Ive just recently switched to Linux completly from windows the other day and still getting the hang of it. Im using Ubuntu 9.10 im having trouble resetting up Darkfall in linux. I have wine installed and I also have winetricks and have gotten all the extra microsoft libraries etc that I need including DX9. When I goto run the .exe setup file with wine it acts like its doing something like extracting setup files but then nothing pops back up. Is there any other linux users out there that could shed some light on the issue? I know it has a bronze rating under wine meaning I may have some issues when I get it running but I dont care as long as I can run it. Thanks.
Apparently it is possible but there are many issues when running DarkFall under Linux.
Try this but I really can't guarantee if it will work or not: www.linuxfrag.net/
it starts running through but gives me this error in the terminal.
ACCESS VIOLATION for some reason the forums wouldnt let me post the whole error message.
How about this configuration if you consider your computer a gaming rig:
1) Base system, Windows 7 x64
2) Install VMware Player x64 and install Linux on a virtual machine.
I've had a lot of luck with WMware Player. It's free and pretty slick.
I commend you for trying life on Linux but if you are gamer you might as well give up because the road is beyond difficult.
Gaming on anything but a Windows box is a nightmare. I really wouldn't bother
Good to know. I've never tried gaming in a virtualbox. My suggestion was that the OP game on the Windows 7 x64 base system and do their Linux stuff in the VM virtualbox. And I agree with you. If your computer is a gaming rig just stick to the operating system that the games are really designed for if you want the best performance.
mm dont count your laurel linux hater!linux as a gaming platform is way closer then you might think.since amd officially support
OPENCL as their defacto recommended (instead of dx)and opencl is free.asian game designer will probably be the first to design a game for linux and opencl standard.and since amd made it abundantly clear they will put all their might on opencl
it simplify stuff a lot for game designer ,they couldnt care less if its opencl or dx11 but the fact opencl is free and supported by a computer and graphic card manufacturer give linux user lot of incentive to go the opencl route in futur asian game
all free is a big bonus.all of that is also supported by ibm.every new idea in the amd stable is some ibm idea
ibm is already as the 22nm process by the way.since they booted cell processor they ll have lot of time to do their magic
ojn linux based techno.hell lot of guys think ibm is out of the game.LOL they just took a different route.but they are on par with the best out there if not more advance since officially they re just a research firm.plenty of time for new idea.
heres some good linux title .surprised yep they are getting there.