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Hello , somebody of you is waiting for one of these games too ?
I have played Eve-online about 3 years but its time for something else ,
specialy Jumpgate Evolutions looks beautifull , but i am going to play
Minerwars also ,the grafics of this one dont looks so great , but its a lot of fun i think .
Looks like they al coming in the first 3 months of 2010 , but
first long time betatesting i think . And there is offcource
Startrek-Online looks very great too , a lot too choose from if you like
space games .
I am going to try tham all
Anyway i cant wait...
Anyone else remember the movie Pleasantville with Tobey Maguire and Reese Witherspoon? I wonder if instead of being sucked into a 1950s sitcom they were just transported to The Netherlands....
Hahaha , In my dreams ...In here its looks more like the Bronx , but than more easy to buy something what keeps jou wakeup for days . But i think you allready know that.
Im looking into BlackProphecy... Ill let you know what I think in a bit. Its going to be hard to convince me to leave EvE though. I mean sheesh with the number of features EvE has ....