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ok on it has magic gladiator fairy dark knight and dark sourcerer
on the game it has elf dark knight and dark wizard??
can someone please explain ?
well not so big of a deal, in the only quest in the game you can upgrade the elf, dk and dw, to muse elf, bladeknight and soulmaster, they are like pimped versions
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man?s character give him power"
-Abraham Lincoln
Coder, Webmaster and Modeler
You can start to play Magic Gladiator ONLY when your first Character (DW, DK or Elf) is LVL 220+
Then you have new face in creation menu in NEW CHARACTER section. That is MG... (Reward for LONG play????? Don't know )
I think this is an anwer for your question... :-)
YES... They are just elves
ok thanks