That's so funny, because I can remember people I grouped with in EQ back in 2000, but I can't remember anyone from WoW or any other new game. In fact, of my group experiences in WoW I remember the people being complete idiots. In EQ or DAoC I remember cooperation.
Not a knock on WoW, because right now in DDO its the same way. Most people haven't a clue how to play. Are these games just so easy now that there is no need for people to work together?
A group in EQ and DAoC last a lot longer then DDO and WOW. SO it a lot easier to remember your group mates.
1. DAoC, leveling up in the plains. We decided to switch camps and found a camp of fairys that look promising. We spent 10min getting ready for the pull and the first wave wipe us. The hole group thought it was funny getting wipe by such a weak creature.
2. WoW naxx-40 Almost every boss in this instance was fun and wasnt as time consuming to get to them as others raid instances.
3. DAoC the first relic raid I went on. It was all about the numbers and everyone was crashing left and right but it was just so crazy that made it fun. What made the night even better was winning the relic.
I hated warhammer because the first fortress fight we couldnt even see the enemy or even do damage to the doors. You think 8years? later they can program better. After that I never return. It ruin the game for me.
-- "Any free people have the right to choose how it wants to be govern thats the essence of democracy. It's sad when America has chosen for the stability and consistency of a dictatorship and doing it democratically" -utnow
1. There were many memorable events in DAoC pre-SI-NF, but one of the best times I had was when there was a relic raid ( I believe Mids attacked excalibur if I remember correctly ), and we had a big raid doing cear sidi. We decided to get out of the dungeon and go defend. That was pure realm pride, leaving an ongoing raid halfway in favor of defending a relic keep from your realm. I can't remember if we won or lost, but those were the glory days of DAoC.
2. Guild ( Ara Veritas ) RvR moments in DAoC, like claiming our first keep, roaming hib and mid frontiers, defending keeps, and messing with hibs and mids in Darkness Falls trying to avoid mob agro. Pure epicness all of it.
3. SWG pre-CU-NGE, just the complete social experience.
If you are interested in subscription or PCU numbers for MMORPG's, check out my site : Favorite MMORPG's : DAoC pre ToA-NF, SWG Pre CU-NGE, EVE Online
1. DAoC, just been playing a few hours and discovered Bolderings. Me and the wife had hours of fun their, until Shale (Boss spawn) turned up and wiped us. Repeatedly. It was always a joy to pop back now and again as a 50 and kill him.
2. DAoC, Darkness falls. Me and wife were in a group of very drunk solders who had just come back from Gulf (first time round) - we were on the American server (but live in UK). It was such a fun night pulling the big bosses and getting wiped repeatedly that we kept playing till 0500 and we both had work in the morning. Hope those guys are still ok, it was the stupidly funnest night ever.
3. Warhammer Online. The first few week of playing the game which was so like the table top game I had spent nearly 25 years playing that it brought tears to my eyes. My wife was fed up with me saying "The trolls (etc) they are just like the ones I spent all day painting". And finally the release of the Chopper and my wife coming up with a great name. Normally she uses stuff like Nantwo (Nan to two grandchildren), so of course it had to be ... Nanchops.
Notice how many good memories are from DAoC? Pay attention EA/Mythic make DAoC 2 please.
1) Helping my guildmates get their shards for Vex Thal access in EQ. I spent weeks acting as puller, tank and healer on my magician helping people pick up the last couple of shards they were missing. I even cleared areas of traps, snuck past the see-invise mobs, and coth'd people into areas they could not reach on their own for certain steps.
2) Completing my Coldain Shawl in EQ. That was an epic quest that took me literaly six months to finish. Like the Darkforged armor someone mentioned ealier, it involved using litterally every skill I had to find the rare tradeskill pieces for each of hte sub-quests, and then you had to be able to make the tradeskill combines. You had be be skilled in every tradeskill to finish the quest. At the final step, your entire guild helped with the final escort mission and the god of the dwarves, Brell, made a personal appearance to give you his blessings.
3) Running from Ak'anon to High Pass Hold at level 8 to pick up a spell that could be found no where else. There were no maps, the compass was unreliable and I had never traveled those roads before. I was chased by all manner of very scary monsters, I crossed Kithicor forest not realizing how dangerous the zone was, and invised past what appeared to be a full scale war in High Hold Pass between other players and the orcs. It took me almost two hours to make the run, just for 3 spell scrolls. I then immediately gated all the way back to Ak'anon, were I was safe at home.
Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do. Benjamin Franklin
1. WOW- Raiding in vanilla WOW.Downing onyxia for the first time and getting my tier 2 helm.Clearing all the way to rag in MC.Doing ZG for the first time.Loved that instance.Downing ossirus or w/e his name in AQ20 and winning an awsome spell damage staff.
2.Playing WOW TBC first day it lauched.Went to Walmart at 2am to pick it up.Seeing outlands for the first time was really cool and everyone in chat talking about it.
3. EQ2- My first MMO and first game I played on my new gaming computer back in 2004.It looked really awsome, best looking game I had played at that point.Seeing Qeynos for the first time after getting off the refuge island.NPCs yelling at me to get my attention.Getting my apartment, and seeing the city light up at night.Everything about it was a mystery.Doing Blackburrows and farming the giants in Thundering Steppes.They were huge and it seemed so epic at the time.
1. EQ: When I was thirteen years old I lead a 75 man raid into the Plane of Hate only to find out the mob for my epic drop only to find out that the mob wasn't up. Instead, we all decided to attempt to kill the Maestro which was a major wipe.
2. EQ: Asking a random level 65 character if I could "ride his horse."
3. EQ2: Hitting the level cap for the first time in any MMORPG as I dinged level 80 while running through the Pillars of Flame.
WoW - Tarren Mill VS Southshore zergs. This was before BC expansion, and before any Battleground had come out. Toms of alliance would gather with tons of horde on the horizon and then a clash of epic proportions. Most of the participants were in between 50-60, and I was level 30, so I couldn't do much except add to the sheer number of people, but nobody cared (or the opposite, i'd get some "HELL YEA LEVEL 30"). It was by far the best experience I'd ever had in an MMO, going back and forth inbetween the two cities, fighting over questing land. Good Times.
FFXI - First MMO, I remember being pissed that I had no money, so I dia'd + banega'd a bunch of level 1 bunnies for hare meat, and made tons of money from the auction house (because vendor trash == ingrediants). Unfortunately later on I quit (at 28), I was working my way toward soloing (beastmaster at 30) but I couldn't handle it anymore.
HGL - Gun Guardian. Nothing cooler than pressing Q and watching a lightshow because I had 50% chance on hit to do poison nova, 40% chance on hit to do fire nova, 20% chance to shoot shrapnel originating from me, and 30% chance on hit to throw fire grenades in all directions. Because I was using 2 single handed miniguns, my fire rate was 800 a minute or so, meaning I could expect at least three of these to proc every second. The game was a lot of bad, but that was so good.
1. Killing my first BCNM in FFXI, he was at the Ghelsba Outpost. It was truly epic.
2. Sitting around for hundreds of hours in FFXI just chatting with guild members, about nothing.
3. After 1.5 years finally getting my blu/nin combo in FFXI. And starting to learn blu spells. it was the best class I have every play'd in a game....ever..
1) DAoC: The first time I had to venture away from my starting town Connla (This was pre-SI). This wasn't a hand holding game at the time so it was very scary moving away from the safety of the town, exploring where the killable mobs are and where you'd get reamed
2) DAoC: The first time I saw Tir na Nog in the distance near Mag Mell.
3) The first time I went to Cliff of Moher in Hibernia to find new XP, a Dergan Enchanter was camping the road (NPC mob). Me and my friend didn't really see it at the time, but it was wicked stronger than we were. After my friend got one shotted I paniced and was looking around to see where the attack came from. I turned around just as a giant purple void bolt one-shotted me in the face. Laughed so hard!
1. The adrenaline associated with pvp in wow at times: when facing self vs three others and winning... or a good arena match (in BC ), they always were exciting and a good way to waste time if bored, of course now adays I dont even bother.
2. I used to play a Korean MMO before I discovered western MMOs and there was a boss in a dungeon that was a rare spawn, a bunch of random people and I got together and partied and downed him after an hour of hitting and healing (no strategy, go figure). After the boss was down I was really excited about finding out what dropped and the people around envied the loots.. My first MMO I think it was, it was just the first feeling of epic loot syndrome.
3. RPing for the first time, it was both scary and exciting and afterwards I find it the most comfortable aspect of mmoRPGs.
#1. The first time I "Dinged" in EQ1 while playing it at a friends house... that night I dreamed about the "ding" while killing snakes and looting them with my necro. When I woke up I realized that I must have that game.
#2. Killing my guild leader for deserting our town and hiding while us lackeys died for it trying to defend it in Shadowbane, then joining the guild that was attacking the town to spite him.
#3. Fighting as Horde at Tarren Mill vs. Southshore with my Undead Frost Mage before Battlegrounds existed. Had some pointless, but awesome fun charging back and forth with 50 vs. 50ish players at any given time.
"There is only one thing of which I am certain, and that's nothing is certain."
UO - Logging into UO for the first time back in 1998. I was always a huge D&D / fantasy junkie growing up, and heard about UO from a friend. I logged into the game for the first time, and was blown away. It was what I had waited for my entire life. lol
SWG - The Bloodfin server wars. Pre-NGE, the Bloodfin server used to have monthly server wars, where all the rebel and imperial guilds all declared war on each other. It was insane. There would be huge battles all over the place, on the different planets, which would get so big it would crash the planet. FU NGE.
WOW - Southshore Tarren Mill battles. Oh the good old days before instanced battlegrounds killed world pvp in WOW. Every night there would be huge battles at TM SS.
I'll throw in a 4th. Shadowbane - My first city seige. There must have been 300+ people battling over the city and the seige lasted hours. The lag was so bad it was a slideshow, but still amazing to be a part of. We won the siege and burned that &^#$%# to the ground.
DAOC - Many fun nights in the 20-24 BG. When that place was crowded it was a blast. The only time I've ever played an MMO for 4+ hours straight with out looking at the clock. Too many fun times in there with my light spec elds.
DAOC - PvE was pretty awful, but roaming around Hib, finding random mob camps that I never knew existed was always exciting. Up until about level 35, it felt like you had your own secret leveling spots that "the crowd" had never discovered.
LOTRO - If they got one thing right in that game it was the beautiful area design and atmosphere. The Shire was so well done, you never wanted to leave the place. Many people mention their first trip to Rivendell as a most memorable experience, but for me it was seeing the Misty Mountains for the first time. I was blown away. They were mountains that actually looked like mountains, rather than some little hill with snow on top. Very impressive.
It's hard to pick just 3, but I'll try. These are 3 moments in an MMO that I'll never, ever forget.
1.) Playing my character with the Skara Brae Rangers on Lake Superior shard. I played an archer/bowyer/ranger-type with no magic skills at all. The SB Rangers were an RP guild, and we spent a lot of time defending Skara from unruly types, hunting orcs and visiting Rivendell, the nearby player-run town. Our guild hall was actually the ranger guild right outside the SB docks that some GMs had fixed up for us, and I had a blast defending it from murderers and thieves that would always show up for a fight because they knew the Rangers would always be there to give them a good fight. Obviously this was before the whole Trammel disaster that ruined the game. The moment that sticks out most in my mind was when we trapped this one infamous murder who got a little too confident of his skill in our box formation and humbled him a bit.
2.) My time in the Armie uf Oggok on the E'ci server in the original EverQuest, before any expansions. It was an Ogre guild, another RP guild and I played an Ogre warrior named Gamkrog. I remember a few weeks after launch, we got really brave because we were all around level 15 and ready to leave the Feerott and Southern Oasis area. So a group of us, 7-10, I think) ventured out one day to the Rathe Mountains which was a completely unexplored territory for us and most everyone in the game, because it was just a few weeks after launch and it was so far from the other starting areas of everyone except Ogres and Trolls. So we ventured in and explored a bit. Lots of great roleplaying and excitement of what was around every corner. We ran across giant skeletons and freaked out, but our leader rallied us together and we tried to fight one. It was a long and brutal fight, and we ended up losing, but it was so much fun and a great RP event for the guild. Also, I had my first item camping experience here a few levels later when another Ogre from the guild and I traveled all the way to Befallen to camp the ogre shadowknight for his Barbed Bracers. I stayed up all night and my partner hung out with me until we both got a pair of bracers. First camping experience, seems a crazy thing to do in retrospect, especially in modern MMOs but we did it, and so did the majority of players.
3.) In World of WarCraft. I was hanging out with some guildies (Horde) in Western Plaguelands goofing off and popping in and out of the dungeon there (can't remember the name of it for some reason). But we got bored, finished the instance, or whatever and started to wander into the Alterac Mountain zone where that little Alliance camp is. Well, we decided to flag and mess around with the locals. We would flag and walk around in formation, sort of RPing. Even though we weren't attacking anyone or anything, just being flagged and walking in formation was enough to provoke curiosity from the Alliance, and a few of them started to attack us. We went into guerilla warfare mode and took to the trees near the border of the Alliance camp. We'd wait for some Alliance player to try and flush us out, then our rogue friend would jump out of the shadows and disable them and we would destroy them. lol. It was great fun cause we were all on Vent, and doing something out of the ordinary for a change and hopefully making the game a bit more interesting for the Alliance players that were fighting us too.
That's so funny, because I can remember people I grouped with in EQ back in 2000, but I can't remember anyone from WoW or any other new game. In fact, of my group experiences in WoW I remember the people being complete idiots. In EQ or DAoC I remember cooperation.
Not a knock on WoW, because right now in DDO its the same way. Most people haven't a clue how to play. Are these games just so easy now that there is no need for people to work together?
A group in EQ and DAoC last a lot longer then DDO and WOW. SO it a lot easier to remember your group mates.
1. DAoC, leveling up in the plains. We decided to switch camps and found a camp of fairys that look promising. We spent 10min getting ready for the pull and the first wave wipe us. The hole group thought it was funny getting wipe by such a weak creature.
2. WoW naxx-40 Almost every boss in this instance was fun and wasnt as time consuming to get to them as others raid instances.
3. DAoC the first relic raid I went on. It was all about the numbers and everyone was crashing left and right but it was just so crazy that made it fun. What made the night even better was winning the relic.
I hated warhammer because the first fortress fight we couldnt even see the enemy or even do damage to the doors. You think 8years? later they can program better. After that I never return. It ruin the game for me.
"Any free people have the right to choose how it wants to be govern thats the essence of democracy. It's sad when America has chosen for the stability and consistency of a dictatorship and doing it democratically" -utnow
My top 3 :
1. There were many memorable events in DAoC pre-SI-NF, but one of the best times I had was when there was a relic raid ( I believe Mids attacked excalibur if I remember correctly ), and we had a big raid doing cear sidi. We decided to get out of the dungeon and go defend. That was pure realm pride, leaving an ongoing raid halfway in favor of defending a relic keep from your realm. I can't remember if we won or lost, but those were the glory days of DAoC.
2. Guild ( Ara Veritas ) RvR moments in DAoC, like claiming our first keep, roaming hib and mid frontiers, defending keeps, and messing with hibs and mids in Darkness Falls trying to avoid mob agro. Pure epicness all of it.
3. SWG pre-CU-NGE, just the complete social experience.
If you are interested in subscription or PCU numbers for MMORPG's, check out my site :
Favorite MMORPG's : DAoC pre ToA-NF, SWG Pre CU-NGE, EVE Online
In vanguard when i was level 40 i got the coolest armor ever or when i got my shadow hound mount.
1. DAoC, just been playing a few hours and discovered Bolderings. Me and the wife had hours of fun their, until Shale (Boss spawn) turned up and wiped us. Repeatedly. It was always a joy to pop back now and again as a 50 and kill him.
2. DAoC, Darkness falls. Me and wife were in a group of very drunk solders who had just come back from Gulf (first time round) - we were on the American server (but live in UK). It was such a fun night pulling the big bosses and getting wiped repeatedly that we kept playing till 0500 and we both had work in the morning. Hope those guys are still ok, it was the stupidly funnest night ever.
3. Warhammer Online. The first few week of playing the game which was so like the table top game I had spent nearly 25 years playing that it brought tears to my eyes. My wife was fed up with me saying "The trolls (etc) they are just like the ones I spent all day painting". And finally the release of the Chopper and my wife coming up with a great name. Normally she uses stuff like Nantwo (Nan to two grandchildren), so of course it had to be ... Nanchops.
Notice how many good memories are from DAoC? Pay attention EA/Mythic make DAoC 2 please.
1) Helping my guildmates get their shards for Vex Thal access in EQ. I spent weeks acting as puller, tank and healer on my magician helping people pick up the last couple of shards they were missing. I even cleared areas of traps, snuck past the see-invise mobs, and coth'd people into areas they could not reach on their own for certain steps.
2) Completing my Coldain Shawl in EQ. That was an epic quest that took me literaly six months to finish. Like the Darkforged armor someone mentioned ealier, it involved using litterally every skill I had to find the rare tradeskill pieces for each of hte sub-quests, and then you had to be able to make the tradeskill combines. You had be be skilled in every tradeskill to finish the quest. At the final step, your entire guild helped with the final escort mission and the god of the dwarves, Brell, made a personal appearance to give you his blessings.
3) Running from Ak'anon to High Pass Hold at level 8 to pick up a spell that could be found no where else. There were no maps, the compass was unreliable and I had never traveled those roads before. I was chased by all manner of very scary monsters, I crossed Kithicor forest not realizing how dangerous the zone was, and invised past what appeared to be a full scale war in High Hold Pass between other players and the orcs. It took me almost two hours to make the run, just for 3 spell scrolls. I then immediately gated all the way back to Ak'anon, were I was safe at home.
Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do.
Benjamin Franklin
1. WOW- Raiding in vanilla WOW.Downing onyxia for the first time and getting my tier 2 helm.Clearing all the way to rag in MC.Doing ZG for the first time.Loved that instance.Downing ossirus or w/e his name in AQ20 and winning an awsome spell damage staff.
2.Playing WOW TBC first day it lauched.Went to Walmart at 2am to pick it up.Seeing outlands for the first time was really cool and everyone in chat talking about it.
3. EQ2- My first MMO and first game I played on my new gaming computer back in 2004.It looked really awsome, best looking game I had played at that point.Seeing Qeynos for the first time after getting off the refuge island.NPCs yelling at me to get my attention.Getting my apartment, and seeing the city light up at night.Everything about it was a mystery.Doing Blackburrows and farming the giants in Thundering Steppes.They were huge and it seemed so epic at the time.
1. EQ: When I was thirteen years old I lead a 75 man raid into the Plane of Hate only to find out the mob for my epic drop only to find out that the mob wasn't up. Instead, we all decided to attempt to kill the Maestro which was a major wipe.
2. EQ: Asking a random level 65 character if I could "ride his horse."
3. EQ2: Hitting the level cap for the first time in any MMORPG as I dinged level 80 while running through the Pillars of Flame.
1. Going into plane of fear with only 3 people EQ1
2. Training half the City of Mist zone to another group stealing our spawns EQ1
3. Quiting AION Aion
1. Anarchy Online : my 60 enfo got his ql 170 implant in,oh the joy ,year 2006 or so
2.I bought handwritten newspaper from player in WoW(ingame) ,year 2005 or so
3.Counter Strike :First Kill ,year 2000? or so ,yes its full loot MMORPG
Generation P
WoW - Tarren Mill VS Southshore zergs. This was before BC expansion, and before any Battleground had come out. Toms of alliance would gather with tons of horde on the horizon and then a clash of epic proportions. Most of the participants were in between 50-60, and I was level 30, so I couldn't do much except add to the sheer number of people, but nobody cared (or the opposite, i'd get some "HELL YEA LEVEL 30"). It was by far the best experience I'd ever had in an MMO, going back and forth inbetween the two cities, fighting over questing land. Good Times.
FFXI - First MMO, I remember being pissed that I had no money, so I dia'd + banega'd a bunch of level 1 bunnies for hare meat, and made tons of money from the auction house (because vendor trash == ingrediants). Unfortunately later on I quit (at 28), I was working my way toward soloing (beastmaster at 30) but I couldn't handle it anymore.
HGL - Gun Guardian. Nothing cooler than pressing Q and watching a lightshow because I had 50% chance on hit to do poison nova, 40% chance on hit to do fire nova, 20% chance to shoot shrapnel originating from me, and 30% chance on hit to throw fire grenades in all directions. Because I was using 2 single handed miniguns, my fire rate was 800 a minute or so, meaning I could expect at least three of these to proc every second. The game was a lot of bad, but that was so good.
1. Killing my first BCNM in FFXI, he was at the Ghelsba Outpost. It was truly epic.
2. Sitting around for hundreds of hours in FFXI just chatting with guild members, about nothing.
3. After 1.5 years finally getting my blu/nin combo in FFXI. And starting to learn blu spells. it was the best class I have every play'd in a game....ever..
Please check out my channel. I do gaming reviews, gaming related reviews & lets plays. Thanks!
1) The first time I met GOT in Anarchy Online, then proceded to ninja loot GTA as the leader did not fix the loot system. Cheers mate.
2) Beating the annoying, stupid goons in most encounters on Darkfall.
3) Probably meeting my current guild on SWG. Ongoing best time!
1. Seeing my first giant battle in Planetside
2. Logging into Star Wars Galaxies for the first time was so amazing
3. WoW Dead Mines
1. EQ (my first MMO) - finishing my Cleric Epic. Took me a few months to get done, but when I did, I felt like I could take on the world!
2. LOTRO - Meeting Elrond in Rivendell (along with the rest of the Fellowship). I was totally geeking out.
3. LOTRO - First time in the Lone Lands and reaching the summit of Weathertop. A real OMG moment.
1) DAoC: The first time I had to venture away from my starting town Connla (This was pre-SI). This wasn't a hand holding game at the time so it was very scary moving away from the safety of the town, exploring where the killable mobs are and where you'd get reamed
2) DAoC: The first time I saw Tir na Nog in the distance near Mag Mell.
3) The first time I went to Cliff of Moher in Hibernia to find new XP, a Dergan Enchanter was camping the road (NPC mob). Me and my friend didn't really see it at the time, but it was wicked stronger than we were. After my friend got one shotted I paniced and was looking around to see where the attack came from. I turned around just as a giant purple void bolt one-shotted me in the face. Laughed so hard!
Hibernia Merlin pre-SI
FFXI: Gauhar - Odin
1 Asherons Call
2 Vanguard
1. The adrenaline associated with pvp in wow at times: when facing self vs three others and winning... or a good arena match (in BC ), they always were exciting and a good way to waste time if bored, of course now adays I dont even bother.
2. I used to play a Korean MMO before I discovered western MMOs and there was a boss in a dungeon that was a rare spawn, a bunch of random people and I got together and partied and downed him after an hour of hitting and healing (no strategy, go figure). After the boss was down I was really excited about finding out what dropped and the people around envied the loots.. My first MMO I think it was, it was just the first feeling of epic loot syndrome.
3. RPing for the first time, it was both scary and exciting and afterwards I find it the most comfortable aspect of mmoRPGs.
EQ- Going to Freeport from Kaladim on the boat as a dwarf warrior, then trying to kill a shark off the docks and dieing lol.
EQ- hitting level 85 on my mage a couple weeks ago.
Aion- finding a rift and getting about 10 others to go into battle with me. We all died, was fun though.
#1. The first time I "Dinged" in EQ1 while playing it at a friends house... that night I dreamed about the "ding" while killing snakes and looting them with my necro. When I woke up I realized that I must have that game.
#2. Killing my guild leader for deserting our town and hiding while us lackeys died for it trying to defend it in Shadowbane, then joining the guild that was attacking the town to spite him.
#3. Fighting as Horde at Tarren Mill vs. Southshore with my Undead Frost Mage before Battlegrounds existed. Had some pointless, but awesome fun charging back and forth with 50 vs. 50ish players at any given time.
"There is only one thing of which I am certain, and that's nothing is certain."
1. Early days of WoW. First impression of MMORPG genre, outdoor PvP, forum wars, fame, friends. I had everything of those and it was a blast.
2. Roleplay in LoTRO. Very friendly and cool community, great RP events, unique atmosphere of fantasy.
3. Fresh breath in Vanguard. Really immersive world where i can just walk around and look with awe at scenery. Freedom
1. Having a long buff line in SWG . . . and competing with other Master Doctors in Theed for customers. It was great!
2. Running lower level players through dungeons in WoW.
3. Hiding in trees and sniping with arrows in DFO. Also watching the DFO political map change all the way through World War I.
UO - Logging into UO for the first time back in 1998. I was always a huge D&D / fantasy junkie growing up, and heard about UO from a friend. I logged into the game for the first time, and was blown away. It was what I had waited for my entire life. lol
SWG - The Bloodfin server wars. Pre-NGE, the Bloodfin server used to have monthly server wars, where all the rebel and imperial guilds all declared war on each other. It was insane. There would be huge battles all over the place, on the different planets, which would get so big it would crash the planet. FU NGE.
WOW - Southshore Tarren Mill battles. Oh the good old days before instanced battlegrounds killed world pvp in WOW. Every night there would be huge battles at TM SS.
I'll throw in a 4th. Shadowbane - My first city seige. There must have been 300+ people battling over the city and the seige lasted hours. The lag was so bad it was a slideshow, but still amazing to be a part of. We won the siege and burned that &^#$%# to the ground.
Currently Playing: DAOC Uthgard
Previously Played: UO, DAOC, Shadowbane, AC2, SWG, Horizons, COX, WOW, EQ2, LOTRO, AOC, WAR, Vanguard, Rift, SWTOR, ESO, GW2.
DAOC - Many fun nights in the 20-24 BG. When that place was crowded it was a blast. The only time I've ever played an MMO for 4+ hours straight with out looking at the clock. Too many fun times in there with my light spec elds.
DAOC - PvE was pretty awful, but roaming around Hib, finding random mob camps that I never knew existed was always exciting. Up until about level 35, it felt like you had your own secret leveling spots that "the crowd" had never discovered.
LOTRO - If they got one thing right in that game it was the beautiful area design and atmosphere. The Shire was so well done, you never wanted to leave the place. Many people mention their first trip to Rivendell as a most memorable experience, but for me it was seeing the Misty Mountains for the first time. I was blown away. They were mountains that actually looked like mountains, rather than some little hill with snow on top. Very impressive.
It's hard to pick just 3, but I'll try. These are 3 moments in an MMO that I'll never, ever forget.
1.) Playing my character with the Skara Brae Rangers on Lake Superior shard. I played an archer/bowyer/ranger-type with no magic skills at all. The SB Rangers were an RP guild, and we spent a lot of time defending Skara from unruly types, hunting orcs and visiting Rivendell, the nearby player-run town. Our guild hall was actually the ranger guild right outside the SB docks that some GMs had fixed up for us, and I had a blast defending it from murderers and thieves that would always show up for a fight because they knew the Rangers would always be there to give them a good fight. Obviously this was before the whole Trammel disaster that ruined the game. The moment that sticks out most in my mind was when we trapped this one infamous murder who got a little too confident of his skill in our box formation and humbled him a bit.
2.) My time in the Armie uf Oggok on the E'ci server in the original EverQuest, before any expansions. It was an Ogre guild, another RP guild and I played an Ogre warrior named Gamkrog. I remember a few weeks after launch, we got really brave because we were all around level 15 and ready to leave the Feerott and Southern Oasis area. So a group of us, 7-10, I think) ventured out one day to the Rathe Mountains which was a completely unexplored territory for us and most everyone in the game, because it was just a few weeks after launch and it was so far from the other starting areas of everyone except Ogres and Trolls. So we ventured in and explored a bit. Lots of great roleplaying and excitement of what was around every corner. We ran across giant skeletons and freaked out, but our leader rallied us together and we tried to fight one. It was a long and brutal fight, and we ended up losing, but it was so much fun and a great RP event for the guild. Also, I had my first item camping experience here a few levels later when another Ogre from the guild and I traveled all the way to Befallen to camp the ogre shadowknight for his Barbed Bracers. I stayed up all night and my partner hung out with me until we both got a pair of bracers. First camping experience, seems a crazy thing to do in retrospect, especially in modern MMOs but we did it, and so did the majority of players.
3.) In World of WarCraft. I was hanging out with some guildies (Horde) in Western Plaguelands goofing off and popping in and out of the dungeon there (can't remember the name of it for some reason). But we got bored, finished the instance, or whatever and started to wander into the Alterac Mountain zone where that little Alliance camp is. Well, we decided to flag and mess around with the locals. We would flag and walk around in formation, sort of RPing. Even though we weren't attacking anyone or anything, just being flagged and walking in formation was enough to provoke curiosity from the Alliance, and a few of them started to attack us. We went into guerilla warfare mode and took to the trees near the border of the Alliance camp. We'd wait for some Alliance player to try and flush us out, then our rogue friend would jump out of the shadows and disable them and we would destroy them. lol. It was great fun cause we were all on Vent, and doing something out of the ordinary for a change and hopefully making the game a bit more interesting for the Alliance players that were fighting us too.