I am sure once I get past the learning curve it will get better.
Thats about all I can give you however in my short play time.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
Cause it's the only good SciFi MMORPG out there, with good graphics, GUNS, socializing professions, a good crafting system, PLAYER ECONOMY (Buy stuff from NPCs gets anoying, at least with players can you deal), it has guns, lots of different professions to chose that you can change at will, oh and did I mention it has guns?
Sure there are maybe better MMORPGs out there, but when you are sick of being in a fantasy MMORPG all the time, that's where SWG comes in! The best part is, if you are fantasy-mmorpg-sick, and you need that fantasy feel to the game, SWG has it! Take Swordsman, Fencer or Polearm and you will have all the swords, axes and polearms you could use. But if you want GUNS, cause I'm sick of fantasy RPGs, then you have guns... lots of guns!
Dont forget EVE Online. Has all the things you mentioned AND there are 50 k players in ONE universe, 10-12 k online at the same time. Compared to an average 2-3 k per SWG server at any time.
BUT its ships only. You never see a character except in portrait. There is no planet side gaming. Still ... highly recommendable game, as there is NO GRINDING. Your toon gets better over time, wether you are online or not. Its a great secondary game to SWG.
| Microsoft Windows XP Pro x64
| ABIT AN8 x32 Nforce4 SLI x16
| AMD Athlon FX-60 Dual-Core 2.6GHz
| Corsair 3.1 GB DDR 400 Dual-Channel
| (2x) BFG GeForce 8800 GTS 320mb
| Creative X-FI Xtreme Gamer
| Western Digital 250Gb SATA
Boo Hooligan
Born on the 7th month
Why play SWG? Well I played for one year before I quit... although since I still have not found a game that keeps my interest, I have actually considered going back.
Reasons to play:
Completely customizable avatars; and the Image designer profession allows further in game enhancements and corrections.
Skill based leveling system: you level what you use.
Crafting: the crafting system in this game is one of the best I have encountered. 6 or 7 different professions for crafts, with loads of new items to make.
Pvp: if you like pvp you can join a faction and get yourself killed (lol) , if you dont you can always remain neutrel.
JTL: the new expansion for the game was created by the developers of wing commander, with twitch based fighting.
Reasons not to play:
Jedi: everyone is a jedi or trying to be one... Jedi ruined the game for me.
Bugs: the game is buggy, as noob you wont notice most of them, at least not for a few weeks
Grind: if you like grinding, you can level very quickly, and you will come to hate this game very quickly
Jedi: they ruined the game
Small glimmer of hope. The Developers have doubled their staff, and have been busy fixing numerous bugs and other errors. I dont play myself, but my gf still does, and she likes to read off the list of fixes for each patch.
Im sure I will get one or two flames on this post, so you might get a few more reasons to play or not to play. We will see. The choice is yours.
Boo Hooligan
Born on the 7th month
the quests are quite frankly all the same really they need more imagination for these ,to me the game is fun at the begiining because u dont need much and have no idea what coming visually game is stunning but laggy in cities even when there nobody in them lol ...
to me game will be great in 2 years if it makes it there . if u want sci-fi go play anarchyonline has way more content and community is great only downside graphics are getting old .
The game is fun as long as you dont have to deal with the Jedi. 90% of them dont roleplay, and they seem to think they are the greatest thing under the sun.
Quests: The missions do get repetiitive after a while, but you can say that about all missions/quests.
The game does lack content, but there are several faction related quests/amusement parks that help with that.
Graphics: That depends on what your machine can handle. SWG is no longer cutting edge on graphics but they still rank real high in that catergory. This is one of my personal pics.
Community: depends on what server you choose. If you want Roleplaying I would suggest avoiding Bria server... probaly a few others as well but I haven't been on the game for months.
I love this game. It was my first MMO, and no matter what I'll always love this game. To be honest DO NOT buy this game for the quests. They are pretty much all lame and repeditive. What makes this game so much fun is the RP possiblites and the community. There are just so many options. People make things up for their own content all the time. I play on Naritus server and we have the Bounty Hunters Associtation. A group of people got together and they make up stories and put bounties on each other. We had one where someone made up a story and Smugglers had to smuggle things to the rebles and the Empire hired BH's to stop them. It's really fun.
Like I said though, there is a serious lack of official content and for the most part, with the exception of The Warrens, it's pretty bland.
Boo Hooligan
Born on the 7th month
If you have a decent computer, SWG runs fairly well for the graphics and decorations in-game. EQ2 would require a much better computer than SWG anyways. SWG used to be fun for me, I played it for a good 10 months and it occupied me the whole time.
Hi all ,
Why play SWG?
1) First and foremost .. its Star Wars !! How much it is Star Wars depends mostly on you ... for a deep immersion join a roleplaying community/city/guild.
2) Community ... what REALLY keeps me in game is a wonderful community (I play on Naritus server) ... those are people that its fun to be about in this virtual world.
3) Crafting .... SWG has hands-down the best crafting system in any MMORPG I have played so far ... diverse, challenging, competitive. A living economy and a virtual mini game of getting the best resources over a period of months makes it as challenging as any PvP you ever be in. Its a dueling arena for crafters :-)
4) incredible diversity to customize your avatar .. both at beginning of game and also later in game (with help of an image designer). I just started Anarchy Online recently with the free offer and it was a shock to be dragged back screaming to a game with minimal customization. Add to that literally thousands of clothing, armor, weapon and equipment choices and you will hardly have two avatars looking alike unless done on purpose. That does wonders to help you identify with your avatar.
5) Point based skill system. You are not destined to forever play a soldier, or mage or whatever, leveling that one up to level 200 or so. There are 34 professions and you can master about 3 1/2 of them at the same time. If you are fed up with for instance being a doctor you can , over time, become a politician, fencer, tailor, bounty hunter, commando etc. ... everything you want to be. That also keeps the game fresh as you can enter a whole new world of things to do everytime you change professions.
6) Space Expansion ... NO OTHER MMORPG also allows you to sit in the cockpit of over two dozen ships, with your friends on board if you want, and allows you twitch based space combat against enemy fighters or other players. Or just party in space with a view that takes your breath away.
7) Grafics and sound ... its like Star Wars .. music and visuals are important and if you just take some time every few weeks or so to REALLY enjoy the view and listen to the music you will see that its more than above average in that regard. SWG ages well as computers improve. I especially recommend the smooth motion capturing for dancers !!
Things to take into account:
8) Lag ... I myself bitched a lot about lag (in cities, in large scale engagements). To be honest, it very much depends on your computer system. I strongly recommend 1 GiG RAM, it cleared up almost all of my lag problems (started with 256 MB, then 512 MB). I upgraded to a 128 MB Radeon card and garfics became much better. So lag problems are usually NOT server side but mostly client side, so you can have a lot of influence on it.
9) Imbalance ... combat professions and the way combat works need a complete overhaul and that is in the works right now ... my best guess is beginning of summer 2005. Bugs, Jedi, Buffs, soloing high end content and PvP are just aspects of this problem .... if you are heavy into PvP I would wait a bit til that combat revamp has been done.
10) Grind ... yes you CAN grind. With or without macroes. With or without forbidden third party programs. Yes, it can and has burned out many a player, especially on the way to Jedi and while levelling up Jedi. Yes .. ITS YOUR OWN DARN FAULT if you ruin your fun in the game by just grinding until your brain runs out of your ears. Go apply as a chinese farmer grinder boy in Lineage. You can master a profession as well in a month of having fun compared to 3 days of mindless grinding.
Small glimmer of hope. The Developers have doubled their staff, and have been busy fixing numerous bugs and other errors. I dont play myself, but my gf still does, and she likes to read off the list of fixes for each patch.
The effect of the new staff is felt especially in the last 2 weeks. Almost everyone playing gets the feeling that something has changed ..... for the better. That includes forum player relation, customer support, Q&A team. New patches FINALLY repairing old bugs are coming. The Empire cracks down MUCH harder on rebels. We will soon wear USEFUL player crafted stormtrooper/rebel armor in combat !
Have fun
(Novarider on Naritus)
Boo Hooligan
Born on the 7th month
Turn on anti aliasing on your vid card and the graphics will take on a whole new meaning for you. I have no idea what Sony has against anti aliasing or what they can't figure out but just like with EQ, if you turn on anti aliasing with your vid card, I am running it on 4x AA, the game becomes absolutely astounding graphically. When I get a chance I will post some screen shots for everyone.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
I just recently came into SWG after doing the trial a few times over. I can't greatly speak about Lucas's track record with handling SWG or Sony in their developent of it since I wasn't there. I have followed the official forum with great interest for some time however.
Why do I play? Probably because of the great potential and the great amount of detail and care put into the simplest of aspects of the game. However in other areas I can see where they have implemented things that just make zero sense what so ever and I don't honestly see how they could have tested the issue before implementing it.
Bugs? I have yet to see a single bug in the game. It has never crashed, thrown an error, shown a glitch, or anything of that nature. I beleive, and I could be wrong in this, but I beleive what most are referring to as bugs are actually design flaws and conceptual errors. Not bad programming. For me the game runs perfectly, its just full of conceptual issues. Combat is alittle on the rediculous side even at low level to me. However the code seems very sound and stable. I beleive the word "buggy" and "bug" have been bastardized about as much as the word "lag" has.
The cam has tremendous potential, its astounding to see visually and you can keep yourself entertained for hours doing anything but leveling. Leveling is where I tend to get lost. I have run all over tatooine and I just never find anywhere where I feel "ya, this is where I should be working on my experience right now". SWG leaves me feeling alittle homeless so to speak in that regard but I am sure once I get past the learning curve it will get better.
Thats about all I can give you however in my short play time.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
Cause it's the only good SciFi MMORPG out there, with good graphics, GUNS, socializing professions, a good crafting system, PLAYER ECONOMY (Buy stuff from NPCs gets anoying, at least with players can you deal), it has guns, lots of different professions to chose that you can change at will, oh and did I mention it has guns?
Sure there are maybe better MMORPGs out there, but when you are sick of being in a fantasy MMORPG all the time, that's where SWG comes in! The best part is, if you are fantasy-mmorpg-sick, and you need that fantasy feel to the game, SWG has it! Take Swordsman, Fencer or Polearm and you will have all the swords, axes and polearms you could use. But if you want GUNS, cause I'm sick of fantasy RPGs, then you have guns... lots of guns!
___________ ___ __ _ _ _
Stealth - Ambush - Hemorrhage - Sinister Strike x2 - Cold Blood - Eviscerate - Vanish - Preparation - Cold Blood - Ambush - ... you're dead! :P
Dont forget EVE Online. Has all the things you mentioned AND there are 50 k players in ONE universe, 10-12 k online at the same time. Compared to an average 2-3 k per SWG server at any time.
BUT its ships only. You never see a character except in portrait. There is no planet side gaming. Still ... highly recommendable game, as there is NO GRINDING. Your toon gets better over time, wether you are online or not. Its a great secondary game to SWG.
Have fun
I have been in swg since beta and am still there and will stay till the last day.I love SWG.