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NighthawkULNighthawkUL Member Posts: 183

How about a way to modify your running speed? Say a certain stat or art that's always in use could affect it, and maybe a Fatesender art to slow you down (but not completely stop you like paralyze does/did). Also, whatever affects runspeed could also affect how high you can jump, or something completely different could affect it. I've always thought being able to jump really high and run really fast was really cool and I'm sure others share my opinion.

Oh yeah, I know flying was taken out of Underlight because of bandwidth problems but with all the advances with the internet that might not be a problem now so is flying a possibility in Reclamation? And how about actual swimming? And physics? That would be awesome if you could push a boulder off a cliff and squash someone with it or use your mind powers to pick someone up and shake them like a dog! (heh, fletch)

-Nighthawk lives


  • KhyperuKhyperu Member Posts: 20
    Love the idea of modifying running speed/jumping with an art. This would be very interesting to see and be very interesting to use in battles. As far as flying, I think that could cause to many problems. I would rather we all stay on the ground. Swimming, great idea I would like to see that. As far as smashing people with boulders and using "jedi" abilities to pick the up and throw them around. I would have to disagree with those.

    Soon to be dreamer

  • NighthawkULNighthawkUL Member Posts: 183

    I think it would be very cool as long as it wasn't done like the star wars games did it because star wars is teh suck and anything based on those games is destined to be awful considering there have been about 8 billion star wars games and only one decent one (kotor). I was thinking more like a ranged push maybe with a little bit of damage. This was *supposed* to be in Underlight but so far they haven't coded it into the game. A mass push would also be cool.

    It would be really cool to do something like the TK in psi-ops but PC controls coupled with the fact that its an online game would probably make it pretty difficult, not to mention unfair.


  • NighthawkULNighthawkUL Member Posts: 183

    Run Speed and jump height.... Good idea! I know!

  • StrikesBrainStrikesBrain Member Posts: 222
    Well from what I understand there's going to be no focuses but along the line of removing mobility, there is an art that slows people down already in UL, one that I like known as "Stagger".  It was not too appreciated in UL when I was about, though the duration differences on a stagger chak vs a para chak did leave the the stagger affect with a few benefits.  If you didn't have para it was one way to slow a dreamer down enough to be easier to chase.  Of course, speed boosts is another thing, that could be interesting.  I'd personally suggest it as a self only art.  That way you don't have everyone constantly boosted up on speed, only those who learn the art can move like a gerbil on crack!

    Because only someone as deranged as me would have a rubber chicken Named Alfredo Sanchez

  • NighthawkULNighthawkUL Member Posts: 183

    Oh yeah, I know stagger ALL too well from playing with my FS. Its definitely a favorite, but I'm talking about something that just slows you down like you're walking in muck- not quite like stagger.

    From what I understand there won't be focuses you have to stick to but they will still have the focuses, it will just be that you can have more than one and improve them as you improve.

    Having an increase in runspeed would be very cool! Lyra, you know you want to throw that in!
    Jump height also very cool, you know you love it! Ooh, running and jumping crazy fast and super high! Yes! We love it!

    Do it for the (night)hawk!


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