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How do UO skills work?

superhero13superhero13 Member Posts: 170

Can someone please explain the UO skill system to me like a kindegartner?

So I get that its skill-per-per use.
I also get that you get a total of 700% to spend on all your various wants.

But can someone take it a lot further for me? Ive read some websites, but they all presume a knowledge of the game.



  • tomeeztomeez Member Posts: 18

    Try to read the best site about UO

    If you will have a problem after that... A will try to explain. But I think that it will be OK ::::20::
    That site is like BIBLE for HARDCORE MU PLAYERS::::02:: Because they are ::::12::

    Just kidding ::::28::

  • superhero13superhero13 Member Posts: 170

    Ive read the beginners guide at that site but Id still like some information.

    Ok. You get 700 % points by the max of your character...

    a) when starting the game how many do you get and how many choices do you have to put them in?
    b) im sure there are special manuevers for a weapon, such as say, a you have to put points into that special move or do you just get it?
    c) once you max out all your skills (im sure its hard with skill rot) how do you respec your character? or do you just start a new one?
    d) the basic structure is you kill get put those into a skill, right? but I thought that UO was a skill-per-use system? Please explain.
    e) How do passive skills fit into this?

    Thank anyone in advance for your help.

  • tomeeztomeez Member Posts: 18

    a) 100 pts. to spend between 3 skills. Most of players put them into 2 stats at lvl50 (that is max at the creation), or 50,49,1 (the last is 1 because you will get stuff related to that skill)

    b) You will gain special maneuvers with weapons... Every weapon has 2 maneuvers. And they will be available when your skills in fighting (related to that weapon) is high enough

    For more info:

    c) You can respec your Character. You just block skills that you want to hold up, put arrow down for skills that you don't need, and arrow up for the skills that you want to have. (You just have to remember that skill cap is 700, so some must fall, when you want some to rise)

    For more info:

    d) "is you kill get put those into a skill" No. That is not truth. When you use skill there is a chance to rise. When you craft weapons there is a chance to rise Blacksmith, when you fight (it depend whit what you fight) rise can be seen in: Swordsmanship, Mace fighting, Fencing, Parry, Anatomy, Tactics, Lumberjacking... I think it is all...
    You don't have any "points to spend" Just chance to raise skill...

    e) Passive skills are counted automatically when you do something related to that skill, and you have then the chance to raise it... I think there is nothing to explain... or maybe I just don’t understand your question.

    Any other question? ::::02::

  • garrison13garrison13 Member Posts: 97

    Also you can buy skill points from NPC's. For example if you wished to start fishing you could talk to a fisherman and pay some gold for him to "teach" you the skill. I believe the max you can buy from an NPC is about 30 skill points. Also rings and bracelets you wear can have skill modifiers ie swordsmanship +5 to help boost a skill. Some skills are easier than others to train. Taming being a complete nightmare, you have to tame literally 1000's of animals to get up to 100. You can also get scrolls which can increase your skill cap by 5, 10 , 15 or 20. So maximum in any skill is 120.

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