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Well, i am from the old school of mmorpg and yes,i like grinding and intense PVE plus great group community,i know i am an oddity these days.
I have been playing Vanguard since release but now i am sad to say i am leaving the world of Telon for new pastures,my only hope for that old school mmorpg feeling is this game. I have played many mmorpg in my time but i did not pick up on the FF series of mmorpg.
I am thinking about giving the first one a try just to get myself more familiar with how it works. One thing that is putting me off though is the controls,you know the way you move. I have read that some people can't get use to the controls,can someone explain to me what the deal is.
Jah Rasta For I.
The Wicked Shall Fall..
They can't get the controls because they probably don't use a controller, I strongly recommend you get yourself a Logitech ps2 style controller for this game. This game was designed for controller use.
Also, this game is heavily group based.. and you'll see lots of grinding, and all though you missed the great community from back in the good ol' days.. .its still not totally bad. Give it a try... but again, get a controller!
This is not just the last hope, it's the only hope for a decent MMO that actually tries to change something while actually succeeding at it. Lots of weight on SE's shoulders, they better not f*ck this up!
Grinding has never been a issue with me,nothing better than finding a great spot and getting on with it. Hmm, all this controller talk is putting me off to tell the truth,what's up with a controller,i like keyboard pc controls.
How do i actually message people or talk in chat with a hand controller,can you be a bit more specific on how it works in the FF series mmorpg please.
Are you talking about something like this
Or this
Jah Rasta For I.
The Wicked Shall Fall..
Yeah, the first image pretty much. You can use a PS2/3 controller on your PC too though, that's the best choice imo.
You have a keyboard with you and play with your pad. When you write, you put the pad to your lap and write. It might seem weird and slow at first, but really, you get used to everything. Playing with pad is actually much more comfortable than keyboard/mouse once you get used to it.
Yeah, the first image pretty much. You can use a PS2/3 controller on your PC too though, that's the best choice imo.
You have a keyboard with you and play with your pad. When you write, you put the pad to your lap and write. It might seem weird and slow at first, but really, you get used to everything. Playing with pad is actually much more comfortable than keyboard/mouse once you get used to it.
Okay thanks,i won't blow it off yet,ill give it a try and see how it feels.
Jah Rasta For I.
The Wicked Shall Fall..
I really hope it is not controller based. Someone here had said they thought the game would have separate clients for the two platforms.
they built the clients sepreatly so its likely PC wont be like it was in FFXI where the mouse controls where just awkward. This time the game wasnt built for on/for just the one platform, it was built for both at the same time. Personally i love the controler over mouse, its always been easyer for me, being a huge console player, and never having a good enough PC to play many games on it.
Im almost sure, and quite happy that since both platforms can use each others controls (PC can use controlers and PS3 can use mouse and keyboard) that likely we will be able to choose whichever setup we prefer on any of the platforms (this isnt 100%, but very likely)
As for the control setup on FFXI, it just takes some getting used to, like anything else, once you get the hang of it, you love it.
Sounds like you and I have very similiar gaming tastes. This is also my last hope in an MMO. If SE sells out I will be done with MMO's because theres no point in them anymore.
You missed out on FFXI? I am sorry, you missed one hell of a jewel in its hey day. Especially since you dont mind grinding. Its community was second to noe.
As for the controls on PC I cant help you much because I played it on PS2. Like other people have said it will just take abit to get use to, it will be nothing for an old school guy to master. I seem to recall some post saying that if you would mess around with the compact keybord option that you could use wsad to move, Its been so long on that so dont quote me. Not 100% sure
Waiting for:EQ-Next, ArcheAge (not so much anymore)
Now Playing: N/A
Favorite MMO: FFXI
I think the system has to be made in a way that PS3 users won't be inferior for using a pad over PC users using mouse and a keyboard. I'm not sure if mouse will have a big role in this game.
It's true that the game will be made with PC in mind technically, but I'm not sure if that's enough. The controls might still be quite different compared to normal, if only because the game is made for console as well.
I think FFXIV will be to WoW as FFXI was to EQ. With the difference being that rather than take the difficulty and most of the mechanics from it while designing their own interface; they'll take the interface and accessibility elements from WoW and design their own mechanics.
In other words, I think they'll keep the game 'difficult' but not frustrating, such as how FFXI can be. It taking well over an hour to simply assemble a group-- and that's if they all know what they're doing-- is an example. The last member of the group arriving just 5 minutes after another group arrives and takes the spawn you were going to fight at is another...
If they simply made FFXIV a direct copy of FFXI with many fast travel options and faster respawns on bosses I'd be happy.
You know, I've played FFXI since release (till feb 2009) and I've found the numpad controls to be quite good, though like most have stated the mouse controls are a joke.
simple 8 is forward
4 is strafe left
6 is strafe right
and 2 is run toward the screen.
- button for the menu
0 on numpad or tab for cycling targets.
But yeah this game was awesome in terms of group cooperation and community, none of which I've been able to match in anything released thus far. but since tales of aut urgan, the games never been the same (at least in the grinding/leveling area).
changed from group cooperation, skillchains and magic burst, into hurrrr i can spam my weapon skillz yo! needless to say thats when the game died to me.
I think your right. Since the game is being made for ps3 as well, Im 99.9% sure that it will be meant to be played with a controller on ps3. So since thats the case it wont be the typical MMO controls on PC. I personally look to see an expanded macro system with the pc users haveing the ability to customize there controls a bit more. I could be very wrong tho so who knows.
Waiting for:EQ-Next, ArcheAge (not so much anymore)
Now Playing: N/A
Favorite MMO: FFXI
Actually its being built with the PC in mind first then ported to console and adjustments are being made so both have their own unique settings and play-style. On the PC expect to see WASD and Mouse controls and on PS3 full controller support along the lines of how FFXI controlled!
Trying to find where they said it would use the WASD setup, but anyway...we all know it will~
The Specs
Right now, the game is being developed with DirectX 9 in mind. They looked into DirectX 10 and the machines currently available on the market as well. In the end, they decided that DirectX 9 was the best choice. Tanaka says they will also work on how to incorporate new technology in the future. Expect that you will need a computer on the high end of the current market to play FFXIV. They were told the specs for FFXI were too high when that game was released 7 years ago but look at the situation now. They have to design a game that will age gracefully. They also have to guess at what things will be like when the game is released in 2010. People will be switching from Windows Vista to Windows 7. There are people who will go from a 32bit system to a 64bit one. Tanaka also says device drivers can lead to different problems they have to try to foresee as well. They are also planning to support a wide variety of possibilities. For example, this time expect support for 64bit and multicore systems. Information on what that means exactly, for example, how much FFXIV will take advantage of such systems, is not available at this time. However, things will be different from FFXI. FFXI was made for consoles and ported to Windows. For FFXIV, it’s made with Windows in mind and then they’ll make adjustments as needed for any console systems.
ah, didnt know it was being ported. though they must have thought ahead this time for the fact that they will have seprate clinents like they do. I'm happy they are doing that, now noone can moan that their system has crappy controls.
I hadn't even heard of this game until an hour ago. I hadn't shamedly been to since I reformatted my hard drive a few months back, but I came here looking for info on a Torchlight MMO. Started looking through the list and my attention was drawn to FFXIV.
I've spent the last hour looking at the game info, screenshots and videos as well as emailing friends about this game. It's all looking rather exciting.
The last time I got so excited about the classes and overall feel of an mmo was when they started talking about Vanguard. Now, we all know hoe that went wrong, but I do believe Square Enix are more experienced and have more backing than Sigil did. That gives me hope that they can get it right.
Now I just have to hope this game could be what my first hour's forays have made me feel.
Can I really be just a crafter, not have to adventure to succeed and devote my life to working behind a wheel, a stove or a lathe etc?
No, I refuse to get hyped. I've been burnt too much.
But, EQ2 turned stale (not enough people and a guild not willing to test themselves), Vanguard is far in the depths of my mind (could have been great...wasn't), I have major reservations about Star Trek and ditto about Star Wars (none of the classes have made me go 'ooh I wanna be one of them'). The world of mmos needs a game made as well as WoW, not necessarily with the population of WoW but at least the social structure to really promote grouping.
I'm tentatively feeling that FFXIV has that prospect.
So why do I think I'm just going to get burnt again?
I think everyone has that feeling at one point or another because of all the trash we keep getting fed for nearly 5yrs now! I've got my hype meter on reservation, but this is Square-Enix we're talking about, and the only developer that didn't jump on the we must change the entire core of our MMO to appease this new-gen of casual players!
They are also the only developer to say that we are targeting our core Final Fantasy XI and FF in general fans first and foremost than we'll consider the casuals and other playstyles.
Also once again the only developer to stand up to Blizzard and directly challenge them that we are making a new MMO that is going to be a beastly contender. Other devs only want WoW's success and subs cause they're money hungry fools.
One last story that I read about 2 yrs ago when all the gaming companies started folding and merging, canceling games and firing most their staff so that the top brass could keep their 6-figure salaries. Square-Enix had a press release, and that instead of firing all their lesser employees, all their top brass chose to cut their own salaries by as much as 50% so they could keep their entire staff and continue to work on all their projects! I was floored and incredibly impressed by this decision....SE truely are a company that cares!
Actually its being built with the PC in mind first then ported to console and adjustments are being made so both have their own unique settings and play-style. On the PC expect to see WASD and Mouse controls and on PS3 full controller support along the lines of how FFXI controlled!
Trying to find where they said it would use the WASD setup, but anyway...we all know it will~
Not doubting you but it doesn't seem like it will. I think it will be the same controls as FFXI for PC but I could be wrong.