i am posting this here for us EQ Veterens to post the good times and the bad tiems we have all had in EQ in the past, and in the past i mean back b4 they ruined it with Luclin and PoP, so, enjoy.
for some obscure reason, unknown even to myself, I had decided to make a a$$ling. Velious had just been released and I was ... between guilds. I had leveled up a bit in Misty Thicket... until... I ran across that ebil midget with the pet firebeetle.
He talked me into fetching some bug parts for him that he was just to lazy to find on his own. <grumbles> I spent many an hour killing wasps for that wing.. then.. I needed something from a firebeetle. I had read somewhere that my best chance to loot this something was outside the Qeynos gates. I set off on my journey.
Nobody told me Kithcor was ebil by night.
So, I again set off on my journey. Waited until I was sure the undead in Kith were alseep and ran to High Hold pass.
Nobody told me Orcs guarded the pass.
So, I again set off on my journey. Waited for noon, to run through kith and then, waited for a group to clear enough of the orcs for me to run through. Past the guards at the High Hold Keep entrance...
Nobody told me about the kobolds at the other end of the pass...
So, I again set off on my journey. Waited for noon, to run through kith, waited for a group to clear the orcs, waited for another group to clear the kobolds.... down that long winding ramp. Now just as an aside, I had indeed learned my lesson - nobody in fact was going to warn me about anything between me and Qeynos. So, I must be on my little hairy toes and watch out. Got to the bottom of the pass... dodged some overgrown one eyed buffoon named choon, or droon, or something... dodged dogs, snakes, spiders and griffiens... was tense I tell you! Finally! I found the wooden bridge and ran across... only to again have to dodge, bears, spiders, griffiens and griffons... ran into... eventually... western karanas... then into Qeynos hills... then to Qeynos.
Let me tell you! Solo, pre lvl 20, that was a run of epic stress! Having never been across those zones, never seen many of those mobs, my palms were very sweaty by the time I got to town. Not to dismiss the frustrations from the unexpected deaths (guess they wouldn't have been so stressfull if I'd expected them? <lol>).
Then to seek out my Queen Firebeetle!
Imagine my surprise when the witch spawned tons of babies! Course, I'd failed to rebind (no soulbinder in those days) and had to do the run over. Eventually I did it. Succeeded. Got all my bug parts and turned them in. Then the ultimate cruelity! That evil A$$ling didn't give me the bracer! NO! See, <chomps his dentures, wiggles his cane> see, back then, it was a random reward. I had to do it 8 more times to get the bracer. Only to discover... I really couldn't use it...
What an adventure!!!
---------------------------------------- My dog barks some. Mentally you picture my dog, but I have not told you the type of dog which I have. Perhaps you even picture Toto, from "The Wizard of Oz." But I warn you, my dog is always with me.
I've always had trouble sleeping, and EverQuest only exacerbated my problems. I would wake up at 2 am and go log on, play until 5, then desperately try to get some sleep until 6:30 when I had to jump in the shower to be at work by 8. I was most definitely hooked on EverCrack.
I played a necromancer primarily and had parked my character at the Oasis docks one evening. 2am rolled around and my eyes shot open. I got up, leaving my soundly sleeping wife behind, and snuck to my computer to play EQ.
Now, I'm sure it's still true to a degree, but certainly at this time one of the most coveted items in the game was a pair of Journeyman's Boots, or jboots for short. Jboots were an item that, when activated, gave you an insta-cast speed spell on the order of Spirit of the Wolf. Everybody wanted a pair, but they were no drop, so you couldn't buy them. You had to earn them, and the biggest roadblock to earning them was you had to kill a rare spawn known as the Ancient Cyclops. He was known to show up in the Ocean of Tears on occasion and even more rarely in the Southern Desert of Ro. People spent weeks camping his OOT spot for a chance at getting his ring, the chief component necessary for obtaining jboots.
Even if you were fortunate enough to kill him, and get the ring, you still had a tough task ahead. You had to kill a Shadowed Man and get a Shadowed Rapier, and item that was no rent, meaning it would disappear from your inventory if you logged off. Then you had to get 3250 gold (325 plat would not work) and go to the Rathe Mountains to find another rare spawn, a guy named Hasten Bootstrutter for whom people had been known to wait for hours on end. Needless to say, getting jboots was a huge accomplishment for anyone. There were level 60s who had spent hours trying to no avail.
So, anyway, I logged on my necromancer and decided to head Guk. I ran through the Oasis and zoned into S. Ro. As i ran south, I saw a huge humanoid in front of me. At first I thought it was a sand giant, pretty common in S. Ro. But it didn't look like a Sand Giant. It had one eye and was not wearing a headdress...
It was the Ancient Cyclops!
Here I was, a 49 necro with a chance to kill him. I knew if anyone else saw him they'd jump him or try to KS me, so I panicked and darked / feared him without casting a pet first. Necros are basically sitting ducks without their pets, but I was afraid of getting jumped, so I opened myself up. I threw my most powerful DOTs on him and he started dying, but fear broke and he came for me. I was running low on mana and didn't have enough to cast my pet. I went into Lich form and tried to cast fear. I was interrupted at least twice, but I finally got it off and he ran away.
I sat and gathered mana, praying no one would run in and take him. It seemed like an eternity as I watched this ultra-rare spawn running off over the dunes and my mana bar ticking up ever so slowly. I finally got enough mana and cast my pet. I sent him in and the AC went down. My heart was pounding in my chest as I saw him fall. I ran over and looted the corpse of the Ring of the Ancients...one of the most coveted items in the game.
I ran south to Innothule swamp and started killing Shadowed Men until I got a rapier, then I ran to the Oggok bank and pulled out 3250 gold. I was heavy and slow, but I headed over to Rathe to look for Hasten. I knew that he might not be around and I might have a long wait, so I prepared for a long camp session.
I entered Rathe Mountains and went to where he was rumored to spawn. Within 2 minutes I head his voice and saw him running. I chased him down and handed him my three items. I looked in my inventory, and there was a shiny new pair of Journeyman's Boots! I fired them off and sprinted to Lake Rathtear.
I looked at the clock and it was not even 3am. From the time I first saw the AC to the time I got my jboots, about 30 minutes had passed. I doubt that's a record, but it's certainly one of the fastest times I've ever heard. It's still my favorite EQ memory.
think there is a way to mkae this a main thread or soehting, or to make it a sticky? admins, think you could stick this thread, or put it in a well to find area, i bet a lot of EQ vets would love to post their stories, exept they don't knwo of this thread
well, i guess ti is my turn for a story, lol, lets see, oh, heres one about the first time i played a wood elf.....
well, as i made my new character i was having fun, and i clicked enter world, and i am in kelethin and i am like "WHOOOO!!!! this is sweet!" so i go wandering around and a mage hands me 2 bags 1 of summoned plate and a nother of food/drink, well, i was a warrior, and i never have seen summoned gear b4, so i open up the bag of food and i am liek cool, thanks a lot, then i see the other bag, and open it up an di see a whoile bunch of plat, an di am like holy crap, this si awsome, some guy gave me uber stuff! so i put it on an di am walking aroudn in my red armour all proud of my self and i am wandering aorund looking for the way down, and well, i find the way down. The wronge way down, i fall off the edge. so i am like aw crap, i don't know where my body is, so, i ask a person how iu can fidn my body and they say "I'm a bard, i'll help ya" and i am like, how? and he is like i can sing a song to find your corpse, and i say cool, so off we go, and we find it, and i loot my body to find my uber armour is GONE! and i get so mad, i ever file a petition, and in about 10 min's of fuming a GM sends me a tell and says "there is isnothign wronge, that armour was no rent, which means it goes away when you die or camp oitu for more then 30 min, and i am like this stinks, now all my armpour is gone, well, the gm happened to be in Gfay, and he ran up to me, and he handedme a bag, i looked in it, and i see it is armour! and it is more summoned amour, and i am like wow, thanks, and i put it on, and to my surprise it isn't red, it is a greenish blue color, andi am like wow, thanks a lot, and he says "so you know, i didn't just do that, i am just being nice" and then eh disapread,, so i hapyly go on my way.
sorry about the spellgin errors, i am tired and i am takign a week long break from pop, lol, so, yea, i hope y9ou enjoyed it
lol ok one time i was at CoM and i was bound at zone line..my group was just passed the goo house and we pulled the fattest,most monstrous train.so we all hightailed it..meantime 2 other trains had just battered the zone line so u got a bunch of corpses in the hall and a bunch of weak players.so we pull this fat train and run into the remains of the other 2 trains and they attack us too.were al just screaming "TRAIN TRAIN TRAIN RUN RUN" but there was still a bunch of ppl there by the time we made it to zone..my toon gave his last breath 2 inches away from zone line as a bunch of ppl made a run for it as the monster invaded the zone line.so i respawn in the middle of this beast train and get killed again..just repeat 4 more times...finaly i make it to zone just as i respawn.so then we let the moster finally disapate and everything returns to normal.so everyone gos back into zone hallway and waits for rezzes...as im waiting for a guild cleric to come give me a 96% rez some group pulls ANOTHER train and gets me killed another 4 times..i deleved nearly 3 times that day and even after the 96% rezzes i still lost bout 1 yellows worth,which as u all know is hard to earn at those lvls.that day was so horrific i started laughing lol.i also joined a new guild that day,which im still in
Min was probably when i first started playing. I created a human warrior in freeport and this dwarf warrior comes up gives me this bag full of gear. i was so happy and i put it on i go level up until you cant get your stuff back when you die. i then go explore freeport and i find this well full of drowned townspeople. the idiot i am i try to look over the edge but fall in and at that moment i noticed they were kos and red. The undead creatures killed me. i tried a couple times to get it back but i died everytime so eventually my body rotted and i lost all my stuff. so i went and started a new char a bard actually and hes been my main since.
for some obscure reason, unknown even to myself, I had decided to make a a$$ling. Velious had just been released and I was ... between guilds. I had leveled up a bit in Misty Thicket... until... I ran across that ebil midget with the pet firebeetle.
He talked me into fetching some bug parts for him that he was just to lazy to find on his own. <grumbles> I spent many an hour killing wasps for that wing.. then.. I needed something from a firebeetle. I had read somewhere that my best chance to loot this something was outside the Qeynos gates. I set off on my journey.
Nobody told me Kithcor was ebil by night.
So, I again set off on my journey. Waited until I was sure the undead in Kith were alseep and ran to High Hold pass.
Nobody told me Orcs guarded the pass.
So, I again set off on my journey. Waited for noon, to run through kith and then, waited for a group to clear enough of the orcs for me to run through. Past the guards at the High Hold Keep entrance...
Nobody told me about the kobolds at the other end of the pass...
So, I again set off on my journey. Waited for noon, to run through kith, waited for a group to clear the orcs, waited for another group to clear the kobolds.... down that long winding ramp. Now just as an aside, I had indeed learned my lesson - nobody in fact was going to warn me about anything between me and Qeynos. So, I must be on my little hairy toes and watch out. Got to the bottom of the pass... dodged some overgrown one eyed buffoon named choon, or droon, or something... dodged dogs, snakes, spiders and griffiens... was tense I tell you! Finally! I found the wooden bridge and ran across... only to again have to dodge, bears, spiders, griffiens and griffons... ran into... eventually... western karanas... then into Qeynos hills... then to Qeynos.
Let me tell you! Solo, pre lvl 20, that was a run of epic stress! Having never been across those zones, never seen many of those mobs, my palms were very sweaty by the time I got to town. Not to dismiss the frustrations from the unexpected deaths (guess they wouldn't have been so stressfull if I'd expected them? <lol>).
Then to seek out my Queen Firebeetle!
Imagine my surprise when the witch spawned tons of babies! Course, I'd failed to rebind (no soulbinder in those days) and had to do the run over. Eventually I did it. Succeeded. Got all my bug parts and turned them in. Then the ultimate cruelity! That evil A$$ling didn't give me the bracer! NO! See, <chomps his dentures, wiggles his cane> see, back then, it was a random reward. I had to do it 8 more times to get the bracer. Only to discover... I really couldn't use it...
What an adventure!!!
My dog barks some. Mentally you picture my dog, but I have not told you the type of dog which I have. Perhaps you even picture Toto, from "The Wizard of Oz." But I warn you, my dog is always with me.
--- Bambul's Signature ---
I've always had trouble sleeping, and EverQuest only exacerbated my problems. I would wake up at 2 am and go log on, play until 5, then desperately try to get some sleep until 6:30 when I had to jump in the shower to be at work by 8. I was most definitely hooked on EverCrack.
I played a necromancer primarily and had parked my character at the Oasis docks one evening. 2am rolled around and my eyes shot open. I got up, leaving my soundly sleeping wife behind, and snuck to my computer to play EQ.
Now, I'm sure it's still true to a degree, but certainly at this time one of the most coveted items in the game was a pair of Journeyman's Boots, or jboots for short. Jboots were an item that, when activated, gave you an insta-cast speed spell on the order of Spirit of the Wolf. Everybody wanted a pair, but they were no drop, so you couldn't buy them. You had to earn them, and the biggest roadblock to earning them was you had to kill a rare spawn known as the Ancient Cyclops. He was known to show up in the Ocean of Tears on occasion and even more rarely in the Southern Desert of Ro. People spent weeks camping his OOT spot for a chance at getting his ring, the chief component necessary for obtaining jboots.
Even if you were fortunate enough to kill him, and get the ring, you still had a tough task ahead. You had to kill a Shadowed Man and get a Shadowed Rapier, and item that was no rent, meaning it would disappear from your inventory if you logged off. Then you had to get 3250 gold (325 plat would not work) and go to the Rathe Mountains to find another rare spawn, a guy named Hasten Bootstrutter for whom people had been known to wait for hours on end. Needless to say, getting jboots was a huge accomplishment for anyone. There were level 60s who had spent hours trying to no avail.
So, anyway, I logged on my necromancer and decided to head Guk. I ran through the Oasis and zoned into S. Ro. As i ran south, I saw a huge humanoid in front of me. At first I thought it was a sand giant, pretty common in S. Ro. But it didn't look like a Sand Giant. It had one eye and was not wearing a headdress...
It was the Ancient Cyclops!
Here I was, a 49 necro with a chance to kill him. I knew if anyone else saw him they'd jump him or try to KS me, so I panicked and darked / feared him without casting a pet first. Necros are basically sitting ducks without their pets, but I was afraid of getting jumped, so I opened myself up. I threw my most powerful DOTs on him and he started dying, but fear broke and he came for me. I was running low on mana and didn't have enough to cast my pet. I went into Lich form and tried to cast fear. I was interrupted at least twice, but I finally got it off and he ran away.
I sat and gathered mana, praying no one would run in and take him. It seemed like an eternity as I watched this ultra-rare spawn running off over the dunes and my mana bar ticking up ever so slowly. I finally got enough mana and cast my pet. I sent him in and the AC went down. My heart was pounding in my chest as I saw him fall. I ran over and looted the corpse of the Ring of the Ancients...one of the most coveted items in the game.
I ran south to Innothule swamp and started killing Shadowed Men until I got a rapier, then I ran to the Oggok bank and pulled out 3250 gold. I was heavy and slow, but I headed over to Rathe to look for Hasten. I knew that he might not be around and I might have a long wait, so I prepared for a long camp session.
I entered Rathe Mountains and went to where he was rumored to spawn. Within 2 minutes I head his voice and saw him running. I chased him down and handed him my three items. I looked in my inventory, and there was a shiny new pair of Journeyman's Boots! I fired them off and sprinted to Lake Rathtear.
I looked at the clock and it was not even 3am. From the time I first saw the AC to the time I got my jboots, about 30 minutes had passed. I doubt that's a record, but it's certainly one of the fastest times I've ever heard. It's still my favorite EQ memory.
And I did the whole thing solo.
Old timer.
ever drown (ed? sp...?) in the Kaladim water fountain?...
think there is a way to mkae this a main thread or soehting, or to make it a sticky? admins, think you could stick this thread, or put it in a well to find area, i bet a lot of EQ vets would love to post their stories, exept they don't knwo of this thread
well, i guess ti is my turn for a story, lol, lets see, oh, heres one about the first time i played a wood elf.....
well, as i made my new character i was having fun, and i clicked enter world, and i am in kelethin and i am like "WHOOOO!!!! this is sweet!" so i go wandering around and a mage hands me 2 bags 1 of summoned plate and a nother of food/drink, well, i was a warrior, and i never have seen summoned gear b4, so i open up the bag of food and i am liek cool, thanks a lot, then i see the other bag, and open it up an di see a whoile bunch of plat, an di am like holy crap, this si awsome, some guy gave me uber stuff! so i put it on an di am walking aroudn in my red armour all proud of my self and i am wandering aorund looking for the way down, and well, i find the way down. The wronge way down, i fall off the edge. so i am like aw crap, i don't know where my body is, so, i ask a person how iu can fidn my body and they say "I'm a bard, i'll help ya" and i am like, how? and he is like i can sing a song to find your corpse, and i say cool, so off we go, and we find it, and i loot my body to find my uber armour is GONE! and i get so mad, i ever file a petition, and in about 10 min's of fuming a GM sends me a tell and says "there is isnothign wronge, that armour was no rent, which means it goes away when you die or camp oitu for more then 30 min, and i am like this stinks, now all my armpour is gone, well, the gm happened to be in Gfay, and he ran up to me, and he handedme a bag, i looked in it, and i see it is armour! and it is more summoned amour, and i am like wow, thanks, and i put it on, and to my surprise it isn't red, it is a greenish blue color, andi am like wow, thanks a lot, and he says "so you know, i didn't just do that, i am just being nice" and then eh disapread,, so i hapyly go on my way.
sorry about the spellgin errors, i am tired and i am takign a week long break from pop, lol, so, yea, i hope y9ou enjoyed it