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i have to ask, and the eve forums wont let me log in.
is there a way to just pay for a certain amount of time so it doesn't keep taking money our of my account? i mean like if i pay for 1 year, once my one year is up it stops and i would have to pay for it again to keep going. kind of like if you buy gold membership cards for xbox live and use that
There are actually several ways to do this. Allot depends on if you already have an account. As for myself, I put three months of game play on a pre paid debit card and then cancelled the card after I had paid. You have to make sure the card will allow international payments though.
You should also do a search on "game time cards and plex" as they will allow the same thing. You can even petition CCP and they will give you one day of free play if you already have an account. This will allow you to use plex to keep your account active.
You can buy in 1,3,6 and 12 month increments if I'm not mistaken, but I can't remember if there is an option for one time purchase. It may be possible to petition this aswell and have your subscription end after your payment time has expired, but I don't know this for a fact.
I do think it is possible to remove your card information though and in that case your subscription just ends when your time expires.
thanks, that helps alot
If you use a credit card, doing "cancel account" will stop recurring payments. This does not close the account as it might imply - it just stops future payments on the card and allows you access until your time is up. Of course make sure the first payment goes through first.
Otherwise I recommend the GTC route.
i thought about that but i wasn't planing on testing it without knowing first, so it should give me the time i already payed for when i cancel payment?
Yes you can pay then cancel and still play until it expires.
wow that helps, thanks
Of course you can only play 'til the end of your payment period
But otherwise I can vouch for that, I canceled my accounts before and it does not immediately terminate the service, it keeps running until the end of the billing period and only then, when your paid time is up, it won't let you log in anymore.