This sounds like a fun combination. Cast a massive area effect fire spell to kill everything in the area and then use the corpses to raise pets. I don't know if this is really possible but it sounds like a fun idea
from the little i know i wouldnt do it, just doesnt sound like it would work, probally be a blast at easlier level but once starting to get higher prolly wont be to much better.
as in terms of strength and getting stronger, maybe with a group but im going for both solo and group so i dont have to RELY on the group but i can go out in a group
I use a necromancer/monk combination. It works well seeing how I can use my death spells and curses and then heal myself and party members. When my brother and I go out (he is a ranger/elementalist), he attacks the enemies while I hang back to heal him and syphon the life out of the enemies.
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