its BETA!!! and really darkfall was this fail at launch.. last i checked this isnt launch. and what people arent aloud to take a break for a holiday? this was a big patch.. and BETA is to TEST if it works or not.. not to play the game and be all happy playing a perfectly polished game. hell even big games have huge problems with big patchs. i dont see why your crying about it not being perfect in BETA.
Darkfall was far more playable in beta than Mortal Online is. And it was sadly, more fun. Maybe not as pretty and god the sound effects were terrible, but the game was more complete and more fun.
And it still sucked
i never personaly played darkfall, just saying that before i go on to say what i am going to say. i heard it was total fail... one friend was out of sync with the server so he couldnt actually attack anything.. this was AFTER LAUNCH. im sorry but mortal doesnt seem that fucked up
Although it is a bit lame to release a patch that fuqs stuff up and then go on vacation, everything that is happening with MO is what I would expect from a indie game in beta stage. Now if the game launch is as fubar as Darkfail's launch, then I would say that things are really bad. But to be honest, I find this beta (alpha) stage of MO far miore fun than Darkfall was after launch. Some people seem to just expect a bit too much out of an indie developer attempting to create an MMO game unlike most MMO games. I preordered MO with the full expectations that it would be delayed at least past the end of the year. Still checking out beta here and there, still expecting it to come out sometime early next year, still going to play it when it comes out, broken or not.
its BETA!!! and really darkfall was this fail at launch.. last i checked this isnt launch. and what people arent aloud to take a break for a holiday? this was a big patch.. and BETA is to TEST if it works or not.. not to play the game and be all happy playing a perfectly polished game. hell even big games have huge problems with big patchs. i dont see why your crying about it not being perfect in BETA.
Darkfall was far more playable in beta than Mortal Online is. And it was sadly, more fun. Maybe not as pretty and god the sound effects were terrible, but the game was more complete and more fun.
And it still sucked
i never personaly played darkfall, just saying that before i go on to say what i am going to say. i heard it was total fail... one friend was out of sync with the server so he couldnt actually attack anything.. this was AFTER LAUNCH. im sorry but mortal doesnt seem that fucked up
The problem you are referring to persisted for approximately a day or two and was fixed. Mortal online is going to be down for TWO WEEKS. You should give Darkfall another go by the way it's much much better!
Originally posted by pauldriver Utter disaster predicted as with Darkfall. Will probably have a shit launch but turn out pretty decent. I'm surprised anyone is expecting anything different from an indy developer.
Indie developer you say? You mean to say the big companies are any different? No, this is unfortunately the way ALL these games launch. This is the way it's been for years now. As long as people keep giving them money "pre-orders", and buy them untried (before they've tried a trial, if there even is one at launch), un-reviewed (by truly independent reviewers) this is going to continue. This is common knowledge now, anybody that pays for betas (or alphas), well there's really no excuse to whine about it, how could you not know? People just need to loose this ridiculous "I need to be uber first guy playing" attitude, it's just childish.
Doubt they'll release "one month later than planned" since that would be around the start of februrary, the release date of STO among other games (if I'm not mistaking), games they can't really afford to compete with.
As for the game being practically down for 2 weeks isn't a big deal. The dev team stayed up until 9 AM on to the second day to get this patch out before vacation, the reason why they did this (and alot of other stuff) is the pressure and complaints from the Beta community who always crave more.
I'm not bothered, it serves the MO community right to try to dictate the game and SV in the way they have done. I can't really see why you would even want to play the 0.10.x version of the game since it lacked anything to do over a 4 week period.
Meanwhile you wait, do something else, seriously there's far more better things in life than MO Beta v.0.10.x.
its BETA!!! and really darkfall was this fail at launch.. last i checked this isnt launch. and what people arent aloud to take a break for a holiday? this was a big patch.. and BETA is to TEST if it works or not.. not to play the game and be all happy playing a perfectly polished game. hell even big games have huge problems with big patchs. i dont see why your crying about it not being perfect in BETA.
Darkfall was far more playable in beta than Mortal Online is. And it was sadly, more fun. Maybe not as pretty and god the sound effects were terrible, but the game was more complete and more fun.
And it still sucked
darkfall was pretty much unplayable for most ppl for a week after release sync issues was completely horrible and there was up to 5 hour queue to join server for weeks.
Seems the SV team released the patch ONE day before they were taking a 2 week vacation. The servers will not get fixed until sometime in January. SV really screwed up on this one... seems they have no strategy at all, just throw stuff together and hope it works and leave the next day... They are suppose to release next month, so they will have less than a month to fix all bugs, get a better patcher system, release a NA server and get a real installer... Won't happen... Anyone else worried? Discuss...
Your such a noob and a troll. Its nice that you 'forgot' to put in the link where they are taking a 2 week vacation. I'm a full loot bag holder, and i've been in since Block A. The game makes leaps and bounds.
A 2 week vacation after releasing a massive patch leaving the game down for 2 weeks - sounds pretty retarded to me. They've given themselves an extra month just to iron out the bugs with this patch!
The game won't necessarily be down for two weeks. Not all of the developers are taking a 2 week vacation, some of them have opted to take short ones and keep working. Realistically, the game will not be ready in a month, but with this new patch (actually look at what they added - its ridiculous how much content has gone in) if they can get the bugs worked out and a few things tweaked, it will be ready in 2-3 months. By the way, there has been no official word on whether or not there will be an NA server. I personally don't think they need one. I play from Florida, and have since block A, and I have little to no lag, ever.
the game is a guarenteed failure for several reasons most important of which are
1) not a single texted NPC in the entire game...literally zero attempt to make the world feel do you make an RPG with no NPC's? theres no story or lore at all whatsoever other than what you read on their website
2) god awful PvE content...the bottom line with every MMO is that if it does not have good PvE chances are very likely that it will fail...even if its a PvP oriented game. Mortal Online has the worst PvE AI I've ever seen in an MMO in my life and I've played Shadowbane so believe me thats bad news for MO. In fact, PvP MMO's should be all about controlling PvE territories. The best PvP I ever experienced in any game was EverQuest and all because there was heated competition over many of the raid targets. You want to kill a dragon? Well you're going to have to fight for it to the death vs my guild and when you die you'll be corpse camped until we leave the area while you cry as we get the uber loot~
the MO world is unbelievably boring and empty and I'm 100% sure the game will fail since they don't have the funds to release a more finished product and as we all know, 30% complete MMO's never make it
I mean look at Vanguard...the team working on that game were MMO professionals with a much larger team and much larger funds and even still that game failed because they were FORCED to release a shitty product just like MO will be forced to release an even shittier product
Seriously. Why be worried? What does it say about your life that you get worried over video games? Look, either the game will be successful or it won't. Everyone deserves a break and it is the holiday season. So, yeah, relax...
Seems the SV team released the patch ONE day before they were taking a 2 week vacation. The servers will not get fixed until sometime in January. SV really screwed up on this one... seems they have no strategy at all, just throw stuff together and hope it works and leave the next day... They are suppose to release next month, so they will have less than a month to fix all bugs, get a better patcher system, release a NA server and get a real installer... Won't happen... Anyone else worried? Discuss...
Your such a noob and a troll. Its nice that you 'forgot' to put in the link where they are taking a 2 week vacation. I'm a full loot bag holder, and i've been in since Block A. The game makes leaps and bounds.
A 2 week vacation after releasing a massive patch leaving the game down for 2 weeks - sounds pretty retarded to me. They've given themselves an extra month just to iron out the bugs with this patch!
The game won't necessarily be down for two weeks. Not all of the developers are taking a 2 week vacation, some of them have opted to take short ones and keep working. Realistically, the game will not be ready in a month, but with this new patch (actually look at what they added - its ridiculous how much content has gone in) if they can get the bugs worked out and a few things tweaked, it will be ready in 2-3 months. By the way, there has been no official word on whether or not there will be an NA server. I personally don't think they need one. I play from Florida, and have since block A, and I have little to no lag, ever.
Fellow Floridian, sup!
I play Eve from here and that server is across the pond and never have any trouble. I used to even play it from California and didn't have much more lag. Like I said - IF the devs actually end up not doing anything then people should get huffy, but until then I really don't see the point in preemptive bitching. It's like watching an eight year old start crying because their parent tells them they might not get any ice cream. If you want to act like a bunch of eight year olds, that's cool I guess.....doesn't mean anybody is going to take you seriously though.
Honestly, they should give it another six months. The people who pre-ordered will still be able to play so that should be no biggie. And delays are always great for games, even if they suck, because the extra time does help. We all have 1 - 2 MMOs we can play in the meantime. I am fine with the wait. I want this game to be great.
Was about to order, but backed out. Not sure this company is gonna make it till launch.
Yeah was thinking the same. Going to wait and see if they even manage to launch.
They'll launch but what you see now is what you get. This patch that they've just launched is the one they've been working on for months now so if this is all they can produce in 2-3 months then they have no chance of changing the game drastically before the game launches. As it stands now even if the patch did work and the servers were up the gameplay is still exactly the same flawed self it was pre-patch.
ROFLMAO, the old "Christmas" dodge.... gawd some of you fools will never learn.
I have to really wonder how many of you have actual jobs and work for actual companies.
These are a bunch of early 20 somethings with NO world experience living off the lame ass CEO's daddies money and daddies friends money. They have ZERO business knowledge, experience, or even a well thought out business plan that I can see.
On top of that they seem to be nothing but a bunch of Unreal Mod writers and not even good at that.
DnF and DnL will be shining stars compared to what this lame arse POS is shaping up to be and they were/are both total excrement.
Come on Kool-Aid drinking sycophants prove me wrong with all your "but it is only beta", "they will release a magical patch", etc, etc, naseum excuses.
"If you were as smart as you think you are, you would realize that you are an idiot"
ROFLMAO, the old "Christmas" dodge.... gawd some of you fools will never learn. I have to really wonder how many of you have actual jobs and work for actual companies. Here let me make it perfectly clear YOU DON'T SHUT DOWN AT CHRISTMAS WHEN YOU HAVE A DEADLINE TO MEET OR IF YOU ARE TRYING TO DELIVER A PROFESSIONAL PRODUCT. Is that f'n clear enough? These are a bunch of early 20 somethings with NO world experience living off the lame ass CEO's daddies money and daddies friends money. They have ZERO business knowledge, experience, or even a well thought out business plan that I can see. On top of that they seem to be nothing but a bunch of Unreal Mod writers and not even good at that. DnF and DnL will be shining stars compared to what this lame arse POS is shaping up to be and they were/are both total excrement. Come on Kool-Aid drinking sycophants prove me wrong with all your "but it is only beta", "they will release a magical patch", etc, etc, naseum excuses.
At least they are doing something to try to make this genre a reasonable genre in a sea of sellouts. You are so cool on the internet dude. I like the way you use caps, and are so hard core.
I was sitting here pondering why you seem to have such a hard on just to slam on SV and Mortal Online and then I checked your post history. It looks like it's all you do. Every single post slams on the game, the developers, or the fans. What's your deal? Alt of a Darkfall fanboy or are you just as much of a toolbag as you make yourself out to be?
ROFLMAO, the old "Christmas" dodge.... gawd some of you fools will never learn. I have to really wonder how many of you have actual jobs and work for actual companies. Here let me make it perfectly clear YOU DON'T SHUT DOWN AT CHRISTMAS WHEN YOU HAVE A DEADLINE TO MEET OR IF YOU ARE TRYING TO DELIVER A PROFESSIONAL PRODUCT. Is that f'n clear enough? These are a bunch of early 20 somethings with NO world experience living off the lame ass CEO's daddies money and daddies friends money. They have ZERO business knowledge, experience, or even a well thought out business plan that I can see. On top of that they seem to be nothing but a bunch of Unreal Mod writers and not even good at that. DnF and DnL will be shining stars compared to what this lame arse POS is shaping up to be and they were/are both total excrement. Come on Kool-Aid drinking sycophants prove me wrong with all your "but it is only beta", "they will release a magical patch", etc, etc, naseum excuses.
You remind me of the people that were festering in the forum hate machine that was the Darkfall forums on release. The forums were filled with people complaining that 'DIS GAMES GONA FAIL', 'Aventurine is a retarded, new company that don't know how to make games' etc. Look at Darkfall now. Were you hating morons right? No. Mortal online will survive and grow, as Darkfall has, to be a great game, perhaps better than its competition what with the UO style gameplay it offers.
ROFLMAO, the old "Christmas" dodge.... gawd some of you fools will never learn. I have to really wonder how many of you have actual jobs and work for actual companies. Here let me make it perfectly clear YOU DON'T SHUT DOWN AT CHRISTMAS WHEN YOU HAVE A DEADLINE TO MEET OR IF YOU ARE TRYING TO DELIVER A PROFESSIONAL PRODUCT. Is that f'n clear enough? These are a bunch of early 20 somethings with NO world experience living off the lame ass CEO's daddies money and daddies friends money. They have ZERO business knowledge, experience, or even a well thought out business plan that I can see. On top of that they seem to be nothing but a bunch of Unreal Mod writers and not even good at that. DnF and DnL will be shining stars compared to what this lame arse POS is shaping up to be and they were/are both total excrement. Come on Kool-Aid drinking sycophants prove me wrong with all your "but it is only beta", "they will release a magical patch", etc, etc, naseum excuses.
You remind me of the people that were festering in the forum hate machine that was the Darkfall forums on release. The forums were filled with people complaining that 'DIS GAMES GONA FAIL', 'Aventurine is a retarded, new company that don't know how to make games' etc. Look at Darkfall now. Were you hating morons right? No. Mortal online will survive and grow, as Darkfall has, to be a great game, perhaps better than its competition what with the UO style gameplay it offers.
You are wrong. You cannot compare MO to DFO in terms of it's development and cite that it will grow simply becaues DF has. The two development companies are totally different. Darkfall has a development team competetent enough to make their own game engine and netcode. Whereas the other has simply gone out onto the internet and bought up all the third party software they could find so they don't actually have to do any real developing. This is why the game will fail, SV as a development are utterly useless. The reason behind the servers being beyond fucked up at the moment is simply to do with the fact they've made "optimisations" to third party server architecture which has been specifcally designed to run MMO's and they've broken it - which indicates they don't have a clue what the fuck they are doing.
Darkfall was far more playable in beta than Mortal Online is. And it was sadly, more fun. Maybe not as pretty and god the sound effects were terrible, but the game was more complete and more fun.
And it still sucked
i never personaly played darkfall, just saying that before i go on to say what i am going to say. i heard it was total fail... one friend was out of sync with the server so he couldnt actually attack anything.. this was AFTER LAUNCH. im sorry but mortal doesnt seem that fucked up
Although it is a bit lame to release a patch that fuqs stuff up and then go on vacation, everything that is happening with MO is what I would expect from a indie game in beta stage. Now if the game launch is as fubar as Darkfail's launch, then I would say that things are really bad. But to be honest, I find this beta (alpha) stage of MO far miore fun than Darkfall was after launch. Some people seem to just expect a bit too much out of an indie developer attempting to create an MMO game unlike most MMO games. I preordered MO with the full expectations that it would be delayed at least past the end of the year. Still checking out beta here and there, still expecting it to come out sometime early next year, still going to play it when it comes out, broken or not.
Darkfall was far more playable in beta than Mortal Online is. And it was sadly, more fun. Maybe not as pretty and god the sound effects were terrible, but the game was more complete and more fun.
And it still sucked
i never personaly played darkfall, just saying that before i go on to say what i am going to say. i heard it was total fail... one friend was out of sync with the server so he couldnt actually attack anything.. this was AFTER LAUNCH. im sorry but mortal doesnt seem that fucked up
The problem you are referring to persisted for approximately a day or two and was fixed. Mortal online is going to be down for TWO WEEKS. You should give Darkfall another go by the way it's much much better!
Indie developer you say? You mean to say the big companies are any different? No, this is unfortunately the way ALL these games launch. This is the way it's been for years now. As long as people keep giving them money "pre-orders", and buy them untried (before they've tried a trial, if there even is one at launch), un-reviewed (by truly independent reviewers) this is going to continue. This is common knowledge now, anybody that pays for betas (or alphas), well there's really no excuse to whine about it, how could you not know? People just need to loose this ridiculous "I need to be uber first guy playing" attitude, it's just childish.
Doubt they'll release "one month later than planned" since that would be around the start of februrary, the release date of STO among other games (if I'm not mistaking), games they can't really afford to compete with.
As for the game being practically down for 2 weeks isn't a big deal. The dev team stayed up until 9 AM on to the second day to get this patch out before vacation, the reason why they did this (and alot of other stuff) is the pressure and complaints from the Beta community who always crave more.
I'm not bothered, it serves the MO community right to try to dictate the game and SV in the way they have done. I can't really see why you would even want to play the 0.10.x version of the game since it lacked anything to do over a 4 week period.
Meanwhile you wait, do something else, seriously there's far more better things in life than MO Beta v.0.10.x.
Was about to order, but backed out. Not sure this company is gonna make it till launch.
I think they will launch, I don't know how long they will stay afloat afterwards.
Darkfall was far more playable in beta than Mortal Online is. And it was sadly, more fun. Maybe not as pretty and god the sound effects were terrible, but the game was more complete and more fun.
And it still sucked
darkfall was pretty much unplayable for most ppl for a week after release sync issues was completely horrible and there was up to 5 hour queue to join server for weeks.
Your such a noob and a troll. Its nice that you 'forgot' to put in the link where they are taking a 2 week vacation. I'm a full loot bag holder, and i've been in since Block A. The game makes leaps and bounds.
A 2 week vacation after releasing a massive patch leaving the game down for 2 weeks - sounds pretty retarded to me. They've given themselves an extra month just to iron out the bugs with this patch!
The game won't necessarily be down for two weeks. Not all of the developers are taking a 2 week vacation, some of them have opted to take short ones and keep working. Realistically, the game will not be ready in a month, but with this new patch (actually look at what they added - its ridiculous how much content has gone in) if they can get the bugs worked out and a few things tweaked, it will be ready in 2-3 months. By the way, there has been no official word on whether or not there will be an NA server. I personally don't think they need one. I play from Florida, and have since block A, and I have little to no lag, ever.
have any of you considered SV knows the game isnt going to be ready and is just going to push the release date back again?
Be in the Mortal Online Open Beta, if you pre-order!!
That was clue number one, ya think?
Merry Christmas 8-DDDd
I'll have a Blue Christmas without you
I'll be so blue just thinking about you
Decorations of red on a green Christmas tree
Won't be the same dear, if you're not here with me
And when those blue snowflakes start falling
That's when those blue memories start calling
You'll be doin' all right, with your Christmas of white
But I'll have a blue, blue blue blue Christmas
the game is a guarenteed failure for several reasons most important of which are
1) not a single texted NPC in the entire game...literally zero attempt to make the world feel do you make an RPG with no NPC's? theres no story or lore at all whatsoever other than what you read on their website
2) god awful PvE content...the bottom line with every MMO is that if it does not have good PvE chances are very likely that it will fail...even if its a PvP oriented game. Mortal Online has the worst PvE AI I've ever seen in an MMO in my life and I've played Shadowbane so believe me thats bad news for MO. In fact, PvP MMO's should be all about controlling PvE territories. The best PvP I ever experienced in any game was EverQuest and all because there was heated competition over many of the raid targets. You want to kill a dragon? Well you're going to have to fight for it to the death vs my guild and when you die you'll be corpse camped until we leave the area while you cry as we get the uber loot~
the MO world is unbelievably boring and empty and I'm 100% sure the game will fail since they don't have the funds to release a more finished product and as we all know, 30% complete MMO's never make it
I mean look at Vanguard...the team working on that game were MMO professionals with a much larger team and much larger funds and even still that game failed because they were FORCED to release a shitty product just like MO will be forced to release an even shittier product
Seriously. Why be worried? What does it say about your life that you get worried over video games? Look, either the game will be successful or it won't. Everyone deserves a break and it is the holiday season. So, yeah, relax...
Your such a noob and a troll. Its nice that you 'forgot' to put in the link where they are taking a 2 week vacation. I'm a full loot bag holder, and i've been in since Block A. The game makes leaps and bounds.
A 2 week vacation after releasing a massive patch leaving the game down for 2 weeks - sounds pretty retarded to me. They've given themselves an extra month just to iron out the bugs with this patch!
The game won't necessarily be down for two weeks. Not all of the developers are taking a 2 week vacation, some of them have opted to take short ones and keep working. Realistically, the game will not be ready in a month, but with this new patch (actually look at what they added - its ridiculous how much content has gone in) if they can get the bugs worked out and a few things tweaked, it will be ready in 2-3 months. By the way, there has been no official word on whether or not there will be an NA server. I personally don't think they need one. I play from Florida, and have since block A, and I have little to no lag, ever.
Fellow Floridian, sup!
I play Eve from here and that server is across the pond and never have any trouble. I used to even play it from California and didn't have much more lag. Like I said - IF the devs actually end up not doing anything then people should get huffy, but until then I really don't see the point in preemptive bitching. It's like watching an eight year old start crying because their parent tells them they might not get any ice cream. If you want to act like a bunch of eight year olds, that's cool I guess.....doesn't mean anybody is going to take you seriously though.
Honestly, they should give it another six months. The people who pre-ordered will still be able to play so that should be no biggie. And delays are always great for games, even if they suck, because the extra time does help. We all have 1 - 2 MMOs we can play in the meantime. I am fine with the wait. I want this game to be great.
Yeah was thinking the same. Going to wait and see if they even manage to launch.
EvE doors
See the best doors on EvE-on!
Yeah was thinking the same. Going to wait and see if they even manage to launch.
They'll launch but what you see now is what you get. This patch that they've just launched is the one they've been working on for months now so if this is all they can produce in 2-3 months then they have no chance of changing the game drastically before the game launches. As it stands now even if the patch did work and the servers were up the gameplay is still exactly the same flawed self it was pre-patch.
Cool story bro
I'm worried as well
ROFLMAO, the old "Christmas" dodge.... gawd some of you fools will never learn.
I have to really wonder how many of you have actual jobs and work for actual companies.
These are a bunch of early 20 somethings with NO world experience living off the lame ass CEO's daddies money and daddies friends money. They have ZERO business knowledge, experience, or even a well thought out business plan that I can see.
On top of that they seem to be nothing but a bunch of Unreal Mod writers and not even good at that.
DnF and DnL will be shining stars compared to what this lame arse POS is shaping up to be and they were/are both total excrement.
Come on Kool-Aid drinking sycophants prove me wrong with all your "but it is only beta", "they will release a magical patch", etc, etc, naseum excuses.
"If you were as smart as you think you are, you would realize that you are an idiot"
At least they are doing something to try to make this genre a reasonable genre in a sea of sellouts. You are so cool on the internet dude. I like the way you use caps, and are so hard core.
You remind me of the people that were festering in the forum hate machine that was the Darkfall forums on release. The forums were filled with people complaining that 'DIS GAMES GONA FAIL', 'Aventurine is a retarded, new company that don't know how to make games' etc. Look at Darkfall now. Were you hating morons right? No. Mortal online will survive and grow, as Darkfall has, to be a great game, perhaps better than its competition what with the UO style gameplay it offers.
Unique upcoming indie space-based mining and combat game - Miner Wars.
The reason behind the servers being beyond fucked up at the moment is simply to do with the fact they've made "optimisations" to third party server architecture which has been specifcally designed to run MMO's and they've broken it - which indicates they don't have a clue what the fuck they are doing.