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Have they said anything about adding housing yet? The only way I would subscribe is if they plan to do that.
Since the social patch we have camps, which falls under construction and they said they will be adding more to it. So I feel they plan for it, but nothing 100% solid yet.
If they add it I am almost sure I am prepared for it as I doubt it will be a lowby skill, the simplest camp takes lvl 15 construction requirement which seems to go up to lvl 60 camp requirement, so feel if they add housing or peraps something I wish would fit the game very good is trailerparks, would be around lvl 60 or even more to be able to build/use them.
So yeah I am also looking forward to a addition of housing or trailers, will let you know if anything solid comes in.
I want a survivalist hermit type cave cut into the side of a mountain with do not enter signs and some bones thrown around.
Probably won't happen but I can dream
Venge Sunsoar
Personally for my taste I hope they don't because I have yet to see housing added in any way that added to the game for more than a couple days after it was added.
But since a large majority of the playerbase does, I hope FE can figure a way to make them happy.
The least offensive incarnation of housing I've seen was in SWG. If they added something similar to SWG I could accept it. If they make it so players can have shops in their houses ala SWG, that would be even better.
Einherjar_LC says: WTB the true successor to UO or Asheron's Call pst!
It would bring in a lot of players, including me.
I would love to see player housing and little towns spring up. SWG had a good system, they just failed to implement some common sense restritcions. For instance, if you don't have a subscription, your house should be packed up and stored with your account.
I vote for player housing too. With shops and a lot of cool viual stuf
This is a really great common sense idea that I'm surprised no one has thought of for games that actually allow housing to alter the landscape.
EQ2 housing, IMO, is also great, but it's instanced and in existing cities, so that metaphor wouldnt fit FE well. Would be odd to box people into existing structures in a post apocalyptic world
The would be a yes on housing.
They don't know what exactly yet but something like houses and together as towns and having to do with PvP.
but I can not tell how much in the future it will happen.
I would listen to the Life Net podcast to get the full info or as much as there is.
I think it is talked about in LifeNet: Fallen Earth Podcast #6 here's the link
If I'm wrong then whatever but I'm not so there you go listen to all of their podcasts if you want.
Broken down motor home ftw. ...but I must be able to add a grill
i mix with uo and swg housing would be good . . .
i just hate instanced housing . . ., like eq2 . . .
Hilariously, I was going to mention SWG's housing system to your first sentence. I liked SWGs housing system, but as said, it could have used some work. I like their crafting system in general - with harvesters and the sort (which I don't know if FE has or not) - and thought that the housing idea was neat. I agree with someone else that posted though that they should have packed up and stored the houses with peoples accounts that didn't have a subscription.
Hopefully they make a system very nicely. I like the SWG system, as said. It would be nice to see something Kind of like that - but different at the same time.
I know quite a few people who played SWG during precu/cu who had some pretty huge museums in their houses that took them a long time to get together. Every year or so they resub for a month just to pay their housing upkeep for another year and then cancel their account again. I know SOE implemented a system similar to UO where the owner has to be active at the house or it is demolished, but seeing as how people still resub just to keep their items Im guessing SOE wont add in that policy as any money for that game right now is needed.
As for FE the devs could do some really fun things with houses. Things like shanty towns, trailer parks, underground and side of mountain caves and even strange housing types with scraps like the fuselage of a jet as your living room and a bathroom door as your front door.
If they added in a system closer to UO, where you could spend hours on end designing the entire outside and inside look of your house with pages of possibilities, I think it would add a ton. UO was my favorite housing system in any MMO, and you could seriously log in for hours just to work on your house designing the floors, walls, roofs, stairs and everything else and then going nuts and decorating it with every item in the game.
My Guild Wars 2 Vids
If you listen to the podcast with Lee Hammock he does say that they plan for player housing in the future. That it is on their to do list. It is not being worked on currently. They're doing a pvp upgrade & working on sector 4 and some more content & a level cap update for 45's. I'm fairly sure Lee Hammock said these things would be out before player housing, but I haven't listened to the podcast in a few days.
New to the game but i hope they add player housing as well
I think the "Construction" trade skill, is a start toward the preparation for housing. Yes, they said housing was in the plans. No, I don't recall them saying we were going to be building houses, for sure, but....the construction skill seems to indicate....maybe! In the meantime...making campsites and pup kinda fun!
There are so MANY things about this game I find fun (even the tutorial, as crazy as that sounds) that I don't even want to get STARTED typing about it, because I know it will just end up being another TL:DR post. (I have a tendency to be a bit....uhm....wordy....when I get excited. lol)
President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club
Do the current "camps" have any actual use? Like storage so you can stash resources farmed from around it, or maybe just raised regens or something?
Writer / Musician / Game Designer
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To be honest....they're not really all that useful, which is why I think they're probably just an opportunity to start skilling up that craft in preparation for some more USEFUL building (hopefully, as in houses).
Supposedly the pup tents have regen that works in a radius around the tent of like...I can't remember, but I think like 100 yards. If you go too far away, however, it says they disappear, but I haven't tried it to see.
The CAMPS, however, have a vendor, a bank (I think), a fire, tents, and also regen like the pup tents.
The PROBLEM, however, that I see so finding a place you can actually set them up. There are rules as to where you can place them. They can't be too near a town, too near roads, too near any other pronounced terrain (mountains, etc.), and they can't be too near aggro. It's pretty goshdern hard to find a place that meets all of those requirements that would still be USEFUL to set up camp, you know??
So it seems they've made the usefulness intentionally negligible, and that is why I think that just a craft we've been given EARLY so that we can get a jump start on skilling it up.
I guess time will tell.
President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club
Well the placement rules seem logical enough to me, and as long as they *do* something, then I have to say they went the right route with it. I will be tuning-in to see where it goes from here.
As for being place too close to aggro, could you just wipe out a herd of hostiles, then place it? Or does it know where the spawns are and figures from there?
Also, are camps easily moved from place to place, or are they kind of like preliminary housing and meant to be more permanent?
Writer / Musician / Game Designer
Now Playing: Skyrim, Wurm Online, Tropico 4
Waiting On: GW2, TSW, Archeage, The Rapture
Housing with vendor ala UO would be epic.
But how do you keep the "barren wilderness" from turning into UO/SWG style suburban sprawl, where you feel more like you're in Poughkeepsie than in a post apocalyptic nightmare?
Having played both UO and SWG extensively, this was a real issue. It became worse when both games turned off or severely nerfed decay, so you ended up with inactive or even cancelled players' houses littering the terrain.
While wandering through, I think, Embry, I saw a "realtor" NPC talking to a "buyer" NPC, referencing some otherwise uninhabited (by NPCs) blocks of the city. That may be a sign of instanced housing to come.
While housing is very cool, it has a major negative effect -- it empties cities. WoW has kept banks and AHs in only a handful of spots in the whole game, and what this does is force players back to a few locations to do all sorts of basic maintenance -- sell junk, get training, deposit items in the vault, and so on. This is a minor annoyance to players, but it also makes the cities vibrant, living, places, making the entire game feel alive. (And n00bz get to see all the cool items/gear and thing "I want to have that!") It doesn't matter how large a game's population is if it's all hidden inside instanced guild halls; if a new player goes to a "major city" and all he sees is NPCs, he'll think the game is dead, and pretty soon, it will be.
Housing is often a good way to keep players around, as it's another axis for development -- sure, you've maxed your skills, but do you have that shiny new couch for your home? Game developers have to carefully balance the positive effects of player housing with the negative. (Non-instanced housing leads to sprawl; instanced housing leads to a seemingly empty world) (The worst case is non-instanced housing which is left abandoned and empty; this combines both negatives. Nothing was more depressing in SWG for me than seeing mile after mile of lifeless, unused, homes with empty vendors.)
(Housing also opens up all kinds of exciting new terrain, LOS, and other exploits, especially in PVP. Coding housing so it's playable and not exploitable is non-trivial.)
A. if you cancel your account, your house gets packed up in 30 days and you forfeit your land
B. you allow for zoned housing, like you cant have houses on top of roads
C. similar to SWG, your computer wont rez anything inside a house until you actually go inside of the house
D. there is limitless possibility for housing in a post-apocolyptic world, trailer houses, bunkers, tents, living out of your van down by the river, caves, etc, etc.
E... player bases and forts for a winfest!
Right now player camps can get seriously hardcore, ad they serve a purpose for once!
I for one love housing, but all too many times (in LoTRO, VG, EQ2, and even UO) I would not even bother going to my house much, as it served no purpose...if not for storage.
So far the dev team I think has taken a great concept that fits with the world, however gives you a reason to build camps. Some of the later ones are little mini towns pretty much equipped with banks, vendors and crafting stations.
If they do add semi-permanent (meaning inactivity decay) housing, I would llike to see it controlled like DF and VG did.
I play all ghame
After thinking about it a while....I do absolutely want (and love) player housing. That being said, I liked EQ2's housing, but I also liked UO's housing. I HATED LotRO's and Runes of Magic's...eww. No point in giving me a house if you're going to tell me where things can go...screw that...I'd rather have NO housing.
Houses don't have to be elaborate like in EQ2, as a matter of fact, fancy furniture like that would really destroy the immersion of FE, imo. But I would like to maybe be able to craft some beat up looking table made of found objects.... or maybe make some wall hangings, you know...."found art" made from junk.
But anyway....sitting here reading the posts.....I like the idea of instanced housing in towns for the community factor of it. It does bring people into centralized locations for role play, banking, training, going to the pub, gambling, whatever. That is a very good draw to say...having housing in towns like Embry or Oilville or wherever.
On the other hand....I also really love the sound of the "housing" being more organic like tents, old beat up trailers, abandoned mobile homes, stuff like that. It does, however, present the possible issue, as the game grows (and it will), of overcrowding our beautiful Arizona landscapes. You have to remember too....that the graphic loading issue of many many player-built homes in one area....could also be a bit draining. (I'm not a techie, I don't know the ins and outs of programming at all, but it just SOUNDS like a potential problem with load times.)
What if.....those two ideas were COMBINED? Instanced housing in a few "neighborhoods" (a bit gypsy-esque) that are somewhere on the outskirts of the bigger towns? You a run down old trailer park, an auto salvage yard maybe know...some tents inside the fencing of the area?
I think the two ideas combine VERY well, while leaving the immersion of our post-apocalyptic wasteland environment, and still being practical.
What do you guys think? I'm thinking about posting this on the suggestions forum.
President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club
My favorite aspects of UO housing was the customization and being able to show off my stuff and sell my wares from my own personal vendors. What I didn't like was the trailer park feel and of course the lag that all those houses produced. I can speak for SWG housing but I have seen it and heard about it. If they can zone and instance housing slightly but still allow other people to see it publicly that would be great... I just wouldn't want player housing springing up in strange places, or too close to NPC city hubs that are already laggy.
"Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places..." ~ H.P.Lovecraft, "From Beyond"
Member Since March 2004
This expresses my sentiments exactly.
SWG was almost exactly like UO with the ability to sell your wares, and the laggy urban sprawl, trailer park feel.
This is why, while I like the idea of housing, I am pretty much against it for the most part ingame. I have yet to see it done where it is not an eyesore or drag on the game resources much to the detriment of the game.
I realize other players like it, so I hope Icarus figures a way out to pull it off. My preference would be a UO/SWG type of housing but limited to housing areas so it doesn't interefere with the landscape any more than possible. Maybe even instanced areas to help cut down on the lag and eyesoreness(is that even a word?) that is typical with the open housing of UO/SWG.
House vendors would be nice to have too. I miss that as well from UO/SWG.
Einherjar_LC says: WTB the true successor to UO or Asheron's Call pst!