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I have done my research on current MMOs and this one seems to grab my eye more then others for many reasons. If any current or past subscribers could give me more advice on this issue, I would be thankful. When I say advice I mean would I be wasting my money? Why or why not?
Im not going to tell you to buy the game when I dont know what you like
watch some combat videos like this one
or other links on youtube
there's plenty of opinions from unbiased individuals (my opinion) that cover the first few weeks of gameplay
If you think it might be fun, buy it
ill tell you this as someone who just started playing darkfall this past friday night (so my 4th day in now) the game is wicked awesome. the graphics are better then the vids, not aoc in every respect but not eq1 either, they have a good feel to them and once you start wearing sets of gear (i been crafting my own metal armor cause orcs look great in spikey metal armor) you really start liking watching yourself meelee. if you go magic and archery you dont do a 3rd person view but thats to have it so meeleers can sneak up on these people and suprise them with some nasty power attacks. theres a current community concern over the aoe magics being broken with no line of sight requirements and going through walls BUT theres already fixes in the pipe of the next patch/expansion that is coming out literraly any day now fixing it in various ways (possibly making walls work like daoc and adding mage hunter skill sets for resists and forsaking magics to use those aoes to increase meelee and archery). as far as the open pvp structure its fine in every way except for one abuse by 1 man clans of max skilled players that just go around war declaring anyone they think is easy meat thats in a clan and alone. adventurine should def make war deccing have a cast time/cool down/monetary cost/require the guild declaring war to have a few members but whatever its not a big deal either unless youre in a guild but hanging out somewhere alone just relying on towers to deal with griefers.
the game lets you start working on epic quests day 1, quests that will take you days/weeks/maybe months to complete, pure awesome.
over all this game is the most fun ive had in an mmo in years, if you like open sand boxy pvp always a danger gameplay then there is no reason not to try this game (and no dont expect free trial accounts because there are assholes that would abuse the shit out of it just to be jerks, remember it is an open pvp game and we dont want to give them a tool like inifinte free acounts to grief with)
Thank you Neo, just what i wanted to hear, a honest opinion. I will be buying this game soon.
If you can stick with this game for a month, you will not regret your purchase.
Dont do it. You could at least toss a $50 bill out the window and someone would find it, maybe even a homeless person. You'd be helping someone down on their luck instead of supporting awful game development.
Just forget everything you have played before, now it is on! : )
Take a look at the "NEW" clan and join them. They will help you with everything in the beginning.
This guy has not even played darkfall, so do not listen to non factors like legato
Welcome to Darkfall.
As someone mentionned, join NEW to start in the game
It's a great game and it kept me playing for the first 4-5 months. I'd keep playing, but I just don't have the time to keep playing at the moment. Will resub in a month, though, as I'll have some more time to myself.
I promise you.. If you're looking for an adrenalin-pumping game, a game you haven't tried in another skin before.. And you'll take your time getting into the system.. Darkfall is for you.
I'm also looking at getting into the game properly and joining a mature friendly guild who can help me out and show me the ropes. I'm really interesting in playing something fresh and new, and Darkfall looks to be that.
I think I'll be going on the EU server though as i'm from the UK, just solely because of the time difference and Ping - as I've heard ping plays quite an important role in the game during PvP.
Oh and Gwazi, if you need help you can always ask me (I believe I have already answered a few of your questions anyway)
My name is Irenor Rainstone. See you in-game