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I've been playing World of Warcraft since just after Beta now....I grinded my ass off with online friends to reach the level 60 mark in the original World of Warcraft, before The Burning Crusade...I've played since before they started to nerf it to the point that it is now. So how about this for a review? Don't play it.....And before any of you yell "Nerd Rage" or "Newb"....I've capped 6 classes. Paladin, Priest, Mage, Hunter, Death Knight, and Warlock.
Reasons as to why you might want to play, if you chose to ignore this, are these....
The game does have decent graphics for a huge game...If you actually read what the quest givers say, there is a good story line. The depths that they give character's backgrounds are pretty good. They stuck with the Warcraft lore, except in The Burning Crusade (they kinda went AWOL with that one.), and brought into play different races for each side and unique characters. The game also has a good crafting system in which a play can have two main professions and all the secondary ones.
Reasons as to why you don't want to spend $14.99 a month....
The game is most likely going to die before it hits the 6th year mark. The economy, even on the new servers, suck. Seriously, I've seen a stack of Gold Bars go for 30 Silver on one server, and 100 Gold on another....You have people who are level 80 and don't even know how to play their class right. Paladins are nothing more than Healadins now, Hunters are all classified as Huntards, and let's not forget Wrath of the Lich King's Death Knight class. The introduction of a Hero class was a good, but mainly a bad idea. The Death Knights are largely over powered and can kill anything. I found that out when I just left the beginning area at Level 58 and killed a Level 61 Elite and two Level 60s by myself, without potions. Anyways...The Servers are not what they say. RP (Role Play) Servers are no longer used for RP, you might find RP on them sometimes, but good luck with that. Most, if not all, servers have now become grind parties for people who don't understand the concept of being nice. Here is a couple examples: Gear Check - "LF2M to do Violet Hold Heroic, Gear Check." "Hey, can I join in? There are pieces of armor I really need in there." "Nope sorry, you can't. Your helm isn't good enough." "But this is the best helm I can get, the only one better is in there on Heroic." "Well you can't join unless you have that helm." ....Yea, retarded...Here's another one. A large number of guilds that do Instance/Dungeon Raids, will not let you in unless you are from that guild. Which sucks because you will most likely need the gear from that Raid (Tier Gear), but you have to leave your guild just to join their guild, go through an initiation that normally takes a few days to a week (Which normally the test is that you have to go through the Raids that you need and others and not be allowed to greed/need on anything.), only to find out that they aren't doing those Raids anymore. And you left the guild that you had been in and possible even started, just to hang out with people who think they are better than you. So your chances of finding a good server, slim. Blizzard didn't start making the game crappy, the people in it did. And because a handful of people piss and moan because the "Game is too hard." Blizzard is forced to make it easier, or they lose profits. And by making it easier, more Hardcore Gamers, leave.
Addons were bad enough, I never used them and I still could tank circles around any Death Knight on my Paladin. Now, they've made their own "Quest Helper" and other addons into the game. All I have to say is this, if you can't find what you are supposed to do iPeople are already leaving the servers. But as for me, I'm going to do free games until the next best thing comes out. Goodbye World n a quest. When it says you have to kill someone, but you don't know where....Read the Quest Log. It is as easy as hitting the L key. In the beginning, if you were good, you'd die 4-6 times trying to get to Level 14. I recently tried making a new character, I got to Level 25 without dying once.....In short WoW will probably be still going for a few good years, but the actual game will be dead. World of Warcraft, I have plundered your Dungeons, slain your toughest Bosses, and done most of the achievements. And all I have to show for it is that....I've wasted 10-12 Hours a week playing you for the past few years. And the only time you were really challenging was back during the Original World of Warcraft....Back when I started out as a Paladin, and the dungeons weren't nerfed.
good review ,pretty much picture the game .ty men
You have a great day silent_eyes will see you when World of Starcraft launchs.
i am perplexed when i see posts like this saying that wow will fail because of its current form... some day it will probable end but not soon it has to many subs to just "vanish" and dont you think that people would have started to leave if they thought that the economy was bad and so on
People have already started to leave. Regardless of what Blizzard says on how many people are subscribed, not all of them are actually active. Farstriders (More comonly known as Failstriders.) Has recently seen a large drop in population recently, on both sides. I know the same is happening to others, espeically when I look at the Realm List and see a lot of "Low Population" realms that used to be "High".
on xfire the drop was a lot .i can be wrong but i think last year was close to 500 at its peak now its lower then 300
WoW isn't going anywhere, especially a year from now.
WoW is just starting to suffer from the same thing every other MMO has and that is, no matter how the devs try to mix things up, it's still the same old things with the same old classes, and the same old locations, and the same mechanics(for the most part).
WoW may be starting to show it's age because of what I mentioned above but it still has plenty of mileage left and a lot of gas to get it there.
On a side note, I have to laugh at myself for defending WoW, something I leave for the hardcore fans.....oh noes! I am teh fanboi now!
Can you be a fanboi and not play a game?
Einherjar_LC says: WTB the true successor to UO or Asheron's Call pst!
Not trying to defend the game but this review struck me as a bit biased mate. I've never encountered some of the things you have, people not inviting you to a group because of a helm especially for VH which is a cupcake heroic...? Yeah I've met some really elitist and d-bags(they all tend to come from the same guilds so easy to avoid) but I've met countless more genuinely nice players. As for people not knowing their class end game, that happens in nearly everything MMO i've played and how WoW is to blame for that baffles me, just because someone's the max level doesn't mean they know anything. DK's are very overpowered when you first start, but not till they get their blue set honestly, and as soon as they hit 65 their just like every other class, the gear makes them powerful the class itself is pretty normal at 80. I play a prot pally and I feel like their the best tanks in the game right now and ret still does decent damage, not the level of BC or early WOTLK but not terrible, which is a lot better than pre-bc where a prot pally would get laughed at by the entire server and ret was only used for PvP. Who cares about questhelper your level 80, doesn't effect you at all lol. I do agree the game has gotten to a ridiculous level of ease and the former WoW i loved is long gone, but it's not nearly as bad as your describing it. And I've played on RP servers before(level 60 pre-bc) and they were never really full of RP in the game, most of it takes place on the server forums in my experience unless your in a guild that does it in game. Yes WoW has a ton ton ton of problems, poor content patches(after years you think they be able to patch their own game without messing something up...) class balance has always been a issue, pre-bc warriors rogues were the only two that could beat each other, pre-bc resto druids and warlocks etc...not to mention ridiculous itemization now, can you imagine a level 80 warriors and rogues had they never normalized weapons??? The damage would be completely ABSURD.
World of Warcraft-Retired
(Blair 60 Warlock-Daggerspine)
RF Online-Downloading
Guild Wars-Retired
(Amazonsfinest 20 Warrior/Monk)
TL;DR version of the OP's wall of text:
MMORPG genre is dead. Long live MMOCS (Massively Multiplayer Online Cash Shop).
MMORPG genre is dead. Long live MMOCS (Massively Multiplayer Online Cash Shop).
$15 dollars is his excuse to piss here. $15 dollars, money you can buy the whole world with.
How sincere can he be? How intelligent can he be?
Advice to OP: playing the troll game here is free and much more fun than WoW. Save your precious $15 and keep creating accounts to play message board PvP here. There is no limit to character creation here. Just one server though.
The people talking about low subs right now, especially the ones using Xfire and talking about 'active' subs seem to be completely oblivious to trends.
For instance, try and go back through WoW history so far and take a look at what happened in the 6 months to a year before the last two expansions were released.
We've been reading post just like this for 5 years.. when will people learn that their OPINION is not Fact?
There was a 300+ queue (15mins) on Grimbatol (EU) yesterday @ 8pm .. yes people are are leaving in droves.
OP Your a burned out player.. remember the good times you had and move on.. nothing last forever.. grow up.
Its no longer worth 15$ a month since 3years ago....thats why i buy gamecards from friends for gold...
Holy Flamin' Frost-Brand Gronk-Slayin' Vorpal Hammer o' Woundin' an' Returnin' an' Shootin'-Lightnin'-Out-Yer-Bum!! ~Planescape: Torment~
gate of andaron is a better choice then wow and it its free 2 play
Allods online is a better choice then both of them..and its free started to kill himself when they gave palas to the horde and shamans to the allies...
Now its the most easymode game there is, insta epics, insta leveling easy mode, change names, servers, make chars in same server from both factions..the mistic of wow is long gone, and next expansion they will destroy what is still good about talking about how can the greatest mmo ever become so pathetic....
The ignorance in this thread is hard to describe.
Oh well, what can you expect from this community...
Allods online is a better choice then both of them..and its free started to kill himself when they gave palas to the horde and shamans to the allies...
Now its the most easymode game there is, insta epics, insta leveling easy mode, change names, servers, make chars in same server from both factions..the mistic of wow is long gone, and next expansion they will destroy what is still good about talking about how can the greatest mmo ever become so pathetic....
This is the fun part
It's funny what people who already don't like WoW anymore consider to be a further worsening of the game, those of us who still like it consider a great improvement.
Personally I'm glad they keep making changes for those who like the game, rather than focus on what those who don't feel needs to happen.
(Mind you, i haven't played the game for half a year or so I think)
Allods online is a better choice then both of them..and its free started to kill himself when they gave palas to the horde and shamans to the allies...
Now its the most easymode game there is, insta epics, insta leveling easy mode, change names, servers, make chars in same server from both factions..the mistic of wow is long gone, and next expansion they will destroy what is still good about talking about how can the greatest mmo ever become so pathetic....
Allods has like 5 people playing it. That was a joke right?
Allods could take a $20.00 bill to wendys, and buy every subscriber a Value Fry.... and still have change.
Allods is a wow clone anyway .... if you don't like the chick your with, why start dating to it's much less popular, uneducated, broke, twin thats givin it away for free? I'm all about twins but come on man, get real.
People should start playing Vanguard: Saga of heroes..and stop playing WoW. If Vanguard get more players im sure SoE will care about Vanguard and update it.
How many could be playing vG right now? Maybe like 5-10 000..if they notice a raise from 10 000 to 200 000 what will they do?
Catch 22..... if they had more players they would update the game.... OR if they updated the game they would have more players... yadda yadda yadda....
Vanguard had a FAIL launch... bad press... and it's made by SONY... thats 3 things Vanguard doesn't have going for it.
I played it at launch, and it SCARRED me permanently. Too many people had the same experience as I did. It's a shame that it's a decent game now. Sony should spend whatever cash they are blowing on Vanguard and put it towards a fully finished MMO thats released well. <opinion>
when a poster say its easy,its always compared to vanilla wow .
i like the cartoony look of wow,but fully instanced game with chat room around them(city)isnt my kind of fun.
WOW , first you go on complaining about WoW not having the hability to let 5000+ concurrent players and then you say that a fully instanced game its your kind of fun?! You are seriously retarded!
Allods online is a better choice then both of them..and its free started to kill himself when they gave palas to the horde and shamans to the allies...
Now its the most easymode game there is, insta epics, insta leveling easy mode, change names, servers, make chars in same server from both factions..the mistic of wow is long gone, and next expansion they will destroy what is still good about talking about how can the greatest mmo ever become so pathetic....
QFT been trying to say this for quite some time now. im sick and tired of games slipping into easy mode to get noobs to play and ruin the game experience for us vets who work hard for their stuff. It's why i left.
MMORPG genre is dead. Long live MMOCS (Massively Multiplayer Online Cash Shop).