Originally posted by gfboixx Originally posted by EPDJ the thing about any mmorpg i just cant stand... beyond anything else... is when people dont even try to do something and start asking about how to do it... honestly!!! i just want to fly across the world to where they are and blow thier brains out!!! i rarely ever ask a question unless its a extremely hard thing to find out. for instance i cant stand people who ask... what drops so and so... and where do you learn skills... wheres the potion lady!! just look around!!!! its not that hard! i can understand if there isnt that npc in the town and ill answer to that beside that... it just makes me regret playing since all you do is play with people who are too lazy to even find things out on thier own... omg.. i know how u feel man, i feel like dat everytime i play too. somethin like this happend be4: where do u buy armor? at town wheres the town? above you which way is that? go straight then what? then theres ur f**ken armor shop... get the hell away from me newb! go visit the site and read some info in it wtf b*tch all i wanna know is where the hell the armor shop is. then he would start attacking me and then i killed him... then he would start whisperin how much of an ass i was... where as then i told him the armor shop should be rite in front of him. u might not be able to blow their brains, but if they piss you off alot, pk them. then wen they spawn, stalk them and pk them again... its a stress reliever
omg this crap happens to me to...but at a much larger/gayer scale like take RYL2 for instance. since ive played hte game for a long itme i can help many noobs. well i sorta got my self into this one because he was level 1 and i was feeling good(wich changed later) or well i showed him how ot attack b clicking the mouse button. then he was saying his quick bar slot was gone...this is where it gets beyond gay. well i tell him to press K then he says he pressed it and i tell him to look for a button that says quick bar slot. he says where. ( now I know im dealing with a new species) well i told him to press K while not in chat mode so he says he pressed it again and he says a window popped up ( now i was releaved). well to make a long story short...repeat steps 1-3 about 5 times then add him in asking where town is and everything....i eventually ran off. see its completley common sense. when i start a game up for the first tiem without thinking i can figure out what to do i just dont understand how they dont know. oh yah i have a complaint about the other fags.... I NEED FREE ITEMS ones.... with there caps lock always on and they apparently dont speak english in an english game -______-
Interesting topic because if I put my hand on my heart, I on occasion, have been a moron. Fortunately, this has been temporary stupidity and isn't permanent stupidity. I have had several blonde moments in MMOGs that have got one or more of my groupies killed. But I've always apologised, explained the mistake and NEVER repeated it.
I don't have a problem with players making mistakes - it happens. Just suck it up. What I do have a problem with is players who absolutely will NOT listen and will NOT learn. These types of players will get you (and your group) killed 100% of the time, guaranteed e.g. like that moron who kept pulling a bunch of 5 reds in the post a couple of posts up. That example illustrated a conscious ignorance i.e. someone who decided to be ignorant, rather than general ignorance (newbieness).
As a social player, I will always have a belief in random pick-up groups but must admit that I have had my patience tested. More often than not, I've experienced the behaviour illustrated in this thread but with personal honour system, just sucked it up and prayed that I wouldn't be in negative debt by the end of the session. That said, there are clear signs that one is grouped with one or more morons who will get the party killed i.e. pullers who consistently pull far, FAR more than the group could possibly handle and REFUSE to suck up a death for the good of the group - instead, they run back to the group screaming, "HELP!!!!! GET 'EM OFF ME!?>" .. uh, way to go. Now we're ALL going to die. Thanks, bud.
Now, I've been predominantly talking about MMOGs with personal honour debt i.e. if you die, you just affect your own exp. The shared level debt in EQ2 would seriously test my resolve for random pick-up groups. Sadly, if I played EQ2, I would be much more strict and would have less patience to tutor or monitor promising players which would be a shame.
Worst Offenders
Mebek19 hit the nail on the head: beggars. I find beggars to be the single most annoying element of any MMOG. There is absolutely NO excuse for begging in any virtual game under any circumstance. Begging to me indicates a piss-poor (excuse the pun) player who is of the belief that their time is much MORE valuable than anybody else's - otherwise they would get off their asses and EARN their plat (or whatever ingame currency is in use). I have absolutely no problem with berating beggars in public channels because these players are the worst parasites in the game, who add absolutely nothing to the community. Heck, at least morons provide you with good ancedotal material when you're chatting to your MMOG buddies :P
The real losers during this discussion are the genuine newbie players, who have potential and a degree of raw talent, but just need a little bit of hand holding. I have no problem with people who ask questions and are willing to listen and learn. There is nothing more rewarding than watching such players develop their potential and turn into the sort of players that you would group with every, single time. Then a couple of weeks, months down the line you happen to notice these players helping other newbies in the game. Unfortunately, we all become that little bit more jaded, and that less eager to help due to the high moron quotient in the game.
If I looked back at my MMOG experience to date, I would be hard pressed to name a single moron who blighted my game, not because there wasn't any, but because I refused to let them and/or applied a low tech solution i.e. pen and paper, to note down morons and EXCLUDE them from any future group, refusing to either buy or sell to them - in other words, treating them like they didn't exist.
Regards, Riotgirl
"If you think I'm plucky and scrappy and all I need is love, you're in way over your head. I don't have a heart of gold or get nice. There are a lot nicer people coming up. We call them losers."
Originally posted by lotharr Most annoying peoples are like this, they start to flame you for a stupid reason. Heres a example: Lotharr: Hahaha, I owned you in PvP! Jerkie67: STFU ASSHOLE Lotharr: I didnt ment that thing bad way. Jerkie67: Fuck you, I have told now to Public-, Clan- and Area chat that you are a troll. Lotharr: Why did you do that, lol. Jerkie67: Dont say nothig or I kill you. Lotharr: lol Jerkie67: Welcome to ingore, looser Lotharr: Well Well....? Jerkie67: Lallalallalaaa, Did my job for this day. Lotharr: Rofl
I'd have to say that you're at fault here, it's extremely annoying when gimps start messaging you "LOL I BEAT U OMG WINRAR I AM" so I'd have to say that
Originally posted by lotharr Most annoying peoples are like this, they start to flame you for a stupid reason. Heres a example: Lotharr: Hahaha, I owned you in PvP! Jerkie67: STFU ASSHOLE Lotharr: I didnt ment that thing bad way. Jerkie67: Fuck you, I have told now to Public-, Clan- and Area chat that you are a troll. Lotharr: Why did you do that, lol. Jerkie67: Dont say nothig or I kill you. Lotharr: lol Jerkie67: Welcome to ingore, looser Lotharr: Well Well....? Jerkie67: Lallalallalaaa, Did my job for this day. Lotharr: Rofl
I'd have to say that you're at fault here, it's extremely annoying when gimps start messaging you "LOL I BEAT U OMG WINRAR I AM" so I'd have to say that
Lol, wimps post like "LOL I BEAT U OMG WINRAR I AM".
But if I just say, I bat you up.
But that was bad example, but this is real. That one guy started "fucking" with me because I died, because he was so bad and didnt help at any. And then he died in few mins too, and started to shout on me. Reported to all places that im a troll. That happened in AO.
its part of what makes the game THAT particular game. You'll find nice guys, but on the other hand, you'll also see some complete retards. You just have to deal with it and just ignore it, I guess.
dude ur opinions are way way way too strong on this particular topic. i have several problems with them.
1. it is totally dependent on game to game, EQs community sucks right now i know cus it mostly appeals to the younger audience. BUt i played DAOC for 3 years and it has great community on non PvP servers.
2. its not half of the people its just the fact that u probably never got to a high enough level. all teh asshole players you talk about usually quit halfway, so when u reach the higher levels u normally have much better communities( i know some games have exceptions to this like ALL blizzard games where most their base is 15 year old fuktards)
3. you shouldnt dictate the way people play its just a game dont take it too serious, and play the way u most enjoy it. so if these so called assholes act out their violent and idiotic fantasys in a game its much better then doing it in real life.
To Quote Crim from .hack/sign " its just a game play the way you feel you will mostm enjoy"
so tell me would you rather have someone kill people online or have another columibine. because that is totally what video games are a release for our emotions that are inappropiate to getn out a Catharsis to put it in greek terms. but dont judge us all on this crap.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
You talk about video games as being a scapegoat for emotions that would otherwise be directed in the real world, you give an example of Columbine. It's pretty absurd to believe that video games are the primary cause of this type of situation.
People can't continually float around in games acting like a complete moron, hopefully after a few times they learn to grow up. The majority of the population aren't held to their idiotic comments and actions, which causes problems. I will provide an example aswell, look at America.
When I played Eve Online I found many people to be very helpful. The main problem i had was the lack of interaction with other people rather than bad interaction. I seemed to spend my whole time sucking up asteroids so I gave up. you get alot of people in the chats though.
Originally posted by bpharris9014 So, I've been very successful at EQ, EVE Online, EQ 2, and I've also played Lineage and AO. I can tell you that the single biggest problem all these games share is that every player is at the mercy of morons.After three years, I can't take it anymore. My in-game progress is at the mercy of bad gamers. When I say bad gamers, I mean people who can't go 10 minutes without getting everybody killed. Those, flamers and assholes. I asked "How can I back the camera off my character in 3rd person?" tonight in the n00b channel in AO and got flamed for it. I can't get a group in EQ 2 that can get EXP and not debt. EQ Live was nerfed to the point that there was no such thing as progress -- 90% of the people who were level 60+ were still broke. EVE was fine, except the "warp" time sink was too friggin obvious. When it takes you 30 minutes to get anywhere useful in a game, your money is being stolen.I'm not paying $18/month to hang out with a bunch of ignorant monkies anymore. To me, ass hats aren't fun and, unfortunately, playing with the public at large means playing with a lot of morons and jerks. And it offends my notion of equity that my fortunes have to be tied to idiots to "progress."When you combine that with all the time sinks and "grinding" that are built into these games, it's all a con. The people who develop these games are too stupid/lazy/unmotivated to produce games that rely on content and questing to progress, so they make them depend on The Grind. Somehow, people are dumb enough to, literally, buy into this. When I see a level 50 artisan in EQ 2 now, I don't think "That guy's awesome." I think "That guy either has a great macro, or he's a lifeless loser."Here in about 10 years, when all these droolers are smart enough to quit paying for grindage and start forcing these companies to make games with content, I might get back into it. Until then, I'm only playing games that have privately administered servers and can boot the morons. As snotty as it sounds, the general public is a pack of imbesciles and I'm not paying money to experience their stupidity any further than I can get it for free on a walk to the grocery.Bryan
I think you should want morons (and all kinds of folks) in these online games. Nothing more amusing and lively than zone-wide arguments. The occasional train or idiot who pulled to much can be amusing. Adds life to the game. You should have your great players, decent players and crappy players all in a game world.
I admit there are people who tend to ruin your "high" while you are playing games, but there are people who help and I am a testement to that. I help out people all the time giving money and items to newbs as I was once a newb myself we all were at one point. Every game I played people went out their way to help and I respect them for as should you.
There will always be bastard in mmorpgs as there are bastards in life.
The good in something always out-way the bad.
________________________________ I must not fear, fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little death that leads to obliteration, I must permit fear to pass over me and through me. ________________________________
1. I agree that most mmorpgs are starting to suck because 90% of them are all based on medeval/fantasy which focus all on the same thing such as dice rolling combat system, quests, etc.
2. When veteran players seem to pick on newbies, they seem to have some kind of an "elitism" additude.
When AO became free for a year, all the paying members started to hate "the poor noobs" It was like this: Ihavenopants: I find the original electronum pistol pretty nice up to level 15! Ipayforthisgame: lolz the gun suxcz u're supposed to twink0r yourself so that you can equp ql5932 uberswordz!1 Ihavenopants: But I just started out so I can't possibly have enough money for buffs and such! Ipayforthisgame: Wait, you're not one of those 1-year-free users are you? Ihavenopants: Yes, how come? Ipayforthisgame: LOL U SUX WTF LOL HAHA NUB YUO FAIL AT INTERWEBS PLEASE QUIT SO WE GET LESS LAG.
So it seems like the paying users are gods and free trial peeps are peons. Dunno if AO is still like this but it sure was the last time I played it
lol ur dumb jonp_11 i said its CATHARSIS, STUDY PSCHOLOGY. ever since greek times their ahs been catharisis to purge people of bad emotions through escapes, greeeks used plays, we use video games. its proven that if a country doesnt have catharsis its crime rate goes up and even doubles, people always need a healthy place to vent.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
I couldn't possibly agree more with the original poster on this. I've gone back to single player games due to all of the eight year olds I've had to deal with throughout the years in MMORPGs. It's just not worth it; Why should I have to pay money to deal with idiots? I get to do that in real life for free. Sorta disrupts the whole escapist nature of the MMORPG for me.
In the meantime I'll just be playing Morrowind until a game comes out that's so dynamic/"boring" that it'll just plain discourage all of the griefers.
Speak the truth there brother...you tell it. If you didn't make a post like this I sure would have. I can't help but hate the whole money grubbing profiteering system that online gaming is based on today. Give me a game based on your choices and skill in playing the game and I will be pleased. Instead i have to deal with this "hours played" B.S. .......and yes, 9 times out of 10 the content is lame. Keep tellin it how it is man, you got the right idea. Peace.
And Vampyr has a point: when someone's too emasculated to actually stand up to anyone in real life, they come to a messageboard and say things like "lol ur dumb" to anyone who disagrees with them. Catharsis!
Well Bryan, I've posted this before and got "vaporware!" flamed again and again. But here it is. I haven't stuck with any mmorpg for many years. UO was great and then something bad happened and things regressed.
I've been following this game: www.trialsofascension.com for a long time. The forum community is second to none. Now is where most people will cry vaporware. Point and possibility taken. But if you take the time to read into its features and the linked sites that have tons and tons of dev. quotes, you may see it is a niche game that is running counter to all of the grinding, time-on-your-@ss-at-the-keyboard = power, neanderthal-treaders that are dressed up real pretty-like with the next graphics engine. Its the game I personally have been looking for, regardless of its chances for success. I choose to believe. It seems to be PvP-centric AND RP-centric, which is tantalizing.
I'm hopeful for this game because it seems to reward settlements and players for a gaming experience that is inclusive. You can PK all day, but it won't necessarily reward you with power or advancement like other games.
Here's where my panties get all up in a bunch. People SAY they want change and true adversity and challenge but then you mention things like permadeath (even if it is after 100 lives) and travel that does not include spoon-fed insta-porting and the absence of leveling into the 100s with ultratwinking and they get all indignant. They look at one character per server or life-like weather that can harm you if you don't have food or shelter and they balk. To that I say leave the ego at the door, or go back to the same old, same old. The current state of the genre I liken to fast food. Once in a while it tastes AWESOME, but man do you get sick of it fast and sick FROM it if you eat it too often.
Check this game out. If it never makes it to market, fine. Hopefully someone will see what this company is trying to do and realize that they MIGHT be able to revolutionize the genre. Until, then, no duckets from me to be a computer-chimp with a flat hiney and a fantasy toon.
Thanks for taking the time to read, all. I'm honored.
Permadeath and environmental challenges are the next great step in the evolution of MMORPGs. Only through true adversity will one feel accomplished. Only in truly knowing you can die will true adversity present itself.
To keep this brief, I'll get down to cases right away.
MMORPGs bring with it all types of people. That's a good thing. Cause we as people need to assume different roles than we lead in daily life. I play Role Playing Games as a mean to satiate my desires to dress up like a Rogue and go pick locks. I mean, why the hell play an RPG if it's not allowing you to do something that isn't in you real life character to do?
The most noticable and unfortunate trend of the recent 2 years in MMOs, is that peopleare less likely to Role Play or be of good spirit in them. While I would hate to make the claim that is it potentialy due to a younger audience, that are not of the Pen and Paper era that I'm from and that perhaps the larger population MMO Veterans are also, that there is a real breakdown in the online etiquette.
I role play. And when I do, I'm in character even when I'm helping someone out. This makes my game time much more enjoyable because the persona that I am at that time, could be very impatient and could come accross as being cold or coy. But that doesn't mean that I'm an asshole. I take it very serious when someone is simply not nice, and especialy so when they demonstrate their con-ability to type improperly spelled english words, shaping them into grossly too fashionable "0nl1n3 pwn@g3" commentary that is only good for pissing off everyone that is of a "right-mind".
IT"S BECOME ALL TOO FASHIONABLE. Less and less, reading's importance is recognized. It allows a person to refine their ability to use proper english, or whatever native tougue, to get ideas and emotions accross.
Anyhow, this rant is really just causing me to spin. And the more I think of it, the more I get upset. I'd just rather log into a game, and Role Play and have fun, and never mind those idiots. If I can PK them with a character that is biting and mean, then so be it. The stress relief is mine for the taking.
What ruin the MMORPG is the fact that I need to group, PvP, or raid with say morons. Unrestricted PvP in MMORPGs is for morons who hide behind gear and stats because they cant think and developp their tactics and strategies to meet others players on equals terms.
Give me the option to solo all the time, and I will welcome all the morons in the game as I will enjoy to tell them: NOT AT THE MOMENT, when they will see me LFG and offer me something lame. Not to mention they help me feel good, just because they are backward. When say morons are better in raid gear others earn them, I bail out.
Put me under the obligation to group morons or do anything with them without an a nice alternative, and I will agree with you. Many MMORPGs try to find better way to remove challenges and thinking and make it by the sheer number of players, they try to please morons. Solo is not, by any mean, any easier or casual then any other activity. First they remove game based turn for ''REAL TIME'', well, it dont please me, but I can live with that. Then they will add more and more stuff you NEED to be a group or a raid and this make you overall better then all that dont, they are honeying their morons and they are developping them, rather then encouraging a system based on worth, on achievements, they build games based on loyalty and dedications, they are building it like a religion...
In solo we trust! You disagree? I dont care, you can wait LFG to your heart content, I am not grouping you! You agree about soloing? Maybe we can consider a group *put a limitation like later, if you get this, that, in this area*.
The only problem with morons in the MMORPGs is when the devs listen to them and adapt features so morons prosper at the expense of the worthy peoples. Enforcing ANY system over the others is to please morons...''Peoples should need to form big alliances in order to...'' gratz on having a moron friendly system! Solo uberness belong to soloers, anyone saying otherwise is a moron!
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Originally posted by Anofalye Morons dont ruin a MMORPG.
Right! People ruin MMORPG's. If we had a MMORPG with all NPC's, I bet it would be the best MMORPG out there. I bet nobody would complain. Nobody would bitch about someone else being too powerful. All these MMORPG's and ideas that say get rid of the NPC's and make it a player run environment are all headed for doom. The only surviving MMORPG will be the one run by the NPC's!
omg this crap happens to me to...but at a much larger/gayer scale like take RYL2 for instance. since ive played hte game for a long itme i can help many noobs. well i sorta got my self into this one because he was level 1 and i was feeling good(wich changed later) or well i showed him how ot attack b clicking the mouse button. then he was saying his quick bar slot was gone...this is where it gets beyond gay. well i tell him to press K then he says he pressed it and i tell him to look for a button that says quick bar slot. he says where. ( now I know im dealing with a new species) well i told him to press K while not in chat mode so he says he pressed it again and he says a window popped up ( now i was releaved). well to make a long story short...repeat steps 1-3 about 5 times then add him in asking where town is and everything....i eventually ran off. see its completley common sense. when i start a game up for the first tiem without thinking i can figure out what to do i just dont understand how they dont know. oh yah i have a complaint about the other fags.... I NEED FREE ITEMS ones.... with there caps lock always on and they apparently dont speak english in an english game -______-
i cant stand those who ask for items either!!!
please god... smite those who are morons!!!!
This bothers me to no end in MMO's - the people who beg. For anything.
Moron, standing outside cantina in SWG: PLZ HELP, NEED CREDS!!!
Me: If you need money, go run some missions.
Me: The missions are tailored to your skills, you can't possibly be that bad.
Me: Whatever, "dude" I'm outta here.
Moron (in Tell): F**K YOU B*****D
Me (in Reply): Well, you've been reported for harrassment. Have a nice day!
(Continues /Tell-ing for the next five minutes about how I harrassed him)
Blonde Moments
Interesting topic because if I put my hand on my heart, I on occasion, have been a moron. Fortunately, this has been temporary stupidity and isn't permanent stupidity. I have had several blonde moments in MMOGs that have got one or more of my groupies killed. But I've always apologised, explained the mistake and NEVER repeated it.
I don't have a problem with players making mistakes - it happens. Just suck it up. What I do have a problem with is players who absolutely will NOT listen and will NOT learn. These types of players will get you (and your group) killed 100% of the time, guaranteed e.g. like that moron who kept pulling a bunch of 5 reds in the post a couple of posts up. That example illustrated a conscious ignorance i.e. someone who decided to be ignorant, rather than general ignorance (newbieness).
As a social player, I will always have a belief in random pick-up groups but must admit that I have had my patience tested. More often than not, I've experienced the behaviour illustrated in this thread but with personal honour system, just sucked it up and prayed that I wouldn't be in negative debt by the end of the session. That said, there are clear signs that one is grouped with one or more morons who will get the party killed i.e. pullers who consistently pull far, FAR more than the group could possibly handle and REFUSE to suck up a death for the good of the group - instead, they run back to the group screaming, "HELP!!!!! GET 'EM OFF ME!?>" .. uh, way to go. Now we're ALL going to die. Thanks, bud.
Now, I've been predominantly talking about MMOGs with personal honour debt i.e. if you die, you just affect your own exp. The shared level debt in EQ2 would seriously test my resolve for random pick-up groups. Sadly, if I played EQ2, I would be much more strict and would have less patience to tutor or monitor promising players which would be a shame.
Worst Offenders
Mebek19 hit the nail on the head: beggars. I find beggars to be the single most annoying element of any MMOG. There is absolutely NO excuse for begging in any virtual game under any circumstance. Begging to me indicates a piss-poor (excuse the pun) player who is of the belief that their time is much MORE valuable than anybody else's - otherwise they would get off their asses and EARN their plat (or whatever ingame currency is in use). I have absolutely no problem with berating beggars in public channels because these players are the worst parasites in the game, who add absolutely nothing to the community. Heck, at least morons provide you with good ancedotal material when you're chatting to your MMOG buddies :P
The real losers during this discussion are the genuine newbie players, who have potential and a degree of raw talent, but just need a little bit of hand holding. I have no problem with people who ask questions and are willing to listen and learn. There is nothing more rewarding than watching such players develop their potential and turn into the sort of players that you would group with every, single time. Then a couple of weeks, months down the line you happen to notice these players helping other newbies in the game. Unfortunately, we all become that little bit more jaded, and that less eager to help due to the high moron quotient in the game.
If I looked back at my MMOG experience to date, I would be hard pressed to name a single moron who blighted my game, not because there wasn't any, but because I refused to let them and/or applied a low tech solution i.e. pen and paper, to note down morons and EXCLUDE them from any future group, refusing to either buy or sell to them - in other words, treating them like they didn't exist.
"If you think I'm plucky and scrappy and all I need is love, you're in way over your head. I don't have a heart of gold or get nice. There are a lot nicer people coming up. We call them losers."
Lol, wimps post like "LOL I BEAT U OMG WINRAR I AM".
But if I just say, I bat you up.
But that was bad example, but this is real. That one guy started "fucking" with me because I died, because he was so bad and didnt help at any. And then he died in few mins too, and started to shout on me. Reported to all places that im a troll. That happened in AO.
its part of what makes the game THAT particular game. You'll find nice guys, but on the other hand, you'll also see some complete retards. You just have to deal with it and just ignore it, I guess.
Lotharr either way you were trying to belittle someone or show off, your example is worthy of an ignore.
I usually end up playing a healer in MMO's so I can let the morons handle the other jobs.
dude ur opinions are way way way too strong on this particular topic. i have several problems with them.
1. it is totally dependent on game to game, EQs community sucks right now i know cus it mostly appeals to the younger audience. BUt i played DAOC for 3 years and it has great community on non PvP servers.
2. its not half of the people its just the fact that u probably never got to a high enough level. all teh asshole players you talk about usually quit halfway, so when u reach the higher levels u normally have much better communities( i know some games have exceptions to this like ALL blizzard games where most their base is 15 year old fuktards)
3. you shouldnt dictate the way people play its just a game dont take it too serious, and play the way u most enjoy it. so if these so called assholes act out their violent and idiotic fantasys in a game its much better then doing it in real life.
To Quote Crim from .hack/sign " its just a game play the way you feel you will mostm enjoy"
so tell me would you rather have someone kill people online or have another columibine. because that is totally what video games are a release for our emotions that are inappropiate to getn out a Catharsis to put it in greek terms. but dont judge us all on this crap.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
"opinions way way too strong?"
You talk about video games as being a scapegoat for emotions that would otherwise be directed in the real world, you give an example of Columbine. It's pretty absurd to believe that video games are the primary cause of this type of situation.
People can't continually float around in games acting like a complete moron, hopefully after a few times they learn to grow up. The majority of the population aren't held to their idiotic comments and actions, which causes problems. I will provide an example aswell, look at America.
When I played Eve Online I found many people to be very helpful. The main problem i had was the lack of interaction with other people rather than bad interaction. I seemed to spend my whole time sucking up asteroids so I gave up. you get alot of people in the chats though.
I think you should want morons (and all kinds of folks) in these online games. Nothing more amusing and lively than zone-wide arguments. The occasional train or idiot who pulled to much can be amusing. Adds life to the game. You should have your great players, decent players and crappy players all in a game world.
I admit there are people who tend to ruin your "high" while you are playing games, but there are people who help and I am a testement to that. I help out people all the time giving money and items to newbs as I was once a newb myself we all were at one point. Every game I played people went out their way to help and I respect them for as should you.
There will always be bastard in mmorpgs as there are bastards in life.
The good in something always out-way the bad.
I must not fear, fear is the mind killer.
Fear is the little death that leads to obliteration, I must permit fear to pass over me and through me.
well the good outweigh the bad isnt exactly true... i guess you dont believe in the Ying-Yang... or any real asian culture's beliefs...
1. I agree that most mmorpgs are starting to suck because 90% of them are all based on medeval/fantasy which focus all on the same thing such as dice rolling combat system, quests, etc.
2. When veteran players seem to pick on newbies, they seem to have some kind of an "elitism" additude.
When AO became free for a year, all the paying members started to hate "the poor noobs"
It was like this:
Ihavenopants: I find the original electronum pistol pretty nice up to level 15!
Ipayforthisgame: lolz the gun suxcz u're supposed to twink0r yourself so that you can equp ql5932 uberswordz!1
Ihavenopants: But I just started out so I can't possibly have enough money for buffs and such!
Ipayforthisgame: Wait, you're not one of those 1-year-free users are you?
Ihavenopants: Yes, how come?
So it seems like the paying users are gods and free trial peeps are peons.
Dunno if AO is still like this but it sure was the last time I played it
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
I couldn't possibly agree more with the original poster on this. I've gone back to single player games due to all of the eight year olds I've had to deal with throughout the years in MMORPGs. It's just not worth it; Why should I have to pay money to deal with idiots? I get to do that in real life for free. Sorta disrupts the whole escapist nature of the MMORPG for me.
In the meantime I'll just be playing Morrowind until a game comes out that's so dynamic/"boring" that it'll just plain discourage all of the griefers.
Speak the truth there brother...you tell it. If you didn't make a post like this I sure would have. I can't help but hate the whole money grubbing profiteering system that online gaming is based on today. Give me a game based on your choices and skill in playing the game and I will be pleased. Instead i have to deal with this "hours played" B.S. .......and yes, 9 times out of 10 the content is lame. Keep tellin it how it is man, you got the right idea. Peace.
And Vampyr has a point: when someone's too emasculated to actually stand up to anyone in real life, they come to a messageboard and say things like "lol ur dumb" to anyone who disagrees with them. Catharsis!
Too many elitists to
Well Bryan, I've posted this before and got "vaporware!" flamed again and again. But here it is. I haven't stuck with any mmorpg for many years. UO was great and then something bad happened and things regressed.
I've been following this game: www.trialsofascension.com for a long time. The forum community is second to none. Now is where most people will cry vaporware. Point and possibility taken. But if you take the time to read into its features and the linked sites that have tons and tons of dev. quotes, you may see it is a niche game that is running counter to all of the grinding, time-on-your-@ss-at-the-keyboard = power, neanderthal-treaders that are dressed up real pretty-like with the next graphics engine. Its the game I personally have been looking for, regardless of its chances for success. I choose to believe. It seems to be PvP-centric AND RP-centric, which is tantalizing.
I'm hopeful for this game because it seems to reward settlements and players for a gaming experience that is inclusive. You can PK all day, but it won't necessarily reward you with power or advancement like other games.
Here's where my panties get all up in a bunch. People SAY they want change and true adversity and challenge but then you mention things like permadeath (even if it is after 100 lives) and travel that does not include spoon-fed insta-porting and the absence of leveling into the 100s with ultratwinking and they get all indignant. They look at one character per server or life-like weather that can harm you if you don't have food or shelter and they balk. To that I say leave the ego at the door, or go back to the same old, same old. The current state of the genre I liken to fast food. Once in a while it tastes AWESOME, but man do you get sick of it fast and sick FROM it if you eat it too often.
Check this game out. If it never makes it to market, fine. Hopefully someone will see what this company is trying to do and realize that they MIGHT be able to revolutionize the genre. Until, then, no duckets from me to be a computer-chimp with a flat hiney and a fantasy toon.
Thanks for taking the time to read, all. I'm honored.
Permadeath and environmental challenges are the next great step in the evolution of MMORPGs. Only through true adversity will one feel accomplished. Only in truly knowing you can die will true adversity present itself.
Hello All,
To keep this brief, I'll get down to cases right away.
MMORPGs bring with it all types of people. That's a good thing. Cause we as people need to assume different roles than we lead in daily life. I play Role Playing Games as a mean to satiate my desires to dress up like a Rogue and go pick locks. I mean, why the hell play an RPG if it's not allowing you to do something that isn't in you real life character to do?
The most noticable and unfortunate trend of the recent 2 years in MMOs, is that peopleare less likely to Role Play or be of good spirit in them. While I would hate to make the claim that is it potentialy due to a younger audience, that are not of the Pen and Paper era that I'm from and that perhaps the larger population MMO Veterans are also, that there is a real breakdown in the online etiquette.
I role play. And when I do, I'm in character even when I'm helping someone out. This makes my game time much more enjoyable because the persona that I am at that time, could be very impatient and could come accross as being cold or coy. But that doesn't mean that I'm an asshole. I take it very serious when someone is simply not nice, and especialy so when they demonstrate their con-ability to type improperly spelled english words, shaping them into grossly too fashionable "0nl1n3 pwn@g3" commentary that is only good for pissing off everyone that is of a "right-mind".
IT"S BECOME ALL TOO FASHIONABLE. Less and less, reading's importance is recognized. It allows a person to refine their ability to use proper english, or whatever native tougue, to get ideas and emotions accross.
Anyhow, this rant is really just causing me to spin. And the more I think of it, the more I get upset. I'd just rather log into a game, and Role Play and have fun, and never mind those idiots. If I can PK them with a character that is biting and mean, then so be it. The stress relief is mine for the taking.
Morons dont ruin a MMORPG.
What ruin the MMORPG is the fact that I need to group, PvP, or raid with say morons. Unrestricted PvP in MMORPGs is for morons who hide behind gear and stats because they cant think and developp their tactics and strategies to meet others players on equals terms.
Give me the option to solo all the time, and I will welcome all the morons in the game as I will enjoy to tell them: NOT AT THE MOMENT, when they will see me LFG and offer me something lame. Not to mention they help me feel good, just because they are backward. When say morons are better in raid gear others earn them, I bail out.
Put me under the obligation to group morons or do anything with them without an a nice alternative, and I will agree with you. Many MMORPGs try to find better way to remove challenges and thinking and make it by the sheer number of players, they try to please morons. Solo is not, by any mean, any easier or casual then any other activity. First they remove game based turn for ''REAL TIME'', well, it dont please me, but I can live with that. Then they will add more and more stuff you NEED to be a group or a raid and this make you overall better then all that dont, they are honeying their morons and they are developping them, rather then encouraging a system based on worth, on achievements, they build games based on loyalty and dedications, they are building it like a religion...
In solo we trust! You disagree? I dont care, you can wait LFG to your heart content, I am not grouping you! You agree about soloing? Maybe we can consider a group *put a limitation like later, if you get this, that, in this area*.
The only problem with morons in the MMORPGs is when the devs listen to them and adapt features so morons prosper at the expense of the worthy peoples. Enforcing ANY system over the others is to please morons...''Peoples should need to form big alliances in order to...'' gratz on having a moron friendly system! Solo uberness belong to soloers, anyone saying otherwise is a moron!
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Right! People ruin MMORPG's. If we had a MMORPG with all NPC's, I bet it would be the best MMORPG out there. I bet nobody would complain. Nobody would bitch about someone else being too powerful. All these MMORPG's and ideas that say get rid of the NPC's and make it a player run environment are all headed for doom. The only surviving MMORPG will be the one run by the NPC's!
<j/k of course.>