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While I would like to play STO, I brought home the system spec's to compare with my home system to see how it stacked up.
On a whim I checked to see if they listed STO fully expecting the answer to be NO since it's not out, but much to my surprise there it was so I ran the check.
Came up with a big red FAIL in both the CPU and Video card spots in the minimum required slot. Man, makes me glad I didn't give in and pre-order while I was at work! LOL!
For those wondering if their systems up to it, I can't recommend the site strongly enough. Lists plenty of games you can check against and only installs a totally safe Active X program onto your system to read it.
And since my system is only a year old I'm not going to buy a new CPU just to play.
SWG (pre-cu) - AoC (pre-f2p) - PotBS (pre-boarder) - DDO - LotRO (pre-f2p) - STO (pre-f2p) - GnH (beta tester) - SWTOR - Neverwinter
Your joking right or this this is a way to get malware on people? If your system is a year old it should be more than enough to run STO. List your system spec's.
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box. ~ Italian proverb
Nope, no joke, nor is it malware. I found the site in an article in the Sacramento Bee about a year ago in their Tech Section.
My spec's: (for the parts that failed)
Minimum: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8 GHz or AMD Athlon X2 3800+
You Have: Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU E2220 @ 2.40GHz
Video Card
Minimum: NVIDIA GeForce 7950 / ATI Radeon X1800 / Intel HD Graphics
You Have: GeForce 7100 " NVIDIA nForce 630i
That one's no biggie since even I could tell a 7100 is lower than a 7950.
All the other parts; speed, video card attributes, sound etc.... were OK. Just these 2 items came up as not meeting spec's.
SWG (pre-cu) - AoC (pre-f2p) - PotBS (pre-boarder) - DDO - LotRO (pre-f2p) - STO (pre-f2p) - GnH (beta tester) - SWTOR - Neverwinter
open beta starts in jan just wait till then and try it out then to see for yourself dont worry about what som site tells ya, and isnt that card an integrated one? gfx cards are not that much now you could try buyin a new one my friends got an old single core amd 1.8 and a decent card in his pc and he can run dragon age on med-high with no issue and im sure it req. are at least as high as sto is a decent site...
The basic spec info though is available on the STO site as well. If folks prefer to read it for themselves.
Just because you bought the system last year doesn't mean that it was a good system when you purchased it. Lots of companies sell there old stock at reduced prices just to get it out the door.
The processor and video card in your "last years" system are 3 years out of date. I purchased a used laptop early last year with a core2 2.0 Ghz and an nvidia 8200, and laptops usually lag behind desktop sytem in regards to performance.
Please don't blame STO because you bought a lame computer.
You sound very proud for having a piece of crap system, as if happy to find an excuse not to play.
"Your pride, good sir, far exceeds your worth." -x3r0h
Oldest member with the least amount of post counts. That counts for something, right?
Just because you bought the system last year doesn't mean that it was a good system when you purchased it. Lots of companies sell there old stock at reduced prices just to get it out the door.
The processor and video card in your "last years" system are 3 years out of date. I purchased a used laptop early last year with a core2 2.0 Ghz and an nvidia 8200, and laptops usually lag behind desktop sytem in regards to performance.
Please don't blame STO because you bought a lame computer.
Maybe I'm not the most tech savy, but it seems to me his CPU should be fine. It asks for a Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8 GHz and he has a Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU 2.40GHz . His processor speed should be fine. He does need to replace his video card, but that is something he should be able to do himself for about $200-300. No need to buy a whole new computer over that.
For the OP, you don't need a program to tell you if a game will work. Just know the specs on your computer and compare them with the "recomended" specs of the game.
Currently Playing: World of Warcraft
U can run It, just upgrade your Video card, add some Ram and install and run Gamebooster evertime you play
U have a 2.4 single core cpu u just will lag out if you alt tab or try to mlti task while playing the game, just install gamebooster and dont multi task and your set.
I have ran games on my old PC useing a Amd 4000 2.4 with only 2 gigs of ram Like Aion and got 50 fps all day at mid high settings also many unreal 3 engine games that flat out told me I can't run them and I did because of some tweeks on my end .
Set your paging files to double your ram, example, 2 gigs, page it to 4 gigs your pretty much turning hardrive spece into more ram.
It's a stright site man I used It for years, you can also use
Warjin, there is an edit button at the bottom of your post.
Edit: apparantly you know that. Why did you double post and then quote yourself?
"Chemistry: 'We do stuff in lab that would be a felony in your garage.'"
The most awesomest after school special T-shirt:
Front: UNO Chemistry Club
Back: /\OH --> Bad Decisions
Lol sorry about that one I must of lagged out , I'll fix it
Just because you bought the system last year doesn't mean that it was a good system when you purchased it. Lots of companies sell there old stock at reduced prices just to get it out the door.
The processor and video card in your "last years" system are 3 years out of date. I purchased a used laptop early last year with a core2 2.0 Ghz and an nvidia 8200, and laptops usually lag behind desktop sytem in regards to performance.
Please don't blame STO because you bought a lame computer.
I'm just saying I bought it last year. When I got it I was looking at the system spec's for SWG, PotBS and LotRO and it was fine for all of those.
And at no point did I blame STO for me not being able to run the game. I decided a long time ago that I'd probably never have cutting edge equipment. It's not their fault I know that!
Originally posted by x3r0h
You sound very proud for having a piece of crap system, as if happy to find an excuse not to play.
If you'd bother to read any of my other STO posts you would have seen I was looking forward to playing. What I'm proud of, is checking the system spec's PRIOR to dropping money on a game I might not be able to run at an enjoyable speed. As far as my system being a piece of crap; not being able to run a brand new game set for a 2010 release doesn't meet my definition of crap. It does quite well for what I use it for and if I'd rather put money into feeding my sons, going on family vacations and visiting my oldest who's in the Navy vice buying a brand new cutting edge computer every year .......
Originally posted by Ktanner3
For the OP, you don't need a program to tell you if a game will work. Just know the specs on your computer and compare them with the "recomended" specs of the game.
While I'm OK with straight number's like speed, video cards etc... I couldn't tell you the difference between the rec cpu and what I have if I had to. So while you might not be tech savy you've got me beat
To Warjin: I'm sure that's very useful info, but you may as well have been speaking Russian. "I can see your lips move, but I've no clue what you just said". LOL. This things just a big typewriter to me.
Best info was desecrate's: Wait for open beta, DL and see if it runs.
I'm a firm believer in the KISS principal, especially when the last 'S' is me.
SWG (pre-cu) - AoC (pre-f2p) - PotBS (pre-boarder) - DDO - LotRO (pre-f2p) - STO (pre-f2p) - GnH (beta tester) - SWTOR - Neverwinter
I dont trust at all
CPU Speed
Minimum: 1.8 GHz
You Have: 2.99 GHz
and it said i failed.. only thing there that i failed..
Your CPU should be fine. The Nvidia card you have is embedded in the motherboard which means you should have a free PCI slot - hopefully it's a PCI-E 16 (check the specs on yuor machine). Just drop $50 @ newegg and get an updated video card ($50 won't get you much but will get you enough - A 7900 GT would get you ~30 FPS on COD4 ).Make sure you check your Power Supply too - this card says it needs 350W. Installation in most systems is plug and play and then installing the drivers. It sounds intimidating but I guarentee you that a blind monkey with no thumbs can install a video card.
I used to be somewhat intimidated by upgrading computers but now it's the only way to go. You can get exactly what you want.
Video Card Comparison site,Marque_fbrandx876,741.html
NewEgg 7900 GT 512
This shows to me how much the community here "really" knows. This site is trusted and has been around for days.
"This may hurt a little, but it's something you'll get used to. Relax....."
CPU Speed
Minimum: Intel Pentium 4 3.2GHz or AMD Athlon 64 3200+ processor or better supported
You Have: 2.67 GHz Performance Rated at: 6.675 GHz
Case in point.....CPU speed ratings are not supposed to be read by flash/java programs. Not accurate enough. Some one who knows computers would know this. Not some one who tries to use a sight to do it for them.
"This may hurt a little, but it's something you'll get used to. Relax....."
Minimum: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8 GHz or AMD Athlon X2 3800+
Recommended: Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 or AMD Athlon X2 5600+
Case in point.....CPU speed ratings are not supposed to be read by flash/java programs. Not accurate enough. Some one who knows computers would know this. Not some one who tries to use a sight to do it for them.
well it was also the fact my Processor is an I5.. and that failed..