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terrible game



  • PyrielPyriel Member Posts: 7

    Hell yeah, I have nothing more to say than that guy above.. but oh well..
    Do you guys ever saw a battle (aprox 400-500 ppl nearly in one place) either been fightin on one side of the conflict?, i was and it happens in this game a lot, like dude said - best PvP ever, so far, and it's still beta..
    And about the graphics; this game has one of the best graphics I saw in UMMORPG...

    "Object of war is not to die for your country, but to make other people die for it"
    gen. Patton

  • MattzyMattzy Member Posts: 1

    image woah i dono what game ive been playing that most people on this forum havent...but this game rocks!!! so much character options..and wot the guy above sed is true..levelling to lvl 40 is ez and can only take a few weeks..which is fun if u take advantage of quests and teaming up.

    pVp in this game is what really makes it awesome, just cant beat it when ur part of a raiding party on a human killing spree.

    Finally. what are you guyz talking in this game are awesome!! dont blame the game for ur own crappy graphics card or processor (i assume u hav graphics set to minimum on your settings when u played the game) but in my experience huge maps, wandering herds, cool villages and towns..oh ye and the sunsets and sunrises!! mind blowing image 

  • AzzazelAzzazel Member Posts: 18
    what do you want is an asian "mmo"r"pg" and all we know asian "mom"r"pgs" = bpeeols (Big Piece Of Enormous Only leveling shit )image
  • AzzazelAzzazel Member Posts: 18

    im gonna comment this post on spanish.. as i usually do... theres a great comunity that speak speanish and this post is for they all


    bueno pue ske decir de este  juego de pseudo rol? .. pues ke es un producto koreano.. y como tal.. pues e slo k es un matra mata sin sentido ninguno.. el juego solo se basa en subir niveles y mas niveles. graficamente noe  sta mal.. aunkees bastante aburrido.. muy dificil hacer alguna party.. y las quest se reducen ave a matar a ee bicho o al otro.. en general le daria un 6 por los graficos y lo smovimientos.. pero ke nada no se salvaimage es una verdadera desgracia al menos paera mi, que cada ves mas este tipo d ejuegos este triumfando  gracias alos ni

  • KujoxKujox Member UncommonPosts: 44
    its fun for the first 3 seconds until you fall through the map under the water and cant ever get out image


  • Dark-$ageDark-$age Member Posts: 81
    ok.... im a newbie at these forums but ive played ryl since MY open beta, it's fast paced & unique compared to other mmo's. It's not the best game i have ever played, but it ranks pretty damn high in my books. everybody complaing about how bad the game is: how long have u actually played the game for? 1 day? 2 days? you need to get a decent feel of all aspects of the game before u make ur decision. just my 2 cents image
  • dvdgoddvdgod Member Posts: 6
    Dam right Sage u tell em oh and Guys it is still open beta sheesh how many more tiems do we have to say that.............


  • ICySasukeICySasuke Member Posts: 12

    Originally posted by Detonated
    I had the misfortune of playing tyhis game. Trust me,avoid this like it is the PLAGUE. If you want a free (and will remain free) game to kill time, i suggest This game is 2d but its actually half way decent as a time killer. I mean cmon....its called Risk Your Life for cris sakes...LOL. 100% craptastic. Feels like im playing a FPS in some surreal nightmare or something...makes me feel dirty.

    Er. A CO player. Well, I played CO and to be honest, I would have rather play pong than go back playing that game. I mean come on, if you think level grinding is bad in this game (or any other game), try leveling a lvl 120 fire tao for like 10 hours and only get 50%. The only appealing about CO is that [1]it has a lot of servers and [2]the shiny weapons you can make. Eventhough CO is free, you still have to purchase DBs just to get good gears (or hunt like 7 hours a day till you get enough cash for DBs and mets). Sorry if you took it the wrong way. Its just an opinion. Not bashing the game though.

    And to everyone else who's trying to bash this game. Get off. We're not here to wage bash wars against you all so let's keep it civil, lessen the bashing and post some sensible comments/opinions about the game.

    "Sun is bad for you. Everything our parents said was good is bad. Sun, milk, red meat... college."

    -=+RIP Dimebag+=-

  • ToyerToyer Member Posts: 3

    Originally posted by gargantroo

    Quote Richard Garriot:
    Making a character before getting to know the game leads the player to make uneducated decisions
    Well his quote went something like that, and no game can make that quote more true then RYL. You choose demon or human and once you pick you cant go back, ever. The graphics suck, and the fighting is like Diablo II on steroids, so if you havent killed the monster in the first 3 seconds of the fight you will probably die. The character models are ugly, the areas are bland and its just plain boring. Not to mention the battle system is awful, some quick dueling system with really choppy graphics....
    I didnt like it.

    Ultima Online- Apoc
    Final Fantasy XI Online- Nabara
    World of Warcraft- (Coming soon :P)

    LOL! I am sorry but this is the most incorrect post I have ever read.

    1. You can change your race by simply deleted all your characters and reselecting your race. If your worried about losing your items and/or gold, you just put it in your bank. You also have the option of joining the 2nd server with the same account login/pass (without paying more) and being able to play both races with the same account.

    2. The graphics in the game are Excellent. You either need a better card or put the setting correct.

    3. As for it being like diablo I'll agree with this, but I'd hate to remind you that Diablo is 1 of the most played/renowned RPGs ever made.

    As for the comment about leveling to 30 being easy and after that it being slow.... we have been running P2P for 2 days and we already have multiple players in the low levels of 50. Not to mention ALL MMORPGS leveling rates slow down the hire you get, otherwise You'd have a game with all maxed players in the game and it would get boring....

    Also, most of these people complaining are either basing their judgements prior to RYL2, if they played it after it P2P they'd have a different opinion or are just upset that they don't get everything they want for nothing.


  • LackeyZeroLackeyZero Member Posts: 640
    Show some respect...You're just giving a worse impression to the RYL community...gargantroo is wrong on one point only and that's the switch between races...As far as graphics go, that's purely opinions...If you can't accept that, give your opinion, but don't accuse others of bad graphic cards...Also note, if people didn't like the beta, why in the world would they want to buy it...(The main use of open beta is publicity and pulling in customers...The other part is fixing bugs and etc....Apparently in open beta there were too much bugs...)...As far as my opinion goes, I think COH far surpasses any game on customer service and easy to use interface...RYL is not a big break from any mmog that's already out there...
  • SaitnoxisSaitnoxis Member Posts: 11

    I didnt like it.
    Me either.

  • yurichiyurichi Member Posts: 17
    Well I just want to suggest that why don't you try playing the US version which is a bug FREE!!! because based on my experience it is very different from beta or the Malaysian version... image
  • 1337rabit1337rabit Member Posts: 2

    it sucks so ad that it will make me die if i ever play it again!!!!!!!!::::30::burn in hell ryl::::27::::::40::

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