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Guide to learning to play PS...NO FLAMES!!

Sk8andgamesSk8andgames Member Posts: 270

Ok so im here 4 one try to crack down on an hour of time while this patch DLs and to help those who need it. *clears throte* well let me start with some history of mine thhat is rather embaressing...

c when i first started i didnt have THE SLIGHTEST CLUE of what to do...i couldnt aim (it was my first FPS ever) i couldnt get any kills (i cant aim duh) and i didnt get much exp (kills go in turn with exp. ). my old char (first one i ever made) was deleted with 8 kills and BR5...pathetic to me now...imageimage

get lost in bases? yep did that alot. i usually waited 4 some1 to come then id follow em out of the base...i didnt know how to use them map corectly and cuz the server crashed every 5 seconds back then i didnt really get to learn much at all..

eventually alot of problems in game got solved. so i decided "hey ill make a new char, start fresh"

that new char ended up being my best ever...BR 18 CR 2.9....never got much farther cuz i didnt get ot finish...stoped in march 4...errrrr......*reasons*

ok well thats enough bout my history....lets jump in shall we?

well for starters the best advice any1 can get is TO CUSTOMIZE UR HOT KEYS!!!! ALWAYS DO THAT BE4 GOING INTO BATTLE. its always best to keep ur weapons/other utilities in some comfy place on ur keyboard, so they may b accessed without effort. this is one of the big sercrets of the top ranked players...well not really more like common knowlege JUST REMEBER TO DO IT!!!

next: heal packs... ive seen people who dont carry health packs with them since they have a med healer...i kill those people...y? cuz the extra (25 i believe) health can make all the diffrence. i keep my health pack on hotkey (page down) so i can use it while gunning. makes the diffrence in the win or the lose. i keep 3 of them on me at all times. i figure i can stock up on more if needed or loot the enemy (or the newbs who use em cuz they dont have the med aplicater, NOTICE I SAID NEWBS NOT NOOBS)

anyway, weapons would also b a great thing to have on an easy hotkey, if u run into an enemy coming around a corner u dont get time to reach 4 the number 2 or 4. so i put mine right above my arrow keys (delete is 2, end being 4) that way i have easy acess and can hold my ground against any1 at any time.

board yet? hope not were not done fool. anyway, next i think ill explain ur implant hotkeys, they should generally b put in an easy to acess place as well (the not so important ones, such as targeting, dont need a special key) but things like dark light (4 cing cloakers) ahould b places well so that if a cloacked "friend" comes by then u can take him out with ease. or things such as personall shield or surge (which is now only good 4 escaping enemys...thank god that was such a cheap implant 4 people lacking true skills) i would put something like that on (insert) that way it also not far out of reach, a pinch of space from where ur 2nd weapons would b.

lets get into the empires now that weve gotten past other sutff. in order to play u have to b in one of the 3 empires, either the VANU, the TERRAN, or the NEW CONGLOM...i didnt feel like putting there entire names...u will know whos who image.

THE VANU: sry i dont know bold for this kinda with it image. ok, the vanu r more about movement, mobility, things of that nature. there weapons have built in armor peircing, making them rdy 4 all sorts of situations. there heavy assualt weapon is called the lasher. one of my personall favs and a big lagg monster, the lasher fires orbs instead of bullets, so the "orbs" dont hit the target dead on in a split second, but instead travel to it. so i bet ur thinking "OMG WTF BBQ OUR WEAPONS R TEH SUCK!!!".....welll....IM NOT DONE YET...the lasher has "lash image" attack, in other words the shots dont have to hit the target directly, they can miss a little and still do nice dmg, great 4 running around steps and fireing, only to find that ur orbs hit be4 the enemy could get up the steps. ok i skipped the med assualt so here it is. the medium assault weapons 4 the vanu is knows as the pulsar, it fires single bullets as any other weapon, has great range and accuracy, does very nice on weakend vehicles, and has built in armor pierce (all of the vanus weapons do, but this one u have to change in order to use the armor peircing, the fireing mode that is) i love this weapon, although it requires great aim, dont use it unless u know how.

THE NEW CONGLOM: possibly the coolest weapons (in my eyes) r with this empire. im some1 who loves shotgun based weapons, if u r then this is ur empire. u c, the NC focus's on doing alot of dmg on a shot to shot bases, they lack the refire rate and ammo clips of the other 2 empires, but the dmg makes up 4 it. the heavy assault weapon, or the jackhammer shotgun, is a tri barrled shotgun which fires bullets at an incredibly nice rate. very fast 4 a shot gun. sadly theres only 16 shots in the clip image. so to make up 4 it, the jackhammer has a very nice feature, the "fire all barrels" mode. it fires all 3 barrels in a 3 shot burst. hit some1 from behind with this and u can call it the winimage. how ever after u use the burst u r vunerable 4 some time until its rdy again, and u cant change fireing modes fast nough to save urself unless the other person suximage. just b careful. as 4 the medium assault gun 4 the NC, they have a VERY accurate gun called the gauss rifle. fires nice, has extreme acuracy over a distance, and does nice dmg. cant go wrong with this gun. only problem i have with it is using it in close range, just doesnt float ma boat to well image.

THE TERRAN REPUBLIC (omg i put the whole name....): the TR focus on "more is better"...lots of bullets, somewhat good dmg.....but hey with 100 bullets u cant lose....mayb....thats right there mini chain gun carrys a womping 100 bullet clip, great 4 raiding a spawn room full of people who will all TK other members in cross fire or get killed by u. sadly the chain gun doesnt do to much dmg, has a bit of range i must say but the dmg is suficianly lower than the NC and VS weapons. as 4 the TRs medium assault weapons, sits in the middle of the other 2 empires, good dmg and good acuracy, nothing more. i like using it in close every so often just cuz the chain gun gets tiring in certain situations, but i dont recomend it.....not to much anyway image.

well thats all i feel like doing 4 now...more to come soon! i wonder if i could get a sticky on this topic? that would b nice ^^ i would feel special...



  • Sk8andgamesSk8andgames Member Posts: 270

    now lets get into weapons that r in the common pool. in this part ill explain the rest of the medium assault...

    Sweeper shotgun: this is one nice gun considering it only cost 2 cert points (med assault)image. does great dmg at close range, and not really any at all at a distance. u will c alot of people using this gun, alot of CR5s who in some cases r top ranked. this is just one nice gun to use, requires deadly aim and u cant miss a shot till ur target is dead (the sweeper only carrys 8 shotgun shells, use em wisely) all and all this is a good gun, i have grown atached to my sweeper at points, just those days where u dont wanna use heavy assault.

    The Punisher: errrrr, movie? anyway, the punisher is an all in one type of gun. it uses all 3 grenade types and both bullet types. great 4 some1 who just started and needs something with some more power. although accuracy while moving is not to great with the punisher, its nice enough to keep u alive if u can aim. image. all of these grenade types will b explained later when we get to the special assault, the bullet types r normal and armor piercing (used on MAXS, which will also b explained later)

    The spiker (NOTE: only useable if u have the core combat expansion!!) u can use it in VR but w/e. the spiker is the CC pistol that (back when i used my bros comp and HAD CC!!! image) fires charged orb looking things at a fast rate. u can choose to firesingle orbs in quick sucession or u can charge one single shot to do some fairly nice dmg. the spiker isnt something i recomend unless u end up in a spawn room with a max and u r the only one there but arent able to get to the terminals to get equiped (grab spiker from locker, play chase). or u can use it if ur a cloaker, not a bad idea and its better than using one of the other pistols.

    well that should b it 4 the medium assault, lets check out special assault.

    The Thumper (grenade launcher) ive gotten hate tells over the year+time that ive played 4 using this weapon, things like "omg it requires no skill". well, thats not true. in order to use the thumper corectly u cant just aim streight ahead as u normaly would, iunstead u must angle ur shots to hit at the desired mark. the thumper fires grenades in quick sucession, but runs out fast as well. only 6 in the clip, so make use. there r 3 grenade types (as mentioned in Med assault), Frag (explosion) Acid (dmg over time, good 4 finding and killing claokers) and Jammer (does no dmg, used to destroy mines, disable tank weapons and spitfire turrets. the thumper also features a second firing mode, 3 (might b 2 i dont remeber) second fuse. good 4 when u cant go directly to ur target.  

    The Rocklet Gun (rocket launcher): this weapon is also something the requires certain aiming skills to use. in order to use it properly (in outdoors or long range) u cant aim streight ahead, u have to aim 4 the ground below ur target. this weapon works nice 4 tower situations where u need to hold a tower and some pesky snipers r not to far from reach to hit with a few rockets. as 4 close range situations, know that u only have 6 shots as well, make em count! if u need2 use the second firing mode on the rocket gun which fires all in barrel. fires all rockets in a rapid succesion but leaves u without ammo.  just choose when to use this function wisely.

    The Radiator (NOTE: must have Corecombat to use this weapon): i dont think i use this weapon to much. when u c what it does u will love it, but when u c the dmg it does...ehhhh........not so much. the Radiator fires small grenades that sticky or explode on contact, when they explode the grenades turn into clouds of energy which deal a SMALL amount of dmg over time. this weapon is not something i would use in a heavy battle field but 4 indoors or crowded spawn rooms it does good.

    now lets get into a weapon i missed ,which also requires core combat. This weapon falls under the heavy assault catagory, it is know as the maelstrom. while using the mael strom in a crowded spawn room or base...u will notice ur kills JUMP. thats right u will b getting many kills off of a small amount of effort. to start, the maelstroms 1st firing mode is a chain lash which does significant dmg but must b on the target at all times to do the dmg. the second firing mode is what i mean when i say ur kills will jump. the second firing mode is a grenade, explode on contact. has VERY nice radius and EXCELLENT dmg. cant go wrong with this one. i dont thinks theres much bad about this feature other than the need to know how to aim a grenade type weapon (which isnt that hard). the 3rd firing mode is the same grenade cept on a 2 or 3 second fuse...i dont remeber the fuse times i jsut use emimage.

    all done with that, now lets get into the final catagory, the anti vehicle weapons.

    EMPIRE SPECIFIC WEAPONS IN THE AV CATAGORY: The first weapon is the Vanus "lancer". while it lacks the features the others have as u will c in a sec it fires in rapid rates to give u an easy advantage against moving vehicles. the lancer has no special abilities other than its speed. i like it cuz when in doors against a max i need to b able to move freely but still hit my mark, thats what makes the lancer so great and such a usefull part of planetside. Next we have the New Congloms Phoenix (pardon my spelling imageimage). the phoenix holds one rocket in theclip, so i try to stay at range with this weapon. but whats its special ability u ask? camera guided controls. thats right the first firing mode is a camera guided missle. u take it to its point, or explode it when u need 2. the problem with this is that ur left vunerable to atks while in camera mode, so sometimes if u can its best to use the second option which is to fire a rocket as u normally would. and remeber not to get to close to the max when u try to kill it, unless its weak enough to die from one rocket image. finally we have the Terrans striker. fires 5 rockets in rapid sucession to w/e target ur locked onto...omg this thing has lock on???? awesome eh? lock on to a max or vehicle, fire ur rockets, make 4 teh win! i think the only proble with the striker is its dmg, used to b alot better but now its not something i use on a regular bases unless i know ill run into some aircraft along my way.

    Decimator: the decimator, the most heavy weapon in the game, has 3 VERY powerfull one time use (as in no reloads) rockets.3 of these will take out a max or aircraft, if ur lucky and a tank is weak, go 4 it. the decimator is an excelent weapon, has a camera view which is mainly used 4 (in the event of missing) to detonate ur rocket in air to hopefully make it not go to waste. theres not much i can say about this weapon other than that u shouldnt use it unless u can manage to stay alive long enough to last the long time between each shot.image.

    well thats all im gonna do 4 now, hope this is helping. ill explain maxs next time around imageimage


  • Sk8andgamesSk8andgames Member Posts: 270

    ok time 4 maxs...

    each empire has its own unique set of maxs, there own look, weapons, abilities, no empire is the same. lets start with the Vanu (my favs image)

    NOTE: all of the maxs in the VS empire have the flight ability. Flight u say? what do u mean? well...they can fly...while they cant do it 4 long its a nice ability and definitly backs up the Vanus idea of mobility. the maxs for this empire r as followed...

    The Quaser Max (anti infantry) the quaser max is very usefull. it rips through enemys and fires energy bullets at an incredible rate. the accuracy is pretty good, but at a distance u might not have so much luck. the Quaser (like many of the vanus weapons) has built in armor piercing. great 4 a pesky max that just wont die the regular way. although u do have to switch modes, its still nice knowing that u have an edge over other maxs. the quasers clip is large, housing 80 energy bullets, hence the ability to walk right through infantry.

    The Comet max(anti vehicle) the comet max is, as stated, 4 anti vehicle use. while it does good dmg to infantry, it only has an 8 shot clip and its not easy to aim unless u r indoors (infantry wise). it has some splash but that wont make a diffrence if u run into some1 or 2 with decimators or other Av weapons image. i havnt seen to many people use this max, it has its purposes, but its just not that great...poor hated comet image.

    The Starfire max (anti air) this max has one lock onto air and take it our of the sky in quick sucession. yes, this max has lock on which doesnt have to b precise (ur cross hair can b somewhat off but if the target is in the area then u can get him) how ever the ability whi allowed maxs to fire THEN trace to the target has been removed. i didnt like that anyway but it keeps the AA maxs from getting to much advantage. if u can manage to get on top of the tower with the starfire then u will b in good shape as air ocmes sweeping by to suicide land or try to make the atk.

    The Terran Maxs:

    NOTE: the terran maxs have the ability to put anchors from the back of there legs into the ground and fire at an extreme rate, but while in this posistion, the max cant move from its spot or turn around to engage in behind atks

    The Dual cycler max(anti infantry) the dual cycler is by far one of the best maxs in the game...mayb even the best!image it fires 2 (dual) cycler varients 4 guns at an alarming speed. the dual cycler can tear through packs of enemy infantry and take out another max with ease. this max is great 4 atk over a distance (somewhat) and has excelent atk power. and with the anchors in the ground and rdy, u become so much more deadly image

    The burster Max (anti air) the burster max is quite a treat 4 the TR. it fires frag grenades in a streight foward form to take out air. these grenades explode in air making in diificult to escape them since they can b anywhere! image This max's only problem with infantry is that in order to kill the infantry the max must go through armor 1st, making it somewhat difficult to take out large numbers and groups of soliders. how ever with its nice atk rate its still possible to take out 1 or 2 people at once.

    The Pounder Max(anti vehicle) this max used to b the infantry max along time also used to b a grief machine...both of which r not true today. the pounder fires frag grenades just as its brother max the burster, except these grenades r fired in angled forms, just like the thumper. its defintly a good max 4 vehicles but seems to have trouble against infantry now adays. i almost miss the old pounder...ALMOST...but anyway the max in its anchor posistion can defend a tower pretty well, fires fast enough and has a nice radius of dmg to make up 4 its lack of streight health dmg.

    The New Conglom Maxs. NOTE: the new con's maxs r equiped with a built in shield that requires charge be4 it can be used to its fullest. weapons can not b fired in this state nd u will not b hurt by other weapons unless the shield is broken. this is very usefull 4 getting out of tight situations that u will find urself in alot in planetside.

    The Sparrow (anti air) having the same abilities as its rivel, the starfire, the sparrow can lock on to air targets and make short work of them. it fires rocket in fast sucession and has no trouble against air, but infantry, like the VS max, has problems against infantry. the shield on the max is useless in heavy air situation becuz all it takes is a few rockets from a reaver ot end ur spree. watch ur self when using this feature.

    The Scatter cannon (anti infantry) imagine with me 4 a uve got alot of infantry coming down ur back, seems like theres not much more u can do, when all of the sudden, to make things worse, a Max version of the jackhammer??? yep. the scatter cannon is a VERY powerful shotgun max, delivers excelent dmg at a nice rate. the max has 3 diffrent modes, the first mode is wide spread(normal speed, close range) the medium spread (slower than wide, medium range) and the tight spread (slow speed, long range). this max is rdy to take any1 on from any distance. i think the only problem ive everh ad with this max is determining the spread at ranges. u want the best shot type without sacraficing to much speed. this is probably the best max in the game (in my eyes).

    The falcon (anti vehicle) although like all AV maxs (require generally direct shots) this one seems to fire fast and hit hard. it has no trouble against infantry and vehicles. i think its only problem is with the vehicles them selves. like the comit, direct shots r all that count when u r up against a mobile enemy.

    Well thats it 4 now, ill add some more on vehicles or somethin tomorow. imageimage


  • Sk8andgamesSk8andgames Member Posts: 270

    next ill do the tanks....since we need something to kill the fools in BFR's. organized squad of tanks can instakill BFR's, if i were lying...well, im not. the PST mag squad doesnt looseimage

    VS The MagRider - or what my outfit on emerald has a specific night set up for. this is one bad arse floating tank...floating you say?! yes, hover, float, move above ground, w/e you wanna call it. with this ability, the magride need not bridges, for the water gives them perfect tacticle openings, in bridge fights, a squad of magriders is the last thing the enemy wants to c. the mag carrys a pilot and a gunner, the pilot uses a PPA gun, basicly fires energy orbs in very rapid sucession. while its damage is not all that, its fun for when you just wanna run some suckers over. and the gunners cannon, the rail beam, isnt the heaviest hitter, but its one powerful cannon. instead of the power of the other empires tanks, the railgun packs speed and good damage, which allows you to take out a target pretty fast, or should i say targets? the splash on the mags railgun is extremely wide, ive killed people on the other side of trees with this shooting at the tree.image while the mag doesnt have the speed and power of the other empires tanks, it sure as heck makes up for it with its manuvurability.

    NC The Vanguard- if u hear one of these coming, run...very far. while the van cant hover, it has nice speed and moves pretty well in all obsticles. the van carries a driver and a gunner, the driver has no gun so dont try to solo with this oneimage. of course, if u feel your gunners getting to many kills and ur not, dont into a pack of people, run some over, and let ur gunner do the rest, in the end every1 has fun. as for the gun on the mag, its quite a heavy hitter. in tower situations, there is no greater gun. the vanguard has a large 100mm cannon which leaves none standing. the splash radius may not b as great as that of the magrider, but with all that damage, i dont think any1s gonna get past ya.image and for pesky air or just plain anoying infantry, try the machine guns on 4 size, VERY good damage against air. so if a reaver comes by, hit him with the machine guns, then switch and pop a shell into him while hes giving u rocketspam....let him know whos bossimage

    TR The Prowler- just like the vanguard, its more focused on heavy fire power. this is the terrans tank which holds 3 people....a driver and 2 gunners. so, the first gun we have is the dual 100mm cannons. very very powerful. now dont think dual means dual fire....if only the TR were that lucky. actually the point behind dual cannons is for a faster RoF. instead of having one cannon, u have 2, so when one fires, the other is ready to go. that way in the time between shots you can sitll fire. the prowlers damage and splash is pretty much no diffrent from the vans. however, unlike the van, the prowler has a 2nd gunner, who gets dual machine guns which might remind you of the MCG. they fire very fast and hit hard, but against air for some reason i just cant win. these seem to b more useful against infantry or targets that the cannon user cant hit.

    well that pretty much covers the tanks 4 all 3 empires. and like i said, an organized squad of these will destroy anything, and i mean anything, that comes in its path. BFR users beware.

    want to c my real stats? tell SoE to fix em


  • jackman1118jackman1118 Member Posts: 288
    Mario teaches typing is really cool... so is typer shark :D

  • SonalanSonalan Member Posts: 46

    I know these posts are a little old, but i just gotta say sumptin...u use arrow keys?  Lol, if u used w,a,s,d key mapping, hitting your number keys to bring up yours guns isn't that hard at all.  I have more trouble using arrow keys than i do regular layout.  Assuming u still play the game try going to W,A,S,D it's hard at 1st, but u get used to it.  I garantee your kills will go up by 1/4 maybe more.  My friend just got into 1st persons and he used arrow keys, he kept saying he sucked at them so i watched him play, i noticed he used arrow keys so i told him to use WASD.  His performance in First persons almost tripled and i wouldn't mind having him as a partner on PS or any other 1st person games now.

    Emerald server

    Bastard Battalion

  • adamk22adamk22 Member Posts: 233

    i love using the thumper when defending bases, you can spam acid while you're up and safe on the wall, it's one of the best defend weapons ever :) getting an ultra amount of kills just by defending the backdoor with a thumper and acid loadout ::::02::


  • Cal9887Cal9887 Member Posts: 12

    When u start you should head to the vechicle and shooting room for a easy 3 extra battle ranks.

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