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Quantum Computer Summary
You've probably read about quantum computers, right? I sure have. They will be several orders of magnitude faster and will become practical in around 10-20 years. Instead of circuits on microchips, they use a process called "entanglement". First there were tubes, then transistors, now chips, and will next be Entanglement.
To get a scope of how fast they will be, just 40 Qubits will have the computing power of one of the fastest supercomputers in the world.
A mere 80 Qubits will perform the equivalent of 151 Trillion Gigaflops, or 151 Zettaflops, which is 151 Sextillion Floating-Point Operations per Second.
And then going up only 20 notches to just 100 Qubits will provide you one trillion
trillion simultaneous operations per second of processing power, or 1 Yottaflop, which is 1 Septillion Floating-Point Operations per Second.
Hard Drive space will rise just as exponentially as the processing speeds will, so in QCs (or QPCs), you'll see hard drives skipped up several orders to Zettabytes, Yottabytes, and beyond.
Gaming with Quantum Computers
This way, how will MMORPGs be played by then? How will you play (whatever the name will be for) Warcraft XII? (For the purpose of reference points, World of Warcraft is another name for Warcraft IV.)
If players still want to play what will be "classic" MMOs by then (that may be hot titles today, like Eve Online, AO, WoW, etc...), how will the gameplay be different for those? I have hypotheses but I'd like to read yours first!
Warning: I could be on NoDoz caffeine pills so I hope I don't post anything outrageous!
We wont play the MMORPGS, they'll play with us... Matrix style.
PvE in general is pretty lame, if you think long and hard about it. You are spending your time beating a severely gimped AI that would lose to a well trained monkey. Best not to think too long and hard why you are wasting time playing games in general actually...
Nah, too risky. A GREAT alternative would be "Holodecks" instead of brain hookups!
In a power failure:
Brains hooked up will crash along with your game, thereby causing many parts of your memory to be damaged or wiped out. You would have to re-learn so many things from when you were little.
Holodecks on the other hand, will have a few moments of backup emergency power, enough to say "There has been a power failure. You have 30 seconds to exit the holodeck." and will materialize the holodeck exit door out of the blue (either in place of a holographic door or right out of thin air).
Even if both techs will have emergency power backups- First off, Holodecks won't be as invasive to your body as brain hookups (you'd have to make a hole in your head? Gross!) Second, if you don't get out within 30 seconds of a power failure, the door will still be there because when you're in a holodeck without the program running, it'll look like a room with grids on the walls. The exit door will always be there when the holodeck is turned off. You'd be able to open it manually anyway.
Btw, before either technology, when we still have to sit behind a desk and play on a Quantum PC like we do with plain PCs now, how will games be different that way?
Warning: I could be on NoDoz caffeine pills so I hope I don't post anything outrageous!
I dedicate this song to The Matrix Online & Asheron's Call 2 -- the games I hoped to play someday but had bit the dust before their prime.
Sweet!!! Do they have a Lite Version that will fit in my closet?
I have been dreaming, praying that someone would invent real holodecks like in Star Trek before I'm too old to slash an Orc with a sword!
Have any of these things actually been built yet or are they a pie-in-the-sky idea?
Don't jump off the roof Dad
You'll make a hole in the yard
It won't matter how old you are. Nanotech by then will perform miniscule repairs to every last cell in your body so you could basically set however old you want to feel, look, etc... That way, even if you're 180, you could still feel and play like you're only 18. In other words, we may achieve clinical immortality, likely in our lifetimes.
Warning: I could be on NoDoz caffeine pills so I hope I don't post anything outrageous!
I dedicate this song to The Matrix Online & Asheron's Call 2 -- the games I hoped to play someday but had bit the dust before their prime.
It won't matter how old you are. Nanotech by then will perform miniscule repairs to every last cell in your body so you could basically set however old you want to feel, look, etc... That way, even if you're 180, you could still feel and play like you're only 18. In other words, we may achieve clinical immortality, likely in our lifetimes.
It's more likely nanotech will be used to disasemble every last cell in your body. Some evil arms manufacture will get rich on government subsidies researching that sort of thing before medical science gets their hands on it.
Don't pin your hopes on the future being like Star Trek. That's madness and will lead to disapointment.
See the human race for what it is. A bunch of tribal monkeys with large brains.
Jesus. I'm in a cynical mood tonight!!
Don't jump off the roof Dad
You'll make a hole in the yard
Ya, ill believe it when I see it. Besides, according to what people thought before, we should all already have personal flying cars.
Just think of how advanced porn will be!!!
Never need a "real" woman again
On a side note...
"In Chicago, researchers have fused the brain of a primitive lamprey eel with a robot the size of a hockey puck, creating a living machine that tracks a beam of light in a laboratory ring, like a miniature bull chasing a matador's red cape.
Part biological and part mechanical, the crude cyborg is equipped the brain stem of an eel, which, kept alive in a saline solution, receives input from electronic light sensors and directs the robotic wheels to move toward the source of the beam. "
ok lets make sense here, u guys are all thinking way way too matrix. We would not hook into the computer. THE COMPUTER WOULD HOOK INTO US. the main reason is the brain is already more powerful then any existing computer on the planet, they have proven it, even wrote a startrek episode about it.
But now back on topic with the quantam computers, u guys need to pay attention to old school sci fi. instead of a monitor u would have whole walls as monitors or rooms Example farentheit 451 (yes it came before the BS documentary with a similar name). or we could look into the .hack/sign universe and have the headsets , with motion tracking, and similar stuff. But the rudamentary systems for that are avialable. click this link to learn more. ( if link doesnt work simply google it). either way i think when we get higher computers this will be the three major directions they will move in.
this is not like the matrix, matrix was different mainly because the computers had more powerful brains then us. WE actually have more powerful brains then any computer, we just dont sue most of it most of the time.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
They're pie in the sky ideas for now, and are likely to come later than Quantum Computers.
So when we get Quantum PCs before Holodecks, how will MMORPGs be different while we still sit behind a desk & a monitor like we do today? Like, how would quantum servers operate, what will be the Frames Per Second for games running on QPCs, and so on?
Also, if people want to play what will become "classic" games, like WoW, EVE Online, AO, HL2, GTA: SA, etc..., how will they operate differently?
Especially WoW- if their servers were upgraded to run quantum-ly, what will improve/happen to the game?
Warning: I could be on NoDoz caffeine pills so I hope I don't post anything outrageous!
I dedicate this song to The Matrix Online & Asheron's Call 2 -- the games I hoped to play someday but had bit the dust before their prime.
Heh. We would've already had practical, everyday flying cars by now if Abortion wasn't so widespread. Some aborted babies would've grown up to invent world-changing innovations. In fact, we might have had Quantum computers practical a lot sooner if it weren't for widespread abortion.
Think of any famous people that were almost aborted, but grew up to become movie stars or even inventors!
(sorry for veering off topic...)
Warning: I could be on NoDoz caffeine pills so I hope I don't post anything outrageous!
I dedicate this song to The Matrix Online & Asheron's Call 2 -- the games I hoped to play someday but had bit the dust before their prime.
Heh. We would've already had practical, everyday flying cars by now if Abortion wasn't so widespread. Some aborted babies would've grown up to invent world-changing innovations. In fact, we might have had Quantum computers practical a lot sooner if it weren't for widespread abortion.
Think of any famous people that were almost aborted, but grew up to become movie stars or even inventors!
(sorry for veering off topic...)
Is uh oh one or two words? Either way...uh oh.
Although I do agree with you, just think what would of happend if Newton, Tesla, or Einstein never had the chance to live?
"Fear not death; for the sooner we die, the longer shall we be immortal."
Again, if you wanted to run Classic (by then) games on Quantum PCs (QPCs hereafter), how would they run differently? How would WoW be different? I'd like for you to answer. Also, how about Half-Life 2? How will that game be played on a QPC? What will the frame rate and other performance hallmarks be with all settings maxed out?
As for Newton, Einstein, etc... I guess we would've had a slower advance in technologies if they didn't have a chance. Newton's Law was the foundation for flight. And what if Edison wasn't born? OMG, we REALLY would've been behind, wouldn't we?
Warning: I could be on NoDoz caffeine pills so I hope I don't post anything outrageous!
I dedicate this song to The Matrix Online & Asheron's Call 2 -- the games I hoped to play someday but had bit the dust before their prime.
Even with Quantum computing being said, it is already known that organic cpu's and chips have been successfully tested and used already which also does away with traditional computing techniques. These chips if expanded upon will allow a human even to integrate themselves into a computer and visa versa.
An example...A quadrapolegic (or however you spell it) offered his services in testing this theory using this new organic material for processing information to be integrated with it. The scientists basically performed surgery in planting one such device into his brain. They then ran tests on it and the man was successfully able to run programs, type, operate systems using only his thoughts and using his brain. He typed to his wife that he loved her using a MS word type program just by thinking it, cause the guy can't talk or move either.
This is an example I read in one of the science websites (can't remember which as it was a year ago), but it goes to show that there is development ongoing in the field of organic processing power which uses an organic material that allows processing at the speed of our brains. Everyone knows that our brain is the ultimate supercomputer, and nothing has been able to match our brain computing power except maybe up until the new organic material is able to replace the current computing hardware.
"Time to kick ass and chew bubble gum!...but I'm all outta gum!!!"
Actually some of those babies would have grown up to be little Hitler's.
You guys should read up on the singularity: Vernor Vinge on the Singularity
Basically he says that as processing power increases exponentially, at a certain point, we'll have AI able to create and improve itself at an exponential rate. When this happens we'll basically have a new intelligence unfathomable by those left behind. It would be like an ant trying to comprehend and comunicate with a human. It's quite interesting really and it's causing a lot of sci-fi writers problems since how do you conceive the inconceivable.
Also, as much as I like the show, I think the "Star Trek" type future is total BS. Even without a type of singularity we'll probably have a much more "matrix" like world where the line between reality and VR will be blurred. A pretty cool book I just read is Diaspora by Greg Egan.
I still have an unanswered question:
Before Holodecks come about (and I hope never brain hookups), when we still need to use a keyboard, joystick, monitor, etc... behind a desk like we do right now, when a Quantum PC has a SIMILAR configuration, how would TODAY'S GAMES be played?
Today's games that will become classics by then will be WoW, EQII, AO, EVE Online, Half Life 2, etc...
How would THOSE be played on what'll look like a PC, NOT a Holodeck? (I already have the holodeck thing figured out).
Warning: I could be on NoDoz caffeine pills so I hope I don't post anything outrageous!
I dedicate this song to The Matrix Online & Asheron's Call 2 -- the games I hoped to play someday but had bit the dust before their prime.
I dont think Quantum Computers would be utilized in games in the sense of how we use them today(Monitor, keyboard, mouse). We will probably be able to get photo realisitic graphics out of expanding todays technology and have some from of new gaming use for quantum computers. Advanced forms of VR will probably be used for Quantum Computing, especially when it comes to expanding to sensory perception, twitch movement and overall massivness of online games(1million+ ppl on a global server) in the future.
I dont know if anyone else seen the commercials when the PS2 first came out but there was the commercial about what the PS9 could be like. Well photo realistic VR is prolly a better use for Quantum Computing, I'm pretty sure basic PC gaming will be long outdated by then.
I really won't like games to become truly 100% realistic looking, that will just cause more violence caused from video games.
Think about it, if u are a true hardcore gamer, there comes a game where you go into the game, and inside, everything is as realistic as real life. Now, you don't log out for a few days, once you come out, u might forget when you are in the game and when you are out of the game.
Exactly, yo may learn to believe the 3D world is your real home. Leading to starvation and thirst. IUnless you IV yourself. then hell lets move into this 3D world. $%^ Real life.
...Leading to starvation and thirst...
Nah, I don't think so. If you're in a holodeck, you can eat holographic food because since everything holographic will feel solid whenever you want them to, so can food, and they can taste as real as they feel!
Literally, you could do everything in the holodeck that you could in RL, plus what you couldn't do in RL either (like play Superman)!
If there's a constant, fail-safe power supply, you could live in one forever! "Computer, remodulate my body to 15 years old."
Warning: I could be on NoDoz caffeine pills so I hope I don't post anything outrageous!
I dedicate this song to The Matrix Online & Asheron's Call 2 -- the games I hoped to play someday but had bit the dust before their prime.
--->That would be 1 million+ players on ONE server, right?
As long as there is no lag and framerates are over 60 FPS (have reason to believe that Quantum Computing will make framerates achieve over 1 million FPS), then I'd love to be in games with millions.
At least we'll also hitch rides on other players' horses by then!
--->You know people still play SMB, PacMan, Zelda1, and those other old school games, right? Some gamers are also antique game lovers.
I'm sure when HL2, DAoC, SWG, AO, Eve Online, AC, etc... become just as much classics as the old games are today, people will still play them.
They'll probably have MUCH smoother framerates and all of their servers will consolidate into one by the time they upgrade to Quantumware. Lag will go the way of Conestoga wagons and if people had characters in more than one server, Quantum servers would be more than capable of adding as many character slots as players need/want.
Warning: I could be on NoDoz caffeine pills so I hope I don't post anything outrageous!
I dedicate this song to The Matrix Online & Asheron's Call 2 -- the games I hoped to play someday but had bit the dust before their prime.