If you happen to go to the website, they do indeed sell a CE, nicely boxed with posters, artbook and whatnot. That's what I'm doing because the only option I have here in a very rural area, is a wireless connection that limits my data to 5g per month. So sorry I don't live in city.......I could be somebody.....oh wait, I'd rather look at cows than smug, withit, cool people.
"It is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth -- and listen to the song of that syren, till she transforms us into beasts. ... Are we disposed to be of the number of those, who having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not?" --Patrick Henry
Just download the fucking game!! they should seriously stop selling games in stores, who bothers to go out and buy games or movies anymore? i havent done for years. it only takes a few hours to download a game. half hour for movies(Bluray).
I cant belive people are complaining about not being able to buy the game in a store, should be the other way around!
I think I must come from the same school of thought as you. I absolutely HATE being bothered with having to make a special trip to a store I don't need to go to for ANY reason other than buying ONE damn game. BAH.
If I can't download it....I'm not playing it. Period. BUT...I've never experienced the horror stories I hear from other people about downloading a game for DAYS. WTF? If my cable service was that damn slow, I'd be pissed as hell.
So, here's something I don't get. Global Agenda is an online game. You play it in real time over the internet. This means you need a decent internet connection to play the game. Everyone who is complaining about crappy internet connections is retarded - you will not be able to play the game even if you buy it in a store!
So I was out the door about to buy GA, but before went I said to myself, let me check the stores online so I know which one to go to, come to found out you can only get it from a Download. ??? Ummm to bad I will not DL a game and never will untill I can get a100 Gigabytes/sec download speed for under $40 a mouth(come back in the year 2020), for one takes to dam long and I like the security a box copy gives (No I don't have a burner) so guess I will not be playing this game.
Steam downloads about 900-1300 KB/PS for me, and i've been using it for years, and i love it. i have bought loads of games on steam and i like it that i can install the games on any PC without worrying about CD keys or lost CD"s/gameboxes...
So I was out the door about to buy GA, but before went I said to myself, let me check the stores online so I know which one to go to, come to found out you can only get it from a Download. ??? Ummm to bad I will not DL a game and never will untill I can get a100 Gigabytes/sec download speed for under $40 a mouth(come back in the year 2020), for one takes to dam long and I like the security a box copy gives (No I don't have a burner) so guess I will not be playing this game.
I prefer box games myself and I think a company only hurts themselves when they offer games as download-only. I downloaded Fallen Earth when it came out but I know several friends who wouldn't play the game until a box copy was offered. Their loss? I think not; I tend to think the loss of a paying customer is the developer's loss.
If you happen to go to the website, they do indeed sell a CE, nicely boxed with posters, artbook and whatnot. That's what I'm doing because the only option I have here in a very rural area, is a wireless connection that limits my data to 5g per month. So sorry I don't live in city.......I could be somebody.....oh wait, I'd rather look at cows than smug, withit, cool people.
apart from farms and city's with cows/smog, have you ever heard of "Towns" or "villages" , its like a really small city without fog, and usually they have lots of internet-options to choose from! sounds great or what?
Don't complain about your internet if you love cows so much lol
Isnt the solution as easy as buying the box online...............why does this thread exist?
This thread exists because sometimes people want to buy boxed copies at a retail store. Icarus recently started offering boxed copies of their game at Best Buy. Why do you think they did this - because there was no demand for it? Of course not. No game developer is going to put a game on the shelf unless there's a demand for it. *You* might not see the demand, but other consumers do.
Icarus made quite a big deal out of having the game available at Best Buys when it finally was available. Some people like that tangible, physical product in their hand. Shrug.
One more thing. I keep seeing posts about how not putting in a box will reduce sales, which in turn costs the developers money. This is patently absurd for a number of reasons.
1. Producing the boxes in the first place is a massive investment. It requires box art, which means artists. The box also costs money. There's also the DVDs, which cost money. Then there's the manuals and peripheral materials. This all costs money. Now, multiply this out millions and millions of times. Not even considering the cost of making the game, how much does it cost to make the boxes and DVDs? And then these have to be distributed. The shipping costs are enormous. Compare this to download only games - there's nothing to manufacture. The only cost is the bandwidth, which is only incurred when someone actually downloads. And bandwidth is cheap.
2. Boxed games take up shelf space. It costs retailers money to store and display products, both in floor space and personnel. They must recoup those costs. EVEN IF THE GAMES DO NOT ACTUALLY SELL! Games must be priced retail accordingly. So, there's profit down the drain right there. Compare this to download-only games - displaying and storing digitally is dirt cheap.
3. Boxed games that do not sell are worth significantly less to the retailer. They take valuable shelf space from other products that are selling. Eventually, they just waste space in a storage facility. This costs the retailer money in addition to the initial investment. So, in order to recoup that investment, the retailer must drastically reduce prices. This depresses the value of the product. Compare this to download-only games - again, storage is cheap - there's no incentive to get rid of the game; it doesn't really matter how long it's been there, the price can remain whatever is fair.
4. Boxed games cost so much that they must be produced and sold in large numbers in order to make any money. Download only games don't need this - smaller sales figures are OK. If Global Agenda sells 1 million copies, it would make significantly more money than any boxed game selling several times that many.
One more thing. I keep seeing posts about how not putting in a box will reduce sales, which in turn costs the developers money. This is patently absurd for a number of reasons.
1. Producing the boxes in the first place is a massive investment. It requires box art, which means artists. The box also costs money. There's also the DVDs, which cost money. Then there's the manuals and peripheral materials. This all costs money. Now, multiply this out millions and millions of times. Not even considering the cost of making the game, how much does it cost to make the boxes and DVDs? And then these have to be distributed. The shipping costs are enormous. Compare this to download only games - there's nothing to manufacture. The only cost is the bandwidth, which is only incurred when someone actually downloads. And bandwidth is cheap. 2. Boxed games take up shelf space. It costs retailers money to store and display products, both in floor space and personnel. They must recoup those costs. EVEN IF THE GAMES DO NOT ACTUALLY SELL! Games must be priced retail accordingly. So, there's profit down the drain right there. Compare this to download-only games - displaying and storing digitally is dirt cheap. 3. Boxed games that do not sell are worth significantly less to the retailer. Eventually, they need to go bargain bin, or the retailer loses on their investment. This depresses the value of the product EVEN IF THE GAMES DO NOT ACTUALLY SELL! Compare this to download-only games - again, storage is cheap, doesn't really matter how long it's been there. 4. Boxed games cost so much that they must be produced and sold in large numbers in order to make any money. Download only games don't need this - smaller sales figures are OK.
So why are developers still scrambling to produce boxed copies of their games? Why did Icarus push to get Best Buy to distribute Fallen Earth?
The answer should be obvious - because the consumers are still demanding it. Do you think developers would bother with boxed games at all if it was detrimental to their profit margins? Of course not.
Many games start out as download only and then when the company has enough money, they start producing boxed copies. Why? Because it opens them up to another market.
This is simple supply and demand economics, people. Regardless of all of your points, the fact remains that companies produce boxed games because they help sell copies. It's profitable for them to do so. If it wasn't; they wouldn't do it.
Right, and in this case, it's not profitable for HiRez to do it. The cost of box production would far outweigh the expected sales. Have you seen the marketing for this game? Yeah, there really isn't any. It's not going to sell sufficient volumes to warrant retail distribution until they make a lot of money and then spend that money on marketing, which they may not do. I mean, why bother? It's a lot of expense for nothing.
Digital distribution also solves some problems of due dates. If you don't have to deal with physical distribution, you don't need to worry about manufacturing a sufficient volume and getting everyone stocked up to sufficient volumes by a particular date. Data is easy to move. This means that software can be ready when it's ready. HiRez studio took major advantage of this.
Right, and in this case, it's not profitable for HiRez to do it. The cost of box production would far outweigh the expected sales. Have you seen the marketing for this game? Yeah, there really isn't any. It's not going to sell sufficient volumes to warrant retail distribution until they make a lot of money and then spend that money on marketing, which they may not do. I mean, why bother? It's a lot of expense for nothing.
Digital distribution also solves some problems of due dates. If you don't have to deal with physical distribution, you don't need to worry about manufacturing a sufficient volume and getting everyone stocked up to sufficient volumes by a particular date. Data is easy to move. This means that software can be ready when it's ready. HiRez studio took major advantage of this.
If the game becomes popular - mark my words - there will be a boxed, retail copy made available. Just like with Icarus and Fallen Earth.
If the company is too small to distribute the game any other way, sure, it's cheap to offer it download-only. You're just limiting your audience. You basically echoed my point - in the beginning, when there's not enough money, the download-only mechanism to distribute the game is often used. Then, later, if sales permit, a boxed copy is made available to reach more consumers.
So I was out the door about to buy GA, but before went I said to myself, let me check the stores online so I know which one to go to, come to found out you can only get it from a Download. ??? Ummm to bad I will not DL a game and never will untill I can get a100 Gigabytes/sec download speed for under $40 a mouth(come back in the year 2020), for one takes to dam long and I like the security a box copy gives (No I don't have a burner) so guess I will not be playing this game.
man usually i never like to insult people online. but you really need to know when to shut up. you're making yourself sound like an idiot, and more so that you gave specific details which makes you really look bad. You are the kind of people that the gamestop people laugh at. It's like an old dinosaur trying to get in on something new but refuse the change.
I think it was more along the lines of, they didnt want to or couldnt afford to deal with a publisher. Not to mention, im sure publishers are alot more wary of MMOs now adays, especially ones that dont come from big named developers who have some bank to back them up.
DLing games is the new trend, you are going to see it more and more now, especially from the small devs, its cheaper for them, and they have better profit margins so they can throw a deal or 2 our way once in a while. GA was $5 off for a little while, wouldnt have happened with a boxed copy.
I do have a Steam account and so do download games, but for the vast majority I like hands on copies. I like going to the store and interacting with people. There is something about the tangible weight of something that makes it that much more real. I too buy books from Chapters and borrow them from the library. I buy my DVDs and build my little bookshelf of movies up. Its nice to have them physically and I have friends I trade them with or loan them too. There seems to be a lessening of the value of a thing when it is digital. Does a thing/person/interaction being digital make it of less value to us intrinsically? Call me behind the times if you wish, but my answer is yes.
And as to the debate over people needing faster internet speeds... well just remember that not all of us live in the same country or city or urban sprawl. The farther you are out of a large urban centre the more expensive or non-existant high speed internet will become. Some countries have very tight control over internet or little competition for your internet... making prices very high and quality lower then what maybe available elsewhere. This is not the game publishing companies fault, but does make it harder for some consumers to access their products. Since others has provided a link to Amazon for this gentleman to purchase a copy of GA should he wish, for him, at this moment, this discussion has been resolved. But the larger issue of internet and technological availability to all to help level the inequalities between differing socio-economical and geographic groups is still a buzzing debate for the politics of the world. Do not insult a man just because he does not share the same priviliages that you have. Instead wonder why he does not have the same choices that you do and also wonder whether your priviliages are as concrete as you believe them.
Wait wait wait. I can understand wanting the box, but someone who WANTS to buy from Gameslop and Best Buy? Impossible.
That being said, this shouldn't be unexpected. PC games have shifted to digital sales almost entirely in the past decade. As broadband becomes more pervasive, expect this to become par for the course. I will miss our giant swag filled cereal boxes, and as long as there are physical collectors editions I think things will be ok, but in an age where you're expected to download DLC on day 1, it's been clear for a while the internet is required to play your game fully. Besides, pre-loading has been common for some time now. Who cares if you need to download some exagerated number of MB, just pre-load it overnight and you're set anyway.
I can understand complaining about needing an internet connection to play a single player game, but this is a multiplayer only game. You can't even solo PvE anymore. I really do not understand people complaining about living out in the boonies having a crappy or non-existent internet connection. These people will not be able to play the game. Period.
I wonder how many read posts past the first sentence. Internet options where I live are limited plain and simple. 5g cap per month. It plays just fine and heretofore has been fast enough. Don't want to blow half the month when I can get a hard copy. If that changes, sure I'll DL it, but not until then.
"It is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth -- and listen to the song of that syren, till she transforms us into beasts. ... Are we disposed to be of the number of those, who having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not?" --Patrick Henry
So I was out the door about to buy GA, but before went I said to myself, let me check the stores online so I know which one to go to, come to found out you can only get it from a Download. ??? Ummm to bad I will not DL a game and never will untill I can get a100 Gigabytes/sec download speed for under $40 a mouth(come back in the year 2020), for one takes to dam long and I like the security a box copy gives (No I don't have a burner) so guess I will not be playing this game.
man usually i never like to insult people online. but you really need to know when to shut up. you're making yourself sound like an idiot, and more so that you gave specific details which makes you really look bad. You are the kind of people that the gamestop people laugh at. It's like an old dinosaur trying to get in on something new but refuse the change.
No I just want a box copy, I do not have the time to Download, It takes to much of my internet ,I can't afford to have my internet lagged out for 6+hours ,also I could care less about what people like you think and let alone people at Gamestop lol think . I could give a shit what a bunch of nerds think about me, I play video games as hobbie nothing else, I have a real life and my life isnt meassured by the Hi TECH in It I got real ways to stroke my Epeen If you know what I mean, I'm sure your Wife might...Bottom Fucking line I want Box copies or I will not buy.
Just download the fucking game!! they should seriously stop selling games in stores, who bothers to go out and buy games or movies anymore? i havent done for years. it only takes a few hours to download a game. half hour for movies(Bluray).
I cant belive people are complaining about not being able to buy the game in a store, should be the other way around!
Some people are collectors and like to have a box.
I don't go in for the whole digital download thing. I like looking at the boxes on the shelves of my game room, like thumbing through the maps, books, etc. Hell I've got original boxes of EVE and Ryzom on my shelf even though I initially started playing those games from the digital download client. I'm also trying to hunt down a Darkfall box that is apparently only available in Europe.
Sure the industry is moving towards online distribution to cut corners and gain more control over their content, but they should still make boxes available to people that want them. I'd pay double for a physical product because I don't enjoy being a renter, and I doubt I'm alone.
So I was out the door about to buy GA, but before went I said to myself, let me check the stores online so I know which one to go to, come to found out you can only get it from a Download. ??? Ummm to bad I will not DL a game and never will untill I can get a100 Gigabytes/sec download speed for under $40 a mouth(come back in the year 2020), for one takes to dam long and I like the security a box copy gives (No I don't have a burner) so guess I will not be playing this game.
man usually i never like to insult people online. but you really need to know when to shut up. you're making yourself sound like an idiot, and more so that you gave specific details which makes you really look bad. You are the kind of people that the gamestop people laugh at. It's like an old dinosaur trying to get in on something new but refuse the change.
No I just want a box copy, I do not have the time to Download, It takes to much of my internet ,I can't afford to have my internet lagged out for 6+hours ,also I could care less about what people like you think and let alone people at Gamestop lol think . I could give a shit what a bunch of nerds think about me, I play video games as hobbie nothing else, I have a real life and my life isnt meassured by the Hi TECH in It I got real ways to stroke my Epeen If you know what I mean, I'm sure your Wife might...Bottom Fucking line I want Box copies or I will not buy.
So, you "can't afford to have [your] internet lagged out for 6+ hours", and yet you "play video games as a hobbie nothing else"? Yeah, 6+ hours a day is just a "hobbie". Sure. Do you ever go outside? Why not DL then? Why don't you just do it overnight like everyone else? You can certainly "afford to have [your] internet lagged out" when you're asleep, can't you?
I understand that you "just want a box copy", but why? What exactly is the point? Having it available on steam means you don't need a physical copy anywhere. You can move to a completely different location, get a new computer, etc., and you don't even need to fiddle with disc boxes or installing a DVD drive.
If you happen to go to the website, they do indeed sell a CE, nicely boxed with posters, artbook and whatnot. That's what I'm doing because the only option I have here in a very rural area, is a wireless connection that limits my data to 5g per month. So sorry I don't live in city.......I could be somebody.....oh wait, I'd rather look at cows than smug, withit, cool people.
"It is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth -- and listen to the song of that syren, till she transforms us into beasts. ... Are we disposed to be of the number of those, who having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not?" --Patrick Henry
I think I must come from the same school of thought as you. I absolutely HATE being bothered with having to make a special trip to a store I don't need to go to for ANY reason other than buying ONE damn game. BAH.
If I can't download it....I'm not playing it. Period. BUT...I've never experienced the horror stories I hear from other people about downloading a game for DAYS. WTF? If my cable service was that damn slow, I'd be pissed as hell.
President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club
So, here's something I don't get. Global Agenda is an online game. You play it in real time over the internet. This means you need a decent internet connection to play the game. Everyone who is complaining about crappy internet connections is retarded - you will not be able to play the game even if you buy it in a store!
Steam downloads about 900-1300 KB/PS for me, and i've been using it for years, and i love it. i have bought loads of games on steam and i like it that i can install the games on any PC without worrying about CD keys or lost CD"s/gameboxes...
Steam is safe, period.
I prefer box games myself and I think a company only hurts themselves when they offer games as download-only. I downloaded Fallen Earth when it came out but I know several friends who wouldn't play the game until a box copy was offered. Their loss? I think not; I tend to think the loss of a paying customer is the developer's loss.
apart from farms and city's with cows/smog, have you ever heard of "Towns" or "villages" , its like a really small city without fog, and usually they have lots of internet-options to choose from! sounds great or what?
Don't complain about your internet if you love cows so much lol
This thread exists because sometimes people want to buy boxed copies at a retail store. Icarus recently started offering boxed copies of their game at Best Buy. Why do you think they did this - because there was no demand for it? Of course not. No game developer is going to put a game on the shelf unless there's a demand for it. *You* might not see the demand, but other consumers do.
Icarus made quite a big deal out of having the game available at Best Buys when it finally was available. Some people like that tangible, physical product in their hand. Shrug.
One more thing. I keep seeing posts about how not putting in a box will reduce sales, which in turn costs the developers money. This is patently absurd for a number of reasons.
1. Producing the boxes in the first place is a massive investment. It requires box art, which means artists. The box also costs money. There's also the DVDs, which cost money. Then there's the manuals and peripheral materials. This all costs money. Now, multiply this out millions and millions of times. Not even considering the cost of making the game, how much does it cost to make the boxes and DVDs? And then these have to be distributed. The shipping costs are enormous. Compare this to download only games - there's nothing to manufacture. The only cost is the bandwidth, which is only incurred when someone actually downloads. And bandwidth is cheap.
2. Boxed games take up shelf space. It costs retailers money to store and display products, both in floor space and personnel. They must recoup those costs. EVEN IF THE GAMES DO NOT ACTUALLY SELL! Games must be priced retail accordingly. So, there's profit down the drain right there. Compare this to download-only games - displaying and storing digitally is dirt cheap.
3. Boxed games that do not sell are worth significantly less to the retailer. They take valuable shelf space from other products that are selling. Eventually, they just waste space in a storage facility. This costs the retailer money in addition to the initial investment. So, in order to recoup that investment, the retailer must drastically reduce prices. This depresses the value of the product. Compare this to download-only games - again, storage is cheap - there's no incentive to get rid of the game; it doesn't really matter how long it's been there, the price can remain whatever is fair.
4. Boxed games cost so much that they must be produced and sold in large numbers in order to make any money. Download only games don't need this - smaller sales figures are OK. If Global Agenda sells 1 million copies, it would make significantly more money than any boxed game selling several times that many.
So why are developers still scrambling to produce boxed copies of their games? Why did Icarus push to get Best Buy to distribute Fallen Earth?
The answer should be obvious - because the consumers are still demanding it. Do you think developers would bother with boxed games at all if it was detrimental to their profit margins? Of course not.
Many games start out as download only and then when the company has enough money, they start producing boxed copies. Why? Because it opens them up to another market.
This is simple supply and demand economics, people. Regardless of all of your points, the fact remains that companies produce boxed games because they help sell copies. It's profitable for them to do so. If it wasn't; they wouldn't do it.
Right, and in this case, it's not profitable for HiRez to do it. The cost of box production would far outweigh the expected sales. Have you seen the marketing for this game? Yeah, there really isn't any. It's not going to sell sufficient volumes to warrant retail distribution until they make a lot of money and then spend that money on marketing, which they may not do. I mean, why bother? It's a lot of expense for nothing.
Digital distribution also solves some problems of due dates. If you don't have to deal with physical distribution, you don't need to worry about manufacturing a sufficient volume and getting everyone stocked up to sufficient volumes by a particular date. Data is easy to move. This means that software can be ready when it's ready. HiRez studio took major advantage of this.
If the game becomes popular - mark my words - there will be a boxed, retail copy made available. Just like with Icarus and Fallen Earth.
If the company is too small to distribute the game any other way, sure, it's cheap to offer it download-only. You're just limiting your audience. You basically echoed my point - in the beginning, when there's not enough money, the download-only mechanism to distribute the game is often used. Then, later, if sales permit, a boxed copy is made available to reach more consumers.
man usually i never like to insult people online. but you really need to know when to shut up. you're making yourself sound like an idiot, and more so that you gave specific details which makes you really look bad. You are the kind of people that the gamestop people laugh at. It's like an old dinosaur trying to get in on something new but refuse the change.
I think it was more along the lines of, they didnt want to or couldnt afford to deal with a publisher. Not to mention, im sure publishers are alot more wary of MMOs now adays, especially ones that dont come from big named developers who have some bank to back them up.
DLing games is the new trend, you are going to see it more and more now, especially from the small devs, its cheaper for them, and they have better profit margins so they can throw a deal or 2 our way once in a while. GA was $5 off for a little while, wouldnt have happened with a boxed copy.
what the fuck is the point of this thread? gtfover it
wise decision not to buy.. its just a paid for version of Exsteel, and to ask for a subscription to this game is just shocking.
Only similar thing between these two games are jetpacks Do u even played GA? LoL
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
So how would you reccomend it then, rating wise?
i read on the website it was coming to stores. is that true? if not ill still get it off steam, but i also would prefer a disk version.
I do have a Steam account and so do download games, but for the vast majority I like hands on copies. I like going to the store and interacting with people. There is something about the tangible weight of something that makes it that much more real. I too buy books from Chapters and borrow them from the library. I buy my DVDs and build my little bookshelf of movies up. Its nice to have them physically and I have friends I trade them with or loan them too. There seems to be a lessening of the value of a thing when it is digital. Does a thing/person/interaction being digital make it of less value to us intrinsically? Call me behind the times if you wish, but my answer is yes.
And as to the debate over people needing faster internet speeds... well just remember that not all of us live in the same country or city or urban sprawl. The farther you are out of a large urban centre the more expensive or non-existant high speed internet will become. Some countries have very tight control over internet or little competition for your internet... making prices very high and quality lower then what maybe available elsewhere. This is not the game publishing companies fault, but does make it harder for some consumers to access their products. Since others has provided a link to Amazon for this gentleman to purchase a copy of GA should he wish, for him, at this moment, this discussion has been resolved. But the larger issue of internet and technological availability to all to help level the inequalities between differing socio-economical and geographic groups is still a buzzing debate for the politics of the world. Do not insult a man just because he does not share the same priviliages that you have. Instead wonder why he does not have the same choices that you do and also wonder whether your priviliages are as concrete as you believe them.
Currently Playing: D3-ROS
Previously played: WoW, Tera, SWTOR, TSW, Rift, Defiance, GW2, Aion, LotRO, Rapplez, RoM, Dofus, LC, Requiem, WoKF, PW, etc
Waiting on: Wildstar
Wait wait wait. I can understand wanting the box, but someone who WANTS to buy from Gameslop and Best Buy? Impossible.
That being said, this shouldn't be unexpected. PC games have shifted to digital sales almost entirely in the past decade. As broadband becomes more pervasive, expect this to become par for the course. I will miss our giant swag filled cereal boxes, and as long as there are physical collectors editions I think things will be ok, but in an age where you're expected to download DLC on day 1, it's been clear for a while the internet is required to play your game fully. Besides, pre-loading has been common for some time now. Who cares if you need to download some exagerated number of MB, just pre-load it overnight and you're set anyway.
Bans a perma, but so are sigs in necro posts.
I can understand complaining about needing an internet connection to play a single player game, but this is a multiplayer only game. You can't even solo PvE anymore. I really do not understand people complaining about living out in the boonies having a crappy or non-existent internet connection. These people will not be able to play the game. Period.
I wonder how many read posts past the first sentence. Internet options where I live are limited plain and simple. 5g cap per month. It plays just fine and heretofore has been fast enough. Don't want to blow half the month when I can get a hard copy. If that changes, sure I'll DL it, but not until then.
"It is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth -- and listen to the song of that syren, till she transforms us into beasts. ... Are we disposed to be of the number of those, who having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not?" --Patrick Henry
man usually i never like to insult people online. but you really need to know when to shut up. you're making yourself sound like an idiot, and more so that you gave specific details which makes you really look bad. You are the kind of people that the gamestop people laugh at. It's like an old dinosaur trying to get in on something new but refuse the change.
No I just want a box copy, I do not have the time to Download, It takes to much of my internet ,I can't afford to have my internet lagged out for 6+hours ,also I could care less about what people like you think and let alone people at Gamestop lol think . I could give a shit what a bunch of nerds think about me, I play video games as hobbie nothing else, I have a real life and my life isnt meassured by the Hi TECH in It I got real ways to stroke my Epeen If you know what I mean, I'm sure your Wife might...Bottom Fucking line I want Box copies or I will not buy.
Some people are collectors and like to have a box.
I don't go in for the whole digital download thing. I like looking at the boxes on the shelves of my game room, like thumbing through the maps, books, etc. Hell I've got original boxes of EVE and Ryzom on my shelf even though I initially started playing those games from the digital download client. I'm also trying to hunt down a Darkfall box that is apparently only available in Europe.
Sure the industry is moving towards online distribution to cut corners and gain more control over their content, but they should still make boxes available to people that want them. I'd pay double for a physical product because I don't enjoy being a renter, and I doubt I'm alone.
man usually i never like to insult people online. but you really need to know when to shut up. you're making yourself sound like an idiot, and more so that you gave specific details which makes you really look bad. You are the kind of people that the gamestop people laugh at. It's like an old dinosaur trying to get in on something new but refuse the change.
No I just want a box copy, I do not have the time to Download, It takes to much of my internet ,I can't afford to have my internet lagged out for 6+hours ,also I could care less about what people like you think and let alone people at Gamestop lol think . I could give a shit what a bunch of nerds think about me, I play video games as hobbie nothing else, I have a real life and my life isnt meassured by the Hi TECH in It I got real ways to stroke my Epeen If you know what I mean, I'm sure your Wife might...Bottom Fucking line I want Box copies or I will not buy.
So, you "can't afford to have [your] internet lagged out for 6+ hours", and yet you "play video games as a hobbie nothing else"? Yeah, 6+ hours a day is just a "hobbie". Sure. Do you ever go outside? Why not DL then? Why don't you just do it overnight like everyone else? You can certainly "afford to have [your] internet lagged out" when you're asleep, can't you?
I understand that you "just want a box copy", but why? What exactly is the point? Having it available on steam means you don't need a physical copy anywhere. You can move to a completely different location, get a new computer, etc., and you don't even need to fiddle with disc boxes or installing a DVD drive.