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hey all.
This came to me suddenly, so bear with me, I know it's a very rough idea, but I think it's cool, if it's possible.
in most games, you can find a description of the character by clicking, or something, and when you do, you read the description which is often something that the controller has put in. I think it would also be cool if you could choose a music theme that might play when you were reading the description (if it opened a window, or something) or is while you were targeting a specific person, their "theme" could play. I don't know if it would be possible to upload your own song or whatever for that, but it would be cool too.
okay, I don't know if any of that makes sense, but it could add some customization to the characters on another level then just a text description. So, anyway, that's that!
I think that if music could play while you are fighting would make the fighting a bit less boring. Just a thought.
Special sound effects seem like a sweet idea, i only hope there is nothing like the cheesy everquest battle music.. that would be a good example of somthing to avoid.
Maby if you emote a laugh you character could have a specific approved laugh that would sound within the game. A laugh from far away migh sound faint and one up close loud.. that would be a very cool thing.. or screams.. whatever.. very cool idea.
Having a little timer on how often a person could laugh or repeat any sound not effecting the actual emote would prevent OOC abuse.
I would like to hear babbling brooks and chirping birds or wind noises or storm noises.. cracking branches and creaking noises..
Maby you could choose a mood for you character and when you are idle you might humm a little tune or grumble or give a sinister chuckle...
how cool would it be to be walking around and all of a sudden hear a group of aspirants giving sinister laughs and making thinking/plotting noises.
I also think the game would be alot more fun if wispers acted like real wispers and allowed other players to hear them if they happened to be close enough.
Moving to a secret location to have a conversation would enhance the roleplay effect because people could sneak up close and listen in on secret conversations. You might think twice before you say somthing in whisper.. things would be that much more fun to say, or listen in on.
Soon to be dreamer
THis is true. It would get annoying after awhile. Perhaps they could put a use limit on such sounds. Maybe you can use it up to 5 or 6 times, and have it unavailable for use until so much time has passed.
A very good idea, but your right that some jerk could come up and start laughing that would definitely get annoying fast and people do so enjoy annoying others. I think these ideas are awesome though, and I agree.
Maybe also have some different voice tones for laughter, too. And please, the screams, can we change that a little, so some people scream deeper or differently than others. UL drives me nuts because all the guys scream the same and all the girls do too. We might be the same gender, but we're not identical
Well I'm all about ambient sounds and music (as long as its actually good and not like Everquest's music, god I hate EQ). A good example of decent music in a MMO would be AO. Their music fits the moods of the areas they play in.
Hey, what if we could have our own music? Like have a "fight song" directory and a "chill" directory and whatever where we could put our own MP3s and customize the soundtrack to UL? They could come with their own music but if people didn't like them they could change them, this would prevent the music from getting old and since people all have different tastes they wouldn't have any room to complain.
As far as avatar sounds, I think that's a good idea to an extent but it would have to be done in a way that didn't get old fast and wasn't annoying. Footsteps are a yes, different sorts of laughs might be cool too... Like an evil chuckle or a goofy obnoxious laugh, maybe sneezing and even farting (farting would be great!) but you'd only be able to do them so many times in a given amount of time or maybe other people could even ban you from using them if you abused them. There's definite possibility but it should be a well thought out feature.
Hearing an evil laugh echoing through a dark corridor would be very cool though.