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Are they gonna add a realistic voice over for all the npc's?
Are they going to allow us all to be a more soloable with our advancment in the game, rewarding time spent soloing?
Are they going to have voice chat?
Are they going to add a new econcomy to the game, instead of a exploited auction house system that they once had?
Is there going to be a forum where people can voice thier suggestions/fustrations in, and will they be listened to?
Will they have cheapshot boss fight systems** or bosses that take two hours just to defeat, (I recall the video where the developer said that if it turns out to be too difficult on a boss, they will weaken it a bit, thats not something I like to hear")
**Main reason I quit ffxi was the seed crystal battle... why did it have to be so cheap, win or lose all depending on one ability that the crystal spams, Nothing in a game should make your two hour timer reset. Thats just wrong, its not skill, its downright cheapshoting you.
Are they going to fix raiding like ffxi's dynamsis time slots, where everyone has to fight over which linkshell gets to get into the dynamis area first? (After all when ten people can cut in line to your raid run, and ruin all your fun for a night, thats just wrong and should allow multiple raids in an instance at a time)
Are they going to fix the gilseller type issues within a timley manner? (took them over 5 years to make rares no trade in ffxi)
I hope most of this is taken care of... and I'm sure the rpg aspect will be the best out there, I just hope the Mechanics and dynamics of the game are enough to make it more enjoyable then ffxi's was.
1. From what I remember they said they will have voice overs but if its for all npc's or just a few no one knows but them.
2. Again no one knows. All they said is it will be more casual friendly than FFXI.
3. No one knows but you can always you Vent or Teamspeak. PSN will probably have voice chat through the psn chat during games option by then.
4. They mentioned a marketplace type system. As for how it will work no one knows.
5. No one knows. (Personal opinion) I doubt it though that would be more people to hire and to moderate the forums. There is always IGN and other sites with forums.
6. No one knows. In FFXI there was a HNM that was damn near impossiable to defeat don't remember the name. It would take 2+ hours to get its hp down and it had a benidiction 2 hour to heal itself so it was a endless battle. I hope they do tune down battles like that. As for bosses like Fafnir, KB, Cerebus and so far they won't need to tune down as long as it takes skill and strategy to defeat.
7. Do you mean the crystal warriors fight? If not then I don't know what battle you are talking about. I quit in the middle of the Treasures expansion got tired of the cgf exploiting the economy and also got a lil tired of playing.
8. Not much has been said about that. I think they said quest zones like that will be instanced or if a quest requires you to touch a ??? it will instanced or something. Someone else probably could explain more I forgot. I do hope zones like Dynamis be instanced for that very reason.
9. They said they will battle CGF's from the very start of the game.
I myself enjoyed FFXI very much and haven't played a MMORPG that had my attention that long since. There is somethings they could polish up in 14 that they didn't do in 11. Like the Dynamis problem you mentioned. It sucks if you and other linkshells of your time of play have a schedule to do dynamis. Then some asshole linkshell just barges in and takes someone's time slot. It's a pain just to schedule dynamis around other ls and their members schedule.
No, only for the NPC's of the main story (and other significant parts of the game, but not every NPC, nor every quest.)
Yes, soloing is possible..
No, there will be no voice chat unless you play on PC.
The AH system will be tweaked, but no one knows how yet. It will be easier to get money however.
There are already many unofficial forums that SE reads, there is no need for official forums. SE listens, but the solutions are often different from what the player's ideas were. Don't expect them to fix everything, that is impossible.
There will be bosses that take 2 hours to defeat. There will be hard bosses that actually take skill to defeat (like the seed crystal battle), so maybe you shouldn't be playing the game if you don't like challenge.
There is no reason to doubt that SE would use a Salvage-type system instead of Dynamis type when developing end game events. Why go back from instances that take multiple groups at once to dynamises one group-per-area style? There is no single logical or illogical explanation to do that, let's be honest here.
RMT was not a problem for 5 years. RMT was not a huge problem for 3 years. SE took their time to fix things, but they fixed it effectively. They are planning to continue in XIV from where they left off in XI in regards to combating RMT.